NRO Disinvited from Houston Debate

If republicans are serious about cleaning up the mess that is the GOP, the first thing they need to do is relegate to the political backseat the social right, the TPM, and libertarians.
Nope. We got room and they are welcome.

Of course you've got room. The tea party and libertarians have already taken over the GOP. Sadly, you don't have room for any body else.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.
If the Right fought the Left as hard as they fight each other, they might get somewhere sometime soon ...

At least we have the discussion. You robots go with whatever they throw at you, no questions, no discussion.

Seriously.. Hillary Clinton?
Doesn't quite look that way, does it?

I find it so amusing that in the SAME THREAD, you have con-servatives trying to bash us for having only one candidate and other con-servatives trying to bash us for having a competition between candidates.

If republicans are serious about cleaning up the mess that is the GOP, the first thing they need to do is relegate to the political backseat the social right, the TPM, and libertarians.
Nope. We got room and they are welcome.

Of course you've got room. The tea party and libertarians have already taken over the GOP. Sadly, you don't have room for any body else.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.
If republicans are serious about cleaning up the mess that is the GOP, the first thing they need to do is relegate to the political backseat the social right, the TPM, and libertarians.
Nope. We got room and they are welcome.

Of course you've got room. The tea party and libertarians have already taken over the GOP. Sadly, you don't have room for any body else.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
So in other words the GopE old boy establishment is acting the same way the sleezy progressive/democrats do?

these people really are starting to believe they are OWED their jobs and positions. I think it's time to give them a rude awakening.

They are terrified of The Donald. What this says about them, they disrespect the people they pretend to represent, because The Donald is speaking to those people and he's saying exactly the things that the people are liking.
It's one thing to want some outsider to burn down the's another thing when that person could end up controlling the largest nuclear arsenal ever.
Nope. We got room and they are welcome.

Of course you've got room. The tea party and libertarians have already taken over the GOP. Sadly, you don't have room for any body else.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
Sounds the 2012 dream.
If republicans are serious about cleaning up the mess that is the GOP, the first thing they need to do is relegate to the political backseat the social right, the TPM, and libertarians.
Nope. We got room and they are welcome.

Of course you've got room. The tea party and libertarians have already taken over the GOP. Sadly, you don't have room for any body else.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

Now, if only the polls agreed with you, you might have a point.
If the Right fought the Left as hard as they fight each other, they might get somewhere sometime soon ...

Patrick Buchanan had a great article a while back discussing that very point with regards to Rino McCain and his behavior in his Primary fight compared to his tepid campaign against Obama.

The GOP establishment is satisfied to get along with dems. NOt the base.
possibly. But the Bernie thing sort of looks like the dem base isn't going along with the dem establishment either. Sort of interesting.
The dem establishment is of the same mind as Sanders. The issue they have with The Bern is that he spouts his socialism out loud. He's not hiding it.
If the Right fought the Left as hard as they fight each other, they might get somewhere sometime soon ...

Patrick Buchanan had a great article a while back discussing that very point with regards to Rino McCain and his behavior in his Primary fight compared to his tepid campaign against Obama.

The GOP establishment is satisfied to get along with dems. NOt the base.
possibly. But the Bernie thing sort of looks like the dem base isn't going along with the dem establishment either. Sort of interesting.
The dem establishment is of the same mind as Sanders. The issue they have with The Bern is that he spouts his socialism out loud. He's not hiding it.
Which is why he won't be the democratic nominee, he's not representative of democrats, who are capitalists, not 'socialists.'

And remember: Sanders isn't a democrat.
Of course you've got room. The tea party and libertarians have already taken over the GOP. Sadly, you don't have room for any body else.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
Sounds the 2012 dream.
Were 2010 and 2014 elections a dream for you?

The cost of Obamacare is the careers of thousands of Democrat politicians. We may entering a new era of Republic domination.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
Sounds the 2012 dream.
Were 2010 and 2014 elections a dream for you?

The cost of Obamacare is the careers of thousands of Democrat politicians. We may entering a new era of Republic domination.

Not if the Chump is nominated. And that looks like a done deal.

Oh, and 2010 and 2014 were not national elections. 2016 is...
I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
Sounds the 2012 dream.
Were 2010 and 2014 elections a dream for you?

The cost of Obamacare is the careers of thousands of Democrat politicians. We may entering a new era of Republic domination.

Not if the Chump is nominated. And that looks like a done deal.

Oh, and 2010 and 2014 were not national elections. 2016 is...
Then it's even worse for Democrats.
You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
Sounds the 2012 dream.
Were 2010 and 2014 elections a dream for you?

The cost of Obamacare is the careers of thousands of Democrat politicians. We may entering a new era of Republic domination.

Not if the Chump is nominated. And that looks like a done deal.

Oh, and 2010 and 2014 were not national elections. 2016 is...
Then it's even worse for Democrats.

If that helps you sleep at night....:biggrin:
You don't understand what that will mean for the general election if he gets the nomination? Seriously?

Sure I do. The independents that the GOP sorely needs in light of his insulting of women, Hispanics, war heroes, and those with physical disabilities will be few and far between.

I don't care, I really don't.

Yet here you are....

But most Americans care more about TV, reality show, etc. than they do for politics.
If the networks like to cover him more than anything else, and they hide Democrat coverage b/c it's boring. . . what does that mean when the gerneral election coverage comes? Don't you get it? Folks that don't know how to think vote for what they see on TV.
The TV covers what it's advertisers want them to cover b/c they want people watching.
Incredible that Mitt Romney got approximately 60,000,000 votes by people who "do not know how to think" according to your theory.

You still haven't figured out how it all works yet, huh?
The GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes. I'm pretty sure you're the one in the dark.

And as has been stated in MULTIPLE THREADS, TRUMP isn't REALLY as conservative.

You aren't worried yet? Seriously?
No. If Cruz or Trump are going to be the two horses in the race, I'm not worried one bit. Even Hillary couldn't screw this one up.

You may think the GOP are good little sheep, but face it candy, all Americans are good little sheep.

Despite the bluster and machismo of the last 4 years, you guys are voting for the most liberal candidate you're running.....If Ms. Bo Peep comes looking for her sheep, I'll send her to you post haste.
. Cruz will wipe the floor with Hillary in a debate.
You don't understand what that will mean for the general election if he gets the nomination? Seriously?

Sure I do. The independents that the GOP sorely needs in light of his insulting of women, Hispanics, war heroes, and those with physical disabilities will be few and far between.

I don't care, I really don't.

Yet here you are....

But most Americans care more about TV, reality show, etc. than they do for politics.
If the networks like to cover him more than anything else, and they hide Democrat coverage b/c it's boring. . . what does that mean when the gerneral election coverage comes? Don't you get it? Folks that don't know how to think vote for what they see on TV.
The TV covers what it's advertisers want them to cover b/c they want people watching.
Incredible that Mitt Romney got approximately 60,000,000 votes by people who "do not know how to think" according to your theory.

You still haven't figured out how it all works yet, huh?
The GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes. I'm pretty sure you're the one in the dark.

And as has been stated in MULTIPLE THREADS, TRUMP isn't REALLY as conservative.

You aren't worried yet? Seriously?
No. If Cruz or Trump are going to be the two horses in the race, I'm not worried one bit. Even Hillary couldn't screw this one up.

You may think the GOP are good little sheep, but face it candy, all Americans are good little sheep.

Despite the bluster and machismo of the last 4 years, you guys are voting for the most liberal candidate you're running.....If Ms. Bo Peep comes looking for her sheep, I'll send her to you post haste.
. Cruz will wipe the floor with Hillary in a debate.

He won't lay a glove on her.

What the politically unsophisticated don't understand is that at that level, you don't debate the other guy, you debate yourself. Basically turn it into a 90 minute informercial.

What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
You don't understand what that will mean for the general election if he gets the nomination? Seriously?

Sure I do. The independents that the GOP sorely needs in light of his insulting of women, Hispanics, war heroes, and those with physical disabilities will be few and far between.

I don't care, I really don't.

Yet here you are....

But most Americans care more about TV, reality show, etc. than they do for politics.
If the networks like to cover him more than anything else, and they hide Democrat coverage b/c it's boring. . . what does that mean when the gerneral election coverage comes? Don't you get it? Folks that don't know how to think vote for what they see on TV.
The TV covers what it's advertisers want them to cover b/c they want people watching.
Incredible that Mitt Romney got approximately 60,000,000 votes by people who "do not know how to think" according to your theory.

You still haven't figured out how it all works yet, huh?
The GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes. I'm pretty sure you're the one in the dark.

And as has been stated in MULTIPLE THREADS, TRUMP isn't REALLY as conservative.

You aren't worried yet? Seriously?
No. If Cruz or Trump are going to be the two horses in the race, I'm not worried one bit. Even Hillary couldn't screw this one up.

You may think the GOP are good little sheep, but face it candy, all Americans are good little sheep.

Despite the bluster and machismo of the last 4 years, you guys are voting for the most liberal candidate you're running.....If Ms. Bo Peep comes looking for her sheep, I'll send her to you post haste.
. Cruz will wipe the floor with Hillary in a debate.

Hillary wiped the floor with 8 hours of Hardline republican interrogation. Hillary will make Ted Cruz or Trump both look like amateur masturbaters.
We don't give a shit about some liberal's opinion about who should be in the Republican party. I know that's hard for you to understand, since liberals think they know everything, but are actually woefully ignorant.

I understand completely, and urge you to continue in the same way you have. I'll just be over here to the side watching your wreck.

You have your own problems. Democrats will have a choice between Communist Bernie Sanders or professional criminal Hillary Clinton and her sex-addict husband.

Any Republican would beat either of these pathetic candidates.

You hang on to that dream as long as you can.
Sounds the 2012 dream.
Were 2010 and 2014 elections a dream for you?

The cost of Obamacare is the careers of thousands of Democrat politicians. We may entering a new era of Republic domination.

they are still in denial over all that. They can't even be honest with themselves. that's how dishonest that party and the people in it are.
So in other words the GopE old boy establishment is acting the same way the sleezy progressive/democrats do?

these people really are starting to believe they are OWED their jobs and positions. I think it's time to give them a rude awakening.

They are terrified of The Donald. What this says about them, they disrespect the people they pretend to represent, because The Donald is speaking to those people and he's saying exactly the things that the people are liking.
It's one thing to want some outsider to burn down the's another thing when that person could end up controlling the largest nuclear arsenal ever.

And libs say republicans fear monger. :haha:
You don't understand what that will mean for the general election if he gets the nomination? Seriously?

Sure I do. The independents that the GOP sorely needs in light of his insulting of women, Hispanics, war heroes, and those with physical disabilities will be few and far between.

I don't care, I really don't.

Yet here you are....

But most Americans care more about TV, reality show, etc. than they do for politics.
If the networks like to cover him more than anything else, and they hide Democrat coverage b/c it's boring. . . what does that mean when the gerneral election coverage comes? Don't you get it? Folks that don't know how to think vote for what they see on TV.
The TV covers what it's advertisers want them to cover b/c they want people watching.
Incredible that Mitt Romney got approximately 60,000,000 votes by people who "do not know how to think" according to your theory.

You still haven't figured out how it all works yet, huh?
The GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes. I'm pretty sure you're the one in the dark.

And as has been stated in MULTIPLE THREADS, TRUMP isn't REALLY as conservative.

You aren't worried yet? Seriously?
No. If Cruz or Trump are going to be the two horses in the race, I'm not worried one bit. Even Hillary couldn't screw this one up.

You may think the GOP are good little sheep, but face it candy, all Americans are good little sheep.

Despite the bluster and machismo of the last 4 years, you guys are voting for the most liberal candidate you're running.....If Ms. Bo Peep comes looking for her sheep, I'll send her to you post haste.
. Cruz will wipe the floor with Hillary in a debate.

Ha! You mean like the Benghazi committee took her apart? HA!

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