NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon users: Why?

So, how 'bout it, Lakhota, you still giving Obama your unconditional support?

Well, he's keeping me safe and I sleep well at night - plus, I'm not trying to hide anything. How about you?

So, because we don't appreciate being spied on for no good reason, you come up with the old argument that only people with something to hide would mind. Well, Lois Lerner took the 5th and no one else wants to answer questions. What the hell are they hiding? Is Obama hiding something in his student records?

Hey, only people with something to hide lie or withhold information.

How can anyone feel comfortable at the thought of some government bureaucrat snooping into your most personal business? It's one thing if they have reason to suspect people of wrong doing, but it looks like it's being done for the hell of it. It's a fact finding mission just to see what people are up to.

How about we snoop into Lois Lerner's phone calls and emails? There is due cause for that, unlike the spying the Obama administration is doing on Verizon customers and the media.

What is Eric Holder hiding? Who is investigating him? Well, other than himself. I doubt he'll find anything wrong with his own actions.

Did you know that terrorists prefer disposable cell phones and they are real handy as detonating devices? There were reports of Muslims buying those up by the hundreds. But the Obama adminstration is more worried about average citizens who actually use their real names and addresses when purchasing phones.

The ones with something to hide are the ones taking measures to keep things hidden. It's become clear these past months to see who is doing the hiding.
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So, how 'bout it, Lakhota, you still giving Obama your unconditional support?

Well, he's keeping me safe and I sleep well at night - plus, I'm not trying to hide anything. How about you?

So, because we don't appreciate being spied on for no good reason, you come up with the old argument that only people with something to hide would mind. Well, Lois Lerner took the 5th and no one else wants to answer questions. What the hell are they hiding? Is Obama hiding something in his student records?

Hey, only people with something to hide lie or withhold information.

How can anyone feel comfortable at the thought of some government bureaucrat snooping into your most personal business? It's one thing if they have reason to suspect people of wrong doing, but it looks like it's being done for the hell of it. It's a fact finding mission just to see what people are up to.

How about we snoop into Lois Lerner's phone calls and emails? There is due cause for that, unlike the spying the Obama administration is doing on Verizon customers and the media.

What is Eric Holder hiding? Who is investigating him? Well, other than himself. I doubt he'll find anything wrong with his own actions.

Did you know that terrorists prefer disposable cell phones and they are real handy as detonating devices? There were reports of Muslims buying those up by the hundreds. But the Obama adminstration is more worried about average citizens who actually use their real names and addresses when purchasing phones.

The ones with something to hide are the ones taking measures to keep things hidden. It's become clear these past months to see who is doing the hiding.

omg I love love your new avatar :lol:
Basically, our government is absolutely worthless. It would make king george blush.

Really? You call 9-1-1 and nobody responds? The roadways around your home are deteriorating? Your Social Security check not showing up?
Have you thought about that answer you gave?

Two of the items are State issues, the third has been threatened to be cut off unless the government gets to borrow even MORE money....

Yeah......its getting to be pretty worthless.
Stupid fucking liberals don't know when they're being played.

why wouldnt stocks soar

it was just revealed that they have the biggest customer

in the world

Not for long. Who's gonna want to subscribe to a service provider who can't guarantee your privacy?

True, I wonder how many switched. It would be nice to know that a company would do everything it could to fight for their customers' rights, even though government isn't exactly easy to challenge.

I bet other companies were going to be targeted as well, if they haven't already. Why stop at one? I do hope companies lawyer up and try to fight this if they are approached next.
why wouldnt stocks soar

it was just revealed that they have the biggest customer

in the world

Not for long. Who's gonna want to subscribe to a service provider who can't guarantee your privacy?

True, I wonder how many switched. It would be nice to know that a company would do everything it could to fight for their customers' rights, even though government isn't exactly easy to challenge.

I bet other companies were going to be targeted as well, if they haven't already. Why stop at one? I do hope companies lawyer up and try to fight this if they are approached next.
Think about it. This is only the tip of the iceberg. This fucking dictator has been doing this shit for over 4 years now. You think he only just started? No, he started OUT doing this crap. There's a lot more to come.
Basically, our government is absolutely worthless. It would make king george blush.

Really? You call 9-1-1 and nobody responds? The roadways around your home are deteriorating? Your Social Security check not showing up?
Have you thought about that answer you gave?

Two of the items are State issues, the third has been threatened to be cut off unless the government gets to borrow even MORE money....

Yeah......its getting to be pretty worthless.

1. 911.gov | Funding & Policy

2. Attributing Federal Highway Revenues to Each State ? Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI) ? FHWA

3. A reason to vote Republicans out.
Really? You call 9-1-1 and nobody responds? The roadways around your home are deteriorating? Your Social Security check not showing up?
Have you thought about that answer you gave?

Two of the items are State issues, the third has been threatened to be cut off unless the government gets to borrow even MORE money....

Yeah......its getting to be pretty worthless.

1. 911.gov | Funding & Policy

2. Attributing Federal Highway Revenues to Each State ? Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI) ? FHWA

3. A reason to vote Republicans out.

Can I ask how this has anything to do with the topic? Funding for 911 dispatchers, Federal Highway Revenues and Social Security are totally irrelevant. I love how liberals are totally deflecting from this ever broiling heat that Obama is now under. Strawmen, all of it. Partisan hackery, I get tired of it sometimes...

why wouldnt stocks soar

it was just revealed that they have the biggest customer

in the world

Not for long. Who's gonna want to subscribe to a service provider who can't guarantee your privacy?

Verizon or other carriers

NSA Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Americans | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Have you thought about that answer you gave?

Two of the items are State issues, the third has been threatened to be cut off unless the government gets to borrow even MORE money....

Yeah......its getting to be pretty worthless.

1. 911.gov | Funding & Policy

2. Attributing Federal Highway Revenues to Each State ? Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI) ? FHWA

3. A reason to vote Republicans out.

Can I ask how this has anything to do with the topic? Funding for 911 dispatchers, Federal Highway Revenues and Social Security are totally irrelevant. I love how liberals are totally deflecting from this ever broiling heat that Obama is now under. Strawmen, all of it. Partisan hackery, I get tired of it sometimes...

Sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned.
probably the same number as when Bush did it.

What's the point?
The point is it didn't bother the Right while Bush was doing it and up until now the Right was having a shit fit on the possibility that Obama might weaken the Patriot Act. Now suddenly the P A is worse than Hitler.

Here is Heritage.org asking that Section 215 be made permanent in 2011.

After Bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

Osama bin Laden’s death was undoubtedly a major victory for the United States and civilized society. The War on Terrorism, however, is not over—al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups will continue to stage plots against the United States, as they have done at least 39 times since 9/11. Successful counterterrorism policies, capable of stopping these threats before they materialize, require tools that empower counterterrorism and law enforcement investigators to track down leads, including in local communities.
Those tools include two provisions of the PATRIOT Act
and one in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which provide national security investigators with more extensive means to prevent acts of terrorism. Congress and the Administration should ensure that these tools are made a permanent piece of the nation’s counterterrorism policy.

2. Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence throughout the course of an investigation, often through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”
Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary, dangerously narrow and self-limiting provisions but required that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, an order issued under Section 215 requires FISA court approval. In other words, Congress inserted a federal judge between investigators and potential suspects. Furthermore, the law requires substantial congressional oversight.
This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of Section 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.
Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.
As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

Bull shit
Monday 29 August 2005
Patriot Act Support Shrinks with Increased Info
What's the point?
The point is it didn't bother the Right while Bush was doing it and up until now the Right was having a shit fit on the possibility that Obama might weaken the Patriot Act. Now suddenly the P A is worse than Hitler.

Here is Heritage.org asking that Section 215 be made permanent in 2011.

After Bin Laden: Support the PATRIOT Act

Osama bin Laden’s death was undoubtedly a major victory for the United States and civilized society. The War on Terrorism, however, is not over—al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups will continue to stage plots against the United States, as they have done at least 39 times since 9/11. Successful counterterrorism policies, capable of stopping these threats before they materialize, require tools that empower counterterrorism and law enforcement investigators to track down leads, including in local communities.
Those tools include two provisions of the PATRIOT Act
and one in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which provide national security investigators with more extensive means to prevent acts of terrorism. Congress and the Administration should ensure that these tools are made a permanent piece of the nation’s counterterrorism policy.

2. Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act: Business Record Orders under FISA. Domestic prosecutors routinely rely on business records and other concrete evidence to prove a wide variety of criminal charges from simple theft to homicide. Law enforcement, working with local prosecutors, acquires this evidence throughout the course of an investigation, often through the use of a subpoena. However, national security agents did not have the same authority to acquire similar evidence prior to the passage of Section 215. They had to obtain a court order and were limited to those records held by a business that was a “common carrier, public accommodation facility, physical storage facility or vehicle rental facility.”
Section 215 eliminated those arbitrary, dangerously narrow and self-limiting provisions but required that the records sought are relevant to an authorized investigation. However, unlike a standard prosecutor-issued subpoena, or even a grand jury subpoena, an order issued under Section 215 requires FISA court approval. In other words, Congress inserted a federal judge between investigators and potential suspects. Furthermore, the law requires substantial congressional oversight.
This provision allows law enforcement, with approval from the FISA court, to require disclosure of documents and other records from businesses and other institutions without a suspect’s knowledge. Third-party recipients of Section 215 orders can appeal the order to the FISA court.
Section 215 further protects civil liberties by requiring additional approval for document requests that might have the slightest relation to freedom of speech and expression, such as library records.
As Wainstein testified, “There is no reason to return to the days when it is easier for prosecutors to secure records in a simple assault prosecution than for national security investigators to obtain records that may help prevent the next 9/11.”

Bull shit
Monday 29 August 2005
Patriot Act Support Shrinks with Increased Info

I agree. Way back when, this seemed reasonable to me:


I'm pretty certain that I later said that while protecting the people was #1, there should be a sundown on the Patriot Act.

I'll state right now, don't think that the idea is wrong for the times we live in, but the accountability and broad scope are more than out of control. There must be a way to cut wheat from chaff, and destroy the irrelevant.

One only needs to look at what the IRS has done, then magnify it with 'terrorism' labeling.

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