Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

I think he has admitted to it, as a matter of fact.

Some of the best proponents of the dangers of substance abuse are those who used in the past, in my experience.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
I'm not totally against legalizing weed, just so you know.

But, from a personal safety experience, I have no - zero - desire to work with anyone who uses cannabis on a regular basis, and totally support drug screening for it..

You know, when I joined the Navy back in '82, they had just started their drug screening policy, and there were several people on my first ship who smoked on a regular basis. They knew how to beat the drug tests, but also got out after the drug tests started because they didn't want to push their luck too far.

I, like many of the rest of the ship drank alcohol.

Guess what? Wanna know who the best workers are first thing in the morning after a port visit? The pot smokers, because the intoxicating effects had already left their system, leaving them fresh and eager to get shit done while the rest of us were hungover and useless until 10 or 11.

Do I support drug screening for it? Only for jobs like the military, fire fighting, police and other places where you have to make snap decisions in a second.

Because if it's legal, and employers use that as a way to keep people out? I'd call that discrimination, just like I do for the employers who refuse to hire cigarette smokers.
Peach, I also agree that what he said last weekend was pretty stupid. I for one thought he would be a bit smarter about things like that.

I can't stand Obama (and I dislike his America hating wife even more) but I have no disrespect in my heart for the office.
Doesn't surprise me the cons like such sucky-ass music. They also like Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith. *Gag*

HEY! I noticed conservatives expressing admiration for Lester Flatt, and Levon Helm, both of whom I loved.
Well done, sir.

So what? It's the least he could do after refusing to serve his courtry during wartime. He knew he wouldn't be risking his life on stage. Many, many female celebrities have done the same thing, many, many times.

You know what a warrior myself I think every man has the right to go or not go to is his choice. I chose to go, if one of my sons chose not to go, I would support him 100%. You calling people chickenhawks (to me) means nothing other then you are a fool.

Injun? Is that all you got? Hell, I've been called a red-skinned ****** on this board.
Peach, I also agree that what he said last weekend was pretty stupid. I for one thought he would be a bit smarter about things like that.

I can't stand Obama (and I dislike his America hating wife even more) but I have no disrespect in my heart for the office.

And I wanted anybody who actually threatened Bush II JAILED; I do not see Nugent's comment as an actual threat however, just troublesome.
So what? It's the least he could do after refusing to serve his courtry during wartime. He knew he wouldn't be risking his life on stage. Many, many female celebrities have done the same thing, many, many times.

You know what a warrior myself I think every man has the right to go or not go to is his choice. I chose to go, if one of my sons chose not to go, I would support him 100%. You calling people chickenhawks (to me) means nothing other then you are a fool.

Injun? Is that all you got? Hell, I've been called a red-skinned ****** on this board.

My wife is Native American, a tribal member. I don't have anything agaisnt your race, I just don't like you. Injun Joe was what I was thinking as that is a pretty funny joke around my house. I just missed it with a typo.
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...

Why don't you file a First Amendment civil case on his behalf? It should help your Presidential bid, I'm sure.
So what? It's the least he could do after refusing to serve his courtry during wartime. He knew he wouldn't be risking his life on stage. Many, many female celebrities have done the same thing, many, many times.

Bob Hope redated Nugent.

This is the only good thing anybody could come up with about the dirtbag, Trash Nugent.

Nah, his TV show can be a crack up sometimes and he has a LOT of friends and fans that love him. He is also a hell of a guitar player and he has a great stage presence. Your statement is very untrue.
I was never a heavy metal fan, except for some AC/DC.
You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
I'm not totally against legalizing weed, just so you know.

But, from a personal safety experience, I have no - zero - desire to work with anyone who uses cannabis on a regular basis, and totally support drug screening for it..

You know, when I joined the Navy back in '82, they had just started their drug screening policy, and there were several people on my first ship who smoked on a regular basis. They knew how to beat the drug tests, but also got out after the drug tests started because they didn't want to push their luck too far.

I, like many of the rest of the ship drank alcohol.

Guess what? Wanna know who the best workers are first thing in the morning after a port visit? The pot smokers, because the intoxicating effects had already left their system, leaving them fresh and eager to get shit done while the rest of us were hungover and useless until 10 or 11.

Do I support drug screening for it? Only for jobs like the military, fire fighting, police and other places where you have to make snap decisions in a second.

Because if it's legal, and employers use that as a way to keep people out? I'd call that discrimination, just like I do for the employers who refuse to hire cigarette smokers.
Well, a habitual smoker blew up my laboratory in grad school. He smoked at lunch, almost every day.

And, he blew up the lab I worked in later that evening from a bad reaction set-up he made mid-afternoon. We did not screen for drugs. Had we done so, I have little doubt he would not have made the error that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage, let alone the research time lost.

Thankfully, no on was in that lab when it blew. If they had survived, they would have been critically injured. Thankfully no one in the community was hurt, either.

For safety reasons, I have zero tolerance for pot smokers or any users, and I support drug screening for that reason.

If users want to use and work where my safety is at stake and where there is screening, then too bad they have to make a choice.
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You know what a warrior myself I think every man has the right to go or not go to is his choice. I chose to go, if one of my sons chose not to go, I would support him 100%. You calling people chickenhawks (to me) means nothing other then you are a fool.

Injun? Is that all you got? Hell, I've been called a red-skinned ****** on this board.

My wife is Native American, a tribal member. I don't have anything agaisnt your race, I just don't like you. Injun Joe was what I was thinking as that is a pretty funny joke around my house. I just missed it with a typo.

Well, squirrel brain, you obviously don't like me because I think differently than you. So what...
Injun? Is that all you got? Hell, I've been called a red-skinned ****** on this board.

My wife is Native American, a tribal member. I don't have anything agaisnt your race, I just don't like you. Injun Joe was what I was thinking as that is a pretty funny joke around my house. I just missed it with a typo.

Well, squirrel brain, you obviously don't like me because I think differently than you. So what...

Fair enough.

I bet you hate whites too.
My wife is Native American, a tribal member. I don't have anything agaisnt your race, I just don't like you. Injun Joe was what I was thinking as that is a pretty funny joke around my house. I just missed it with a typo.

Well, squirrel brain, you obviously don't like me because I think differently than you. So what...

Fair enough.

I bet you hate whites too.
I don't know. But it does hate Jews and certain Blacks.
I'm not going to be too hard on Ted Nugent and I will tell you why, back when it was not such a popular thing to do, Ted Nugent with a few others took the time with the USO to go to Iraq and entertain soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines when few would. He's done a lot of good for disabled vets, and donated tickets to many returning wounded warriors. While yes, Ted Nugent has a habit of taking his foot and inserting it into that hole under his nose, and when he was young, he was less than a stellar citizen, his actions to towards this nations service members over the last few years has been very supportive. While his comments directed at the President were unwise to say the least, and his actions afterwards were not much better, I do believe that Mr. Nugent like many Americans has an extreme dislike for the current office holder to the point where sometimes, he might lose sight of the fact that one does not have to like the man or women in the office but, as an American respect the office. The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the US Military and if one disagree's with him politically thats fine and we as Americans are well within our rights to do so, however, the US Military see's the President as it's Commander in Chief and no matter the person, Democrat or Republican that will not change and Mr. Nugent having voiced his opinion not only on the man but the office, gave the US Army no choice but to uninvite him, perhaps this might help Mr. Nugent understand that to disagree with President Obama the Democrat is ok, to disparage the Office of President of the United States is another, and then expect the US Military to act as if nothing happened is a bit much.

Nice to know he did some good after being a worthless sh*t most of his existence. I read a bit about this before, thank you for reminding me. Most of his filth is to prop up a mediocre talent, most likely. Wango tango is by no means "A Day In the Life".

Peach, I have to admit, sitting here, I have not, nor to I plan to listen to any music that Ted Nugent may put out or plan to put out. As a matter of fact, I think the about the only song I can think of of his, is "Cat Scratch Fever" and when was that ? in the 70's sometime and yes I was still in the Navy then, so I'm showing my age a little there *laughs*. Hopefully none of my posts gave anyone the impression that Mr. Nugent was a major musical talent.
My wife is Native American, a tribal member. I don't have anything agaisnt your race, I just don't like you. Injun Joe was what I was thinking as that is a pretty funny joke around my house. I just missed it with a typo.

Well, squirrel brain, you obviously don't like me because I think differently than you. So what...

Fair enough.

I bet you hate whites too.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
I'm not totally against legalizing weed, just so you know.

But, from a personal safety experience, I have no - zero - desire to work with anyone who uses cannabis on a regular basis, and totally support drug screening for it..

You know, when I joined the Navy back in '82, they had just started their drug screening policy, and there were several people on my first ship who smoked on a regular basis. They knew how to beat the drug tests, but also got out after the drug tests started because they didn't want to push their luck too far.

I, like many of the rest of the ship drank alcohol.

Guess what? Wanna know who the best workers are first thing in the morning after a port visit? The pot smokers, because the intoxicating effects had already left their system, leaving them fresh and eager to get shit done while the rest of us were hungover and useless until 10 or 11.

Do I support drug screening for it? Only for jobs like the military, fire fighting, police and other places where you have to make snap decisions in a second.

Because if it's legal, and employers use that as a way to keep people out? I'd call that discrimination, just like I do for the employers who refuse to hire cigarette smokers.

My gun captain was a 'lifer', in fact he has served on a (DD?) which escorted Indianapolis on her ill fated return from delivering The Bomb. He was a first class Boatswain's Mate at the time I met him - rumor had it he had made chief several times but always got busted for drinking. He had great stories but my point is he could be very drunk at 0300 and fresh as a daisy by morning muster. I was in '67 - '69.
Well, squirrel brain, you obviously don't like me because I think differently than you. So what...

Fair enough.

I bet you hate whites too.
I don't know. But it does hate Jews and certain Blacks.

Prove it, you vile beast. I have nothing against Jews - except Netanyahu and his hardliners. I literally hate no one, but I strongly detest them for what they have done to the Palestinians.

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