Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

Ohhhh, and a weak woman like yourself just fucking crumbles if you displease a MAN.

Manifold wasn't angry, you moron.

Si, have some of that "awesome" Nugent you love:

"And if you're a woman who feels that his lyrics to ditties such as the immortal 'Wang Dang Sweet Poontang' are sexist, Nugent says, 'Fuck you and go to a Garth Brooks show. Kiss my dog's dead, diseased, rotting ass.

What he is saying is this:

Poontang is awesome.

I see nothing wrong with that. In fact I agree!

Well now, that does sound like your level of understanding.
Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe
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Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

They drew a line in the sand, Nugent drew a line in shit.
It's stuff like this that reminds me at times that our national psyche is so easily bruised by utter bullshit.

It's like you say something wrong, then you have to go away for awhile before you can come back.

So retarded.

I understand that the First Amendment has consequences in the open market. When sponsors pulled away from Rush Limbaugh, it's because they want to be able to sell their stuff to anybody, not just some people, or preferred people, or whatever.

The Dixie Chicks should be able to say what they want to say, and if you like their music you should be able to differentiate between being fans of their music, but not so much their politics.

Same with Nugent. His politics are extreme while his music is straight-up, mainstream rock. So what, though? He's the one in the lineup who happened to say a stupid thing in an oversensitive country where both extremes cry over every little thing.

He should be able to just be in the lineup and if there are people in attendance who'd like to wave signs of disapproval, they should be able to do so, and other people who feel like they should leave while he plays as their form of protest, than that's what they should do.

Grow up, America.

Yeah, but the rules are a wee bit different when you're on a miltary base. A base commander is responsible for what happens on his base, and if he allowed Nugent to show up and say stupid shit against the President, he's held responsible for the disrespect if it's shown, as well as the one that is gonna take the ass chewing.

Hate to tell you, but free speech is pretty limited on a military installation.

I see what you're saying, but my point is that it wasn't like Nugent does this in his shows. He made those comments in an interview.

The result is a pre-emptive strike that basically says, "Out of fear for what you might say at this show, we're booting your ass out".

I think what the Major General decided was just, but I don't think it was powerful. I mean, why not just have your people talk to his people and be like, "Hey man, this thing that's happening is more about putting on a good show for these folks, minus the politics, okay?", and I'm sure Nugent's people woulda been like, "Got it".
Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

They drew a line in the sand, Nugent drew a line in shit.

Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.
Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

They drew a line in the sand, Nugent drew a line in shit.

Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...

So just asking, T, were you this upset when the Dixie Chicks were shunned for expressing their views?

I personally have no problem with either, really. (I found the Chicks to be kind of obnoxious, expecially Maines gloating when the war turned unpopular.)
They drew a line in the sand, Nugent drew a line in shit.

Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.


I love watching left wingers now defining patriotism and being pro Vietnam War all to attempt to smear Ted.

BTW he had appropriate deferments for the time. I put up the originals that were obtained by the FOIA.

But you just keep bitterly clinging to your lies.
Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

I'd call them what they were. A bunch of rich guys who didn't want to pay their taxes for a war that they beneifted from....

Unlike Nugent, who was a limited talent to start with.

Maybe we can just get him a slot on "Celebrity Apprentice" with all the other has-beens so he'll shut up. Can't be less crazy than Gary Busey.
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...

So just asking, T, were you this upset when the Dixie Chicks were shunned for expressing their views?

I personally have no problem with either, really. (I found the Chicks to be kind of obnoxious, expecially Maines gloating when the war turned unpopular.)

I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

So just asking, T, were you this upset when the Dixie Chicks were shunned for expressing their views?

I personally have no problem with either, really. (I found the Chicks to be kind of obnoxious, expecially Maines gloating when the war turned unpopular.)

I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

And Nugent shouldn't have threatened the Commander in Chief if he wanted to appear on a military base.

Again, part of having views is that people will hold you accountable for them.

and how much audience for Ted Nugent was there really amongst members in the miitary, most of whom weren't born yet when people thought Nuge had talent? Nugent was popular when I was growing up back in the 70's. (I blame the cocaine.)
Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

I'd call them what they were. A bunch of rich guys who didn't want to pay their taxes for a war that they beneifted from....

Unlike Nugent, who was a limited talent to start with.

Maybe we can just get him a slot on "Celebrity Apprentice" with all the other has-beens so he'll shut up. Can't be less crazy than Gary Busey.

You obviously don't hunt. Nuge is a legend for far more than cat scratch fever. He's the best bow hunter I've ever witnessed. Not that there might not be more out there, but Ted's high profile.

But back to rocking. 30 million in sales. His tours are to die for. And one concert being cancelled by one douche bag means nothing to the Teddly.

He's got this Prairie tour with Styx and REO an. But most importantly he's got the Great White Buffalo Tour 2012 happening as well.

Has been? Only in a liberals dream.
They drew a line in the sand, Nugent drew a line in shit.

Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.

He is the biggest idiot. Who would ever compare the asshole Ted Nugent with the founding fathers.

The posters defending Nugent are equally idiotic.
So just asking, T, were you this upset when the Dixie Chicks were shunned for expressing their views?

I personally have no problem with either, really. (I found the Chicks to be kind of obnoxious, expecially Maines gloating when the war turned unpopular.)

I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

And Nugent shouldn't have threatened the Commander in Chief if he wanted to appear on a military base.

Again, part of having views is that people will hold you accountable for them.

and how much audience for Ted Nugent was there really amongst members in the miitary, most of whom weren't born yet when people thought Nuge had talent? Nugent was popular when I was growing up back in the 70's. (I blame the cocaine.)

Do you know he co wrote High Enough? Huge hit. Damn Yankees.

BTW it's a love song. And Ted doesn't do drugs. He never did. His only addiction was to sex.

You can't do coke and hang in a tree stand for days on end. :lol: Dude's a mega hunter.
You obviously don't hunt. Nuge is a legend for far more than cat scratch fever. He's the best bow hunter I've ever witnessed. Not that there might not be more out there, but Ted's high profile.

But back to rocking. 30 million in sales. His tours are to die for. And one concert being cancelled by one douche bag means nothing to the Teddly.

He's got this Prairie tour with Styx and REO an. But most importantly he's got the Great White Buffalo Tour 2012 happening as well.

Has been? Only in a liberals dream.

No, you're right. I don't need to kill animals for fun.

I do find it interesting that you are calling a general officer in the army, a guy who has served his country for 30 years in two wars, a "douchebag".

Fort Knox Kentucky

Major General Smith served as a rifle company commander in 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), including deployment for Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM.

From 1999-2001, Major General Smith commanded 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), including deployment for Operation JOINT GUARDIAN in Kosovo. Following battalion command, he served as the deputy chief of staff for operations, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).

Major General Smith commanded 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division leading the brigade combat team in Iraq during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Following brigade command, he served as the executive officer to Commander, United States Central Command (General John P. Abizaid).

From 2007-2009, he served as Chief of Staff, 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, N.Y., and as Deputy Commanding General, 10th Mountain Division/Multi-National Division South, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Later, Major General Smith served as Deputy Director for Political-Military Affairs (Middle East), Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate on the Joint Staff in Department of Defense.

From 2010-2011, Major General Smith served as the Assistant Commanding General for Police Development, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan/Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.

Well, now, let's compare this "douchebag" to Ted.

Ted Nugent - Campus Progress

But enough about his sometimes awesome, sometimes middling musical career. As patriotic as Uncle Ted claims to be, he pulled a nasty stunt to evade Uncle Sam during the Vietnam War. In a July 15, 1990, Detroit Free Press interview, Nugent crowed about how he managed to dodge the draft. He claims that 30 days before his draft board physical, he disavowed personal hygiene. The last ten days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and with a week to go until the physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether. When the big day came, he had been living in excrement-caked and urine-stained pants. Always the hero, however, Nugent reassured the Free Press, “But if I would have gone over there, I’d have been killed, or I’d have killed all the Hippies in the foxholes. I would have killed everybody.”
Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.


I love watching left wingers now defining patriotism and being pro Vietnam War all to attempt to smear Ted.

BTW he had appropriate deferments for the time. I put up the originals that were obtained by the FOIA.

But you just keep bitterly clinging to your lies.

You do not have to be pro any war when you serve. You do have to follow all legal orders.

Appropriate deferments for the time, eh? Quite literally a load of shit. And he bragged about how he got those 'deferments'. The smell lingers to this day, and attachs itself to all that are stupid enough to support his nonsense.

Vietnam War Draft Dodger - defecated/urinated in pants 10 days - "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam"

Ted Nugent, Called Great Patriot By The Right Wing Media, Deliberately Shite in His Pants to Avoid the Draft and Viet Nam in State, National and World Politics Forum

(See original document pictured.) "Since we've been discussing Ted Nugent lately, this seemed a good time to bring up Nugent's draft dodging. It's well known that Nugent claims to have gone to great lengths to flunk his Draft Board physical. What's not so well-known is that he got a student deferment at the same time he was touring with his rock band, putting in an average of 300 shows a year. How was he going to school and touring that much at the same time?

One of our readers sent me a copy of an extract of Nugent's Selective Service records, obtained via a FOIA request (copy below). As you can see, Nugent received student deferments in 1967 (1-S) and 1968 (2-S). But according to the Internet Movie Data Base website, Nugent has been "performing professionally since 1958, non-stop yearly touring since 1967, averaging more than 300 shows per year '67-73." Hmm, that would include the two years he was supposedly too wrapped up in his studies to be serving his country.

But that hasn't stopped Nugent from insisting that if he HAD served, he would have been one big mofo soldier. As the Rutland Herald reported, Here's what Nugent said he would have done if he went to Vietnam:

"... if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd kill all the hippies in the foxholes ... I would have killed everybody," he told the Detroit Free Press in an interview published July 15, 1990."

The Herald also noted that Nugent's efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.

(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.

Sean Hannity went to ridiculous lengths Friday night (8/24/07) to defend Nugent's threatening rants against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. FOX & Friends whitewashed Nugent's comments the next day. Apparently, this "patriot" can do no wrong on the "We like America" network."
(News Hounds, Aug.26, 2007
Ah, remember the good ole days for the Left? Wishing death on George Bush and his family daily. Now look at em rushing to silence anyone who dares to speak ill of their Dear Leader. What a bunch of hypocritical wussies. Kudos to Ted Nugent! Right On!

The so-called 'tolerant' are turning out to be not so much...

Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...
Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.

He is the biggest idiot. Who would ever compare the asshole Ted Nugent with the founding fathers.

The posters defending Nugent are equally idiotic.

Nah. We're not idiotic at all. We just remember Ruby Ridge and Waco. And we pay attention when a yahoo freaking sheriff gets permission to use a DHS predator drone to arrest a man and his family over 6 cows that wandered onto his property last year.

Nugent never threatened the President. The SS has stated publicly that the "so called" issue is resolved.
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