Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.
What a bunch of bullshit! :lol:

That's what's great about the internet, nothing that recent gets lost. - La. protesters destroy Dixie Chicks CDs

BOSSIER CITY, La (AP) — The Dixie Chicks may have a little more trouble getting a friendly audience in this part of Dixie.
Using a 33,000-pound tractor to obliterate compact discs and other items, a few hundred protesters, referring to themselves as backers of President Bush and Barksdale Air Force Base, lashed back at lead singer Natalie Maines.

"Until they made that statement, I was glad to listen to them," said Rusty Sullivan, adding that his company has been flooded with requests to strip Dixie Chicks songs from the jukeboxes it operates.

What does that have to do with cancelling Nugent from the show and still trying to make out like you are non political at the same time?
The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.


I love watching left wingers now defining patriotism and being pro Vietnam War all to attempt to smear Ted.

BTW he had appropriate deferments for the time. I put up the originals that were obtained by the FOIA.

But you just keep bitterly clinging to your lies.

You do not have to be pro any war when you serve. You do have to follow all legal orders.

Appropriate deferments for the time, eh? Quite literally a load of shit. And he bragged about how he got those 'deferments'. The smell lingers to this day, and attachs itself to all that are stupid enough to support his nonsense.

Vietnam War Draft Dodger - defecated/urinated in pants 10 days - "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam"

Ted Nugent, Called Great Patriot By The Right Wing Media, Deliberately Shite in His Pants to Avoid the Draft and Viet Nam in State, National and World Politics Forum

(See original document pictured.) "Since we've been discussing Ted Nugent lately, this seemed a good time to bring up Nugent's draft dodging. It's well known that Nugent claims to have gone to great lengths to flunk his Draft Board physical. What's not so well-known is that he got a student deferment at the same time he was touring with his rock band, putting in an average of 300 shows a year. How was he going to school and touring that much at the same time?

One of our readers sent me a copy of an extract of Nugent's Selective Service records, obtained via a FOIA request (copy below). As you can see, Nugent received student deferments in 1967 (1-S) and 1968 (2-S). But according to the Internet Movie Data Base website, Nugent has been "performing professionally since 1958, non-stop yearly touring since 1967, averaging more than 300 shows per year '67-73." Hmm, that would include the two years he was supposedly too wrapped up in his studies to be serving his country.

But that hasn't stopped Nugent from insisting that if he HAD served, he would have been one big mofo soldier. As the Rutland Herald reported, Here's what Nugent said he would have done if he went to Vietnam:

"... if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd kill all the hippies in the foxholes ... I would have killed everybody," he told the Detroit Free Press in an interview published July 15, 1990."

The Herald also noted that Nugent's efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.

(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.

Sean Hannity went to ridiculous lengths Friday night (8/24/07) to defend Nugent's threatening rants against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. FOX & Friends whitewashed Nugent's comments the next day. Apparently, this "patriot" can do no wrong on the "We like America" network."
(News Hounds, Aug.26, 2007

What did William Jefferson Clinton do during the Vietnam war?

I love watching left wingers now defining patriotism and being pro Vietnam War all to attempt to smear Ted.

BTW he had appropriate deferments for the time. I put up the originals that were obtained by the FOIA.

But you just keep bitterly clinging to your lies.

You do not have to be pro any war when you serve. You do have to follow all legal orders.

Appropriate deferments for the time, eh? Quite literally a load of shit. And he bragged about how he got those 'deferments'. The smell lingers to this day, and attachs itself to all that are stupid enough to support his nonsense.

Vietnam War Draft Dodger - defecated/urinated in pants 10 days - "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam"

Ted Nugent, Called Great Patriot By The Right Wing Media, Deliberately Shite in His Pants to Avoid the Draft and Viet Nam in State, National and World Politics Forum

(See original document pictured.) "Since we've been discussing Ted Nugent lately, this seemed a good time to bring up Nugent's draft dodging. It's well known that Nugent claims to have gone to great lengths to flunk his Draft Board physical. What's not so well-known is that he got a student deferment at the same time he was touring with his rock band, putting in an average of 300 shows a year. How was he going to school and touring that much at the same time?

One of our readers sent me a copy of an extract of Nugent's Selective Service records, obtained via a FOIA request (copy below). As you can see, Nugent received student deferments in 1967 (1-S) and 1968 (2-S). But according to the Internet Movie Data Base website, Nugent has been "performing professionally since 1958, non-stop yearly touring since 1967, averaging more than 300 shows per year '67-73." Hmm, that would include the two years he was supposedly too wrapped up in his studies to be serving his country.

But that hasn't stopped Nugent from insisting that if he HAD served, he would have been one big mofo soldier. As the Rutland Herald reported, Here's what Nugent said he would have done if he went to Vietnam:

"... if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd kill all the hippies in the foxholes ... I would have killed everybody," he told the Detroit Free Press in an interview published July 15, 1990."

The Herald also noted that Nugent's efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.

(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.

Sean Hannity went to ridiculous lengths Friday night (8/24/07) to defend Nugent's threatening rants against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. FOX & Friends whitewashed Nugent's comments the next day. Apparently, this "patriot" can do no wrong on the "We like America" network."
(News Hounds, Aug.26, 2007

What did William Jefferson Clinton do during the Vietnam war?

Told his ROTC Commander from England (as a Rhodes Scholar), that he loathed the military.
You do not have to be pro any war when you serve. You do have to follow all legal orders.

Appropriate deferments for the time, eh? Quite literally a load of shit. And he bragged about how he got those 'deferments'. The smell lingers to this day, and attachs itself to all that are stupid enough to support his nonsense.

Vietnam War Draft Dodger - defecated/urinated in pants 10 days - "I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam"

Ted Nugent, Called Great Patriot By The Right Wing Media, Deliberately Shite in His Pants to Avoid the Draft and Viet Nam in State, National and World Politics Forum

(See original document pictured.) "Since we've been discussing Ted Nugent lately, this seemed a good time to bring up Nugent's draft dodging. It's well known that Nugent claims to have gone to great lengths to flunk his Draft Board physical. What's not so well-known is that he got a student deferment at the same time he was touring with his rock band, putting in an average of 300 shows a year. How was he going to school and touring that much at the same time?

One of our readers sent me a copy of an extract of Nugent's Selective Service records, obtained via a FOIA request (copy below). As you can see, Nugent received student deferments in 1967 (1-S) and 1968 (2-S). But according to the Internet Movie Data Base website, Nugent has been "performing professionally since 1958, non-stop yearly touring since 1967, averaging more than 300 shows per year '67-73." Hmm, that would include the two years he was supposedly too wrapped up in his studies to be serving his country.

But that hasn't stopped Nugent from insisting that if he HAD served, he would have been one big mofo soldier. As the Rutland Herald reported, Here's what Nugent said he would have done if he went to Vietnam:

"... if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd kill all the hippies in the foxholes ... I would have killed everybody," he told the Detroit Free Press in an interview published July 15, 1990."

The Herald also noted that Nugent's efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.

(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.

Sean Hannity went to ridiculous lengths Friday night (8/24/07) to defend Nugent's threatening rants against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. FOX & Friends whitewashed Nugent's comments the next day. Apparently, this "patriot" can do no wrong on the "We like America" network."
(News Hounds, Aug.26, 2007

What did William Jefferson Clinton do during the Vietnam war?

Told his ROTC Commander from England (as a Rhodes Scholar), that he loathed the military.

Say it ain't so.:badgrin:
Freedom of speech has consequences! Rush Limbaugh is learning that.
If freedom of speech has consequences then it is not free. The lefty nitwits are hypocrits.

One of the singularly dumbest statements I have ever seen.

Freedom of speech DOES have consequences. So does breathing.

The fact of having consequences is irrelevant to the question of whether the right to free speech is free.

In fact, it's not free.

It cost many people quite heavily.
Well, it makes sense. You have to be wanted for your music or your politics. Can't really choose both if you want to perform on a military base. Too divisive.
Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

You comparing these guys to Ted Nugent? Really? Your'e more desperate than I thought -and trust me, you seem plenty desperate

You god damn right that's exactly what I am doing the founders of this country drew their line in the sand Just like the Americans of today should do. But a fucking foreigner a SUBJECT of the crown would be clueless about drawing the line in the sand and it's meaning
The so-called 'tolerant' are turning out to be not so much...

Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

Don't give that son of a bitch any respect.
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...

The Major General makes the rules. If any vulgar anti Bush acts were allowed, I'd have a problem with this. I doubt Alec Baldwin will be doing intros, or I HOPE not, he is no better than Nugent.

Uh . . . I agree with the General's decision because (1) the concert's on a military facility and (2) Obama is the reigning Commander and Chief. It makes for an awkward scene given Nugent's unflinchingly direct style of political commentary, but there was nothing vulgar about Nugent's criticism. He, like millions of others, is disgusted and fed up with arrogant statists like Obama.
The so-called 'tolerant' are turning out to be not so much...

Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

the dixie chicks were boycotted by the largest owner of radio stations, clear channel, because you rightwingnut idiots got your panties in a wad because they insulted your 'delicate' sensibilities. there was also a huge "boycott the dixie chicks" movement by the right.

nice lie, though.
Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

the dixie chicks were boycotted by the largest owner of radio stations, clear channel, because you rightwingnut idiots got your panties in a wad because they insulted your 'delicate' sensibilities. there was also a huge "boycott the dixie chicks" movement by the right.

nice lie, though.
Being Boycotted from the radio doesn't pay the bills. They aren't losing money it's not like your concert being shut down.

The Major General makes the rules. If any vulgar anti Bush acts were allowed, I'd have a problem with this. I doubt Alec Baldwin will be doing intros, or I HOPE not, he is no better than Nugent.

Uh . . . I agree with the General's decision because (1) the concert's on a military facility and (2) Obama is the reigning Commander and Chief. It makes for an awkward scene given Nugent's unflinchingly direct style of political commentary, but there was nothing vulgar about Nugent's criticism. He, like millions of others, is disgusted and fed up with arrogant statists like Obama.

Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

the dixie chicks were boycotted by the largest owner of radio stations, clear channel, because you rightwingnut idiots got your panties in a wad because they insulted your 'delicate' sensibilities. there was also a huge "boycott the dixie chicks" movement by the right.

nice lie, though.

I didn't lie. I'm talking about concerts being cancelled. To the best of my knowledge no tour dates were cancelled because of what Natalie said.

Not radio. You know, like the subject of the OP?
I didn't lie. I'm talking about concerts being cancelled. To the best of my knowledge no tour dates were cancelled because of what Natalie said.

Not radio. You know, like the subject of the OP?

of course you're lying... you were typing.

the point, which i know escapes you, is that just like clear channel had the right to cave to the rightwingnuts and not play dixie chicks music, a private venue has every right to keep that embarrassment of a human being, nugent, from performing.

that's life...

don't worry... i'm sure clearchannel will keep playing his "music"
Why use "statist"? Because Rand did? BIG GOVERNMENT isn't "in" any longer?
I am continually amazed at the depth of Obama Derangement Syndrome. It is so pervasive that people reflexively defend someone as vile as Ted Nugent.

I see that also. Nugent is a loathsome sexist, racist idiot but now has fans who have never heard any of his trash metal "music".

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