Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.

Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

You comparing these guys to Ted Nugent? Really? Your'e more desperate than I thought -and trust me, you seem plenty desperate
Ah, remember the good ole days for the Left? Wishing death on George Bush and his family daily. Now look at em rushing to silence anyone who dares to speak ill of their Dear Leader. What a bunch of hypocritical wussies. Kudos to Ted Nugent! Right On!

The so-called 'tolerant' are turning out to be not so much...

Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.
The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.

He is the biggest idiot. Who would ever compare the asshole Ted Nugent with the founding fathers.

The posters defending Nugent are equally idiotic.

Nah. We're not idiotic at all. We just remember Ruby Ridge and Waco. And we pay attention when a yahoo freaking sheriff gets permission to use a DHS predator drone to arrest a man and his family over 6 cows that wandered onto his property last year.

Nugent never threatened the President. The SS has stated publicly that the "so called" issue is resolved.

Yeah, I remember Ruby Ridge and Waco too. Glad the federal govt and its gallant LEOs stood up to that survivalist nutter, and the man who would be god...
you liberals all seem to want a loss of our rights. And freedom of speech should be retained. I guess the liberals don't realize that they are also losing rights. Guess they don't care.
At any rate, Nugent probably isn't that worried about not being at the concert. I am sure he will stand by his comments, which infact were absolutely right.
The so-called 'tolerant' are turning out to be not so much...

Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

Yeah I know.
Dixie Chicks dis president - unpatriotic has beens
Ted disses president - patriot

The warped mind of neocon whackjobs at work....
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you liberals all seem to want a loss of our rights. And freedom of speech should be retained. I guess the liberals don't realize that they are also losing rights. Guess they don't care.
At any rate, Nugent probably isn't that worried about not being at the concert. I am sure he will stand by his comments, which infact were absolutely right.

Tell that to the woman who wore an anti-Bush Tshirt to one of Bush's speeches and got kicked out - or maybe even arrested.

Neocon losers have no rights to talk about freedom of speech to anybody...they would gladly gag, or hang, draw and quarter anybody who speaks out against their stated views on anything.

Ted has never been right about anything in his life. Why start now...
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[ame=]Ted Nugent Calls Obama A Piece of Blank - YouTube[/ame]
Her's another wonderful murkin"musician". Bald as uncle fester and more Jewish than Greenspan.
[ame=]Gene Simmons tells Obama he has no F_cking Idea. - YouTube[/ame]
regarding the OP,

As I've stated in a previous thread, Nugent is a bombastic idiot willing to say dumb shit. fair enough.

but, why are right wingers crying about the Nuge being pulled from a PRIVATE BUSINESS VENTURE that chose, as is their PRIVATE BUSINESS PREROGATIVE, to distance themselves from the dumb shit Teddy has stated publicly? Should they, for some reason, be compelled to eat his shit just because you dumb fuckers don't understand how ironic your cries of foul play are in this situation?

seriously, you people have the consistency of melted ice cream.

I agree with this mostly, but in this case, it was a case of a military base, Ft. Knox, cancelling his appearence.
If you agree with Ted Nugent, buy one of his records. He didn't threaten the presidebt. He indicated that he was afraid of this presidebt. If this presidebt capable of ordering the death or imprisonment of a dissident?
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...

The market works.
Haven't read the whole thread, so a normal person might have already said these two words - Dixie Chicks.

nuff said...

With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

Yeah I know.
Dixie Chicks dis president - unpatriotic has beens
Ted disses president - patriot

The warped mind of neocon whackjobs at work....

The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.
With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

Yeah I know.
Dixie Chicks dis president - unpatriotic has beens
Ted disses president - patriot

The warped mind of neocon whackjobs at work....

The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.
What a bunch of bullshit! :lol:
With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

Yeah I know.
Dixie Chicks dis president - unpatriotic has beens
Ted disses president - patriot

The warped mind of neocon whackjobs at work....

The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.

They were banned from radio stations....

They did not diss their base, they dissed a moron...That aside, I like them, and I am nto their base...shrug,,,

Stop making excuses for the motor mouth from Detroit....He is getting what he sows...
Yeah I know.
Dixie Chicks dis president - unpatriotic has beens
Ted disses president - patriot

The warped mind of neocon whackjobs at work....

The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.
What a bunch of bullshit! :lol:

That's what's great about the internet, nothing that recent gets lost. - La. protesters destroy Dixie Chicks CDs

BOSSIER CITY, La (AP) — The Dixie Chicks may have a little more trouble getting a friendly audience in this part of Dixie.
Using a 33,000-pound tractor to obliterate compact discs and other items, a few hundred protesters, referring to themselves as backers of President Bush and Barksdale Air Force Base, lashed back at lead singer Natalie Maines.

"Until they made that statement, I was glad to listen to them," said Rusty Sullivan, adding that his company has been flooded with requests to strip Dixie Chicks songs from the jukeboxes it operates.
Yeah I know.
Dixie Chicks dis president - unpatriotic has beens
Ted disses president - patriot

The warped mind of neocon whackjobs at work....

The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.

They were banned from radio stations....

They did not diss their base, they dissed a moron...That aside, I like them, and I am nto their base...shrug,,,

Stop making excuses for the motor mouth from Detroit....He is getting what he sows...

What's he getting? Nothing. Nada. He didn't threaten the President. No action taken.

Now to Maines. She said that she was ashamed to be from the same state as President Bush. On the eve on the Iraq invasion.

Natalie also seriously went after Toby Kieth. Many didn't take kindly to that. She's burned a lot of bridges in her time flapping her mouth around.
They drew a line in the sand, Nugent drew a line in shit.

Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are
Those of us with that peice of paper dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not

I have earned that right, Fuck that piece of shit in the white house if he goes for a gun grab if re-elected I will treat every law enforcement as a home invader if they come to my home. And fuck you dumb ass bitch.

He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Tough talk for a little piss ant like you. I know me I know what I can and will do I don't know you nor do I give a fuck about you. I just know me and what I am capable of doing.
Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.

He is the biggest idiot. Who would ever compare the asshole Ted Nugent with the founding fathers.

The posters defending Nugent are equally idiotic.

Ted is an American who has taken a stand just like me I will water the tree of liberty with my blood and the blood of tyrants if I need to. Just as the founding fathers did.

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