Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

I didn't lie. I'm talking about concerts being cancelled. To the best of my knowledge no tour dates were cancelled because of what Natalie said.

Not radio. You know, like the subject of the OP?

of course you're lying... you were typing.

the point, which i know escapes you, is that just like clear channel had the right to cave to the rightwingnuts and not play dixie chicks music, a private venue has every right to keep that embarrassment of a human being, nugent, from performing.

that's life...

don't worry... i'm sure clearchannel will keep playing his "music"

It wasn't a private venue that cancelled Nugent's part of the show.

And regarding the Dixie Chicks and Clear Channel, I found this for you.

Right from the New York Times:

At Clear Channel, Mr. Hogan said that the company issued no order that local stations take the Dixie Chicks off the air and that he did not know how many stations had made their own decisions to do so.

They firmly denied a boycott.

MEDIA; War Puts Radio Giant on the Defensive - New York Times
I am continually amazed at the depth of Obama Derangement Syndrome. It is so pervasive that people reflexively defend someone as vile as Ted Nugent.

I see that also. Nugent is a loathsome sexist, racist idiot but now has fans who have never heard any of his trash metal "music".
So, why do you think he is racist?

The racist remarks I have posted, here AGAIN:
On the Confederate Flag:
Those politically correct motherfuckers can take the flag down but I am
going to wear it forever.

On South Africans:
Apartheid isn`t that cut and dry. All men are not created equal.

them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands � These are different people.

I use the word ****** a lot
because I hang around with a lot of *******.
Why use "statist"? Because Rand did? BIG GOVERNMENT isn't "in" any longer?

The word 'Statist' has been in use for years. It aptly describes those in power and thier intent to rob liberty from the people.

Get over it.
Originally by the French actually. :D

1.the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.
2. support of or belief in the sovereignty of a state, usually a republic.


In the Context I use? It is when referring to the Federal Government and overreach...

And yes the origin is French.
I see that also. Nugent is a loathsome sexist, racist idiot but now has fans who have never heard any of his trash metal "music".
So, why do you think he is racist?

The racist remarks I have posted, here AGAIN:
On the Confederate Flag:
Those politically correct motherfuckers can take the flag down but I am
going to wear it forever.

On South Africans:
Apartheid isn`t that cut and dry. All men are not created equal.

them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands � These are different people.

I use the word ****** a lot
because I hang around with a lot of *******.
I agree, the confederate flag is not inherently racist. We can't erase history.

As far as saying "******" is concerned, then all white rappers are also racist.

I am continually amazed at the depth of Obama Derangement Syndrome. It is so pervasive that people reflexively defend someone as vile as Ted Nugent.

Funny. I'm never amazed by the utter lack of lefty's zeal for the founding principles of this nation, by his blind devotion to collectivist tyrannies, his love of statists like Obama.

Lefties: limp-wristed wussies cowed by the state; warm, fuzzy little animals coddled by the state.

To them a passionate defense of liberty, no different than that of a Thomas Jefferson or a Patrick Henry of the founding, is the stuff of stridency and divisiveness. Stridency and Divisiveness? LOL! Think the meaningless nonsense of Orwellian doublespeak. Think the mindless and conditioned acolytes of dispassionate social relations and meaningless casual sex in Huxley's Brave New World. Lefties are just the latest fad of mainstream popular culture, the go-alongs of pseudo-sophistication, the banality of mass production. No proud, rugged American individualists here.
the dixie chicks were boycotted by the largest owner of radio stations, clear channel, because you rightwingnut idiots got your panties in a wad because they insulted your 'delicate' sensibilities. there was also a huge "boycott the dixie chicks" movement by the right.

nice lie, though.

I didn't lie. I'm talking about concerts being cancelled. To the best of my knowledge no tour dates were cancelled because of what Natalie said.

Not radio. You know, like the subject of the OP?

The concert wasn't canceled, he was dropped from the playlist. There is a differemce.

Furthermore radio does matter,they get paid to have their songs played on the radio. The more listeners the more people buy tickets. Its a circle,and its evident you know nothing.

Not radio. His gig with Styx and REO Speedwagon at Fort Knox was cancelled.

And yes artists do get paid when their music is played. Depending who you are signed with ASCAP or BMI sends you out the royalties if you are the composer of the song.

And just because you sing a song, unless you are the composer, you don't get jack unless your company has cut a special deal with the songwriter.
With all due respect, bullshit.

Dixie Chicks dates only got cancelled over low ticket sales. Natalie completely dissed their very own fan base.

This move of removing Ted from the line up was completely political.

Don't give that son of a bitch any respect.

Ah and here is the hypocrisy. Both of you proving exactly what the problem is her,and at the sametime showing you are both hacks and frauds.

Don't give the dixie chicks any respect but respect nugent for his "line in the sand" comment.

Fuck you both for lying.

What Hypocrisy? and what fucking lie?
The maingie bitch had a right to say what she said but I have an issue with where the bitch said it. Now what the fuck are you talking about stupid?
The Dixie Chicks were never cancelled from any venue that I know of for Natalie shooting her mouth off.

She dissed their base. People just decided to no longer go to their concerts.
What a bunch of bullshit! :lol:

That's what's great about the internet, nothing that recent gets lost. - La. protesters destroy Dixie Chicks CDs

BOSSIER CITY, La (AP) — The Dixie Chicks may have a little more trouble getting a friendly audience in this part of Dixie.
Using a 33,000-pound tractor to obliterate compact discs and other items, a few hundred protesters, referring to themselves as backers of President Bush and Barksdale Air Force Base, lashed back at lead singer Natalie Maines.

"Until they made that statement, I was glad to listen to them," said Rusty Sullivan, adding that his company has been flooded with requests to strip Dixie Chicks songs from the jukeboxes it operates.
That has nothing to do with the concerted effort by ClearChannel Communications to soft-censor the Dixie Chicks from their country stations. They are and were a huge supporter of Bush, and the CEO was one of Bush's 'Rangers'.

It was NOT listener-driven. It was Wingnut Radio driven, with pressure brought to bear on individual stations, from below and especially from the top.
It wasn't a private venue that cancelled Nugent's part of the show.

No, it was a military base where respect for the chain of command is paramount. If Ted Nugent had said what he did about a military commander and not the President of the United States, would you then feel it was justified for the base commander to dis-invite him?
Don't give that son of a bitch any respect.

Ah and here is the hypocrisy. Both of you proving exactly what the problem is her,and at the sametime showing you are both hacks and frauds.

Don't give the dixie chicks any respect but respect nugent for his "line in the sand" comment.

Fuck you both for lying.

What Hypocrisy? and what fucking lie?
The maingie bitch had a right to say what she said but I have an issue with where the bitch said it. Now what the fuck are you talking about stupid?

Oh right...because she "attacked" the President on "foreign soil", right? What about when Sarah Palin went to India and "attacked" President Obama? Did that twist your panties as much as Natalie Maines does?
Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.

Those of us with that peice of paper dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not

I have earned that right, Fuck that piece of shit in the white house if he goes for a gun grab if re-elected I will treat every law enforcement as a home invader if they come to my home. And fuck you dumb ass bitch.

I hope you do, E-Thug! :lol:

I'm sure that in your hands, a plumber's wrench is a deadly weapon!



I am continually amazed at the depth of Obama Derangement Syndrome. It is so pervasive that people reflexively defend someone as vile as Ted Nugent.

Funny. I'm never amazed by the utter lack of lefty's zeal for the founding principles of this nation, by his blind devotion to collectivist tyrannies, his love of statists like Obama.

Lefties: limp-wristed wussies cowed by the state; warm, fuzzy little animals coddled by the state.

To them a passionate defense of liberty, no different than that of a Thomas Jefferson or a Patrick Henry of the founding, is the stuff of stridency and divisiveness. Stridency and Divisiveness? LOL! Think the meaningless nonsense of Orwellian doublespeak. Think the mindless and conditioned acolytes of dispassionate social relations and meaningless casual sex in Huxley's Brave New World. Lefties are just the latest fad of mainstream popular culture, the go-alongs of pseudo-sophistication, the banality of mass production. No proud, rugged American individualists here.

The American Left holds The Constitution, Liberty, Personal responsibility, and the Founders in utter contempt just as King George III did when he read the Declaration of Independence.

If I could have been a fly on the wall when King George read it? :lol:
I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. At the very least, a complete fool.
I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. At the very least, a complete fool.
I guess the quote of Give me liberty or give me death really fuck's with your mind and gives you that Butt Hurt feeling.:badgrin:
I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. At the very least, a complete fool.
I guess the quote of Give me liberty or give me death really fuck's with your mind and gives you that Butt Hurt feeling.:badgrin:

Liberals do not want liberty....................

They want big brother telling them whats good for them with a check. From your pocket no less.

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