Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

Fair enough.

I bet you hate whites too.
I don't know. But it does hate Jews and certain Blacks.

Prove it, you vile beast. I have nothing against Jews - except Netanyahu and his hardliners. I literally hate no one, but I strongly detest them for what they have done to the Palestinians.

Your are an anti-semite and a racist (except when it comes to Obama, Cain? No way, you showed ALL your racism about him).

Well, squirrel brain, you obviously don't like me because I think differently than you. So what...

Fair enough.

I bet you hate whites too.


Jew trap.

I don't have anything against Jews and I am a supporter of our ally Israel.
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Ted kicks ass and takes names!! Should be an awesome concert. Looking forward to hearing this one too...

Ted Nugent - Dog Eat Dog (HQ) - YouTube

Obama takes Ted's lyrics literally- he wants to actually eat a dog.

Nugent says he kills just for the fun of killing; EXCEPT when those he shoots at can shoot back OF COURSE.

Some years ago, on his own site, he wrote that he couldn't get it up unless he killed something. I don't know if that girlfriend/wife is still with him but she wrote that she went hunting with him -- just to get laid. The whole group had a good laugh about it and he didn't seem to feel any discomfort for being an impotent jerk who gets off while fondling his gun.

If this impotent little fool was a D making these threats against R, the rw's would want him strung up. But, as we've seen, rw's are incredibly hypocrites and they love racists like Nugent.

Nugent has the right to be a racist asshole and to spout his hate and the rw's have the right to make their usual excuses for that.
Nugent just likes to KILL animals and dream of killing unarmed people:

"He shoots at anything," Mr. Cairnes claims. "You should kill what you can use. He just likes to kill a lot of animals." (Cairnes is a hunting guide who takes people out to stab wild pigs in Hawaii) - The Wall Street Journal, July 25, 1995

SOME I know who have actually been in combat, and were hunters before that time, gave up hunting after the wars: father, grandfather, uncle. Some may not; still, Nugent's love of killing is tempered by his own cowardice:

"I got this big juicy 4F"

"I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam.”

It shows on the record posted; face it, he is a dirtbag COWARD (.)
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Absolutely agree with the first.

Personally, I find Nugent dishonest and dull.

Do you really thingpk he never smoked pot in the 60s and 70s?
I think he has admitted to it, as a matter of fact.

Some of the best proponents of the dangers of substance abuse are those who used in the past, in my experience.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
Pot is substance abuse. Bullshit to think otherwise.
I think he has admitted to it, as a matter of fact.

Some of the best proponents of the dangers of substance abuse are those who used in the past, in my experience.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
Pot is substance abuse. Bullshit to think otherwise.

You don't even have the foggiest idea of what you're talking about do you? Substance abuse is when you use a substance to the point where it has a bad impact on your life.

However................pot laws ARE racism personified. Look up Anslinger sometime.
You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
Pot is substance abuse. Bullshit to think otherwise.

You don't even have the foggiest idea of what you're talking about do you? Substance abuse is when you use a substance to the point where it has a bad impact on your life.

However................pot laws ARE racism personified. Look up Anslinger sometime.

Reefer Madness featured Caucasians; and the liquor industry does NOT want pot legal, nor does the timber industry. Racial motivations may have played a part at times but interest groups did their share also.
I mad that point but Manifold became angry.......................................
Ohhhh, and a weak woman like yourself just fucking crumbles if you displease a MAN.

Manifold wasn't angry, you moron.

Si, have some of that "awesome" Nugent you love:

"And if you're a woman who feels that his lyrics to ditties such as the immortal 'Wang Dang Sweet Poontang' are sexist, Nugent says, 'Fuck you and go to a Garth Brooks show. Kiss my dog's dead, diseased, rotting ass.

What he is saying is this:

Poontang is awesome.

I see nothing wrong with that. In fact I agree!
I don't know. But it does hate Jews and certain Blacks.

Prove it, you vile beast. I have nothing against Jews - except Netanyahu and his hardliners. I literally hate no one, but I strongly detest them for what they have done to the Palestinians.
The palestinians started and deserve it, they are the invaders

I disagree...

Book review: "Married to Another Man"

By Sonja Karkar

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

More: Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
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Ohhhh, and a weak woman like yourself just fucking crumbles if you displease a MAN.

Manifold wasn't angry, you moron.

Si, have some of that "awesome" Nugent you love:

"And if you're a woman who feels that his lyrics to ditties such as the immortal 'Wang Dang Sweet Poontang' are sexist, Nugent says, 'Fuck you and go to a Garth Brooks show. Kiss my dog's dead, diseased, rotting ass.

What he is saying is this:

Poontang is awesome.

I see nothing wrong with that. In fact I agree!
You have a strong stomach.
Damn! I didn't know REO was still doing concerts. Saw both of those groups in the 70s in concert. great shows.

I saw Styx and ZZ Topp when I was training at Ft. Jackson, 1976.

From what I remember, they put on a great show.

My sister was working at Fort Jackson in 1976; I spent the summer there. I was too young to drive so I was bored, but she liked the area. I can't remember if it was civil service, after she got out of the Army, or the end of her enlistment.

Remember in 'The Wizard of Oz' where Kansas is black-and-white, and Oz is techinicolor? That's how SC felt to me. And I'm from Minnesota, which is a beautiful state in it's own right but South Carolina was ... amazing.
regarding the OP,

As I've stated in a previous thread, Nugent is a bombastic idiot willing to say dumb shit. fair enough.

but, why are right wingers crying about the Nuge being pulled from a PRIVATE BUSINESS VENTURE that chose, as is their PRIVATE BUSINESS PREROGATIVE, to distance themselves from the dumb shit Teddy has stated publicly? Should they, for some reason, be compelled to eat his shit just because you dumb fuckers don't understand how ironic your cries of foul play are in this situation?

seriously, you people have the consistency of melted ice cream.
Freedom of speech has consequences! Rush Limbaugh is learning that.

He did learn that, though most quickly forgave him for the Fluke comments. Anyone needing $3,000 for a few years worth of birth control is a slut. Sorry.

Maybe someday Biden will learn. He's put his foot in his mouth so many times, it's impossible to keep track. Of course, Obama plays it safe and just reads off TOTUS.

While saying the wrong thing can have consequences, threatening to curb freedom of speech will have far more consequences and that ultra bitch, Pelosi, is going to learn that because the people aren't going to support her on the effort to control speech.

Nugent didn't make an actual threat, as the agents who talked to him quickly determined. But, some are going to feign shock and oust him from a concert. Big whoop. We all know damn well if Nugent was a liberal and said that about Bush, they'd throw a party for him. Protesters actually held up signs saying they were going to shoot Bush and there was no media outrage or panic.
The so-called 'tolerant' are turning out to be not so much...

Well, i never bought into the notion Socialists/Progressives were tolerant. I knew that was B.S. all along. Socialists/Progressives do not stand up for Free Speech. In fact, no other Socialists/Communists on this earth do either. So why do so many think our Socialists here would be so different? They are what they are. It really is that simple.

Everything for the STATE. Liberty as defined in the Constitution and the founding? NOT so much.

Ever wonder why I call the left and Obama Statists?

because you're stupid?

frankly, i never wondered.

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