Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

Dixie Chicks ring a bell? The right wing went hysterical over a rather benign comment by lead vocalist Maines who said:

"we don't want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States (George W. Bush) is from Texas".

[ame=]Primetime Live, Landslide: The Dixie Chicks 1/5 - YouTube[/ame]​

They had every right to state that opinion and the rw's had every right to disagree, to not buy their music or pay for their concerts.

Sorry, rw's but this is still the United States and you still cannot shut up those who disagree with you. The SCOTUS may well put an end to that though.
It's stuff like this that reminds me at times that our national psyche is so easily bruised by utter bullshit.

It's like you say something wrong, then you have to go away for awhile before you can come back.

So retarded.

I understand that the First Amendment has consequences in the open market. When sponsors pulled away from Rush Limbaugh, it's because they want to be able to sell their stuff to anybody, not just some people, or preferred people, or whatever.

The Dixie Chicks should be able to say what they want to say, and if you like their music you should be able to differentiate between being fans of their music, but not so much their politics.

Same with Nugent. His politics are extreme while his music is straight-up, mainstream rock. So what, though? He's the one in the lineup who happened to say a stupid thing in an oversensitive country where both extremes cry over every little thing.

He should be able to just be in the lineup and if there are people in attendance who'd like to wave signs of disapproval, they should be able to do so, and other people who feel like they should leave while he plays as their form of protest, than that's what they should do.

Grow up, America.

Yeah, but the rules are a wee bit different when you're on a miltary base. A base commander is responsible for what happens on his base, and if he allowed Nugent to show up and say stupid shit against the President, he's held responsible for the disrespect if it's shown, as well as the one that is gonna take the ass chewing.

Hate to tell you, but free speech is pretty limited on a military installation.

I see what you're saying, but my point is that it wasn't like Nugent does this in his shows. He made those comments in an interview.

The result is a pre-emptive strike that basically says, "Out of fear for what you might say at this show, we're booting your ass out".

I think what the Major General decided was just, but I don't think it was powerful. I mean, why not just have your people talk to his people and be like, "Hey man, this thing that's happening is more about putting on a good show for these folks, minus the politics, okay?", and I'm sure Nugent's people woulda been like, "Got it".

Speaking as somone who attended a concert where Nugent was at once (got in for free, friend of mine was working the festival, and there were like 5 bands there), yes, he does speak about his politics, usually halfway through the show.

And, the comments he said in 2008 about Obama and Clinton? Those comments were said while he was performing at a concert as well.

I think the base commander did the right thing.
…that clearly shows that it was a political decision…

Not necessarily, as already noted, a president is both a political figure and the C-in-C, one would need to provide evidence the decision was predicated on the former.

The statement is contradictory as to rationale, however - was Nugent not allowed to attend due to his statements concerning the C-in-C or because his statements could be construed as partisan?

In any event, one would need to establish that Major General Smith was an Obama supporter, that Smith wanted to silence political opposition, and that Nugent was prohibited from performing accordingly. Without such evidence it can’t be stated the decision was political.

And it’s also been established that the decision – whatever the motive or rationale – was in no way a violation of ‘free speech’ or placed liberty in jeopardy, as the OP incorrectly contends.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong. It doesn't matter whether or not the Major General is a supporter of President Obama. As Mr. Brus very clearly stated, the decision was made based upon the disparaging remarks of Ted Nugent. That right there makes it a political reason. There is no way around it. The decision was made for political reasons.

The entire staff at Fort Knox may very well agree with Ted Nugent, but if Mr. Brus is telling the truth that the decision was made due to the disparaging remarks, then it was a political decision.

There is no way around that. It wasn't made because the Major General thinks Nugent's music sucks. It wasn't made because Ted Nugent once dated the Major General's daughter and they broke up. It was made because of the political remarks made by Ted Nugent.

How anyone can state that it was not political when the announcement very clearly says it was political is literally beyond me.

Edit: and for the record there is nothing wrong with it being a political decision.

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I think he has admitted to it, as a matter of fact.

Some of the best proponents of the dangers of substance abuse are those who used in the past, in my experience.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
I'm not totally against legalizing weed, just so you know.

But, from a personal safety experience, I have no - zero - desire to work with anyone who uses cannabis on a regular basis, and totally support drug screening for it..
Nothin' like a little-extra/effortless job-security, for yourself, right??

Ted's always been anti drug. Every thing you guys put up is a lie. You don't sit in a tree stand for days on end and do meth.

Oh and by the way, you can't just do recreational meth. You do it. You're toast. You're an addict. How do I know this? I grew up in the meth capitol of Canada at the time.
I think he has admitted to it, as a matter of fact.

Some of the best proponents of the dangers of substance abuse are those who used in the past, in my experience.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.

The liquor & timber industries do not want marijuana, and hemp as competitors either.

....No-to-mention the......


[ame=]"Hemp for Victory" (Full Film) - 1942 War Propaganda Film Asking Farmers To Grow Hemp - YouTube[/ame]
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Yeah, but the rules are a wee bit different when you're on a miltary base. A base commander is responsible for what happens on his base, and if he allowed Nugent to show up and say stupid shit against the President, he's held responsible for the disrespect if it's shown, as well as the one that is gonna take the ass chewing.

Hate to tell you, but free speech is pretty limited on a military installation.

I see what you're saying, but my point is that it wasn't like Nugent does this in his shows. He made those comments in an interview.

The result is a pre-emptive strike that basically says, "Out of fear for what you might say at this show, we're booting your ass out".

I think what the Major General decided was just, but I don't think it was powerful. I mean, why not just have your people talk to his people and be like, "Hey man, this thing that's happening is more about putting on a good show for these folks, minus the politics, okay?", and I'm sure Nugent's people woulda been like, "Got it".

Speaking as somone who attended a concert where Nugent was at once (got in for free, friend of mine was working the festival, and there were like 5 bands there), yes, he does speak about his politics, usually halfway through the show.

And, the comments he said in 2008 about Obama and Clinton? Those comments were said while he was performing at a concert as well.

I think the base commander did the right thing.

Well hell's frozen over because I agree. I think the base commander took the appropriate action.

Especially since the one facebook marine is now being discharged for dissing the CIC, His crime.

He's tea party.

Teddly has the right to go nutso verbally on the President. But the Fort Knox Commander was absolutely right not to comprimise the integrity of the base. Sp? on the fly here.
I see what you're saying, but my point is that it wasn't like Nugent does this in his shows. He made those comments in an interview.

The result is a pre-emptive strike that basically says, "Out of fear for what you might say at this show, we're booting your ass out".

I think what the Major General decided was just, but I don't think it was powerful. I mean, why not just have your people talk to his people and be like, "Hey man, this thing that's happening is more about putting on a good show for these folks, minus the politics, okay?", and I'm sure Nugent's people woulda been like, "Got it".

Speaking as somone who attended a concert where Nugent was at once (got in for free, friend of mine was working the festival, and there were like 5 bands there), yes, he does speak about his politics, usually halfway through the show.

And, the comments he said in 2008 about Obama and Clinton? Those comments were said while he was performing at a concert as well.

I think the base commander did the right thing.

Well hell's frozen over because I agree. I think the base commander took the appropriate action.

Especially since the one facebook marine is now being discharged for dissing the CIC, His crime.

He's tea party.

Teddly has the right to go nutso verbally on the President. But the Fort Knox Commander was absolutely right not to comprimise the integrity of the base. Sp? on the fly here.

Even after he was cleared BY the Secret Service...meh...the decision was probably made before that happened.

Ted will press on, and I will be there to back him.
Well done, sir.

So what? It's the least he could do after refusing to serve his courtry during wartime. He knew he wouldn't be risking his life on stage. Many, many female celebrities have done the same thing, many, many times.

You know what a warrior myself I think every man has the right to go or not go to is his choice. I chose to go, if one of my sons chose not to go, I would support him 100%. You calling people chickenhawks (to me) means nothing other then you are a fool.

You actively-support PRO-War cowards????


[ame=]Generation Chickenhawk: With The College Republicans - YouTube[/ame]​
Has any of the usual rw dittoheads been able to say why a concert promoter or a concert goer should be forced to pay for or listen to anything they don''t want listen to?

Nugent is a foul piece of shit but he has the right to spout hate if he wants to. He does not have the right to talk about shooting the president of the United States because, as he said, he's a "coyote on the couch". Nor does he have the right poach wildlife.

And, none of should be forced to support that.

Deal with it.

Credability issue there Nerdite?

Project much? Fax Machine in fult tilt?


Exactly what part of what I wrote do you disagree with?
[ame=]Fractured Fairytales intro - YouTube[/ame]​

Well, a habitual smoker blew up my laboratory in grad school. He smoked at lunch, almost every day.

And, he blew up the lab I worked in later that evening from a bad reaction set-up he made mid-afternoon. We did not screen for drugs. Had we done so, I have little doubt he would not have made the error that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage, let alone the research time lost.

Thankfully, no on was in that lab when it blew. If they had survived, they would have been critically injured. Thankfully no one in the community was hurt, either.

Has any of the usual rw dittoheads been able to say why a concert promoter or a concert goer should be forced to pay for or listen to anything they don''t want listen to?

Nugent is a foul piece of shit but he has the right to spout hate if he wants to. He does not have the right to talk about shooting the president of the United States because, as he said, he's a "coyote on the couch". Nor does he have the right poach wildlife.

And, none of should be forced to support that.

Deal with it.

Credability issue there Nerdite?

Project much? Fax Machine in fult tilt?


Exactly what part of what I wrote do you disagree with?

I guess bolded fonts mean zero to you?'re a nutcase.
I think he has admitted to it, as a matter of fact.

Some of the best proponents of the dangers of substance abuse are those who used in the past, in my experience.

You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
Pot is substance abuse. Bullshit to think otherwise.'s still a plant.

I'm guessin' you were no Biology Major.


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
You are correct that the best counselors for drug and alcohol problems are the ones that have experienced it and recovered, because they know the path as well as the way out of the woods.

The only issue I have with your post is that you consider use of cannabis "substance abuse". The only reason cannabis is illegal is because of a racist cop named Anslinger who didn't like Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers of the plant at the time).

Incidentally, there is NO PHYSICAL ADDICTION that can result from use of pot. If you try to take the psychological addictive track? Well, if you go that route, so can gambling, shopping, and co-dependency.

If Nugent used pot, so what? It should be legal anyway.
Pot is substance abuse. Bullshit to think otherwise.

You don't even have the foggiest idea of what you're talking about do you? Substance abuse is when you use a substance to the point where it has a bad impact on your life.

However................pot laws ARE racism personified. Look up Anslinger sometime.

[ame=]The Scare Tactics and Ignorance that Made Marijuana Illegal! - YouTube[/ame]​
I don't know. But it does hate Jews and certain Blacks.

Prove it, you vile beast. I have nothing against Jews - except Netanyahu and his hardliners. I literally hate no one, but I strongly detest them for what they have done to the Palestinians.
The palestinians started and deserve it, they are the invaders
Ah, was the Palestinians who'd moved, en mass, from Israel.


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers


You have any problems with big words, Skippy???

"During World War I, most Jews supported the Germans because they were fighting the Russians who were regarded as the Jews' main enemy. In Britain, the government sought Jewish support for the war effort for a variety of reasons including an erroneous antisemitic perception of "Jewish power" over the Ottoman Empire's Young Turks movement, and a desire to secure American Jewish support for US intervention on Britain's behalf.

There was already sympathy for the aims of Zionism in the British government, including the Prime-Minister Lloyd-George. In late 1917, as the British Army (including a mainly Zionist Jewish Legion) drove the Turks out of Palestine, the British foreign minister, Lord Balfour sent a letter to Lord Rothschild. The letter subsequently became known as the Balfour Declaration of 1917. It stated that the British Government "view[ed] with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people".

In 1918 Chaim Weizmann, president of the British Zionist Federation, formed a Zionist Commission, which went to Palestine to promote Zionist objectives there.

The combination of Jewish immigration and the terms of the Mandate led to Arab rioting in 1920 and 1921. In response, the British authorities enacted a system of immigration quotas. Exceptions were made for Jews with over 1,000 pounds in cash (roughly 100,000 pounds at year 2000 rates), or Jewish professionals with over 500 pounds. Arab attacks on isolated Jewish settlements and the British failure to protect them led to the creation of the Haganah ("Defense"), a mainly socialist underground Jewish militia dedicated to defending Jewish settlements."

So far, Skippy, you don't know shit about Biology OR History.

Any chance you're home-schooled??

How is it that whenever someone says anything that opposes the Left or Obama, it is deemed an outrage, hate speech, or racism...whatever? But turn that scenario around and it becomes great journalism, investigative reporting, or renowned literary works. Please...outrage, hatred, and racism lives in the hearts of those who are the most focused on it, because you want to keep it alive and hide behind the smoke and mirrors to keep your true self from becoming exposed. Ted said what he felt, So what? Some disagree. So what? That's what we do in America. :eusa_clap:
Freedom of speech has consequences! Rush Limbaugh is learning that.

He did learn that, though most quickly forgave him for the Fluke comments. Anyone needing $3,000 for a few years worth of birth control is a slut. Sorry.
I think most people recognize what's (actually) going-on, when some Gay-dude (who keeps getting married, to deflect from his preferences) is....

How is it that whenever someone says anything that opposes the Left or Obama, it is deemed an outrage, hate speech, or racism...whatever? But turn that scenario around and it becomes great journalism, investigative reporting, or renowned literary works. Please...outrage, hatred, and racism lives in the hearts of those who are the most focused on it, because you want to keep it alive and hide behind the smoke and mirrors to keep your true self from becoming exposed. Ted said what he felt, So what? Some disagree. So what? That's what we do in America. :eusa_clap:

Wonder why he was 4F..............................had to be the psychological exam. :clap2:
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...

(I found the Chicks to be kind of obnoxious, expecially Maines gloating when the war turned unpopular.)
Yeah.....that's a lie, alright.​
Ousted Ted = Censorship & Tyranny.

Incorrect, as it’s neither; Nugent has no right to perform in every venue, public or private. This in no way censors what his is saying.

How is it that whenever someone says anything that opposes the Left or Obama, it is deemed an outrage, hate speech, or racism...whatever? But turn that scenario around and it becomes great journalism, investigative reporting, or renowned literary works. Please...outrage, hatred, and racism lives in the hearts of those who are the most focused on it, because you want to keep it alive and hide behind the smoke and mirrors to keep your true self from becoming exposed. Ted said what he felt, So what? Some disagree. So what? That's what we do in America.
And Nugent not being allowed to perform in no way changes that.

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