Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

Disagree with dixie chicks but agree with ted and support him......

That's the simple version......

You were saying?

I think you better back up there sport.
I said I have no issues with what they said. But I have issues with where they made there comment. So tell another lie.

You are a fucking liar. Here's your comment

it didnt matter where she said it. I am talking about your hypocrisy of your stance.

Now how is my stance of saying I have no issue with what she said but I have an issue with where she said it being hypocritical? You are a fucking piece of lying shit.

Because you agree with ted because its a stance you yourself have.
Yet with the dixie chick I bet you disagree with her...seeing how you called her a bitch and all.

So to recap..antiobama ok! Antibush not ok.....or hypocrisy.

Ted wasn't attacking obama hell obama was not even President when he made the comment obama was a junior senator. Ted's comment was a line in the sand maingies comment as I said have no issues with, but the issue I have is where she said it.
See where I know you better than you know yourself. You come across as an elitist fuck. And I know I am smarter than you. Fuck the grammar shit that is meaningless it's the outcome that shows who smart and who's not. You don't know me dumb ass and you never will.


What grammar shit?

Mate, my 11 year old shows more smarts, insights and downright intelligence than 99.9% of the drivel you post.

You are a slave to your ideology. So while I am a subject (whatever you think that means), you are a slave...shrug...

So when I say George Bush is a moron, I don't mean it? Let me tell you something, I most certainly do....

This ain't about your 11 year old I suggest you keep it out of the equation. As for your opinion of you I suggest that you prove it before I make another ass out of you again. Just because my evaluation of current event far surpasses yours does not make it drivel.

You are a slave to your ideology
I believe in what I stand for. don't you? or do you only do as your handlers tell you? OH I forgot you're just a subject. I don't believe in America's two party system or it's government, I believe in the U.S. Constitution that is my ideology

So when I say George Bush is a moron

You are a slave to the bush idea, but bush is gone he can't hurt you anymore.

From what I've seen, your knowledge of current events could be written on a postage stamp.

I believe in what I stand for too. Well, the constitution is flawed, surprises there, it was written by men.

I am not a slave to Bush at all. I was giving you an example. You know what an example is, right?

As for me being a subject - I reiterate, yet I am freer than you...go figure...
Speaking as somone who attended a concert where Nugent was at once (got in for free, friend of mine was working the festival, and there were like 5 bands there), yes, he does speak about his politics, usually halfway through the show.

And, the comments he said in 2008 about Obama and Clinton? Those comments were said while he was performing at a concert as well.

I think the base commander did the right thing.

Well hell's frozen over because I agree. I think the base commander took the appropriate action.

Especially since the one facebook marine is now being discharged for dissing the CIC, His crime.

He's tea party.

Teddly has the right to go nutso verbally on the President. But the Fort Knox Commander was absolutely right not to comprimise the integrity of the base. Sp? on the fly here.

Even after he was cleared BY the Secret Service...meh...the decision was probably made before that happened.

Ted will press on, and I will be there to back him.

lucky him :rofl:
What grammar shit?

Mate, my 11 year old shows more smarts, insights and downright intelligence than 99.9% of the drivel you post.

You are a slave to your ideology. So while I am a subject (whatever you think that means), you are a slave...shrug...

So when I say George Bush is a moron, I don't mean it? Let me tell you something, I most certainly do....

This ain't about your 11 year old I suggest you keep it out of the equation. As for your opinion of you I suggest that you prove it before I make another ass out of you again. Just because my evaluation of current event far surpasses yours does not make it drivel.

I believe in what I stand for. don't you? or do you only do as your handlers tell you? OH I forgot you're just a subject. I don't believe in America's two party system or it's government, I believe in the U.S. Constitution that is my ideology

So when I say George Bush is a moron

You are a slave to the bush idea, but bush is gone he can't hurt you anymore.

From what I've seen, your knowledge of current events could be written on a postage stamp.

I believe in what I stand for too. Well, the constitution is flawed, surprises there, it was written by men.

I am not a slave to Bush at all. I was giving you an example. You know what an example is, right?

As for me being a subject - I reiterate, yet I am freer than you...go figure...

From what I've seen, your knowledge of current events could be written on a postage stamp.
Just because I say fuck the UN does not mean my knowledge of current events is limited. I bet you are pro muslim

Well, the constitution is flawed

It was constructed as near perfect as you can get, has it been abused yes it has by Americans who think like you do. But of course a subject would say.

I am not a slave to Bush at all. I was giving you an example. You know what an example is, right?

You are a slave too him because you keep bringing him into the subject even when he is no longer the president or is part of the executive equation. He can't hurt you anymore.
It was constructed as near perfect as you can get, has it been abused yes it has by Americans who think like you do. But of course a subject would say.

I am not a slave to Bush at all. I was giving you an example. You know what an example is, right?

You are a slave too him because you keep bringing him into the subject even when he is no longer the president or is part of the executive equation. He can't hurt you anymore.

I disagree. I think the constitution has many flaws, and is OK at best. It is certainly a good starting point...

I was bringing him up as an example and only in that context.

Of course he can't hurt anybody any more, but the world is still living with his legacy so he is still relevent. I can certainly understand you trying to sweep his presidential tenure under the carpet. I would too, but there's no carpet in the world that could hide the worst US president in history...
It was constructed as near perfect as you can get, has it been abused yes it has by Americans who think like you do. But of course a subject would say.

I am not a slave to Bush at all. I was giving you an example. You know what an example is, right?

You are a slave too him because you keep bringing him into the subject even when he is no longer the president or is part of the executive equation. He can't hurt you anymore.

I disagree. I think the constitution has many flaws, and is OK at best. It is certainly a good starting point...

I was bringing him up as an example and only in that context.

Of course he can't hurt anybody any more, but the world is still living with his legacy so he is still relevent. I can certainly understand you trying to sweep his presidential tenure under the carpet. I would too, but there's no carpet in the world that could hide the worst US president in history...

I disagree. I think the constitution has many flaws, and is OK at best. It is certainly a good starting point

I don't give a fuck if you think it's flawed or not. I think your constitution is flawed. But I don't give a shit about it either, what happens to you or your country is of little importance too me I really don't give a fuck.

Of course he can't hurt anybody any more, but the world is still living with his legacy so he is still relevent. I can certainly understand you trying to sweep his presidential tenure under the carpet. I would too, but there's no carpet in the world that could hide the worst US president in history
obama is continuing his legacy 10 times over. Who's sweeping what he did under the carpet? I see it everyday obama remains as president the bush 3rd term. obama has passed Carter and wilson as the worse president.

Worlds worst President? The worlds worst president? Are you joking?
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Nugent will survive, and he will still do good in other things./ I agree with his comments. I think what he said should be an eye opener to those who still cling to this failure in our white house.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of
entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to
limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the
necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate
willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much
deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of
what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to
the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic
can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less
likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their
Because you are being disingenuous. Your fellow kin from duelling banjo country may fall for you simplistic bullshit, but you gotta bring your A game to the table.

It matters not where she said it. Ditto the Mouth from Detroit. It was what she said that pissed off the whackjobs, ditto what the talentless wonder from Detroit said...

Fuck you foreigner you don't know me nor can you say what I mean.

He can't but you can? Shut up

No I will not you can remove yourself and shut the fuck up.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of
entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to
limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the
necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate
willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much
deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of
what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to
the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic
can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less
likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their

I always said that if the US could survive Bush, it can survive anything. Obama is a pimple on the arse of a gnat compared to the boil on the arse of an elephant that was the Bush presidency.

Is Obama great? Far from it. But until you overhaul your political system you are destined to have mediocrity in the WH and congress. When you have people in office who represent the people with the biggest cheque books, then you are just asking for trouble...
Er, no. I do know you. You have posted on this messageboard many times. It is quite easy to see what you mean.

Trust me, your posts aren't rocket science. They're more akin to Sesame St...

My post maybe a kin to Sesame St in your elitist opinion but I am a much better man than you will ever be allowed. You don't know me nor will you ever know me. I unlike you say what I mean There is nothing disingenuous about me.
Trust a son of a bitch like you? Is that a god damn joke? I wouldn't trust your fucking punk ass if I kept both eyes on you 24-7.

I love meltdowns....

I don't. Feel sorry for him....
I'm, shaming men whoo hooo. Yeaj I love the ausse men I tfhink they rock,

For crying out loud these aussie men are gold.
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"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of
entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to
limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the
necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate
willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much
deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of
what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to
the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic
can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less
likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their

And the GOP solution is obvious. Disenfranchise as many Americans as possible.
sorry the men rock

Ausie men are goreous. omg they are awesome
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I am gonna go out on a limb and guess that you have been posting while intoxicated.

What are ya drinking?

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