Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

Context and intent matters. Naturally you would get it wrong, and here you are making excuses for a racist comment.

You are prone to posting wrong information why is now any different?

What? No I am not,stop lying terrorist.

Again you are prone to giving out wrong information why is now any difference?
Within this post you are giving out wrong information without any proof.
Lying and terrorist.
it didnt matter where she said it. I am talking about your hypocrisy of your stance.

What is my stance again?

Disagree with dixie chicks but agree with ted and support him......

That's the simple version......

You were saying?

I think you better back up there sport.
I said I have no issues with what they said. But I have issues with where they made there comment. So tell another lie.
Now I understand why you use old rocks as a moniker fucking thick dumb head is as hard as a rock. Teds comment was a line in the sand comment. It's something I have said many times.

The fact that you have said it many time just shows how utterly stupid you are. Nugent literally shit his pants when he had the oppertunity to serve. Now he runs around spouting the far right nonsense and putting on the tough act. He is a coward, and those that follow his line are the same.

Patriotism is what you do, not flap yap that costs you nothing. Those of us with that peice of paper, dd214, that says honorable understand that. Someone that has that has the right to spout off. People like Nugent, and a number of other prominent people of his type, do not.


I love watching left wingers now defining patriotism and being pro Vietnam War all to attempt to smear Ted.
No.....we still FUCKED-OVER the Vietnamese, alright.....


[ame=]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 2 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 3 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 4 - YouTube[/ame]


.....But, that doesn't change the fact Nugent is a gutless, loud-mouthed coward.....trying to pose as the next John Wayne, that other.....

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The subject was about the Confederate battle flag and white rappers.
The racist remarks I have posted, here AGAIN:
On the Confederate Flag:
Those politically correct motherfuckers can take the flag down but I am
going to wear it forever.

On South Africans:
Apartheid isn`t that cut and dry. All men are not created equal.

them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands � These are different people.

I use the word ****** a lot
because I hang around with a lot of *******.
I agree, the confederate flag is not inherently racist. We can't erase history.

As far as saying "******" is concerned, then all white rappers are also racist.


Context and intent matters. Naturally you would get it wrong, and here you are making excuses for a racist comment.

So just asking, T, were you this upset when the Dixie Chicks were shunned for expressing their views?

I personally have no problem with either, really. (I found the Chicks to be kind of obnoxious, expecially Maines gloating when the war turned unpopular.)

I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.
Yeah.....that's a fuckin' lie, too.

[ame=]What Natalie Maines thinks of George W. Bush - YouTube[/ame]


A complete fool would be Bill O'Lielly.......

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Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

I'd call them what they were. A bunch of rich guys who didn't want to pay their taxes for a war that they beneifted from....

Unlike Nugent, who was a limited talent to start with.

Maybe we can just get him a slot on "Celebrity Apprentice" with all the other has-beens so he'll shut up. Can't be less crazy than Gary Busey.

You obviously don't hunt. Nuge is a legend for far more than cat scratch fever. He's the best bow hunter I've ever witnessed.

How difficult can that be, when the "wildlife" is fenced-in on your property, The DICK; Cheney's case.....while someone is holding-down your "kill"?​
Disagree with dixie chicks but agree with ted and support him......

That's the simple version......

You were saying?

I think you better back up there sport.
I said I have no issues with what they said. But I have issues with where they made there comment. So tell another lie.

Im not lying,I said it that was the simple change your tampon.

You are a fucking liar. Here's your comment

Ah and here is the hypocrisy. Both of you proving exactly what the problem is her,and at the sametime showing you are both hacks and frauds.

Don't give the dixie chicks any respect but respect nugent for his "line in the sand" comment.

Fuck you both for lying.

What Hypocrisy? and what fucking lie?
The maingie bitch had a right to say what she said but I have an issue with where the bitch said it. Now what the fuck are you talking about stupid?

it didnt matter where she said it. I am talking about your hypocrisy of your stance.

Now how is my stance of saying I have no issue with what she said but I have an issue with where she said it being hypocritical? You are a fucking piece of lying shit.
Would you call these people rabid right nut cases for making a line in the sand?

John Adams
Samuel Adams
Josiah Bartlett
Carter Braxton
Charles Carroll
Samuel Chase
Abraham Clark
George Clymer
William Ellery
William Floyd
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington
Francis Scott Key
Elbridge Gerry
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
John Hancock (presiding)
Benjamin Harrison
John Hart
Joseph Hewes
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
William Hooper
Stephen Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Samuel Huntington
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Francis Lewis
Philip Livingston
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Thomas McKean
Arthur Middleton
Lewis Morris
Robert Morris
John Morton
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
William Paca
Robert Treat Paine
John Penn
George Read
Caesar Rodney
George Ross
Benjamin Rush
Edward Rutledge
Roger Sherman
James Smith
Richard Stockton
Thomas Stone
George Taylor
Charles Thomson,
Matthew Thornton
George Walton
William Whipple
William Williams
James Wilson
John Witherspoon
Oliver Wolcott
George Wythe

You comparing these guys to Ted Nugent? Really? Your'e more desperate than I thought -and trust me, you seem plenty desperate

You god damn right that's exactly what I am doing the founders of this country drew their line in the sand Just like the Americans of today should do. But a fucking foreigner a SUBJECT of the crown would be clueless about drawing the line in the sand and it's meaning

Then you're a fucking moron...

Ted Nugent deserves to be said in the same sentence as Jefferson and Adams?? RATFLMAO...

I may be a subject, yet I am more free than you....go figure....
I don't remember any of their dates being cancelled because of their political beliefs.

The dates that were cancelled were due to low ticket sales. It just made sense. Natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base. Plain and simple.

Liberals in NYC were just not going to turn out in droves to see them.

And Nugent was a complete fool to say what he said. At the very least, a complete fool.
I guess the quote of Give me liberty or give me death really fuck's with your mind and gives you that Butt Hurt feeling.:badgrin:

Your definition of liberty is the problem though....
Now how is my stance of saying I have no issue with what she said but I have an issue with where she said it being hypocritical? You are a fucking piece of lying shit.

Because you are being disingenuous. Your fellow kin from duelling banjo country may fall for you simplistic bullshit, but you gotta bring your A game to the table.

It matters not where she said it. Ditto the Mouth from Detroit. It was what she said that pissed off the whackjobs, ditto what the talentless wonder from Detroit said...
Now how is my stance of saying I have no issue with what she said but I have an issue with where she said it being hypocritical? You are a fucking piece of lying shit.

Because you are being disingenuous. Your fellow kin from duelling banjo country may fall for you simplistic bullshit, but you gotta bring your A game to the table.

It matters not where she said it. Ditto the Mouth from Detroit. It was what she said that pissed off the whackjobs, ditto what the talentless wonder from Detroit said...

Fuck you foreigner you don't know me nor can you say what I mean.
You comparing these guys to Ted Nugent? Really? Your'e more desperate than I thought -and trust me, you seem plenty desperate

You god damn right that's exactly what I am doing the founders of this country drew their line in the sand Just like the Americans of today should do. But a fucking foreigner a SUBJECT of the crown would be clueless about drawing the line in the sand and it's meaning

Then you're a fucking moron...

Ted Nugent deserves to be said in the same sentence as Jefferson and Adams?? RATFLMAO...

I may be a subject, yet I am more free than you....go figure....

You're a foreigner a SUBJECT of the crown. Dude as long as I have life in my body and a gun in my hand I will be a free man. You will always be a subject of the crown.
You god damn right that's exactly what I am doing the founders of this country drew their line in the sand Just like the Americans of today should do. But a fucking foreigner a SUBJECT of the crown would be clueless about drawing the line in the sand and it's meaning

Then you're a fucking moron...

Ted Nugent deserves to be said in the same sentence as Jefferson and Adams?? RATFLMAO...

I may be a subject, yet I am more free than you....go figure....

You're a foreigner a SUBJECT of the crown. Dude as long as I have life in my body and a gun in my hand I will be a free man. You will always be a subject of the crown.

Yet I am more free than you...go figure...shrug....
Now how is my stance of saying I have no issue with what she said but I have an issue with where she said it being hypocritical? You are a fucking piece of lying shit.

Because you are being disingenuous. Your fellow kin from duelling banjo country may fall for you simplistic bullshit, but you gotta bring your A game to the table.

It matters not where she said it. Ditto the Mouth from Detroit. It was what she said that pissed off the whackjobs, ditto what the talentless wonder from Detroit said...

Fuck you foreigner you don't know me nor can you say what I mean.

Er, no. I do know you. You have posted on this messageboard many times. It is quite easy to see what you mean.

Trust me, your posts aren't rocket science. They're more akin to Sesame St...
Because you are being disingenuous. Your fellow kin from duelling banjo country may fall for you simplistic bullshit, but you gotta bring your A game to the table.

It matters not where she said it. Ditto the Mouth from Detroit. It was what she said that pissed off the whackjobs, ditto what the talentless wonder from Detroit said...

Fuck you foreigner you don't know me nor can you say what I mean.

Er, no. I do know you. You have posted on this messageboard many times. It is quite easy to see what you mean.

Trust me, your posts aren't rocket science. They're more akin to Sesame St...

My post maybe a kin to Sesame St in your elitist opinion but I am a much better man than you will ever be allowed. You don't know me nor will you ever know me. I unlike you say what I mean There is nothing disingenuous about me.
Trust a son of a bitch like you? Is that a god damn joke? I wouldn't trust your fucking punk ass if I kept both eyes on you 24-7.
Fuck you foreigner you don't know me nor can you say what I mean.

Er, no. I do know you. You have posted on this messageboard many times. It is quite easy to see what you mean.

Trust me, your posts aren't rocket science. They're more akin to Sesame St...

My post maybe a kin to Sesame St in your elitist opinion but I am a much better man than you will ever be allowed. You don't know me nor will you ever know me. I unlike you say what I mean There is nothing disingenuous about me.
Trust a son of a bitch like you? Is that a god damn joke? I wouldn't trust your fucking punk ass if I kept both eyes on you 24-7.

I am not an elitist. Just smarter than you.

When have I NOT said what I mean?

That's on you with regard to trust. There are many things I am - dishonest isn't one of them...
Er, no. I do know you. You have posted on this messageboard many times. It is quite easy to see what you mean.

Trust me, your posts aren't rocket science. They're more akin to Sesame St...

My post maybe a kin to Sesame St in your elitist opinion but I am a much better man than you will ever be allowed. You don't know me nor will you ever know me. I unlike you say what I mean There is nothing disingenuous about me.
Trust a son of a bitch like you? Is that a god damn joke? I wouldn't trust your fucking punk ass if I kept both eyes on you 24-7.

I am not an elitist. Just smarter than you.

When have I NOT said what I mean?

When have I NOT said what I mean?...

I am not an elitist. Just smarter than you.

See where I know you better than you know yourself. You come across as an elitist fuck. And I know I am smarter than you. Fuck the grammar shit that is meaningless it's the outcome that shows who smart and who's not. You don't know me dumb ass and you never will.

When have I NOT said what I mean?

My post maybe a kin to Sesame St in your elitist opinion but I am a much better man than you will ever be allowed. You don't know me nor will you ever know me. I unlike you say what I mean There is nothing disingenuous about me.
Trust a son of a bitch like you? Is that a god damn joke? I wouldn't trust your fucking punk ass if I kept both eyes on you 24-7.

I am not an elitist. Just smarter than you.

When have I NOT said what I mean?

When have I NOT said what I mean?...

I am not an elitist. Just smarter than you.

See where I know you better than you know yourself. You come across as an elitist fuck. And I know I am smarter than you. Fuck the grammar shit that is meaningless it's the outcome that shows who smart and who's not. You don't know me dumb ass and you never will.

When have I NOT said what I mean?


What grammar shit?

Mate, my 11 year old shows more smarts, insights and downright intelligence than 99.9% of the drivel you post.

You are a slave to your ideology. So while I am a subject (whatever you think that means), you are a slave...shrug...

So when I say George Bush is a moron, I don't mean it? Let me tell you something, I most certainly do....
I am not an elitist. Just smarter than you.

When have I NOT said what I mean?

When have I NOT said what I mean?...

See where I know you better than you know yourself. You come across as an elitist fuck. And I know I am smarter than you. Fuck the grammar shit that is meaningless it's the outcome that shows who smart and who's not. You don't know me dumb ass and you never will.

When have I NOT said what I mean?


What grammar shit?

Mate, my 11 year old shows more smarts, insights and downright intelligence than 99.9% of the drivel you post.

You are a slave to your ideology. So while I am a subject (whatever you think that means), you are a slave...shrug...

So when I say George Bush is a moron, I don't mean it? Let me tell you something, I most certainly do....

Mate, my 11 year old shows more smarts, insights and downright intelligence than 99.9% of the drivel you post.
This ain't about your 11 year old I suggest you keep it out of the equation. As for your opinion of you I suggest that you prove it before I make another ass out of you again. Just because my evaluation of current event far surpasses yours does not make it drivel.

You are a slave to your ideology
I believe in what I stand for. don't you? or do you only do as your handlers tell you? OH I forgot you're just a subject. I don't believe in America's two party system or it's government, I believe in the U.S. Constitution that is my ideology

So when I say George Bush is a moron

You are a slave to the bush idea, but bush is gone he can't hurt you anymore.

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