Nugent Ousted From Concert: Liberty Takes Another on the Chin-Again

All men are not created equal.

On the Confederate Flag:
Those politically correct motherfuckers can take the flag down but I am
going to wear it forever.

By the same token, should a kid going to a Grateful Dead concert who's caught with sugar-cube-encrusted LSD go to prison for life with no parole? Of course not. But should that guy get caned? Yeah. And should he go to prison in an overcrowded cell where a huge, unclean black man will fuck him in the ass every night? Yeah.

“You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.

i got you in a stranglehold baby
then i crushed your face

I've posted some of his MILDER racist, sexist comments.......................................great guy to be defending...............................

The Confederate battle flag has different meaning to many people.
The battle flag is as racist as the star and stripes is. If you want to go with that. The battle flag was carried by men who fought an over bearing government. They had their line in the sand.

I've posted some of his MILDER racist, sexist comments.......................................great guy to be defending
I'm sure you are going to post a link to those quotes?

I already have, a couple times:
“full predator spiritual erection” from tracking “bear, lions, coons, housecats, escaped chimps, small children, scared women, and everything else that can be chased and/or hunted.”

"What’s a feminist anyways? A fat pig who doesn’t get it often enough?"

"I wrote Drop dead bitch."

He doesn't like Asian Americans either:

Foreigners are a******s; foreigners are scum; I don’t like ‘em; I don’t want ‘em in this country; I don’t want ‘em selling me doughnuts; I don’t want ‘em pumping my gas; I don’t want ‘em downwind of my life-OK? So anyhow, and I’m dead serious…"

but where is your links?
The racist remarks I have posted, here AGAIN:
On the Confederate Flag:
Those politically correct motherfuckers can take the flag down but I am
going to wear it forever.

On South Africans:
Apartheid isn`t that cut and dry. All men are not created equal.

them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands � These are different people.

I use the word ****** a lot
because I hang around with a lot of *******.
I agree, the confederate flag is not inherently racist. We can't erase history.

As far as saying "******" is concerned, then all white rappers are also racist.


Context and intent matters. Naturally you would get it wrong, and here you are making excuses for a racist comment.

You are prone to posting wrong information why is now any different?
Ah and here is the hypocrisy. Both of you proving exactly what the problem is her,and at the sametime showing you are both hacks and frauds.

Don't give the dixie chicks any respect but respect nugent for his "line in the sand" comment.

Fuck you both for lying.

What Hypocrisy? and what fucking lie?
The maingie bitch had a right to say what she said but I have an issue with where the bitch said it. Now what the fuck are you talking about stupid?

it didnt matter where she said it. I am talking about your hypocrisy of your stance.

What is my stance again?
It was PART of was about States telling the Federal Government to 'butt out'. Slavery was a side issue.

However? The Founders DID know that slavery would have to be dealt with sooner or later.

In order to get the Southern States onboard with the Constitution?

They came up with the 3/5ths Compromise regarding apportionment.

States rights and tariffs (commerce) sparked the war.

Bullshit. Slavery was the only thing that sparked the war. Period. Read the articles of secession. There was no other reason.

Amazing that 150 years later, revisionists continue to assert the right of the government to make people property.
Wrong answer.

Revisionist Historians lead YOU to belive that.

Try again.

The conflict between state & federal power was, in part, because the North was moving towards an industrial workforce, rather than an agrarian economy.
I'm still wondering why people think Nugent's free speech rights are being violated. Nobody told him he couldn't say the bullshit he did. speech dictates that anyone who disagrees with Nugent can say so.

Matter of fact, Nugent can STILL say what he's been spewing, just not on the base. Free speech doesn't mean that you have a right to perform anywhere you want, because the people who own the place you might perform at have free speech as well, and they have the right to refuse.

Free speech doesn't mean that Nugent also has the right to perform on bases, unless they want him.

I completely agree with you, but you know a lot of lefties were pissed when Slim Fast fired Whoopie Goldberg. We listened to them scream about the violation of her right to free speech for months. And Disney did the same thing to someone else right about that time. It was as bad as the Zimmerman crap on the site I was on at the time.

Fort Knox has every right to cancel the appearance if they so choose. It is kind of funny though when you think that the self proclaimed tolerant left so adamently prove they are not so tolerant.

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[Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his
Apolitical my ass...

Nugent is political as they come. He is also nuts and a poor musical talent.

If you like trash metal, he is talented; obscene and low life, but he can thrash a guitar.

I first got into him, back in his Free-For-All days, and caught his Cat Scratch show (with UFO, The Cars & Heart), at Mile High - Denver ('77)....and, you're right.....he could get pretty damned obscene (with the women, in-attendance)....but, a lot o' that was more-than-likely the speed "talkin'".​

I do not see Clapton & Young in the same category, EVER.

Nugent isn't what you'd call an instrumental-technician.....but, much like Cooper, he could put-on a show.​
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My advice to Ted: if you cannot articulate your thoughts any better than that when trying to talk politics, then for you Laura Ingraham said it best:


Shut Up and Sing.
I agree, the confederate flag is not inherently racist. We can't erase history.

As far as saying "******" is concerned, then all white rappers are also racist.


Context and intent matters. Naturally you would get it wrong, and here you are making excuses for a racist comment.

You are prone to posting wrong information why is now any different?

Ted Nugent Quotes - Ted Nugent Quotations, Famous Sayings

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Top 10 grossest Ted Nugent quotes ever
Can you point me to a single article of secession that didn't make abolition the number one cause? The War of Southern Aggression was all about white supremacy, no matter what the revisionists claim.

It was PART of was about States telling the Federal Government to 'butt out'. Slavery was a side issue.

However? The Founders DID know that slavery would have to be dealt with sooner or later.

In order to get the Southern States onboard with the Constitution?

They came up with the 3/5ths Compromise regarding apportionment.

States rights and tariffs (commerce) sparked the war.

Bullshit. Slavery was the only thing that sparked the war. Period. Read the articles of secession. There was no other reason.

Amazing that 150 years later, revisionists continue to assert the right of the government to make people property.

I'm sure those blacks who fought for the south were fighting to remain slaves.
I sure the Native Guards of New Orleans would call you an idiot.
I'm sure the 50,000 to 100,000 southern blacks would spit in your face.
I am sure those Northern soldiers who were forced to fight with black of the north were really happy to do it. But then you would have too do some research to understand the view of the 19th century people .
Nugent Ousted From Fort Knox Concert Line-Up

Ted Nugent has been booted from the line-up at an annual Fort Knox summer concert following his recent comments about President Barack Obama, a Fort Knox representative confirmed to The Blaze.

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

Brus said they don‘t look at political or social views when booking performers but that Nugent’s comments about the commander in chief crossed the line.

Brus said Major General Jefforey Smith, commanding general at Fort Knox, made the final decision to cancel Nugent’s appearance.

Apolitical my ass...
Crossed the line......what about bill mayher, or all those other lefty butt kissers when they open their pie holes and say stupid stuff? I am so tired of the libtard "We are better than thou" mentality.


I was looking at the thread title. The Civil War was also a conflict between an agrarian economy, and the beginnings of industrialization. Northern "wage slavery" was no utopia for "free" workers. Most jobs paid barely enough to live on, no protection for workers either. Become ill, or unable to work-out the door one went. Child labor was also allowed in many Northern states.
Whatever. He's a rabid nut-case and his music, well, flat out sucks. They did those concert-goers a favor.
They could do us a big favor and ban obamaturd from making his stupid lying speeches. Teabaggers were always plugged-into "the truth".


[ame=]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
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Context and intent matters. Naturally you would get it wrong, and here you are making excuses for a racist comment.

Can you point me to a single article of secession that didn't make abolition the number one cause? The War of Southern Aggression was all about white supremacy, no matter what the revisionists claim.

It was PART of was about States telling the Federal Government to 'butt out'. Slavery was a side issue.

However? The Founders DID know that slavery would have to be dealt with sooner or later.

In order to get the Southern States onboard with the Constitution?

They came up with the 3/5ths Compromise regarding apportionment.

States rights and tariffs (commerce) sparked the war.

It was the dominant part of every single article of secession. Fuck your revisionism. The Southern States pissed on the Constitution with the Dred Scott decision and Bloody Kansas. They pissed on the Constitution when they attacked the property of the American people at Sumpter.
Funny to here you cons think Nuggie is such a good, talented performer.

Maybe the commanding general just thought that not only does his politics suck, his music sucks as well. And the commanding general didn't want his men and women listening to sucky music on his base.

So Teddy boy can kiss the Generals ass and get the fuk outta dodge, is what I think the General is saying. Good for the General. Standing up for his principals.

Actually, if you had read even the quote from the OP, you would have known that it was a decision based upon his politics.

Here, let me point out the pertinent sentence:

The decision to oust Nugent came after “recent disparaging remarks made against the commander in chief,” Ryan Brus of the Fort Knox public affairs office said.

that clearly shows that it was a political decision despite the two-faced lie that followed it:

Because the concert is taking place on a military installation, it “would be a conflict of interest since the military has the obligation to be apolitical,” he said.

I have rarely seen two so obviously contradictory statements made by... well, hell, by anyone at all.

Nugent doesn't do drugs. His only addiction has been to sex. And to hunting of course.
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