Nugents been cleared whoooooo hoooo

Was that after he pooped his pants?

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I wouldnt touch you with warriors dick and thats been around

Not to worry, with your ugly soul and vulgar mouth, I would never bother with someone like you..

little tip ( Ha pun ) you are now

A "knowledgeable patriot" that skipped service, has sex with "hundreds of women" (more likely FAILS to have sex with willing tramps) and loves guns as long as he is the only person with one! PS: I think Alec Baldwin needs to keep his trap shut also.
little tip ( Ha pun ) you are now

A "knowledgeable patriot" that skipped service, has sex with "hundreds of women" (more likely FAILS to have sex with willing tramps) and loves guns as long as he is the only person with one! PS: I think Alec Baldwin needs to keep his trap shut also.[/QUOTE]Yep...that about sums up America's Premier Turd-Muffin
Was that after he pooped his pants?

Check this out...


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Did you ever notice how some if not many of these right wing "tough guy" "great Americans" who are so gung ho for war have in common?
Did Ted Nugent really dodge Vietnam-era draft though gross deception?
They tend to be chicken hawk pussies who when their country needed them to serve, they found "convenient" ways to avoid serving. See limbaugh, savage, nugent, hannity, boortz, and the rest of those clowns. :lol:
Was that after he pooped his pants?

Check this out...


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Did you ever notice how some if not many of these right wing "tough guy" "great Americans" who are so gung ho for war have in common?
Did Ted Nugent really dodge Vietnam-era draft though gross deception?
They tend to be chicken hawk pussies who when their country needed them to serve, they found "convenient" ways to avoid serving. See limbaugh, savage, nugent, hannity, boortz, and the rest of those clowns. :lol:
Indeed I have sir, indeed I have. It's a pre-requisite for those people.
Was that after he pooped his pants?

Check this out...


If you have any better captions let me know.

In fact, all who have better captions...let me know.



Did you ever notice how some if not many of these right wing "tough guy" "great Americans" who are so gung ho for war have in common?
Did Ted Nugent really dodge Vietnam-era draft though gross deception?
They tend to be chicken hawk pussies who when their country needed them to serve, they found "convenient" ways to avoid serving. See limbaugh, savage, nugent, hannity, boortz, and the rest of those clowns. :lol:

man oh man...
He wasn't charged, so cannot be cleared. He'll profit, he is an aging metal blaster. Younger ones are coming along, he needs the media attention.

Not really. He's touring with Styx and REO Speedwagon and he's announcing dates for the Great White Buffalo Tour 2012 and I'm watching because I'm praying he's heading my way.

He still packs them in Peaches.:eusa_angel:
Check this out...


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Did you ever notice how some if not many of these right wing "tough guy" "great Americans" who are so gung ho for war have in common?
Did Ted Nugent really dodge Vietnam-era draft though gross deception?
They tend to be chicken hawk pussies who when their country needed them to serve, they found "convenient" ways to avoid serving. See limbaugh, savage, nugent, hannity, boortz, and the rest of those clowns. :lol:

man oh man...

It's amazing that they want to believe that shit don't you think? "A copy of Nugent's Selective Service record shows that he had at separate times both a 1-Y medical deferment and 2-S student deferment." from wiki.

Here's a copy of the actual record obtained by FOIA by newshounds.


Who gives a flying rats ass what Imus "nappy headed whores" has to say?

That's sad really really sad Lakhota that you have to dredge up that racist as a great opinion maker for Nugent's fate.

Really really sad. omg. The left has really hit a new low when you are quoting Imus.


ETA: I should have said "nappy headed hoes" I guess. I'm from the time though that a "hoe" was a gardening utensil.
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so what?
You guys cheer a dude who said things bad enough to call attention to the secret service.

You are the company you keep...Remember that from you cons with Obama?

Hey dumbass, Obama's administration only goes after conservatives. He wont investigate the Black Panthers, who put bounties on people's head and call for direct violence.
Everyone should put the troll on ignore so it would STOP with the shit it spreads on this board
The same Ted Nugent that shit himself for 30 days straight and sat in it to somehow avoid the draft, but now chickenhawks for more war?

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