Number 1 on the next GOP congresses to do list

Republicans are incapable of passing the simplest legislation....why would anyone think they can get anything done?

Holy crap they just kissed obama's ass and got Obamatrade passed are you not paying attention? Oh right it would be hard to condemn the Republicans over Obamatrade without condemning Obama and we know you ain't gonna do that jake.

The trade bills is a good bill that the GOP wanted. The dems didn't want it because they are too liberal.

How do you know it is a good bill, either tell us what you like about it, that is actually in it or I will write your post off as one from a partisan hack.

Ok I'll go find the healthcare proposal by the speaker of the house that was made public, because you are a moron.

During his 2008 presidential campaign, John McCain proposed expanding federal support for people in high-risk state insurance pools. These pools would subsidize those who have medical conditions that make it harder for them to get coverage. It's not the only answer. But hearings would help Republicans show that there are ways to handle tough challenges such as pre-existing conditions that cost less and do not require imposing more mandates on the insurance industry.

McGurn Boehner s Plan B for ObamaCare - WSJ
Abolish the 9th circuit court of appeals and send a blistering nuke bomb to the federal judicial branch saying do your job or else. This is a US Constitutional power given to congress by the founders of our nation. It is to be used on judges that abuse their positions and hurt the reputation of the court. The whole 9th circuit is a joke.

Also simply repeal Obama care with a congressional super majority to override a veto. People forget that even if we don't win the Presidency the Congress can actually pass legislation on it's own if they have a super majority to over rule the veto.

Too much focus on the Presidency not enough focus on the congress and how close the GOP is to a super majority.

A Republican congressional supermajority (as in 67 seats in the Senate, and 290 seats in the House) is impossible to win in 2016. The Democrats only have 10 seats up in the Senate and the GOP would have to win 13 seats.

Getting either number of seats in either chamber is boderline impossible for either party regardless of the election or elections. Outside of very extreme circumstances.

I'm pretty convinced the GOP is maxed out in the House save for a small handful of seats (like maybe 5 or 6)

What people forget is there there are moderate Dems to when Obamacare is failing will have to chose to between a fix and letting it fail and hurt millions of people. Same choice they had in 2010 and they'd break for the GOP or basically lose their seat in congress like all the other dems colleagues did.

There's comes a point where if enough people are about to be hurt and the GOP controls congress and is just a few votes shy of overruling the veto, that congress reps will HAVE to switch sides. Especially the new ones. 2010 is sharply in their minds. It's not about getting the super majority it's about getting as close to it as possible. Btw.. there was 1 independent that will be voting with the GOp so they only need 12. This is BEFORE 2016 elections where they might only need 3-6.
There are moderate democrats that are vulnerable.....
Abolish the 9th circuit court of appeals and send a blistering nuke bomb to the federal judicial branch saying do your job or else. This is a US Constitutional power given to congress by the founders of our nation. It is to be used on judges that abuse their positions and hurt the reputation of the court. The whole 9th circuit is a joke.

Also simply repeal Obama care with a congressional super majority to override a veto. People forget that even if we don't win the Presidency the Congress can actually pass legislation on it's own if they have a super majority to over rule the veto.

Too much focus on the Presidency not enough focus on the congress and how close the GOP is to a super majority.

A Republican congressional supermajority (as in 67 seats in the Senate, and 290 seats in the House) is impossible to win in 2016. The Democrats only have 10 seats up in the Senate and the GOP would have to win 13 seats.

Getting either number of seats in either chamber is boderline impossible for either party regardless of the election or elections. Outside of very extreme circumstances.

I'm pretty convinced the GOP is maxed out in the House save for a small handful of seats (like maybe 5 or 6)

What people forget is there there are moderate Dems to when Obamacare is failing will have to chose to between a fix and letting it fail and hurt millions of people. Same choice they had in 2010 and they'd break for the GOP or basically lose their seat in congress like all the other dems colleagues did.

There's comes a point where if enough people are about to be hurt and the GOP controls congress and is just a few votes shy of overruling the veto, that congress reps will HAVE to switch sides. Especially the new ones. 2010 is sharply in their minds. It's not about getting the super majority it's about getting as close to it as possible. Btw.. there was 1 independent that will be voting with the GOp so they only need 12. This is BEFORE 2016 elections where they might only need 3-6.
There are moderate democrats that are vulnerable.....

When left with 2 choices a passed heralthcare bill that was vetoed by the president it goes back to congress for 1 last vote. So pass it or let millions of people suffer, the choice dems fear.
Nothing is going to change if a democrat is elected next year. They will still be dividing the country. They will still be running the country into the ground on the pretext of AGW and immigration. They will still sell the working man down the tubes. And when I say they I mean Congress where it doesn't really matter who is in the majority.
never mind congress, all republican governors need to make sure all dead democrats and illegals are off the voting registrations, especially in the 7 or 8 purple states we need to win. then again, obama and his posse will claim that the task is racist.
Obamacare is here to stay, it has lots of successes now, and lots of clients. The "back'em into a corner" scenario you're making up isn't going to happen.
Abolish the 9th circuit court of appeals and send a blistering nuke bomb to the federal judicial branch saying do your job or else. This is a US Constitutional power given to congress by the founders of our nation. It is to be used on judges that abuse their positions and hurt the reputation of the court. The whole 9th circuit is a joke.

Also simply repeal Obama care with a congressional super majority to override a veto. People forget that even if we don't win the Presidency the Congress can actually pass legislation on it's own if they have a super majority to over rule the veto.

Too much focus on the Presidency not enough focus on the congress and how close the GOP is to a super majority.
What people forget is that Congress can't 'abolish' a court in bad faith for subjective, partisan reasons.

What people forget is that Congressional republicans don't have a 'super majority' and lack the votes to override a veto.

What people forget is that Congressional republicans don't have anything to replace the ACA with.

And what people forget is that it's Congress' responsibility to govern for the benefit of all the people, not for the benefit of a particular party, and not to advance a failed and errant partisan agenda as Congressional republicans seek to do.
Abolish the 9th circuit court of appeals and send a blistering nuke bomb to the federal judicial branch saying do your job or else. This is a US Constitutional power given to congress by the founders of our nation. It is to be used on judges that abuse their positions and hurt the reputation of the court. The whole 9th circuit is a joke.

Also simply repeal Obama care with a congressional super majority to override a veto. People forget that even if we don't win the Presidency the Congress can actually pass legislation on it's own if they have a super majority to over rule the veto.

Too much focus on the Presidency not enough focus on the congress and how close the GOP is to a super majority.
GOP=cowardly asswipes. I wouldnt expect too much if i were you.
Abolish the 9th circuit court of appeals and send a blistering nuke bomb to the federal judicial branch saying do your job or else. This is a US Constitutional power given to congress by the founders of our nation. It is to be used on judges that abuse their positions and hurt the reputation of the court. The whole 9th circuit is a joke.

Also simply repeal Obama care with a congressional super majority to override a veto. People forget that even if we don't win the Presidency the Congress can actually pass legislation on it's own if they have a super majority to over rule the veto.

Too much focus on the Presidency not enough focus on the congress and how close the GOP is to a super majority.
GOP=cowardly asswipes. I wouldnt expect too much if i were you.

Save your trolling attempts for idiots willing to bite.
Abolish the 9th circuit court of appeals and send a blistering nuke bomb to the federal judicial branch saying do your job or else. This is a US Constitutional power given to congress by the founders of our nation. It is to be used on judges that abuse their positions and hurt the reputation of the court. The whole 9th circuit is a joke.

Also simply repeal Obama care with a congressional super majority to override a veto. People forget that even if we don't win the Presidency the Congress can actually pass legislation on it's own if they have a super majority to over rule the veto.

Too much focus on the Presidency not enough focus on the congress and how close the GOP is to a super majority.
GOP=cowardly asswipes. I wouldnt expect too much if i were you.

Save your trolling attempts for idiots willing to bite.

When did this so-called GOP congress pass a conservative piece of legislation?
For instance, have they passed any tax cuts?

By the way, there isnt going to be any GOP super majority. Reps will likely lose the senate in 2016 as they are defending 24 seats to the dems 10, and the dem house seats are almost all now in solid dem districts.
Republicans are incapable of passing the simplest legislation....why would anyone think they can get anything done?

Because they already have over 150+ times just since the new year Jan when they were sworn in. ;) You're done.

Senate has already passed more amendments that 2014 congress and it's only June, FYI this article is from Jan 23rd. It's june 30th.

Do-Nothing Congress No More 2015 Senate Amendments Pass 2014 - US News

List me three major accomplishments of this Congress

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