Numbers prove racist whites don't hire qualified blacks

LOL, a college degree doesn't equate to qualified!!! A college degree used to be all what was needed to land a job. That isn't the case anymore. Experience is king. Best thing about America is hardwork is what gets you places, not the color of ones skin. However who you know is still very important!

similar studies have also been done for recent college grads that are 25 and under buddy lol
where all their experience is limited. Just face the facts that a huge number of whites in America are racist. the numbers and studies dont lie.

Look guy! If I am hiring for a position where the worker will be dealing with my customers, the person I hire must speak in a way that my customers can understand, have a non threatening appearance and not be in danger of loosing his pants.

OK I have an opening for a technical sales representative that will represent my line of scientific instruments to law enforcement forensic labs. I have selected 2 equally qualified candidates based on resumes and call them in for an interview. Which of these 2 men will I hire?



You can't have the Cuban. Mitt's gonna hire him.
It's the old liberal political axiom, when your side is losing call the other side racist.
Afros with advanced degrees get those degrees in African studies... not exactly an area of expertise that employers are looking for.

BTW, the unemployment rate for dogs is 99%. Maybe we should do for dogs what we've done for Afros, institute species quotas.

You are so fucking stupid.
white people are ridiculous. These numbers are absurd. No wonder AA is needed. White people don't even hire the best person for the job. lol what a joke they are.

Black college grad unemployment rates double White counterparts

You are a racist too so how are you any different?

In fact, this poster has openly admitted to being a racist in the past, yet he starts a thread complaining about...... racism.


He really shouldn't be complaining, he should embrace it.
Were the employers deemed racist after turning down black applicants, who simply didn't have either the qualifications and/or experience, or were they confirmed - beyond all reasonable doubt - to be racists prior to the minority applicant entered the interview room?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but experience of these articles leads me to assume it's the former.
This is the result of affirmative action. A black person is automatically assumed to be less qualified and graduated as a result of affirmative action instead of ability.

I have never heard any employer ever make that argument.

I doubt you would! It's not widely advertised. You have to look at the outcome and the outcome is black unemployment among the qualified. There are two big issues. One is that the hire is wholly the result of affirmative action. The other issue is that a black person is too often assumed to be constantly on the look out for a reason to sue the employer. Having been in that position a couple of times myself, I would not hire a black person I did not personally know socially no matter how qualified they appeared to be. Very sad, but protection is paramount and there are enough blacks who have made a career of lawsuits to poison the pool.

The end result is way fewer advertised jobs. Fewer and fewer companies are looking for applicants. Instead they are relying on current employee referrals. Often giving a bonus to an existing employee that refers a successful new hire.
Were the employers deemed racist after turning down black applicants, who simply didn't have either the qualifications and/or experience, or were they confirmed - beyond all reasonable doubt - to be racists before the minority applicant entered the interview room?

I'm guessing it's the former.

If an employer is racist I wouldn't want to work for them anyways.
This is the result of affirmative action. A black person is automatically assumed to be less qualified and graduated as a result of affirmative action instead of ability.

I have never heard any employer ever make that argument.

I doubt you would! It's not widely advertised. You have to look at the outcome and the outcome is black unemployment among the qualified. There are two big issues. One is that the hire is wholly the result of affirmative action. The other issue is that a black person is too often assumed to be constantly on the look out for a reason to sue the employer. Having been in that position a couple of times myself, I would not hire a black person I did not personally know socially no matter how qualified they appeared to be. Very sad, but protection is paramount and there are enough blacks who have made a career of lawsuits to poison the pool.

The end result is way fewer advertised jobs. Fewer and fewer companies are looking for applicants. Instead they are relying on current employee referrals. Often giving a bonus to an existing employee that refers a successful new hire.

Are you kidding me with this post?
Were the employers deemed racist after turning down black applicants, who simply didn't have either the qualifications and/or experience, or were they confirmed - beyond all reasonable doubt - to be racists prior to the minority applicant entered the interview room?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but experience of these articles leads me to assume it's the former.

Here's part of the problem. It is much, much easier for employers opt not to expose themselves to the potential lawsuits to begin with.
white people are ridiculous. These numbers are absurd. No wonder AA is needed. White people don't even hire the best person for the job. lol what a joke they are.

Only white people? You really think Black Business owners don't Favor other blacks in their Hiring? Asians don't Favor other Asians?

What is Ridiculous are people like you who act like White people are the only ones who Favor their own Race.
the numbers are just sad and white people are complete joke doing this

That's THREE posts in one thread in which you've labeled an entire race of people with the same broad brush. This makes you a racist.

The irony is thick...and the grammar poor.
Were the employers deemed racist after turning down black applicants, who simply didn't have either the qualifications and/or experience, or were they confirmed - beyond all reasonable doubt - to be racists prior to the minority applicant entered the interview room?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but experience of these articles leads me to assume it's the former.

Here's part of the problem. It is much, much easier for employers opt not to expose themselves to the potential lawsuits to begin with.

without AA 90 percent of blacks would be homeless because of racist whites hiring policies

you still haven't explained why blacks would want to work for white racists!

i dunno why.... the whole is to kill racism

Nothing would make me happier. The first step is for the black community to reject your race pimp leaders and emulate people like Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice.
AA and "hate crimes" legislation breed residual racism in whites due to resentment that they are getting screwed by a system that favors a specific group based on skin color. It also reinforces racism in blacks who are continually told they need government help. What you get is a vicious cycle. The only way to end the cycle is a truly colorblind society.
Only white people? You really think Black Business owners don't Favor other blacks in their Hiring? Asians don't Favor other Asians?

What is Ridiculous are people like you who act like White people are the only ones who Favor their own Race.

White people don't favor their own race. White people are the only people who don't favor their own race. Afro unemployment is purely a product of blacks being unqualified. Whites higher unqualified Afros over whites every day. But, such preferences only take Afros so far.

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