Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

The Washington Compost owned by CIA shill Jeff Bezos and the NY Times, also a shill for the CFR SEZ??????

"Move along folks......nothing to see here!!!"


Tomorrow will be a very SAD day for you ......your Trump cult ilk.....and Nunes.....LOL

Nothing can top what was revealed last Friday that the dossier (paid for by the DNC) was the reason for FISA warrants that the judges that signed off on it had no idea that it was a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign....that stench can't be washed matter how much soap that you use.

The Press is defending the Democrats.
They are ignoring the facts.
The American Public is being duped.
If the Democrats get away with this lawlessness it will be a huge blow against our democracy.
Under false pretenses, it is.

Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.
The Washington Compost owned by CIA shill Jeff Bezos and the NY Times, also a shill for the CFR SEZ??????

"Move along folks......nothing to see here!!!"


Tomorrow will be a very SAD day for you ......your Trump cult ilk.....and Nunes.....LOL

Nothing can top what was revealed last Friday that the dossier (paid for by the DNC) was the reason for FISA warrants that the judges that signed off on it had no idea that it was a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign....that stench can't be washed matter how much soap that you use.

The Press is defending the Democrats.
They are ignoring the facts.
The American Public is being duped.
If the Democrats get away with this lawlessness it will be a huge blow against our democracy.

Nunes admitted that the FISA court were informed on the origin of the dossier.

You'll literally have to ignore Nunes on the Nunes memo. Good luck with that.
Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

BECAUSE the reason for putting ANYONE on the Trump campaign (including Trump) under surveillance was based on a bogus dossier bought and paid for by the DNC using Fusion GPS as the proxy and certain rogue elements within the FBI that have the Hildebeast a pass and ALLLLL of this was justified by fake have got nothing and yet you keep "doubling down" on it........."Stay down, Luke! Stay down!!!!"..........but yet you keep rising off the cyber canvas for another uppercut. I am not that George Kennedy character "Drag-Line" from the movie "Cool Hand Luke".......I will beat you to death with no mercy or sympathy.........does that help???

one more time, for the terminally stupid like dale.

if you're going to surveille the trump campaign, it would be a good idea to get a warrant on page before he left the campaign.


trumplings- a whole new dimension of stupid
Page was just an excuse. The problem is he was what Muslims call the nose of a camel. This gave the Obama Administration what they needed to spy on everyone in the Trump Administration.

And excuse to what? Spy on Trump?

The timeline doesn't work out. As the warrant request was in October. Page stopped working for Trump in September. Spoiler alert: September is before October.

You're literally ignoring linear time to cling to your batshit conspiracy theory.
This isn't a linear issue.

is that what rush told you?

Rush told me they were the priests of the temples of Syrinx. I don't believe them.
BECAUSE the reason for putting ANYONE on the Trump campaign (including Trump) under surveillance was based on a bogus dossier bought and paid for by the DNC using Fusion GPS as the proxy and certain rogue elements within the FBI that have the Hildebeast a pass and ALLLLL of this was justified by fake have got nothing and yet you keep "doubling down" on it........."Stay down, Luke! Stay down!!!!"..........but yet you keep rising off the cyber canvas for another uppercut. I am not that George Kennedy character "Drag-Line" from the movie "Cool Hand Luke".......I will beat you to death with no mercy or sympathy.........does that help???

one more time, for the terminally stupid like dale.

if you're going to surveille the trump campaign, it would be a good idea to get a warrant on page before he left the campaign.


trumplings- a whole new dimension of stupid
Page was just an excuse. The problem is he was what Muslims call the nose of a camel. This gave the Obama Administration what they needed to spy on everyone in the Trump Administration.

that's nice, honey.

completely false, but nice
Prove it.

I can prove it's true.

You can't. As Page left the Trump team before the warrant was even requested.

Nor was 'everyone' in Trump tower being monitored. You're just smearing yourself with hopeless batshit.
Taking your hyperbole's the scoop:

"Trump, early in his campaign, needed a foreign policy advisory team. NeverTrumpers who would have gladly served in that role for candidate Jeb! or Kasich ran from Trump like scalded dogs. Carter Page, a Republican, was scooped up by the Trump campaign as a volunteer advisor, given the limited choices and media pressure on Trump to name his team.

Boom! Page was the camel’s nose under the tent. A suspicious character who worked in Russia. That was all the FBI needed. And the FBI camel wasted no time in crawling entirely into the tent.

As the Nunes memo clearly outlined, the FBI and DOJ had two choices at this point in their pursuit of Donald Trump via Carter Page. A FISA Title VII warrant, for surveillance of US persons abroad, specifically those in contact with potential terror organizations, which Page was not.

Or a FISA Title I warrant, with a much higher threshold. As Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has been explaining, Title I is reserved for an, “agent of a foreign power” who is “knowingly engaging in clandestine intelligence activities.” The evidence must show the American citizen is an agent of a foreign government. A spy. If Page is a Russian spy, why hasn’t he been arrested, indicted, and prosecuted?"

The Obama administration made the claim that Carter Page was an actual Russian spy, basing the claim on the Steele dossier, which FBI director Comey at the time described to Congress as “salacious and unverified.” This FISA application was made on October 21, 2016, months after Page left the Trump campaign. Furthermore, the application was renewed three more times, twice while Trump was President.
Carter Page was the Camel's Nose in Trump's Tent
Carter Page, a Republican, was scooped up by the Trump campaign as a volunteer advisor, given the limited choices and media pressure on Trump to name his team.

Boom! Page was the camel’s nose under the tent. A suspicious character who worked in Russia. That was all the FBI needed. And the FBI camel wasted no time in crawling entirely into the tent.

Carter Page was FULLY on the FBI radar since 2013.......What was Trump doing in 2013, beside sending private investigators to Hawaii to check out Obama's BC???
Under false pretenses, it is.

Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.
one more time, for the terminally stupid like dale.

if you're going to surveille the trump campaign, it would be a good idea to get a warrant on page before he left the campaign.


trumplings- a whole new dimension of stupid
Page was just an excuse. The problem is he was what Muslims call the nose of a camel. This gave the Obama Administration what they needed to spy on everyone in the Trump Administration.

that's nice, honey.

completely false, but nice
Prove it.

I can prove it's true.

You can't. As Page left the Trump team before the warrant was even requested.

Nor was 'everyone' in Trump tower being monitored. You're just smearing yourself with hopeless batshit.
Taking your hyperbole's the scoop:

"Trump, early in his campaign, needed a foreign policy advisory team. NeverTrumpers who would have gladly served in that role for candidate Jeb! or Kasich ran from Trump like scalded dogs. Carter Page, a Republican, was scooped up by the Trump campaign as a volunteer advisor, given the limited choices and media pressure on Trump to name his team.

Boom! Page was the camel’s nose under the tent. A suspicious character who worked in Russia. That was all the FBI needed. And the FBI camel wasted no time in crawling entirely into the tent.

As the Nunes memo clearly outlined, the FBI and DOJ had two choices at this point in their pursuit of Donald Trump via Carter Page. A FISA Title VII warrant, for surveillance of US persons abroad, specifically those in contact with potential terror organizations, which Page was not.

Or a FISA Title I warrant, with a much higher threshold. As Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has been explaining, Title I is reserved for an, “agent of a foreign power” who is “knowingly engaging in clandestine intelligence activities.” The evidence must show the American citizen is an agent of a foreign government. A spy. If Page is a Russian spy, why hasn’t he been arrested, indicted, and prosecuted?"

The Obama administration made the claim that Carter Page was an actual Russian spy, basing the claim on the Steele dossier, which FBI director Comey at the time described to Congress as “salacious and unverified.” This FISA application was made on October 21, 2016, months after Page left the Trump campaign. Furthermore, the application was renewed three more times, twice while Trump was President.
Carter Page was the Camel's Nose in Trump's Tent

that's all very nice, s0n, but september still comes before october.

even trey *where's the rest of my head?* gowdy says that there would be a russia investigation without the warrant on carter * i left the campaign in september and the warrant was issued in october* page.

WASHINGTON – Rep. Trey Gowdy, one of the Republicans who authored a controversial memo alleging FBI surveillance abuses, on Sunday rejected President Trump’s claim that the document “totally vindicated” him in the Russia investigation.

“I actually don’t think it has any impact on the Russia probe,” said Gowdy (R-S.C.), who helped draft the House Intelligence Committee memo that was declassified by the president on Friday.

i realize that as a trumpling, there are real limits to your abilities, but c'mon..
Under false pretenses, it is.

Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level.

Ah, so now the News is in it too. Is this where talk of the Shape shifting lizard people and the Lindbergh baby comes in?

I've bookmarked this post. You're no longer allowed to cite any news source. Ever. Or...I'll hammer you with your own words, my little conspiracy theorist.

Back in reality, Nunes admitted that the FISA courts were informed of the origin of the dossier.
Under false pretenses, it is.

Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level.

Ah, so now the News is in it too. Is this where talk of the Shape shifting lizard people and the Lindbergh baby comes in?

I've bookmarked this post. You're no longer allowed to cite any news source. Ever. Or...I'll hammer you with your own words, my little conspiracy theorist.

Back in reality, Nunes admitted that the FISA courts were informed of the origin of the dossier.

Cupcake, I really don't post things that aren't an undisputed reality that is obvious anyways. IOW, there's no way to lie about it, it just is what it is.

Yeah, "anonymous sources say" means that whatever follows is bullshit.

If you're a hammer and I'm a nail?

I'm a 20P nail and you're a 10 Oz hammer.

Dime to a dollar that confuses you.
Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level.

Ah, so now the News is in it too. Is this where talk of the Shape shifting lizard people and the Lindbergh baby comes in?

I've bookmarked this post. You're no longer allowed to cite any news source. Ever. Or...I'll hammer you with your own words, my little conspiracy theorist.

Back in reality, Nunes admitted that the FISA courts were informed of the origin of the dossier.

Cupcake, I really don't post things that aren't an undisputed reality that is obvious anyways. IOW, there's no way to lie about it, it just is what it is.

Yeah, "anonymous sources say" means that whatever follows is bullshit.

If you're a hammer and I'm a nail?

I'm a 20P nail and you're a 10 Oz hammer. already blinked.

You straight up ignored evidence contradicting the Nunes memo.....from Nunes. And then gave us a blithering batshit conspiracy for why.

You're no longer allowed to cite any media source, ever. Enjoy the tin foil, boy. You've rendered yourself irrelevant.
Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level.

Ah, so now the News is in it too. Is this where talk of the Shape shifting lizard people and the Lindbergh baby comes in?

I've bookmarked this post. You're no longer allowed to cite any news source. Ever. Or...I'll hammer you with your own words, my little conspiracy theorist.

Back in reality, Nunes admitted that the FISA courts were informed of the origin of the dossier.

Cupcake, I really don't post things that aren't an undisputed reality that is obvious anyways. IOW, there's no way to lie about it, it just is what it is.

Yeah, "anonymous sources say" means that whatever follows is bullshit.

If you're a hammer and I'm a nail?

I'm a 20P nail and you're a 10 Oz hammer. already blinked.

You straight up ignored evidence contradicting the Nunes memo.....from Nunes. And then gave us a blithering batshit conspiracy for why.

You're no longer allowed to cite any media source, ever. Enjoy the tin foil, boy. You've rendered yourself irrelevant.

You must have me confused with someone else.

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