Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

Mr. Mueller issued the subpoena after Mr. Bannon was quoted in a new book criticizing Mr. Trump, saying that Donald Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with Russians was “treasonous” and predicting that the special counsel investigation would ultimately center on money laundering.

Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Jared Kushner’s “greasy shit”

Wolff also quotes the former White House strategist as saying, “This is all about money laundering. [Robert] Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner . . . It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” (Trump Jr., Kushner, and Manafort have all denied wrongdoing.) Bannon then zeroed in on Kushner specifically, adding that “t goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”

He and Trump’s son-in-law have never seen eye to eye; their White House feuds were a poorly kept secret, and following his ouster, Bannon has given numerous interviews knocking Kushner, including one to my colleague Gabriel Sherman in which he questioned Kushner’s maturity level. If Bannon has dirt on Kushner, he will likely get his chance to reveal it; Schiff also declared his intent to question Bannon on “the basis of his concern over money laundering.”

Steve Bannon’s Testimony

You do realise that bannon was referring to manofort...right?
get it thru your thick skulls, trumptards... your narrative is fake news.

If that were true schiff & Co. wouldn't have been so desperate to prevent the memo from being released.

In other words, you are full of poo.
^ dishonest small-minded fools want to make these very serious issues all about the messenger. typical dumbo rethuglican :itsok:


The 9 biggest questions about the Nunes memo, answered

Trump transition personnel had been in contact with foreigners legally under surveillance, and their conversations were intercepted as part of that surveillance (that’s what “incidentally collected” means).


To recap: Nunes released information in such a manner as to make it look like Trump’s claims of being persecuted by law enforcement were true — and did so after secretly getting the information from the Trump White House. The situation proved to be such an embarrassment that Nunes was forced to recuse himself from the intelligence committee’s investigation into Russia for eight months during a House ethics investigation into his conduct.

So when news broke in mid-January that Nunes had been working in secret to prepare a memo on FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign, the initial sense among intelligence experts was that it would be a repeat of the wiretapping debacle — Nunes misrepresenting intelligence to support President Trump’s political position.

But many of Nunes’s colleagues in the House saw it as damning proof of anti-Trump animus at the FBI. They started a public campaign, backed by conservative media, to #ReleaseTheMemo. This culminated in Friday’s release.

The memo focuses on surveillance of Carter Page, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser with business ties to Russia and open sympathies with the Kremlin’s foreign policy. The key allegation is that the surveillance of Page was improperly authorized — and potentially politically motivated.

In July 2016, while advising the Trump campaign, Page flew to Moscow and met with Russian officials. This raised eyebrows among US intelligence officers, to say the least. So the FBI and DOJ put together an application to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court — a court that approves surveillance warrants pertaining to national security and foreign intelligence — to start watching Page. The court granted the application.

The 9 biggest questions about the Nunes memo, answered
trump admin got caught lying to the FBI and now our so-called president is desperately atwittah!

"we didn't commit treason, you committed treason!"

yeeeeah, that's the ticket! :laugh2:

Nothing can top what was revealed last Friday that the dossier (paid for by the DNC) was the reason for FISA warrants that the judges that signed off on it had no idea that it was a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign....that stench can't be washed matter how much soap that you use.

So, does the dossier, FISA warrant against Page (who was not working for Trump) and the Nunes memo....


Answer that and you'll prevent your being a complete moron on here.....LOL

You're worried. We get it.
By the time valerie and shillian are twatting up a thread, it's pretty much toast.

Maybe Ravi has something interesting to post on the subject. :alcoholic:
Law firm Perkins Coie and DNC already acknowledged paying for dossier.

Non-sequitur, nitwit........We are here addressing the fact that the FISC judge was FULLY aware of the Steele dossier origin.....AND the idiot Nunes, LIED....
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

Nunes is now backpedalling, admitting the foot notes exist, despite one of the prime GOP talking points being that there was no notification given to the FISA court.

Nunes flat out lied.

ANd he hasn't stopped there. Now Nunes is insisting that Trump never even met Papodopolous.....until a photo of Papodopoulos sitting at a table consulting with Trump was released.

Nunes again flat out lied.
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

Now run along to your Uncle George Soros and collect your pittance for posting this anti-American BS as always.
Nunes is now backpedalling, admitting the foot notes exist, despite one of the prime GOP talking points being that there was no notification given to the FISA court.

Law firm Perkins Coie and DNC already acknowledged paying for dossier.

Non-sequitur, nitwit........We are here addressing the fact that the FISC judge was FULLY aware of the Steele dossier origin.....AND the idiot Nunes, LIED....

Which makes it illegal.

Says who?

Yeah, its illegal for a political party to obtain a warrant based on ulterior motives of their own. Whoever swore before the judge is in violation and needs to answer for this.
Which makes it illegal.

NO, nitwit.........If the FISA judge KNEW of the dossier's origin, there is NOTHING illegal in its use as one of the evidence to support the granting of a warrant.

Your ilk is backpedaling your own MAIN

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