Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

when trump declared his love for enemies of the state, wikileaks, you frauds who feigned such concern over SoS classified correspondence, didn't even BLINK when he then publicly encouraged foreign spies to hack SoS correspondence...

NOW you're all SHOCKED that the FBI was paying attention and taking notes..?? :laugh:

"WikiLeaks and Donald Trump Jr. exchanged several messages during the 2016 presidential campaign."

5 times Trump praised WikiLeaks during his 2016 election campaign

mudwhistle said:
Page was just an excuse.

your butt is whistling again... pee-ew!

carter page was already on the FBI radar since 2013 when other surveillance caught Russia recruiting him as a spy. [FACT]

in july 2016, candidate trump boasted how we was going to surround himself with "the best people" then he proceeded to surround himself with many shady characters including carter page who was already highly suspect... as a result of the justified surveillance, several of his "best people" have been caught lying to the FBI, and are now either recused, indicted or resigned.

and that's all the media's fault. :laugh2::
Under false pretenses, it is.

Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.
when trump declared his love for enemies of the state, wikileaks, you frauds who feigned such concern over SoS classified correspondence, didn't even BLINK when he then publicly encouraged foreign spies to hack SoS correspondence...

NOW you're all SHOCKED that the FBI was paying attention and taking notes..?? :laugh:

"WikiLeaks and Donald Trump Jr. exchanged several messages during the 2016 presidential campaign."

5 times Trump praised WikiLeaks during his 2016 election campaign


Trump Urges Russia to Locate Clinton Emails - Video -
several of his "best people" have been caught lying to the FBI, and are now either recused, indicted or resigned.

The irony, is that folks like Manafort could probably still be making illegal deals with foreigners to screw US interests, had he NOT joined the Keystone-Kops entourage .........Ironic
Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

  1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
several of his "best people" have been caught lying to the FBI, and are now either recused, indicted or resigned.

The irony, is that folks like Manafort could probably still be making illegal deals with foreigners to screw US interests, had he NOT joined the Keystone-Kops entourage .........Ironic

For fuck's sake, even our Secretary of State has been awarded the Russian Order of Friendship, the highest honor that Russia can bestow upon a foreigner, put on his neck by Vladimir Putin himself.

Trump intentionally surrounded himself with people with *deep* Russian ties and put them into key positions in our government.

The question is why.
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

Trey Gowdy says he knows exactly what is in the footnote and alas, it does not debunk anything. It does not say who commissioned Steele to prepare the dossier, the political connections/involvement of those who did, and/or who paid for it. Nor does anything else in the application provide that information. Just as Deputy FBI Director McCabe testified.
Last edited:
Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

  1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time. informing the FISA court of the possibly political origin of the dossier?

Which Nunes first argued the FBI didn't do. And is now desperately backpedalling and admitting that the FBI did do?

You've been duped again, PC. As you always you want to be lied to. And Nunes lied his ass off.
Trey Gowdy says he knows exactly what is in the footnote and alas, it does not debunk anything. It does not say who commissioned Steele to prepare the dossier or who paid him to do it.

Once gain, damn it......

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Republican leaders are acknowledging that the FBI disclosed the political origins of a private dossier the bureau cited in an application to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, undermining a controversial GOP memo released Friday and fueling Democratic demands to declassify more information about the bureau’s actions.
Mr. Mueller issued the subpoena after Mr. Bannon was quoted in a new book criticizing Mr. Trump, saying that Donald Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with Russians was “treasonous” and predicting that the special counsel investigation would ultimately center on money laundering.

Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Jared Kushner’s “greasy shit”

Wolff also quotes the former White House strategist as saying, “This is all about money laundering. [Robert] Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner . . . It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” (Trump Jr., Kushner, and Manafort have all denied wrongdoing.) Bannon then zeroed in on Kushner specifically, adding that “t goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”

He and Trump’s son-in-law have never seen eye to eye; their White House feuds were a poorly kept secret, and following his ouster, Bannon has given numerous interviews knocking Kushner, including one to my colleague Gabriel Sherman in which he questioned Kushner’s maturity level. If Bannon has dirt on Kushner, he will likely get his chance to reveal it; Schiff also declared his intent to question Bannon on “the basis of his concern over money laundering.”

Steve Bannon’s Testimony

You do realise that bannon was referring to manofort...right?

i realiSssse you never bother to parse for facts before knee-jerking in defense of the indefensible.

Bannon will appear before the House Intelligence Committee, where he is all but assured to face scrutiny over his characterization of the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting that Donald Trump Jr. orchestrated with a Russian lawyer, and which Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort attended as well. “The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor—with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers,” Bannon is quoted as saying in Fire and Fury.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the F.B.I. immediately.”
Bannon reportedly speculated that the chance the eldest Trump son did not involve his father in the meeting “is zero.”
Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

Moron........How do you know that this "individual" was not given such impartiality??? (except of course, you have Nunes' lying words to "convince" your biases")

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Everyone recognizes you as the bottom of the this is merely gilding the lily.

Again....your suggestion is that Trump has been faced with an impartial investigation.


See how easy that was to get you to reveal yourself as a lying low-life?
There's a weird aspect of legalese in all of this. In a nutshell, I don't think there's actually much hard information about Trump and Vlad involved in the Page wire tap, and the gop is just playing the selective outrage game, which was the same game Hillary played when "oh they want to investigate Benghazi again," Well yeah they wanted to know how Obama managed to lie during a political campaign about a terrorist attack killing an ambassador was because of the 9-11 anniversary and they weren't on alert. But investigating Hillary? She's corrupt. Anyone seriously doubt Trump changed the gop platform on helping Ukraine because he wanted something from Vlad?

I'll happily concede I don't trust the FBI, because in my experience the FBI primary interest is protecting itself. Now it does that by completing investigations and putting evil dooers in bad places, so it's doing it's job, but they're basically a bunch of shits, and they target individuals for prosecution. Trump landed on their radar, but the fact is without the FBI Hillary would be president right now.

Apparently the FBI properly disclosed the Steele information was politically tainted, but they didn't say Rubio and later Hillary initially paid for the research. Sort amusing Gowdy says "they could have just said Hillary paid for it," but I'd be willing to bet he's played the pea under the other shell scam himself a few times. LOL Cops want a warrant and want to disclose as few specific facts as possible to get it, because ... wait for it .... sometimes what they think are the facts turn out wrong.

Still what's weird is this. Let's assume the FBI tainted it's warrant, and anything they found from the tap on Page's phone after the extension based partially on Steele was obtained. (I don't think there's any chance of that happening since apparently they did disclose the Steele information had a cloud, but let's say it does) .... Legally that simply means any information they learned from the warrant extension cannot be used. UNLESS, they can show they learned the same information from a totally unrelated source.

SO WHAT"S THIS ALL ABOUT? What possibly could Carter Page have let slip AFTER Trump fired him? Was he on some phone call with the Ruskies when he said "Trump promised to give Vlad the Ukraine for Hill's emails" or something? I suppose he's stupid enough to have bragged about some shit he pulled. The guy was never taken as a serious Russian expert. He was a fringe guy. Trump latched onto him because the real players, like Condi Rice, wouldn't go near Trump.

But we're talking Carter Page here. I mean Trump sent his son, SIL and Manafort to meet with a Russian Spy ... in Trump Towers I believe. Manafort's about 1000x sharper than Page. Could Trump possibly be stupid enough to trust Page with something actually important? Hell Susan Rice is like a Stanford professor or something, and she'll take Obama's secrets to the grave. LOL If Carter Page is actually a source or really damaging info on Trump, this will funnier than SNL
Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

  1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time. informing the FISA court of the possibly political origin of the dossier?

Which Nunes first argued the FBI didn't do. And is now desperately backpedalling and admitting that the FBI did do?

You've been duped again, PC. As you always you want to be lied to. And Nunes lied his ass off.

Seems you require a second summer school allowed you.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

  1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
See how easy that was to get you to reveal yourself as a lying low-life?

Go back to're coming off as even more of an idiot than usual......(hard task for you to be even more of a dolt)....LOL
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

I gotta give you this, no matter HOW many of your stupid predictions don't come true you keep trying.
Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

  1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time. informing the FISA court of the possibly political origin of the dossier?

Which Nunes first argued the FBI didn't do. And is now desperately backpedalling and admitting that the FBI did do?

You've been duped again, PC. As you always you want to be lied to. And Nunes lied his ass off.

Seems you require a second summer school allowed you.

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

  1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Seems like you're avoiding the complete collapse of the GOP's entire narrative about the memo. As Nunes was forced to admit that yes, the FBI *did* inform the FISA of the origin of the dossier. This after days of fallaciously claiming that the FBI didn't disclose that information to the FISA court.

So much for your claims that the FBI lacked 'impartiality'. Your entire argument is now to ignore Nunes on the Nunes memo. And pretend that Nunes naked lie about the memo never happened.

Laughing....good luck with that.

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