Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

Seems like you're avoiding the complete collapse of the GOP's entire narrative about the memo. As Nunes was forced to admit that yes, the FBI *did* inform the FISA of the origin of the dossier. This after days of fallaciously claiming that the FBI didn't disclose that information to the FISA court.

So much for your claims that the FBI lacked 'impartiality'. Your entire argument is now to ignore Nunes on the Nunes memo. And pretend that Nunes naked lie about the memo never happened.

Laughing....good luck with that.


....I gave you too much credit.

You've run from that simple question like a Democrat running from a Bible.

You're dismissed.

Alas, you lived up to my every low expectation by predictably and willfully ignoring overwhelming evidence.......pretending that Nunes didn't just admit that the FBI did inform the FISA court of the origins of the dossier.

After days lying about how the FBI *didnt'* inform the FISA court of its origins. Nunes lied his ass off. And you still pretend otherwise.

Again, PC.....willful ignorance is all there is to you. Its damn near a GOP party plank at this point.'ve been afforded two opportunities to answer.

One more failure in, no doubt, a long career of failures.

Be gone.

She never answers questions, like most "Lefty's" she wants to pontificate and pretend we are in awe of intellectual ability.

Every one of 'em is happy with the power of big government being used against any opposing view.

This is how their cousins portrayed those with a differing opinion: "Enemies of the People."

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language: враг народа, "vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court."
Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski, Stéphane Courtois, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,

Not one of them has actually read the "Dossier". 95% of it is about Trump. Page is mentioned on 9 of the 35 pages, multiple times only once per page.

Trump Intelligence Allegations
Seems like you're avoiding the complete collapse of the GOP's entire narrative about the memo. As Nunes was forced to admit that yes, the FBI *did* inform the FISA of the origin of the dossier. This after days of fallaciously claiming that the FBI didn't disclose that information to the FISA court.

So much for your claims that the FBI lacked 'impartiality'. Your entire argument is now to ignore Nunes on the Nunes memo. And pretend that Nunes naked lie about the memo never happened.

Laughing....good luck with that.


....I gave you too much credit.

You've run from that simple question like a Democrat running from a Bible.

You're dismissed.

Alas, you lived up to my every low expectation by predictably and willfully ignoring overwhelming evidence.......pretending that Nunes didn't just admit that the FBI did inform the FISA court of the origins of the dossier.

After days lying about how the FBI *didnt'* inform the FISA court of its origins. Nunes lied his ass off. And you still pretend otherwise.

Again, PC.....willful ignorance is all there is to you. Its damn near a GOP party plank at this point.'ve been afforded two opportunities to answer.

One more failure in, no doubt, a long career of failures.

Be gone.

As usual you can not reply without a copy paste with this one.. Nunes is busted, not only does his district hate him now, but he has lost all credibility with the American people.


And Nunes continues to humiliate himself. He lied his ass off, insisting that Papodopoulos had never even met Trump.

Alas, that pesky picture of Papodopoulos and Trump proved what a lying whore Nunes actually is.


Yes I saw that picture on twitter.. Nunes is a traitor to the Fresno people who needs to go..His election is in Nov..:777:Trump isn't going to save his ass.. Perhaps a Democrat may take


Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

Except that the FBI did NOT reveal the origin of the memo and I doubt very seriously that Nunes said any such thing. What is known is that the footnote said some information was politically connected/motivated whatever, but it asserted the information as sufficient evidence to justify a FISA warrant. And it did NOT suggest or reveal in any way who commissioned the Steele dossier or who paid for it.

Trey Gowdy explains it here.

Alas, you 'doubting very seriously' doesn't change much.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Devin Nunes said Monday the FBI had disclosed political backing for a Trump-Russia dossier in October 2016, but a controversial GOP memo released last week did not mention it.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

And no one is claiming that the dossier is the only piece of evidence presented for that warrant.Oh, Nunes and his ilk would like you to *believe* that's the case. But no one, including Gowdy, have said that is the case.

With Nunes already proving that he's omitting *key* details from his memo. Details that castrate the entire GOP narrative.

Did you even listen to the Youtube clip?

Yes, the Republicans freely acknowledge that there was a footnote. But the footnote did not include the claim the GOP is making that the FISA warrant never would have been issued without the Russian dossier, and the judge was never told who commissioned that dossier or who paid for it which were quite material as to the validity of that document as justification for a FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but no matter how the corrupt leftwing media or the bitterly partisan try to spin it, it is the 7th floor of the FBI and the Obama Justice Dept. that has done serious wrong here by aiding and abetting the political tactics of the DNC and Hillary Clinton for political purposes at the expense of the rights of a private citizen.

And I hope every American patriot worthy of the designation will acknowledge that because, if this is not exposed, none of us can trust the government in anything and none of us can depend on our constitutional rights to protect our liberty. If those entrusted with government get away with doing that to Carter page, the government can do anything to anybody with impunity.
Under false pretenses, it is.

Another right wing nitwit "accuses" the FISC judge of being a patsy for the republican-led FBI and

Both parties are patsies. This isn't a new revelation.

Dude, trying to go meta isn't going to make this pig any less of a pig.

Nunes lied his ass off. The memo is a dud. Even Fox news is admitting that Nunes and his ilk over promised and under delivered.

Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level.

Ah, so now the News is in it too. Is this where talk of the Shape shifting lizard people and the Lindbergh baby comes in?

I've bookmarked this post. You're no longer allowed to cite any news source. Ever. Or...I'll hammer you with your own words, my little conspiracy theorist.

Back in reality, Nunes admitted that the FISA courts were informed of the origin of the dossier.
Wow..... I did not know that!!!
Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

Except that the FBI did NOT reveal the origin of the memo and I doubt very seriously that Nunes said any such thing. What is known is that the footnote said some information was politically connected/motivated whatever, but it asserted the information as sufficient evidence to justify a FISA warrant. And it did NOT suggest or reveal in any way who commissioned the Steele dossier or who paid for it.

Trey Gowdy explains it here.

Alas, you 'doubting very seriously' doesn't change much.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Devin Nunes said Monday the FBI had disclosed political backing for a Trump-Russia dossier in October 2016, but a controversial GOP memo released last week did not mention it.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

And no one is claiming that the dossier is the only piece of evidence presented for that warrant.Oh, Nunes and his ilk would like you to *believe* that's the case. But no one, including Gowdy, have said that is the case.

With Nunes already proving that he's omitting *key* details from his memo. Details that castrate the entire GOP narrative.

Did you even listen to the Youtube clip?

Yes, the Republicans freely acknowledge that there was a footnote. But the footnote did not include the claim the GOP is making that the FISA warrant never would have been issued without the Russian dossier, and the judge was never told who commissioned that dossier or who paid for it which were quite material as to the validity of that document as justification for a FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but no matter how the corrupt leftwing media or the bitterly partisan try to spin it, it is the 7th floor of the FBI and the Obama Justice Dept. that has done serious wrong here by aiding and abetting the political tactics of the DNC and Hillary Clinton for political purposes at the expense of the rights of a private citizen.

And I hope every American patriot worthy of the designation will acknowledge that because, if this is not exposed, none of us can trust the government in anything and none of us can depend on our constitutional rights to protect our liberty. If those entrusted with government get away with doing that to Carter page, the government can do anything to anybody with impunity.

Imo it's irrelevant, but to take your argument literally, they'd have to have told the judge initially Steele was paid by a republican (Rubio as I recall) and then Hillary found out and took it over .... and by the time it got the the judge, the FBI may have funded part of it. Does telling the Judge that whole history really have more or less effect than just saying the information was developed, in part, for political purposes?
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

I love the line "Officials familiar with the matter". It's like, I don't have a proof, so I'll throw this in and see if it stick. Great stuff.
Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

Is this anything like the 43 threads last year claiming Trump was about to get impeached any day now? addition to Nunes castrating his entire 'memo' narrative by admitting that the FBI did inform the FISA court of the dossier's origin......Nunes is now openly lying about Papodopoulos, insisting Trump never met him.

That is....until the photo of Trump and Papodopoulos was released.

But keep your eyes screwed shut. It won't matter. Mueller just keeps on going.

Ewwwwwww, I'm really sweating bullets now!
Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

Except that the FBI did NOT reveal the origin of the memo and I doubt very seriously that Nunes said any such thing. What is known is that the footnote said some information was politically connected/motivated whatever, but it asserted the information as sufficient evidence to justify a FISA warrant. And it did NOT suggest or reveal in any way who commissioned the Steele dossier or who paid for it.

Trey Gowdy explains it here.

Alas, you 'doubting very seriously' doesn't change much.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Devin Nunes said Monday the FBI had disclosed political backing for a Trump-Russia dossier in October 2016, but a controversial GOP memo released last week did not mention it.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

And no one is claiming that the dossier is the only piece of evidence presented for that warrant.Oh, Nunes and his ilk would like you to *believe* that's the case. But no one, including Gowdy, have said that is the case.

With Nunes already proving that he's omitting *key* details from his memo. Details that castrate the entire GOP narrative.

Did you even listen to the Youtube clip?

Yes, the Republicans freely acknowledge that there was a footnote. But the footnote did not include the claim the GOP is making that the FISA warrant never would have been issued without the Russian dossier, and the judge was never told who commissioned that dossier or who paid for it which were quite material as to the validity of that document as justification for a FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but no matter how the corrupt leftwing media or the bitterly partisan try to spin it, it is the 7th floor of the FBI and the Obama Justice Dept. that has done serious wrong here by aiding and abetting the political tactics of the DNC and Hillary Clinton for political purposes at the expense of the rights of a private citizen.

And I hope every American patriot worthy of the designation will acknowledge that because, if this is not exposed, none of us can trust the government in anything and none of us can depend on our constitutional rights to protect our liberty. If those entrusted with government get away with doing that to Carter page, the government can do anything to anybody with impunity.

Imo it's irrelevant, but to take your argument literally, they'd have to have told the judge initially Steele was paid by a republican (Rubio as I recall) and then Hillary found out and took it over .... and by the time it got the the judge, the FBI may have funded part of it. Does telling the Judge that whole history really have more or less effect than just saying the information was developed, in part, for political purposes?

Whose political purposes makes a huge difference. Also failure to disclose the errors in the dossier makes a huge difference. For all the judge knows, the dossier was Steele's research to demonstrate how bad Trump et al were. For political purposes does not automatically make something incorrect. But misrepresented or fabricated information for political purposes should not be the basis for a secret FISA warrant.
Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

Is this anything like the 43 threads last year claiming Trump was about to get impeached any day now? addition to Nunes castrating his entire 'memo' narrative by admitting that the FBI did inform the FISA court of the dossier's origin......Nunes is now openly lying about Papodopoulos, insisting Trump never met him.

That is....until the photo of Trump and Papodopoulos was released.

But keep your eyes screwed shut. It won't matter. Mueller just keeps on going.

Ewwwwwww, I'm really sweating bullets now!

Smiling....Nunes is certainly scrambling. And given that the photo of Papodopoulos at one of Trump's 'strategic' meetings has been around for a while, it was a stupid, unforced lie

Yet Nunes feels compelled to lie for Trump.
But who paid for it wasn't told to the Court.

Nunes is petitioning the FISA court.

Better hold on to your skirt and grab your pussy hat.

I hope someone ask FISA judge, was he fooled by FBI to issue the warrant.

If not, he may be part of the problem.

That assumes he was 'fooled'. Carter Page has bragged about his contacts in the Kremlin, has been caught colluding with Russian agents. Has been caught up in spy rings and warned by the FBI that he was targeted by the Russians to become one of their assets.

With Page being subject to an FBI warrant starting in 2013.

The question is....why in the fuck would Trump want someone like Page on his team?
Is this anything like the 43 threads last year claiming Trump was about to get impeached any day now?

This thread is about Nunes, the FISA issue, Carter Page, the dossier....
your "clever" half brain told you,"why not write a response about Trump's impeachment....that should have everyone in awe of my [half] wit and "brilliance."
You mean you want someone to join you in the Village Idiot Bowl?

What a "brilliant" retort.......One of the most clever responses to the O/P.....fear not, your fellow idiots will praise your half wit.
honorable innocents would have no need to obstruct justice and lie to or about the FBI.

and then there's donny's people. :eusa_clap:

"Bob Mueller is probably about as apolitical and nonpartisan a figure as you could find in Washington, particularly at the levels of government in which he has served,"... "This is someone who really, truly believes in truth, justice [and] in the American way, in a way that very few people in American life today anymore do."

Mueller's Reputation

The FBI made a rare public statement expressing concerns about the release of the memo, saying it leaves out important context.

Comey praised the FBI for "speaking up" on Thursday.


All should appreciate the FBI speaking up. I wish more of our leaders would. But take heart: American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars never hold the field, so long as good people stand up. Not a lot of schools or streets named for Joe McCarthy.

— James Comey (@Comey) February 1, 2018
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?
Ah, so you let news sources tell you what to think? That explains a lot, thx.

Here's a hint, guy: The AP formulates/fabricates all the news, news outlets (Networks, Newspapers) take what the AP allows them to, and each puts their personal spin on it, that's how it works. The AP is corrupt and run by globalists. They're full of shit all the time. The only real reporting anymore gets done mostly on the local level. The globalist AP is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Time and again we find Democrats posing as journalists.

Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

Except that the FBI did NOT reveal the origin of the memo and I doubt very seriously that Nunes said any such thing. What is known is that the footnote said some information was politically connected/motivated whatever, but it asserted the information as sufficient evidence to justify a FISA warrant. And it did NOT suggest or reveal in any way who commissioned the Steele dossier or who paid for it.

Trey Gowdy explains it here.

Alas, you 'doubting very seriously' doesn't change much.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Devin Nunes said Monday the FBI had disclosed political backing for a Trump-Russia dossier in October 2016, but a controversial GOP memo released last week did not mention it.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

And no one is claiming that the dossier is the only piece of evidence presented for that warrant.Oh, Nunes and his ilk would like you to *believe* that's the case. But no one, including Gowdy, have said that is the case.

With Nunes already proving that he's omitting *key* details from his memo. Details that castrate the entire GOP narrative.

Did you even listen to the Youtube clip?

Yes, the Republicans freely acknowledge that there was a footnote.

No, they didn't. That information was specifically and intentionally omitted from the Nunes Memo. Show me any mention of in what the "Republicans freely acknowledge'. You can't. The memo omitted that information. Along with plenty else, given the FBI (under a Trump appointee, mind you) has affirmed that the omissions create enormous problems with the Memo's acuracy.

That admission came *days* later after they had aped a narrative that the FISA judge hadn't been informed on the origin of the dossier........that yes, in fact, the FBI had. Nunes is trying to spin it now. But his omission speaks volumes to the fact that they intentionally tried to forward a narrative they knew wasn't true.

And the FBI knew that the Nunes Memo narrative wasn't true. As did the Justice Department.

But the footnote did not include the claim the GOP is making that the FISA warrant never would have been issued without the Russian dossier, and the judge was never told who commissioned that dossier or who paid for it which were quite material as to the validity of that document as justification for a FISA warrant.

Carter Page had been subject to FISA warrants since 2013. Long before the dossier. There is a full investigation on Page, long before he became part of the Trump team. There is clearly long standing evidence establishing probable cause regarding Page. A man who has been caught with Russian spies, Russian spy rings, and has bragged about his connections at the Kremlin. And....warned by the FBI about the Russian's intention to recruit him.

As for the McCabe quote we have no context for that statement. And as the glaring omissions in the Nunes memo demonstrate, they're more than happy to eliminate context to lead people to believe things that simply aren't true.

As the FBI made clear:

"As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."

FBI Warns Of 'Grave Concerns' About 'Accuracy' Of GOP Snooping Memo

The democratic response should provide us with the context that the Nunes memo didn't want you to have. And most certainly should have demanded.

Even Fox news has acknowledged that the memo over promised and under delivered.
Prove it.

I can prove it's true.

sure you can, bubba.

have at it

i enjoy a good laugh at a trumpling's expense.
Already did:

Byron York, in the Washington Examiner, reviews the history of Carter Page. An energy consultant doing business in Russia that Russia tried to recruit as a spy. Big deal. I suspect most Americans doing business with or within Russia have at one time been approached by the Russian intelligence services to see if they have any appetite for helping Mother Russia.

Carter Page was the Camel's Nose in Trump's Tent
Is this anything like the 43 threads last year claiming Trump was about to get impeached any day now?

This thread is about Nunes, the FISA issue, Carter Page, the dossier....
your "clever" half brain told you,"why not write a response about Trump's impeachment....that should have everyone in awe of my [half] wit and "brilliance."

Nah, I just know another empty gas bladder hot air go nowhere story when I see one.

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