Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort

Thanks, you're right. I'm not sure how separate the information from Fusion and Steele was kept in the warrant application

The problem, my friend, is that to FULLY discredit Nunes' assertion that the FISC judge granted the warrant STRICTLY because of the dossier, the FBI would have to reveal the OTHER bits of evidence to elicit the warrant.......and some of those other bits of evidence may entail Russian assets working for the U.S......and if that is so, revealing the sources is a capital sentence for those assets.

I am a firm believer that wiser and saner, elected GOPers should be allowed to see (behind closed doors) what the application to the FISA court addressed.....and then come out and simply refute or support Nunes' memo.
"wiser and saner, elected GOPers"

are there any left?? :laugh: (i laughed, i cried)
I hope he gets the job. Special prosecutor, perhaps.

Yep.....with a background in agriculture and not law....he'd make an "excellent" special prosecutor investigating unlawful steers.
I love the line "Officials familiar with the matter". It's like, I don't have a proof, so I'll throw this in and see if it stick. Great stuff.

No, NO....we don't expect any of you morons to believe any news source except, of course, Hannity, Rush and Jones......I mean, what's the use of joining a Trump cult if you don't follow the "rules"???

Who's talking about any of them?

You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

i did read nunes' lying bizarre little memo.


Than you won't have problem to point to those lies in the memo.
Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

don't let facts get in the way of your fantastical narrative! :laugh:
If Page was FBI UCE up until May 2016, how is possible that in October 2016 Page is put under a FISA Title I surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Nitwit.........without realizing it, you are actually SUPPORTING the FBI's assertion for the need to monitor Page's crooked dealings AFTER he left the Trump campaign..

When exactly Page joined and left Trump's campaign?
You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

Yes I did read the memo....And, as a piece of biased fiction, it wasn't all that good.

Why not wait for the Dems. rebuttal?.............

Look, here's the bottom line......You're willing to swallow Nunes' crap....but you refuse to entertain this news item bit......Fine.......

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

it doesn't fit the morons' narrative.
You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

Yes I did read the memo....And, as a piece of biased fiction, it wasn't all that good.

Why not wait for the Dems. rebuttal?.............

Look, here's the bottom line......You're willing to swallow Nunes' crap....but you refuse to entertain this news item bit......Fine.......

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

You do know that behind memo are FBI documents that confirm everything in the memo.

So, what part exactly is the fiction. Be specific.
trump is playing his dumbo apologists like a fiddle.

desperately peddling propaganda for his partisan parrots...THAT is what this "memo" is all about.
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.
Help me out, please. I realize the Trumpbot narrative about Page being an paid agent of the FBI goes back to a Russian corruption case back in 2013. I have no idea how, or really if, Page was recruited to do this. I suspect if any of it is true the FBI probably blackmailed the idiot because they had something on him back then. BUT ASSUMING Page was still working as a paid FBI informant, the FBI COULD LEGALLY HAVE TAPPED HIS PHONE WITHOUT A WARRANT AS PART OF WHAT HE DID TO GET PAID

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump

My humble take on all this....

page was NOT an FBI informant......(the guy was actually deemed a fool and an idiot by the Russian recruiters who stated that he was just a money hungry stooge.)

Most likely, the FBI were using Page as BAIT since ....after the nitwit, Trump, actually named him as his ADVISER, Russian intelligence saw in Page a possible "good" recruit to infiltrate the Trump entourage......

Page's trip to Russia to line his own pockets with Russian contracts made him a key target for FBI surveillance.
You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

Yes I did read the memo....And, as a piece of biased fiction, it wasn't all that good.

Why not wait for the Dems. rebuttal?.............

Look, here's the bottom line......You're willing to swallow Nunes' crap....but you refuse to entertain this news item bit......Fine.......

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

it doesn't fit the morons' narrative.

You Shillian are special kind of special.
You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

Yes I did read the memo....And, as a piece of biased fiction, it wasn't all that good.

Why not wait for the Dems. rebuttal?.............

Look, here's the bottom line......You're willing to swallow Nunes' crap....but you refuse to entertain this news item bit......Fine.......

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

it doesn't fit the morons' narrative.

You Shillian are special kind of special.

says someone who is as dumb as toast.
Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

don't let facts get in the way of your fantastical narrative! :laugh:

Refute the facts in my narrative if you can.
i've posted lots of facts in this thread. read them with comprehension, if you can.

BTW lol @ that trey gowdy video clip you posted.
You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

Yes I did read the memo....And, as a piece of biased fiction, it wasn't all that good.

Why not wait for the Dems. rebuttal?.............

Look, here's the bottom line......You're willing to swallow Nunes' crap....but you refuse to entertain this news item bit......Fine.......

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

it doesn't fit the morons' narrative.

You Shillian are special kind of special.

says someone who is as dumb as toast.

Nobody like you, Shillian.

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