Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything

THIS is why the FBI had EVERY right to monitor Page's actions....For all we know, the dimwit was "helping" the FBI or was "bait"to catch more Russian spies.

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump

They were already monitoring his actions.

They had been doing that since he had been traveling to and from Russian on business since 2013. But it sure looks fishy that they seek a FISA warrant only after, and shortly after, he is named to the Trump campaign? Give me a break.

And there is no evidence any Russian spies tried to recruit Carter Page. You really need more reliable sources.
If Nunes' allegation that the FBI LIED to the FISC judges was the "central" accusation..........the Trump stooge, Nunes should have read the footnotes...LOL

  • The Nunes memo's claim that the FBI and Department of Justice misled a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page may have been quashed.
  • Officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post and The New York Times that the DOJ made it clear to the court that information contained in a dossier they submitted as part of a FISA application to surveil Page was politically motivated.
  • The revelation undercuts the most important claim in Nunes' memo as he seeks to characterize the FBI and the DOJ as corrupt and biased against President Donald Trump.
The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

If If If.. GFY shill. No way to spin this. Are you not outraged at what has been going on? Or are you that fucking partisan?

I'm more of the American type that says no one should be above the law.

Swing them motherfuckers. That's my opinion.

I wouldn't care if it was the head of the GOP, wrong is wrong.
IF they did anything wrong, it was to say "political source" rather than "from material collected by GPS Fusion for the Hillary campaign/DNC." The FISA court knew. There were only two major people running for Pres by then, and Trump's people wouldn't have been collecting financial dirt on him.
For that, they're supposed to "swing?"
No one should be above the law, including our President. Why is he trying to make it look as if the people investigating him don't know how to do their job?
He's lying.
Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

don't let facts get in the way of your fantastical narrative! :laugh:

Refute the facts in my narrative if you can.

EVERYONE has refuted your "narrative".

you have an extraordinary ability to totally ignore reality and repeat the same baseless things over and over again.
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
OTHER bits of evidence to elicit the warrant.......and some of those other bits of evidence may
Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort

Thanks, you're right. I'm not sure how separate the information from Fusion and Steele was kept in the warrant application

The problem, my friend, is that to FULLY discredit Nunes' assertion that the FISC judge granted the warrant STRICTLY because of the dossier, the FBI would have to reveal the entail Russian assets working for the U.S......and if that is so, revealing the sources is a capital sentence for those assets.

I am a firm believer that wiser and saner, elected GOPers should be allowed to see (behind closed doors) what the application to the FISA court addressed.....and then come out and simply refute or support Nunes' memo.
Exactly so, I think. We have no way of seeing what evidence the FBI asserted it had when it got the warrant. I think it's clear that the FBI referenced the Steele information. But, when Fienstien released the Fusion information, it showed Fusion hired Steele to investigate reports of Trump-Russia connections it had gotten. So, I am unsure where Fusion stops and Steele begins in all of this warrant application business.

I've never seen a FISA warrant application, but I've seen more than a few applications for search warrants in drug cases, and am aware of them in child porn cases. And basically, you lay out "CI one told us ...... CI two told us...... CI three saw ........"

But imo what Nunes is trying to do is split hairs. Steele was part and parcel of the Fusion research. I don't think the FBI interviewed Steele personally until summer of 17. So, as long as the FBI didn't misrepresent that what they had was some of the Fusion and Steele information was shown to be true, some not. Steele correctly reported Putin personally had hands on Russia's cyber attacks on Clinton, and Trump's campaign softened the gop platform on Ukraine.
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
you have no way to know whether that's true, nor do I.
When exactly Page joined and left Trump's campaign?

Page became a trump adviser in March 2016 and lasted until September 2016.....The warrant that the FBI sought occurred in OCTOBER 2016.

Now please explain, how Title I surveillance warrant on US citizen (meaning, target of the warrant is a spy) also covers Trump campaign, if warrant was issued on Page after he left campaign?
Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

don't let facts get in the way of your fantastical narrative! :laugh:

Refute the facts in my narrative if you can.

EVERYONE has refuted your "narrative".

you have an extraordinary ability to totally ignore reality and repeat the same baseless things over and over again.

Have a lovely afternoon Jillian. I will spend my time with people who actually have a clue about the topic and are interested in discussing it.
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
you have no way to know whether that's true, nor do I.

Since nobody, but NOBODY has suggested they could have had that FISA warrant reauthorized had they not used the Russian dossier, I think we can logically assume that was the case. They knew the dossier was mostly bogus and they knew who commissioned and paid for it. If they didn't they are the dumbest rocks on the planet and should be fired for incompetence. They cannot be excused for that.
And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything

THIS is why the FBI had EVERY right to monitor Page's actions....For all we know, the dimwit was "helping" the FBI or was "bait"to catch more Russian spies.

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump

They were already monitoring his actions.

They had been doing that since he had been traveling to and from Russian on business since 2013. But it sure looks fishy that they seek a FISA warrant only after, and shortly after, he is named to the Trump campaign? Give me a break.

And there is no evidence any Russian spies tried to recruit Carter Page. You really need more reliable sources.

Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump

Carter Page boasted about his Russia contacts 2 months after the FBI warned him the Kremlin was trying to recruit him as an agent

Who is Carter Page and why did the FBI suspect he was a Russian agent?

Why Carter Page Was Worth Watching

Nunes memo subject Carter Page has a long history with Russia

Memo points to FBI’s sustained interest in Carter Page, ex-adviser to Trump

Are those enough sources, dear? or do you need infowars before you'll believe it?

even nunes' little wacky memo acknowledges that carter page gave good reason for them to be concerned about him.
Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
you have no way to know whether that's true, nor do I.

Since nobody, but NOBODY has suggested they could have had that FISA warrant reauthorized had they not used the Russian dossier, I think we can logically assume that was the case.

that is EXACTLY what they said.

you should probably try actually reading.
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.

where are you making that up from?
You do know that behind memo are FBI documents that confirm everything in the memo.

i do NOT....and neither do

The whole memo is said to be based on those documents, and chances they exist and are true are much much higher than that they don't. If you lefties keep saying that content of the memo are all lies, than you probably wont be against declassifying and releasing of those documents.

Second, I asked you explain what part(s) of the memo is the fiction, and to be specific. You omitted that part while quoting me above, so I am asking again. Since you're so sure, you won't have problem proving it, right?
trump is playing his dumbo apologists like a fiddle.

desperately peddling propaganda for his partisan parrots...THAT is what this "memo" is all about.

i almost feel bad for them.

..... almost

i feel bad for my country and for the honorable men and women who are currently being disparaged in defense of a charlatan.

since when do we publicly parse justification of warrants approved by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court..?

these trump apologists are too dumb for words...
Now please explain, how Title I surveillance warrant on US citizen (meaning, target of the warrant is a spy) also covers Trump campaign, if warrant was issued on Page after he left campaign?

WHAT???........You are now CONFIRMING the left's assertion that a warrant on Page had NOTHING to do with the Trump campaign.....thanks.
i feel bad for my country and for the honorable men and women who are currently being disparaged in defense of a charlatan.

The treasonous bastards (Obama DOJ, FBI, DOS, democrats, MSM) who attacked our democracy and tried to overturn an election? You can't be serious. :p

Since when do we publicly parse justification of warrants approved by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court..?

Since when do we allow an Obama-appointed Swamp Rat judge be part of a conspiracy to attack our democracy by trying to overturn an election? :mad:
Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
you have no way to know whether that's true, nor do I.

Since nobody, but NOBODY has suggested they could have had that FISA warrant reauthorized had they not used the Russian dossier, I think we can logically assume that was the case. They knew the dossier was mostly bogus and they knew who commissioned and paid for it. If they didn't they are the dumbest rocks on the planet and should be fired for incompetence. They cannot be excused for that.
Neither you nor I can know explicitly what the warrant application referred to other than the Steele memo. Neither you nor I know what the warrant application showed the fusion and steele memos showed, or what had been proven true about them, and some facts are proven true, some not (and yes Steele correctly reported that Putins personal finger were on Russia's hacking the Clinton campaign).

What we know is the application stated the steele info had a political motive, and Gowdy says the extension wouldn't have been granted without relying on the Steele information. That's his personal conclusion. I don't doubt his sincerity, but I doubt a lack of bias.

but again, so what? Take away anything the tap on Page unconvered after the extension. That's what "fruit of the poisonous tree" means. Anything the tap led to has to be discounted, unless there's a separate source for the information. Nunes is a tempest in a teapot
Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
you have no way to know whether that's true, nor do I.

Since nobody, but NOBODY has suggested they could have had that FISA warrant reauthorized had they not used the Russian dossier, I think we can logically assume that was the case. They knew the dossier was mostly bogus and they knew who commissioned and paid for it. If they didn't they are the dumbest rocks on the planet and should be fired for incompetence. They cannot be excused for that.
Neither you nor I can know explicitly what the warrant application referred to other than the Steele memo. Neither you nor I know what the warrant application showed the fusion and steele memos showed, or what had been proven true about them, and some facts are proven true, some not (and yes Steele correctly reported that Putins personal finger were on Russia's hacking the Clinton campaign).

What we know is the application stated the steele info had a political motive, and Gowdy says the extension wouldn't have been granted without relying on the Steele information. That's his personal conclusion. I don't doubt his sincerity, but I doubt a lack of bias.

but again, so what? Take away anything the tap on Page unconvered after the extension. That's what "fruit of the poisonous tree" means. Anything the tap led to has to be discounted, unless there's a separate source for the information. Nunes is a tempest in a teapot

I trust what Trey Gowdy has said about it. None of the other few who were allowed to see the FISA application in its entirety have disputed what he has said about it in any way. So yes, we can know with a good deal of confidence if we are willing to do so.
Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.

you believe the most delusional nonsense.

you don't get to renew a FISA warrant unless you are getting information from the FISA warrant that is expiring.

They were able to keep renewing the FISA warrants on Carter Page. There is a reason for that. We KNOW he was being recruited as a Russian asset. We know the FBI visited him and warned him that he was being used by Russian assets. In response he used the "fact" that he was an "advisor" to Putin as a selling point.

They had gathered insufficient evidence to obtain the last FISA reauthorization and they knew it. Which is why they used the Russian dossier and omitted its unreliability and who commissioned it and who paid for it when they did that. That was wrong. That was corrupt. That cannot be excused. And anybody with a brain should be able to see that.
you have no way to know whether that's true, nor do I.

Since nobody, but NOBODY has suggested they could have had that FISA warrant reauthorized had they not used the Russian dossier, I think we can logically assume that was the case. They knew the dossier was mostly bogus and they knew who commissioned and paid for it. If they didn't they are the dumbest rocks on the planet and should be fired for incompetence. They cannot be excused for that.
Neither you nor I can know explicitly what the warrant application referred to other than the Steele memo. Neither you nor I know what the warrant application showed the fusion and steele memos showed, or what had been proven true about them, and some facts are proven true, some not (and yes Steele correctly reported that Putins personal finger were on Russia's hacking the Clinton campaign).

What we know is the application stated the steele info had a political motive, and Gowdy says the extension wouldn't have been granted without relying on the Steele information. That's his personal conclusion. I don't doubt his sincerity, but I doubt a lack of bias.

but again, so what? Take away anything the tap on Page unconvered after the extension. That's what "fruit of the poisonous tree" means. Anything the tap led to has to be discounted, unless there's a separate source for the information. Nunes is a tempest in a teapot

and we know gowdy isn't telling the truth about that . the l
trump is playing his dumbo apologists like a fiddle.

desperately peddling propaganda for his partisan parrots...THAT is what this "memo" is all about.

i almost feel bad for them.

..... almost

i feel bad for my country and for the honorable men and women who are currently being disparaged in defense of a charlatan.

since when do we publicly parse justification of warrants approved by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court..?

these trump apologists are too dumb for words...

it's pretty disgusting.

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