Nunes about to be KO'ed.....

I love the line "Officials familiar with the matter". It's like, I don't have a proof, so I'll throw this in and see if it stick. Great stuff.

No, NO....we don't expect any of you morons to believe any news source except, of course, Hannity, Rush and Jones......I mean, what's the use of joining a Trump cult if you don't follow the "rules"???

You need to learn the difference between assuredness and just plain gas.

You need to learn that when you have nothing relevant to add to the discussion its time to walk away.

Nunes is scrambling, caught omitting explicitly relevant information from his memo to propagandize a position he knew wasn't true. And was caught lying about Papodopoulos.

Smiling.....and you just close your eyes and ignore it all.

Mueller won't.
Mr. Mueller issued the subpoena after Mr. Bannon was quoted in a new book criticizing Mr. Trump, saying that Donald Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with Russians was “treasonous” and predicting that the special counsel investigation would ultimately center on money laundering.

Bannon Is Subpoenaed in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Jared Kushner’s “greasy shit”

Wolff also quotes the former White House strategist as saying, “This is all about money laundering. [Robert] Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner . . . It’s as plain as a hair on your face.” (Trump Jr., Kushner, and Manafort have all denied wrongdoing.) Bannon then zeroed in on Kushner specifically, adding that “t goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”

He and Trump’s son-in-law have never seen eye to eye; their White House feuds were a poorly kept secret, and following his ouster, Bannon has given numerous interviews knocking Kushner, including one to my colleague Gabriel Sherman in which he questioned Kushner’s maturity level. If Bannon has dirt on Kushner, he will likely get his chance to reveal it; Schiff also declared his intent to question Bannon on “the basis of his concern over money laundering.”

Steve Bannon’s Testimony

You do realise that bannon was referring to manofort...right?

i realiSssse you never bother to parse for facts before knee-jerking in defense of the indefensible.

Bannon will appear before the House Intelligence Committee, where he is all but assured to face scrutiny over his characterization of the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting that Donald Trump Jr. orchestrated with a Russian lawyer, and which Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort attended as well. “The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor—with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers,” Bannon is quoted as saying in Fire and Fury.

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the F.B.I. immediately.”
Bannon reportedly speculated that the chance the eldest Trump son did not involve his father in the meeting “is zero.”

Oh? So you knew that, but chose to lie about it. No problem, that's the progressive way.

i didn't lie about anything, liar.

nice try at changing the subject. that's the rethuglican ignoramus "way".

and that's becoming a BIG problem for your country.

face it, you can't handle the truth. (lol at your screen name) :itsok:
Yet Nunes feels compelled to lie for Trump.

Nunes is not just lying......he is really interviewing for a job with the Trump entourage (but, its a bit doubtful after his flop.....)
Did this loser author the Democratic memo?
Adam Schiff: Russians love our 2nd Amendment they want us to kill each other (VIDEO)
There are college students all across the nation who will now miss that question on their constitutional law exam. They will now have firmly implanted in the neural pathways of their brains the fact that the Russians gave us the Second Amendment. Before today many of them still thought it was part of the actual constitution ratified on December 15th, 1791 after 15 years of careful thought and debate. Glad Mr Shiff has clear that up for them.

only if they're stupid and incapable of critical thinking.

in which case they deserve to fail, don't you think?
That is exactly what the universities are spitting out. Emasculated entitled babies programed to reject common sense.

don't be so bitter. you can better your life if you try.
Over and over, we find conservatives straight up ignoring evidence that they don't want to believe. Nunes is on Fox and Friends admitting that FBI revealed the origin of the memo.

.....and your ilk still pretend it never happened.

You can't fix stupid.

Except that the FBI did NOT reveal the origin of the memo and I doubt very seriously that Nunes said any such thing. What is known is that the footnote said some information was politically connected/motivated whatever, but it asserted the information as sufficient evidence to justify a FISA warrant. And it did NOT suggest or reveal in any way who commissioned the Steele dossier or who paid for it.

Trey Gowdy explains it here.

Alas, you 'doubting very seriously' doesn't change much.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

Devin Nunes said Monday the FBI had disclosed political backing for a Trump-Russia dossier in October 2016, but a controversial GOP memo released last week did not mention it.

Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant

And no one is claiming that the dossier is the only piece of evidence presented for that warrant.Oh, Nunes and his ilk would like you to *believe* that's the case. But no one, including Gowdy, have said that is the case.

With Nunes already proving that he's omitting *key* details from his memo. Details that castrate the entire GOP narrative.

Did you even listen to the Youtube clip?

Yes, the Republicans freely acknowledge that there was a footnote. But the footnote did not include the claim the GOP is making that the FISA warrant never would have been issued without the Russian dossier, and the judge was never told who commissioned that dossier or who paid for it which were quite material as to the validity of that document as justification for a FISA warrant.

I'm sorry, but no matter how the corrupt leftwing media or the bitterly partisan try to spin it, it is the 7th floor of the FBI and the Obama Justice Dept. that has done serious wrong here by aiding and abetting the political tactics of the DNC and Hillary Clinton for political purposes at the expense of the rights of a private citizen.

And I hope every American patriot worthy of the designation will acknowledge that because, if this is not exposed, none of us can trust the government in anything and none of us can depend on our constitutional rights to protect our liberty. If those entrusted with government get away with doing that to Carter page, the government can do anything to anybody with impunity.

Imo it's irrelevant, but to take your argument literally, they'd have to have told the judge initially Steele was paid by a republican (Rubio as I recall) and then Hillary found out and took it over .... and by the time it got the the judge, the FBI may have funded part of it. Does telling the Judge that whole history really have more or less effect than just saying the information was developed, in part, for political purposes?

Whose political purposes makes a huge difference. . For all the judge knows, the dossier was Steele's research to demonstrate how bad Trump et al were. For political purposes does not automatically make something incorrect. But misrepresented or fabricated information for political purposes should not be the basis for a secret FISA warrant.

Steele's research was paid for by a republican before a democrat. The important part is that the judge needed to know there was, in part, a political agenda that may have influenced the conclusions. He was told that. We can bitch and moan over whether he was told enough, but there just is not an FBI plot to hide political influence. That part of Nunes tale is just bs. Yes, the FBI does present facts to back up a warrant in way that looks the best for getting a warrant. That's HOW IT WORKS. Regardless of who the subject is.

I'm not sure what you refer to when you say "Also failure to disclose the errors in the dossier makes a huge difference." What errors are you talking about, and when were specifics about the Steele memo found to be untrue?
i think the only interviewing he's going to be doing going forward will be his testimony in front of the grand jury.

Nunes is up for reelection and his chances have gotten slimmer of winning even BEFORE he flopped with his cute little memo.
There are college students all across the nation who will now miss that question on their constitutional law exam. They will now have firmly implanted in the neural pathways of their brains the fact that the Russians gave us the Second Amendment. Before today many of them still thought it was part of the actual constitution ratified on December 15th, 1791 after 15 years of careful thought and debate. Glad Mr Shiff has clear that up for them.

only if they're stupid and incapable of critical thinking.

in which case they deserve to fail, don't you think?
That is exactly what the universities are spitting out. Emasculated entitled babies programed to reject common sense.

don't be so bitter. you can better your life if you try.
There is a difference between being bitter and facing facts. There is no need to explain it to you.
i think the only interviewing he's going to be doing going forward will be his testimony in front of the grand jury.

Nunes is up for reelection and his chances have gotten slimmer of winning even BEFORE he flopped with his cute little memo.

his district is an agro rural district. he'll probably still win it. but it is time for paul ryan to see if his testicles have dropped yet and take him off of the house intelligence committee.
Steele's research was paid for by a republican before a democrat.

To be fair, that is not true.....

The republican paid for research was strictly about opposition to Trump.....Steele's involvement occurred after democrats took over the research.

Bottom line, however....Is that the dossier has NOTHING to do with Mueller's investigation and if the orange buffoon feels "vindicated" its because he is an "orange buffoon."
But who paid for it wasn't told to the Court.

Nunes is petitioning the FISA court.

Better hold on to your skirt and grab your pussy hat.

I hope someone ask FISA judge, was he fooled by FBI to issue the warrant.

If not, he may be part of the problem.

That assumes he was 'fooled'. Carter Page has bragged about his contacts in the Kremlin, has been caught colluding with Russian agents. Has been caught up in spy rings and warned by the FBI that he was targeted by the Russians to become one of their assets.

With Page being subject to an FBI warrant starting in 2013.

The question is....why in the fuck would Trump want someone like Page on his team?

You saw that warrant from 2013? Had anyone?

Or... perhaps, Page was FBI UCE back in 2013, in case against Evgeny Buryakov, who pleaded guilty in 2016. Than, after Reuters published details about Page, they used him to link Trump to Russians.

If Page was FBI UCE up until May 2016, how is possible that in October 2016 Page is put under a FISA Title I surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Since he wasn't, the FBI lied.
I love the line "Officials familiar with the matter". It's like, I don't have a proof, so I'll throw this in and see if it stick. Great stuff.

No, NO....we don't expect any of you morons to believe any news source except, of course, Hannity, Rush and Jones......I mean, what's the use of joining a Trump cult if you don't follow the "rules"???

Who's talking about any of them?

You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?
Steele's research was paid for by a republican before a democrat.

To be fair, that is not true.....

The republican paid for research was strictly about opposition to Trump.....Steele's involvement occurred after democrats took over the research.

Bottom line, however....Is that the dossier has NOTHING to do with Mueller's investigation and if the orange buffoon feels "vindicated" its because he is an "orange buffoon."
Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort

Thanks, you're right. I'm not sure how separate the information from Fusion and Steele was kept in the warrant application
I love the line "Officials familiar with the matter". It's like, I don't have a proof, so I'll throw this in and see if it stick. Great stuff.

No, NO....we don't expect any of you morons to believe any news source except, of course, Hannity, Rush and Jones......I mean, what's the use of joining a Trump cult if you don't follow the "rules"???

Who's talking about any of them?

You do know that memo was published, and we could read. Do you?

Did you read the memo?

i did read nunes' lying bizarre little memo.

If Page was FBI UCE up until May 2016, how is possible that in October 2016 Page is put under a FISA Title I surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Nitwit.........without realizing it, you are actually SUPPORTING the FBI's assertion for the need to monitor Page's crooked dealings AFTER he left the Trump campaign..
I was surprised that he missed or let slide the interviewer's assertion of Carter Page as a 'Trump campaign associate' in the clinton campaign when he in fact was a low level foreign policy advisor that most of the high level folks on the campaign didn't know and had never heard of.

Sooooooo, Page was STILL in the Trump campaign when the warrant was issued?

YES or NO??

Trump named Page himself.....NO ONE forced the orange buffoon to pick a Russian aficionado (Page) and an indicted twerp (Papadopolous) did they?

Yes he was in the campaign when the first FISA warrant was issued. It was after President Trump named Carter Page as one of the members of his foreign advisory team even though Page and Trump never ever conferred before or after that announcement. Page had been invited to give a speech in Russia and asked advice on whether he should accept. He was told (by Lewandowski as I recall) that he could give the speech but not as a representative of the Trump campaign.

Nevertheless, the MSM got wind of it and stirred up a shitstorm about it as the "Russian collusion" story was beginning to be pushed at the time.

Soon afterwards, also in July 2016, the FBI applied for the first FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page that by default gave them considerable access to anybody associated with Page including the campaign. That warrant was reauthorized I think twice. When Page, a minor unpaid volunteer, became an issue and distraction during that same time, he quietly resigned.

Apparently the FBI did not developed sufficient information to justify still another reauthorization for their last FISA warrant however, and used the Russian dossier as the primary justification for their application. Used it dishonestly I might add.

And THAT is what this is all about re the FISA warrant and Carter Page who has never been accused of anything and I am pretty sure there is no evidence that he has done anything illegal. It is an illustration of gross abuse of power by a federal agency and it simply cannot go unchallenged or none of our constitutional liberties and protections are safe.
If Page was FBI UCE up until May 2016, how is possible that in October 2016 Page is put under a FISA Title I surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Nitwit.........without realizing it, you are actually SUPPORTING the FBI's assertion for the need to monitor Page's crooked dealings AFTER he left the Trump campaign..
Help me out, please. I realize the Trumpbot narrative about Page being an paid agent of the FBI goes back to a Russian corruption case back in 2013. I have no idea how, or really if, Page was recruited to do this. I suspect if any of it is true the FBI probably blackmailed the idiot because they had something on him back then. BUT ASSUMING Page was still working as a paid FBI informant, the FBI COULD LEGALLY HAVE TAPPED HIS PHONE WITHOUT A WARRANT AS PART OF WHAT HE DID TO GET PAID.

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