Nunes calls Colbert a "danger" in this country

You do know it was an Obama policy that allowed the killer to buy the gun? Look it up, it's liberal policies that allowed this to happen.

I know right............But libs. don't care to know about truth or reality.

Repeat after me, boys:


C'mon. You can do it. I know you can.
You really are this clueless?

I'm more interested in what can be done in the here and now than blaming a man who is no longer president. Even for Bush's Iraq war. What is the point in relitigating it? Just figure out what the fuck needs to be done now.

But this is all off topic anyway.

It's just insane to me how much Trump supporters talk about Obama still. They talk about Obama as much as they talk about the current president, Donald Trump.
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police. If this policy wasn't in place. The shooter would've never got the gun. So thank Obama for this. Not the nra which tries to teach responsible gun ownership. Not Bush for liberating a country, that Obama tried to take credit for, before he totally fucked it up. You're a young boy I see, stop reading talking points. That way you won't be seen as an idiot.
Watch out, Obama is gonna take our guns!!!


Why didn't Obama take our guns when he had the chance? This is on him!
Colbert, Fallon and Kimmel are indicators as to the influence of liberalism in media. It's patently obvious that when it comes to liberals demanding fairness, they don't include us non liberal heretics that disagree with their dogma. NOPE. They attack their opponents in that smarmy liberal way of cheap shots and mockery. Do they embrace true diversity and practice what they preach? NOPE. It's about pandering to the lowest common denominator, that bottom line profit.

No. First off, props for the use of the word smarmy. One of my Dad's favorites.
Diversity in comedy? Really?

I think all of them recognize that they have an absolute gold mine of material with Trump.
And to be honest, he makes most of his media shit storms all on his own.
Let's face it, conservatives sold their ideology out for a shot at White House gold...and are
now paying for they should.
Colbert, Fallon and Kimmel are indicators as to the influence of liberalism in media. It's patently obvious that when it comes to liberals demanding fairness, they don't include us non liberal heretics that disagree with their dogma. NOPE. They attack their opponents in that smarmy liberal way of cheap shots and mockery. Do they embrace true diversity and practice what they preach? NOPE. It's about pandering to the lowest common denominator, that bottom line profit.

No. First off, props for the use of the word smarmy. One of my Dad's favorites.
Diversity in comedy? Really?

I think all of them recognize that they have an absolute gold mine of material with Trump.
And to be honest, he makes most of his media shit storms all on his own.
Let's face it, conservatives sold their ideology out for a shot at White House gold...and are
now paying for they should.
I was going to point out that liberal comedy takes the easy way, lambasting Trump is like shooting a deer in the headlights, it pays the bills feeds the droopy eyed masses, everybody is happy, couldn't agree more. I voted for Trump, in that American spirit as a backlash against our liberal overlords. Tongue planted in cheek. Enough is enough.
I know right............But libs. don't care to know about truth or reality.

Repeat after me, boys:


C'mon. You can do it. I know you can.
You really are this clueless?

I'm more interested in what can be done in the here and now than blaming a man who is no longer president. Even for Bush's Iraq war. What is the point in relitigating it? Just figure out what the fuck needs to be done now.

But this is all off topic anyway.

It's just insane to me how much Trump supporters talk about Obama still. They talk about Obama as much as they talk about the current president, Donald Trump.
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police. If this policy wasn't in place. The shooter would've never got the gun. So thank Obama for this. Not the nra which tries to teach responsible gun ownership. Not Bush for liberating a country, that Obama tried to take credit for, before he totally fucked it up. You're a young boy I see, stop reading talking points. That way you won't be seen as an idiot.
Watch out, Obama is gonna take our guns!!!


Why didn't Obama take our guns when he had the chance? This is on him!
You're an idiot. Conservatives don't care about back ground checks. It's when your messiah Obama, makes a policy that blocks a violent students violations from police. Which in return let's a person that shouldn't be able to buy an ar15, buy one. That in itself proves more gun control will not work, if current laws aren't followed. So yes, liberal policies let this happen. So the first step should be, get rid of liberalism.
Trump is a clown, yes. He's our clown in chief. Now, take Obama, the previous clown, He was swell guy, and I liked him personally, really truly. But he had a trap door on the posterior end of his PJ's for liberal buggery, I took his clownery not to my liking.
Colbert, Fallon and Kimmel are indicators as to the influence of liberalism in media. It's patently obvious that when it comes to liberals demanding fairness, they don't include us non liberal heretics that disagree with their dogma. NOPE. They attack their opponents in that smarmy liberal way of cheap shots and mockery. Do they embrace true diversity and practice what they preach? NOPE. It's about pandering to the lowest common denominator, that bottom line profit.

No. First off, props for the use of the word smarmy. One of my Dad's favorites.
Diversity in comedy? Really?

I think all of them recognize that they have an absolute gold mine of material with Trump.
And to be honest, he makes most of his media shit storms all on his own.
Let's face it, conservatives sold their ideology out for a shot at White House gold...and are
now paying for they should.
I was going to point out that liberal comedy takes the easy way, lambasting Trump is like shooting a deer in the headlights, it pays the bills feeds the droopy eyed masses, everybody is happy, couldn't agree more. I voted for Trump, in that American spirit as a backlash against our liberal overlords. Tongue planted in cheek. Enough is enough.

And I'm saying that comedy takes what's in front of it (liberal or conservative). That means self righteous, bloviating politicians are fair game.
Does Colbert hate Trump? Sure. What's not to hate about a guy that doesn't believe in anything and will say whatever makes him (in his mind) look
good in the moment? Sorry, I'm not sure what you are driving at with the "liberal overlords" comment but as far as enough is enough....agreed.
Trump is like the guy that just won't give up the mic on karaoke night. Close it and be President...or resign.
Colbert used to be comedian. Now, hes taken on the mantle (or HAT) of social activist. Now, I would love to get a multi million dollar contract for just reading cue cards and presenting a liberal facade, damn! I will take that money! Pointing out the obvious and appealing to the lowest common denominator. I can do that, it isn't like Colbert is revealing Watergate or has deep deep message. Nope.
The dumb liberal bigots get their "news" from TV Clowns like Colbert.
This is one of the reasons why the Left Wingers are always so uninformed and full of fanatical hate.
Take a dime store mannequin, paint it orange, give it a bad toupee and a hint of empty male bravado, add a touch of sexual predator, that's Trump. I loathe this guy. But I dislike liberalism THAT MUCH MORE, to put such a scoundrel into office. Put it in perspective, put it in your pipe and smoke it. Get a clue, kids. That is how bad liberalism has become, we literally cut off our noses to spite you moonbats. RRRRR!
NUNES, petty little minded, who does the country's business while your spending your time ragging people in show business? stop wasting tax payer money on what people choice to laugh at. today we need a lot of humor to help getting past all the hate

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Well, Nunes is welcome to file charges against Colbert. That ought to go over well.
I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

I always thought Colbert was mentally ill, stupid, uneducated, and annoying. His attacking our democracy since The Donald made him butthurt is a danger because idiots who watch him might carry out more terrorist acts against our democracy like that Rachel "Blinky" Maddow fan.
Of course you "thought" that.

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Well, Nunes is welcome to file charges against Colbert. That ought to go over well.

Yep, that would be a great way to get NaziCon Nunes under oath. Colbert would love it.
The dumb liberal bigots get their "news" from TV Clowns like Colbert.
This is one of the reasons why the Left Wingers are always so uninformed and full of fanatical hate.
...someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer 1.04 domestic questions correctly compared to 1.22 for those who watched no news at all. Those watching only “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” answered 1.42 questions correctly and people who only listened to NPR or only watched Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 questions correctly. Those watching only “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” answered 1.42 questions correctly and people who only listened to NPR or only watched Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 questions correctly.

Thus, those who watched no news—answering questions by guessing or relying on existing knowledge—fared much better than those who watched the most popular 24-hour cable news network (i.e. Fox News).

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

I bet they said that about the Poles, Italians, and Irish as well.

Not that I approve of illegal immigration, but shit. And are you gonna post that source or not?

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Bigots like you don't enlighten anyone. There is nothing to be learned from you except to avoid people like you.
Believe it or not, (that last bastion of free speech and integrity), FOX news (HISSSSSS) actually asked this guy what his opinion was. That's it. No death squads, no suppression, no intimidation. Colbert and Nunes both have a right to free speech. Sorry that scares liberals so much, they like beating beating dead horses and general buggery.
Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

Anyone decent and sane would take a thousand Poles, Italians or Irish to every one filthy wetback.
Invited immigrants and illegal immigrants are perceived know this I’m sure.

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Bigots like you don't enlighten anyone. There is nothing to be learned from you except to avoid people like you.

Is a bigot someone bold enough to share the real truth with blind, ignorant, self manipulated fools?
Stephen Colbert is a national treasure because he’s keeping us laughing and sane during these dark days of Trump.
Colbert uses trump’s own words and actions to vilify his despicable actions and makes it hilarious at the same time.
That boy has talent.

“Dark days of Trump”
Huh? Talk to a higher grade of person...Colbert didn’t cut my corporate tax by 60% nor did he send the middle class a tax rebate.
Colbert is just another Hollyweird pitchman preying on the ignorance of filthy Liberals...just like Mexicrats fuckin suckers! Hahaha

Good for you. Will you now contribute your share of the national debt to the government?

Oh don’t worry...That $1.5t will quickly be negated by cuts to funding the world and entitlements to the lowlife filth among us.

That means you will not get anything since you are the lowestlife filth among us.

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