Nunes calls Colbert a "danger" in this country

they're the wrong color to worry about, like the russians and irish

Sure. But there are actually a lot of Polish illegal immigrants in this country. You do know that, right? They just fly in and overstay their VISAs. Not quite as dramatic as getting smuggled across the border, but roughly the same effect.

Are they dropping anchor babies in the laps of good American taxpayers at a rodents pace?
Do they rape and murder Americans at twice the rate of natives?
Do more than 50% of their households suck the taxpayer tit?
Do they litter our roadways and beaches with dirty diapers and Bud Light cans?
Do they flood our emergency rooms and public schools with filth?

Still waiting on those sources of yours.

Spit it out...what are you requesting?
I aim to enlighten the ignorant, confused and self manipulated.
What can I teach you?

Bigots like you don't enlighten anyone. There is nothing to be learned from you except to avoid people like you.

Is a bigot someone bold enough to share the real truth with blind, ignorant, self manipulated fools?

The truth is what you want it to be. You are blind and ignorant.
The dumb liberal bigots get their "news" from TV Clowns like Colbert.
This is one of the reasons why the Left Wingers are always so uninformed and full of fanatical hate.

You are uninformed and full of fanatical hate. What is your excuse?
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police.
As you well know, that is a Russia Limbaugh LIE!
There is no such Obama policy to pay schools not to report violent students.
Please link to the actual bill that provides this funding and not to Limbaugh or any other of the pack of Right-wing liars parroting him, the ACTUAL bill.
While Colbert is an unfunny, ugly, sour, bitter, loathsome, one-note-hatred, vile little man - even I know he's too insignificant to be any "danger" to society. Stephen Colbert is merely an irritant on society, not a real danger. He's no more dangerous (or significant to society) than the methane blowing out of a duck's asshole. And that's an insult to water fowls.
On the contrary....when he makes fun of our politicians it is very entertaining and provides me with a good laugh.their is nothing disrespectful about looking fun at our political system.
Holy shit; Colbert too dangerous, too scary. Meanwhile, AR-15 safe and good for kids. Sounds legit.

You fuckin wackos really need to get a hold of really have lost all your shit...I’m thinking many of you need haeavy meds and a padded room.

Abortion = Good
AR-15 = Bad

Illegal Wetback on the taxpayer tit = Good
Wealthy positive Contributor = Bad

Men in dresses shitting next to little girls = Good
Disagree with men shitting next to little girls = Bad

Man on Man butt sex = Good
Grab a pussy = Bad

Illegals kill and rape thousands of Americans and its crickets from liberals. ICE raided the San Francisco area last week, 70% of the illegals they rounded up were convicted criminals, over 50% of those were convicted of serous or violent crimes. Yet Dem traitors tipped them off to the raid and give illegals sanctuary. Now that's a danger to our citizens.

Uh, where are you getting this information from?

According to the FBI 115.717 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that illegals committed 25,064 of these murders.

California - In California alone over 2,400 illegals are in prison for homicide.

Texas - Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Texas law enforcement...between June 2011 and March 2017, over 217,000 illegals were arrested and booked into Texas jails. They committed nearly 600,000 crimes. This included nearly 1,200 homicides, 69,000 assaults, 16,854 burglaries, 6,200 sexual assaults.

The Democrats don't care how many Americans are the victims of illegal alien crimes.
They just want more poor uneducated voters who hate our country.
Holy shit; Colbert too dangerous, too scary. Meanwhile, AR-15 safe and good for kids. Sounds legit.

You fuckin wackos really need to get a hold of really have lost all your shit...I’m thinking many of you need haeavy meds and a padded room.

Abortion = Good
AR-15 = Bad

Illegal Wetback on the taxpayer tit = Good
Wealthy positive Contributor = Bad

Men in dresses shitting next to little girls = Good
Disagree with men shitting next to little girls = Bad

Man on Man butt sex = Good
Grab a pussy = Bad

Illegals kill and rape thousands of Americans and its crickets from liberals. ICE raided the San Francisco area last week, 70% of the illegals they rounded up were convicted criminals, over 50% of those were convicted of serous or violent crimes. Yet Dem traitors tipped them off to the raid and give illegals sanctuary. Now that's a danger to our citizens.

Uh, where are you getting this information from?

According to the FBI 115.717 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that illegals committed 25,064 of these murders.

California - In California alone over 2,400 illegals are in prison for homicide.

Texas - Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Texas law enforcement...between June 2011 and March 2017, over 217,000 illegals were arrested and booked into Texas jails. They committed nearly 600,000 crimes. This included nearly 1,200 homicides, 69,000 assaults, 16,854 burglaries, 6,200 sexual assaults.

The Democrats don't care how many Americans are the victims of illegal alien crimes.
They just want more poor uneducated voters who hate our country.

How do you figure?
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police.
As you well know, that is a Russia Limbaugh LIE!
There is no such Obama policy to pay schools not to report violent students.
Please link to the actual bill that provides this funding and not to Limbaugh or any other of the pack of Right-wing liars parroting him, the ACTUAL bill.
January 8,2014 he signed a bill which stopped schools from reporting students to law enforcement, because it wasn't fair to minorities. Now we have 17 kids dead because of it. Thank you, and thank your Obama. Next time don't blindly follow and become a pawn.
Stephen Colbert is a national treasure because he’s keeping us laughing and sane during these dark days of Trump.
Colbert uses trump’s own words and actions to vilify his despicable actions and makes it hilarious at the same time.
That boy has talent.

“Dark days of Trump”
Huh? Talk to a higher grade of person...Colbert didn’t cut my corporate tax by 60% nor did he send the middle class a tax rebate.
Colbert is just another Hollyweird pitchman preying on the ignorance of filthy Liberals...just like Mexicrats fuckin suckers! Hahaha

Good for you. Will you now contribute your share of the national debt to the government?

Oh don’t worry...That $1.5t will quickly be negated by cuts to funding the world and entitlements to the lowlife filth among us.

That means you will not get anything since you are the lowestlife filth among us.

Haha...don’t you worry about me.
You just keep begging for free shit for yourself and all your dependent lowlife buddies...I paved my own path long ago...that’s what good people, real Americans do.
According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

To extrapolate out these statistics, this means that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.”
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
A perfect example of how the worthless lying scum Right lies with fake statistics. They take the FBI numbers from the years 2003 to 2009 and extrapolate them with the GAO numbers from August 1955 to April 2010. That's right, the lying scum got the 25,064 number covering about 55 years and "extrapolated" it with the FBI numbers from 6 years!!!!!!

From YOUR own GAO link:
"Our analysis includes criminal aliens with arrests dating from August 1955 to April 2010."

There is no scum lower than a CON$ervoFascist liar.

The method used is favorable to wetbacks. Do you think wetbacks have become LESS criminal than they were in 1955?
Think once Loony.
Again we see the perpetual Right-wing dumb act in order to continue lying after their lies were exposed.

If it was favorable to aliens you scum would not be lying about it.

How about this wetback...lets just cut the shit.
Anyone with an iQ over twelve can use disgusting wetbacks lead or are a close second to Blacks in all negative categories...period.
Low iQ
Teen pregnancy
Third graders know this...face it, your people are sub human fucking trash.
And when the lying scum Right can't counter the truth after they were caught lying, they stereotype their pure hate and project it on all they have been mindlessly programed to hate and dehumanize.


At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.

Do you mean like calling people "deplorable"?
BTW Colbert demeans millions of American all of the time.
Just don't watch. Colbert does not hurt this country in any way. Capitalism and free markets are how he prospers. To hate him is hypocritical if you believe in free markets.
A perfect example of how the worthless lying scum Right lies with fake statistics. They take the FBI numbers from the years 2003 to 2009 and extrapolate them with the GAO numbers from August 1955 to April 2010. That's right, the lying scum got the 25,064 number covering about 55 years and "extrapolated" it with the FBI numbers from 6 years!!!!!!

From YOUR own GAO link:
"Our analysis includes criminal aliens with arrests dating from August 1955 to April 2010."

There is no scum lower than a CON$ervoFascist liar.

The method used is favorable to wetbacks. Do you think wetbacks have become LESS criminal than they were in 1955?
Think once Loony.
Again we see the perpetual Right-wing dumb act in order to continue lying after their lies were exposed.

If it was favorable to aliens you scum would not be lying about it.

How about this wetback...lets just cut the shit.
Anyone with an iQ over twelve can use disgusting wetbacks lead or are a close second to Blacks in all negative categories...period.
Low iQ
Teen pregnancy
Third graders know this...face it, your people are sub human fucking trash.
And when the lying scum Right can't counter the truth after they were caught lying, they stereotype their pure hate and project it on all they have been mindlessly programed to hate and dehumanize.


At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.

Do you mean like calling people "deplorable"?
BTW Colbert demeans millions of American all of the time.

it's only demeaning if it's not true
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police.
As you well know, that is a Russia Limbaugh LIE!
There is no such Obama policy to pay schools not to report violent students.
Please link to the actual bill that provides this funding and not to Limbaugh or any other of the pack of Right-wing liars parroting him, the ACTUAL bill.
January 8,2014 he signed a bill which stopped schools from reporting students to law enforcement, because it wasn't fair to minorities. Now we have 17 kids dead because of it. Thank you, and thank your Obama. Next time don't blindly follow and become a pawn.
Your parroting Russia Limbaugh's lie is hardly a LINK to the ACTUAL nonexistent bill, no surprise there.
I'll tell you why you won't link to anything, because nothing says what you say it says.
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police.
As you well know, that is a Russia Limbaugh LIE!
There is no such Obama policy to pay schools not to report violent students.
Please link to the actual bill that provides this funding and not to Limbaugh or any other of the pack of Right-wing liars parroting him, the ACTUAL bill.
January 8,2014 he signed a bill which stopped schools from reporting students to law enforcement, because it wasn't fair to minorities. Now we have 17 kids dead because of it. Thank you, and thank your Obama. Next time don't blindly follow and become a pawn.
Your parroting Russia Limbaugh's lie is hardly a LINK to the ACTUAL nonexistent bill, no surprise there.
I'll tell you why you won't link to anything, because nothing says what you say it says.
No, your just to blind to think Obama did no wrong. History is gonna prove him to be the worst president in history. Carter can die happy.

The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Saturday that Stephen Colbert’s jokes about him are a “danger” in this country.

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”

Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.

“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.

More: Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country

I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

Goebbels, a danger?

Well dayum..

The Hate Show tells leftist losers (who don't have jobs) what to hate...
It was an Obama policy that gave schools extra funding if they wouldn't report violent students to police.
As you well know, that is a Russia Limbaugh LIE!
There is no such Obama policy to pay schools not to report violent students.
Please link to the actual bill that provides this funding and not to Limbaugh or any other of the pack of Right-wing liars parroting him, the ACTUAL bill.
January 8,2014 he signed a bill which stopped schools from reporting students to law enforcement, because it wasn't fair to minorities. Now we have 17 kids dead because of it. Thank you, and thank your Obama. Next time don't blindly follow and become a pawn.
Your parroting Russia Limbaugh's lie is hardly a LINK to the ACTUAL nonexistent bill, no surprise there.
I'll tell you why you won't link to anything, because nothing says what you say it says.
No, your just to blind to think Obama did no wrong. History is gonna prove him to be the worst president in history. Carter can die happy.
Still no link to any actual bill.
Why am I not surprised?
I watched and taped Colbert on Friday night. It was awesome! The man is a genius. What do you think?

I always thought Colbert was mentally ill, stupid, uneducated, and annoying. His attacking our democracy since The Donald made him butthurt is a danger because idiots who watch him might carry out more terrorist acts against our democracy like that Rachel "Blinky" Maddow fan.

Do you only support the second amendment, then? First amendment too edgy for you? I hear they don't have anything like a first amendment in many Muslim countries, btw. Maybe you'd feel comfortable in a more theocratic nation?

A communist like you speaking of the First Amendment? :eek:

Perhaps you need a safe space that prohibits whites and normals? Is questioning Colbert and the Hate Show a speech crime? Will we go to prison for hate speech?

We certainly must take care not to offend you Maoist democrat defenders of the first amendment, lest we wind up in gulags baking cakes.. :eusa_whistle:

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