Nurse arrested for following hospital policy

I've seen the vudeo. Just another step by hospitals and other Liberal organizations to impede the job of LEOs and harm the implementation of Justice in Society.

If it takes 2 hours to get the warrant, the driver's BAC is going to be decidedly different. Possibly turning a Felony into a misdemeanor.

There are just situations where there isnt the time for bureaucracy. This was one of them.
I guess constitutional prohibitions on authority mean nothing when it comes to expediency eh............. :rolleyes:
I've seen the vudeo. Just another step by hospitals and other Liberal organizations to impede the job of LEOs and harm the implementation of Justice in Society.

If it takes 2 hours to get the warrant, the driver's BAC is going to be decidedly different. Possibly turning a Felony into a misdemeanor.

There are just situations where there isnt the time for bureaucracy. This was one of them.

On behalf of those os us who support the US Constitution, Fuck You.

There was no warrant because the patient was the driver of a truck that was hit by a car being pursued by the police. He had done NOTHING wrong. There was no reasonable suspicion on which to base an arrest. The cop was wrong and he knew it.

Maybe you like the idea of cops being able to break the law or force others to break the law, but it is completely wrong.
Maybe you like the idea of cops being able to break the law or force others to break the law, but it is completely wrong.

I have nothing to hide from the Police, so why would I have a problem obeying an Officer's orders? I am also well aware thst if I do decide to resist, I deserve to get the shit kicked out of me.
I guess constitutional prohibitions on authority mean nothing when it comes to expediency eh............. :rolleyes:

ANYTHING that stands in the way of Justice is a problem to be overcome, in whatever way is necessary.

The ONLY thing standing in the way of Justice is that cop.

The nurse was arrested for following hospital policy and US Law. The cop was demanding that she break the law.
The patient had broken no laws. So there was no reason to flush his constitutional rights in the name of "Justice". Justice would see that detective and his superior either busted to beat cop or fired.
Maybe you like the idea of cops being able to break the law or force others to break the law, but it is completely wrong.

I have nothing to hide from the Police, so why would I have a problem obeying an Officer's orders? I am also well aware thst if I do decide to resist, I deserve to get the shit kicked out of me.
Obviously the law surrounding this situation completely escapes you. The officer had no right to demand and due to the circumstances seriously overstepped his authority when he arrested the nurse.
Maybe you like the idea of cops being able to break the law or force others to break the law, but it is completely wrong.

I have nothing to hide from the Police, so why would I have a problem obeying an Officer's orders? I am also well aware thst if I do decide to resist, I deserve to get the shit kicked out of me.

My constitutional rights do not depend on me having nothing to hide. The patient may have been happy to consent to the blood tests. But since he was UNCONSCIOUS he could not give consent.

Answer this, Anathema, do you think cops should be able to demand blood samples from anyone at any time?
Obviously the law surrounding this situation completely escapes you.

I have no use for ANY law thst i.poses unnecessary limitations on the investigative capabilities of LEOs.

If you think that your constitutional rights are "unnecessary limitations" for law enforcement, you don't deserve the freedoms you enjoy.

Luckily, you cannot give away our rights.
Obviously the law surrounding this situation completely escapes you. The officer had no right to demand and due to the circumstances seriously overstepped his authority when he arrested the nurse.

In my mind he should have drawn his service weapon rather than the cuffs.
I've seen the vudeo. Just another step by hospitals and other Liberal organizations to impede the job of LEOs and harm the implementation of Justice in Society.

If it takes 2 hours to get the warrant, the driver's BAC is going to be decidedly different. Possibly turning a Felony into a misdemeanor.

There are just situations where there isnt the time for bureaucracy. This was one of them.

Damn those Founders and their determination to protect the individual rights of the people. /SARCASM
Obviously the law surrounding this situation completely escapes you. The officer had no right to demand and due to the circumstances seriously overstepped his authority when he arrested the nurse.

In my mind he should have drawn his service weapon rather than the cuffs.
And used it on you. :thup: Hell using your thinking he would have gotten way with murder........

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