Nurse arrested for following hospital policy

I've seen the vudeo. Just another step by hospitals and other Liberal organizations to impede the job of LEOs and harm the implementation of Justice in Society.

If it takes 2 hours to get the warrant, the driver's BAC is going to be decidedly different. Possibly turning a Felony into a misdemeanor.

There are just situations where there isnt the time for bureaucracy. This was one of them.

In an emergency situation it takes all of ten minutes. The mans blood was ALREADY drawn, so even had he died they would have still had it, all that would have been required is a Court Order to obtain it for a evidence. As usual you progressives show you don't care about the Civil Rights of people.
Nope. Anyone who advocates for a police state, as you do, is a progressive.

No. I'm an Authoritarian... the ultimate firm of Conservative.

Collectivists, as you are, are the ultimate form of progressive. The ultimate form of conservative is a an anarchist. No government is the opposite of progressive. So simple a child could understand it.
Collectivists, as you are, are the ultimate form of progressive. The ultimate form of conservative is a an anarchist. No government is the opposite of progressive. So simple a child could understand it.

Only if you mistakenly believe thst Conservatism is Freedom or Individualism. Thsts a common misconception. Conservatism is about only two concepts- Right and Wrong.

Humanity has proven thzt it's individuals cannot be trusted to choose Right over Wrong, so collectivism is necesssry to ensure a proper society.
Second Utah police officer placed on paid leave as authorities investigate use of force in a nurse's arrest.

"SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A second Salt Lake City police officer has been put on paid leave as authorities investigate the use of force in a nurse’s arrest.

The July 26 incident captured on police body-camera video showed Detective Jeff Payne dragging nurse Alex Wubbels from a hospital and handcuffing her after she refused to allow blood to be drawn from an unconscious patient in a car-crash investigation.

The video has caused outrage since it was released Thursday.

Prosecutors have asked for a criminal investigation, prompting the police department to put two officers on paid administrative leave."

2nd Utah police officer on paid leave over nurse arrest
Obviously the law surrounding this situation completely escapes you. The officer had no right to demand and due to the circumstances seriously overstepped his authority when he arrested the nurse.

In my mind he should have drawn his service weapon rather than the cuffs.

Yes, in your mind. But then, in your mind sex is only to procreate. And in your mind, Life is to be endured and should be miserable.

So it is obvious that something is wrong with your mind.

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