Nurse arrested for following hospital policy

99.99999% of cops are good people doing a mostly thankless job. I would like to see them weed out the bad ones on their own, but I'm always going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.
99.99999% of cops are good people doing a mostly thankless job. I would like to see them weed out the bad ones on their own, but I'm always going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

This nurse was resisting arrest, right?

He should have roughed her up too, that'll teach her to follow the law.
This poor excuse for a "public servant" needs to be fired, and sued for denying this woman her civil rights under color of authority.

What a complete asshole,and he'd better hope he never needs emergency medical service because I guarantee you, that it will take a little longer to help him.

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What is "color of authority" and why should I care? Don't know what your point is, but unless it's about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", I don't agree.

The nurse was following the law. The cop demanded that she violate the law to appease him. She couldn't. Thus his placing her under arrest is a felony, specifically False Imprisonment. He may not get arrested for that crime, but she will file a lawsuit under Federal Code Title 18 Section 243,, Denial of Civil Rights Under Color Of Authority. That cop is fucked. She gets to go after all of his assets, and he can't use the public taxpayer to help pay for his defense. He gets to foot the whole bill.

In seven or eight years she will own his house.
What the hell is"color of authority? "Did you mean "cover of authority? You are right if the rest be true.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.

Actually, you do. She did exactly the right thing, and deserves a fucking medal for doing it.

That's why she wasn't charged with a crime, and why the cop is about to lose everything he's got.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.

It is illegal for a nurse to take orders from anyone other than a licensed medical provider.

The ironic thing is that if she had drawn the blood or run any test without a warrant, it would have been inadmissible in court.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.
How does that matter? A time critical issue does not violate an agreement the police had with the Hospital, nor the right to violate the Nurse's rights. She was being extremely patient and reasonable.

A cop does not have the legal authority to force you to violate the law.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.
How does that matter? A time critical issue does not violate an agreement the police had with the Hospital, nor the right to violate the Nurse's rights. She was being extremely patient and reasonable.

A cop does not have the legal authority to force you to violate the law.

This report gives a little more information on the patient in question (see 0:30):

Salt Lake City mayor, police chief respond to “unacceptable” nurse arrest video

Apparently he was driving a semi-truck that exploded when it was hit by a car that was being chased by police.

I'm betting the cops wanted to find out of the semi-truck driver had any drugs in his system, which might get them off the hook for an unsafe pursuit.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.

Untrue. In a situation like that you can get an expedited warrant. The cop didn't want to actually do his job properly, so he tried to bully the nurse.
99.99999% of cops are good people doing a mostly thankless job. I would like to see them weed out the bad ones on their own, but I'm always going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Nope. 80% of the cops are damned good pubic servants. 10% of them are criminals with a badge, and the other 10% are lazy louts who go along to get along. Pretty much like the general population.
I used to live in SLC and know that hospital well. It's a fantastic hospital with excellent staff. U of U Hospital also is sort of a Mormon hold out, considered a liberal establishment. Bet that cop is Mormon. Just sayin'.

Do you have any local insight about the SLC police in light of this? If the cop is a Mormon as you bet, does that make a difference in how he does his job? Unfamiliar with SLC and curious.
She won the lottery if she chooses.
The asshole (don't want to call this jerk an officer, he doesn't deserve it) went way beyond common sense and abused his authority and position.
The cop wanted a drug test from someone left in a coma after a collision. The evidence would disappear before a warrant can be obtained.

The nurse should have obeyed to cop. If the "search" was illegal, let a judge decide that later. You don't get to disobey police because of your policy. You don't get to disobey a cop because you think he's making a mistake.

Nonsense. The nurse had she drawn the blood as directed would have violated the law and lost her nursing license. Arguing that she was following the officers orders would not have saved her before the medical board. It would have been an unauthorized medical procedure.
Agreed, that guy should be gone.

Police must police their own better.
Now that we have cell phone and body cams everywhere, we are finding out all the abuses people were talking about all these years that were denied by the cops were actually happening.

Agreed, but I would still say 95% of cops are good people and try to do the job as it is supposed to be done! Problem is those same good cops turn a blind eye to those that are not on the up and up. So maybe that makes them bad to, don't know but it is a bad situation.
I think the cops of today are of much better quality and better trained than the cops of the old days.

You would be wrong. The standards have been lowered repeatedly so the overall quality of the incoming officers is much lower. The training for how to write tickets, and reports is very good, but the rest of the training, like how to stay alive in the real world is pitiful, that's why cops shoot unarmed people all of the time. They simply don't know how to do a better job of maintaining control. When I was young a cop would never pull his gun unless he was about to shoot the bad guy. Now they pull their guns and wave them around all of the time. They use a deadly weapon, to enforce voice commands all of the time and that is dangerous, and stupid.
the law in UTAH is screwed up------if the attending Doc thinks there is a need to check blood chemistries-----
then the blood should be drawn

I'm guessing this is a DWI case and the cops got pissed because they couldnt collect evidence.

It's not. The facts of the case are known.

They've even been posted in this thread. But why bother reading, when you've got uninformed opinions to share?
the law in UTAH is screwed up------if the attending Doc thinks there is a need to check blood chemistries-----
then the blood should be drawn

I'm guessing this is a DWI case and the cops got pissed because they couldnt collect evidence.

It's not. The facts of the case are known.

They've even been posted in this thread. But why bother reading, when you've got uninformed opinions to share?

Go suck a dick Doc.
To be honest I'm not all that interested in the case. The cop was a dick...end of story.
Got anything else negative to say fuk boi?
This poor excuse for a "public servant" needs to be fired, and sued for denying this woman her civil rights under color of authority.

What a complete asshole,and he'd better hope he never needs emergency medical service because I guarantee you, that it will take a little longer to help him.

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What is "color of authority" and why should I care? Don't know what your point is, but unless it's about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", I don't agree.

The nurse was following the law. The cop demanded that she violate the law to appease him. She couldn't. Thus his placing her under arrest is a felony, specifically False Imprisonment. He may not get arrested for that crime, but she will file a lawsuit under Federal Code Title 18 Section 243,, Denial of Civil Rights Under Color Of Authority. That cop is fucked. She gets to go after all of his assets, and he can't use the public taxpayer to help pay for his defense. He gets to foot the whole bill.

In seven or eight years she will own his house.
What the hell is"color of authority? "Did you mean "cover of authority? You are right if the rest be true.

That is the legal term. Color of Authority.

Color (law) - Wikipedia

It means the cop took illegal action to deprive someone of their rights. He did so willingly and knew it was wrong.

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