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Nurses tell of "aborted" babies being born alive.

Interesting how when you anti-abortion people get pushed into a corner the arguments that got you there are "bogus" and you run away. The bottom line is you can't answer those arguments.
The Supreme Court ruled to give women the right to control their own bodies so that the long line of women who self abort and end up killing themselves or making themselves infertile would come to an end. I do not like the idea of abortions and believe birth control should be made freely available to ALL women. Sex education should be taught in the school to every boy and girl along with the fact abstinence does not work (ask bristol palin). That would reduce the number of abortions immensely. Yet there are people you agree with who are fighting against birth control and against education in schools. If they are against abortion why aren't they fighting for birth control and education? You on the other hand, want to end abortions and to start growing the line of woman dying from both back alley and self abortion.
Yeah, keep throwing out the talking points. Maybe you can convince yourself that killing defenseless babies is a noble cause. You are one disgusting POS, you know that?
Not quite as disgusting as a person who wants to force women to carry to term when they know they cannot afford to keep and care for a child. And not as disgusting as a person who supports a party that wants to take food out of the new borns mouth. And certainly not as disgusting as someone who wants to deny the mother and child medical care. And nowhere near as disgusting as someone who has no problem with the mother and new born being forced to live on the street. Call me a POS it you wish but from where I stand the POS is the one trying to control other peoples bodies and who then turns their back on them so they can blame them when they die in the gutter.
Anyone who sees nothing wrong with butchering babies is a POS. That is a position I feel quite comfortable with.
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This baby is alive!?: the heartbreaking story of Baby Hope
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?That?s not a baby. That?s an abortion!?: clinic workers describe babies born alive

LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This is so hard. Oh, God, it?s so hard!?: nurses tell of aborted babies born alive

We had one saline [type of abortion] born alive. I raced to the nursery with it and put it in an incubator. I called the pediatrician to come right down, and he refused. He said, “That’s not a baby. That’s an abortion. (1)

How can that not bring tears to your eyes?

We wouldn't have this problem if late term abortion was illegal. The problem is that right to lifers will only work to meet their end goal of banning abortions completely. This is why many like myself, who support the right of a woman to abort while wanting that limited to a reasonable time (first trimester), cannot find common ground with right to lifers.
Pro-life conservatives have been pushing for partial birth abortion bans all along. Where do you get this notion? Ever heard of BAIPA? It wasn't introduced by liberals.
Murder? If you can't make your point without going to the extreme, what does that say about your point?
What do you call it when someone dismembers another person, causing their death?

Ahh I see. You seem to think an unviable fetus is a person. Your bad.

Well ... it's not an acorn ...

I guess it makes folks feel better if they imagine that he or she is not human, but the characteristics that define that baby as a human are already there. And humans under the jurisdiction of US law are entitled to protection under US law. MHO
Yeah, keep throwing out the talking points. Maybe you can convince yourself that killing defenseless babies is a noble cause. You are one disgusting POS, you know that?
Not quite as disgusting as a person who wants to force women to carry to term when they know they cannot afford to keep and care for a child. And not as disgusting as a person who supports a party that wants to take food out of the new borns mouth. And certainly not as disgusting as someone who wants to deny the mother and child medical care. And nowhere near as disgusting as someone who has no problem with the mother and new born being forced to live on the street. Call me a POS it you wish but from where I stand the POS is the one trying to control other peoples bodies and who then turns their back on them so they can blame them when they die in the gutter.
Anyone who sees nothing wrong with butchering babies is a POS. That is a position I feel quite comfortable with.
First of all, they are not "butchering babies," they are removing none viable fetuses' who would not live out side of the womb. Secondly, are you happier if the fetus comes to term and is born and is then condemned to starve to death because the gop feels it is acceptable to take food out of the mouth of the mother and child. Are you happy with that because that is what the gop did. Are you happy with the gop killing ACA which will affect new borns who would have no insurance? Are you happy with the child growing up in poverty because the gop refuses to offer help and shelter to the mother. If you are happy with bringing life into the world so it can starve in the gutter because you want nothing to do with it you are a much bigger POS than I.
How many babies? Starve to death in tne United States? The silly non-argument that it is a choice between abortion and starvation is really grasping at straws.

Let's just dispense with that. And let's just dispense with all the dishonety and hyperbole that clings to this issue.
I'm curious ORION. Suppose I were to tell you that you or your wife had to have an abortion, on MY say so. You would probably tell me to go to hell and that your choice to have a baby is exactly that, YOUR CHOICE. I am sure you would also tell me that what you do is none of my business, and the thing is, YOU WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. It is none of my business to tell you what you can and cannot do.
And don't drag your usual bullshit "Because it is wrong" argument into this. Isn't it supposed to be God's decision on what is right or wrong? Shouldn't God be the one to make the decisions? If you know your Bible you know "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven"
Luke 6:37
I am sure you call yourself a Christian but aren't you both judging and condemning others which is as unchristian as you can get.
1. Murder is murder. Murder stops a beating heart a babies heart starts beating as early as 6 weeks. 2. I am not a christian. I am an Atheist.
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This baby is alive!?: the heartbreaking story of Baby Hope
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?That?s not a baby. That?s an abortion!?: clinic workers describe babies born alive

LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This is so hard. Oh, God, it?s so hard!?: nurses tell of aborted babies born alive

We had one saline [type of abortion] born alive. I raced to the nursery with it and put it in an incubator. I called the pediatrician to come right down, and he refused. He said, “That’s not a baby. That’s an abortion. (1)

How can that not bring tears to your eyes?

We wouldn't have this problem if late term abortion was illegal. The problem is that right to lifers will only work to meet their end goal of banning abortions completely. This is why many like myself, who support the right of a woman to abort while wanting that limited to a reasonable time (first trimester), cannot find common ground with right to lifers.

Abortion is murder,murder should not be a "choice" someone gets to make over someone else especially an innocent undefended child.
Not quite as disgusting as a person who wants to force women to carry to term when they know they cannot afford to keep and care for a child. And not as disgusting as a person who supports a party that wants to take food out of the new borns mouth. And certainly not as disgusting as someone who wants to deny the mother and child medical care. And nowhere near as disgusting as someone who has no problem with the mother and new born being forced to live on the street. Call me a POS it you wish but from where I stand the POS is the one trying to control other peoples bodies and who then turns their back on them so they can blame them when they die in the gutter.
Anyone who sees nothing wrong with butchering babies is a POS. That is a position I feel quite comfortable with.
First of all, they are not "butchering babies," they are removing none viable fetuses' who would not live out side of the womb. Secondly, are you happier if the fetus comes to term and is born and is then condemned to starve to death because the gop feels it is acceptable to take food out of the mouth of the mother and child. Are you happy with that because that is what the gop did. Are you happy with the gop killing ACA which will affect new borns who would have no insurance? Are you happy with the child growing up in poverty because the gop refuses to offer help and shelter to the mother. If you are happy with bringing life into the world so it can starve in the gutter because you want nothing to do with it you are a much bigger POS than I.
Keep talking. The more you spew, the more ridiculous you sound. Oh, and the large fonts don't make you any less of a monster.
Is that how you justify murder? Blame somebody else for not taking YOUR responsibility?

Murder? If you can't make your point without going to the extreme, what does that say about your point?
What do you call it when someone dismembers another person, causing their death?

Certainly not a murderer. A crazed psychopath butcher. Murder is too tame.
Interesting how when you anti-abortion people get pushed into a corner the arguments that got you there are "bogus" and you run away. The bottom line is you can't answer those arguments.
The Supreme Court ruled to give women the right to control their own bodies so that the long line of women who self abort and end up killing themselves or making themselves infertile would come to an end. I do not like the idea of abortions and believe birth control should be made freely available to ALL women. Sex education should be taught in the school to every boy and girl along with the fact abstinence does not work (ask bristol palin). That would reduce the number of abortions immensely. Yet there are people you agree with who are fighting against birth control and against education in schools. If they are against abortion why aren't they fighting for birth control and education? You on the other hand, want to end abortions and to start growing the line of woman dying from both back alley and self abortion.
Yeah, keep throwing out the talking points. Maybe you can convince yourself that killing defenseless babies is a noble cause. You are one disgusting POS, you know that?
Not quite as disgusting as a person who wants to force women to carry to term when they know they cannot afford to keep and care for a child. And not as disgusting as a person who supports a party that wants to take food out of the new borns mouth. And certainly not as disgusting as someone who wants to deny the mother and child medical care. And nowhere near as disgusting as someone who has no problem with the mother and new born being forced to live on the street. Call me a POS it you wish but from where I stand the POS is the one trying to control other peoples bodies and who then turns their back on them so they can blame them when they die in the gutter.

Umm, no one is calling to deny food to newborns but keep on with that lie. Your dem brethren eat that stuff up.
It's also sad that so-called "pro lifers" don't give a shit about the well being of kids once they're born. Pro-lifers should be called "Pro-birthers" because they only care about a child being born, not it's actual life.

@RDD such an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. For instance, Democrats and Unions fight charter schools (Mayor Deblasio actually shut down the most successful ones in NYC). Some would consider that exemplary evidence of "not giving a shit" about the welfare of children.

Now, provide us an example of your claim, one that's actually been ENACTED.
It's also sad that so-called "pro lifers" don't give a shit about the well being of kids once they're born. Pro-lifers should be called "Pro-birthers" because they only care about a child being born, not it's actual life.

@RDD such an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. For instance, Democrats and Unions fight charter schools (Mayor Deblasio actually shut down the most successful ones in NYC). Some would consider that exemplary evidence of "not giving a shit" about the welfare of children.

Now, provide us an example of your claim, one that's actually been ENACTED.

You want me to prove the absence of something??
It's also sad that so-called "pro lifers" don't give a shit about the well being of kids once they're born. Pro-lifers should be called "Pro-birthers" because they only care about a child being born, not it's actual life.

@RDD such an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. For instance, Democrats and Unions fight charter schools (Mayor Deblasio actually shut down the most successful ones in NYC). Some would consider that exemplary evidence of "not giving a shit" about the welfare of children.

Now, provide us an example of your claim, one that's actually been ENACTED.

You want me to prove the absence of something??
So, in other words you admit you're just throwing shit out there in the hopes of it sticking.
@RDD such an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. For instance, Democrats and Unions fight charter schools (Mayor Deblasio actually shut down the most successful ones in NYC). Some would consider that exemplary evidence of "not giving a shit" about the welfare of children.

Now, provide us an example of your claim, one that's actually been ENACTED.

You want me to prove the absence of something??
So, in other words you admit you're just throwing shit out there in the hopes of it sticking.

That doesn't even make sense.

I said you people don't support the well being of children once they're born. How am I suppose to prove the absence of something? If it exists, you should be able to point to it. But you can't....because it doesn't exist. Hence, my point.
You want me to prove the absence of something??
So, in other words you admit you're just throwing shit out there in the hopes of it sticking.

That doesn't even make sense.

I said you people don't support the well being of children once they're born. How am I suppose to prove the absence of something? If it exists, you should be able to point to it. But you can't....because it doesn't exist. Hence, my point.
Where is it written that everyone else has to pay for your irresponsibility?
So, in other words you admit you're just throwing shit out there in the hopes of it sticking.

That doesn't even make sense.

I said you people don't support the well being of children once they're born. How am I suppose to prove the absence of something? If it exists, you should be able to point to it. But you can't....because it doesn't exist. Hence, my point.
Where is it written that everyone else has to pay for your irresponsibility?

I get it, you don't care about the actual well being of babies/children. You just care that they are born and then.....good luck to you.

That's my point, thanks for proving it over and over again.
It's why we have BAIPA. Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

So, um, how many prosecutions have there been under BAIPA so far?

Oh, that's right. NONE.

14 years since this "non-problem" law was enacted, and oddly enough, not one prosecution under it.

"Non problem"? What part of Dr. Kermit Gosnell's trial didn't you understand? If anyone deserved to be charged by the Feds it was old Kermie.

So just because the Feds haven't prosecuted under BAIPA doesn't mean that the problem isn't real.

Holder Doesn’t Know If Anyone Ever Prosecuted Under Born Alive Infant Protection Act
May 15, 2013 - 4:05 PM

Holder Doesn?t Know If Anyone Ever Prosecuted Under Born Alive Infant Protection Act | CNS News
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This baby is alive!?: the heartbreaking story of Baby Hope
LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?That?s not a baby. That?s an abortion!?: clinic workers describe babies born alive

LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?This is so hard. Oh, God, it?s so hard!?: nurses tell of aborted babies born alive

We had one saline [type of abortion] born alive. I raced to the nursery with it and put it in an incubator. I called the pediatrician to come right down, and he refused. He said, “That’s not a baby. That’s an abortion. (1)

How can that not bring tears to your eyes?

Certainly ,I had a long conversation with a young women some years ago, that had survived a saline abortion,her perspective on the issue was very unique,and forgiving,she impressed me very much.
There are no valid excuses for killing an unborn person,ever.
That doesn't even make sense.

I said you people don't support the well being of children once they're born. How am I suppose to prove the absence of something? If it exists, you should be able to point to it. But you can't....because it doesn't exist. Hence, my point.
Where is it written that everyone else has to pay for your irresponsibility?

I get it, you don't care about the actual well being of babies/children. You just care that they are born and then.....good luck to you.

That's my point, thanks for proving it over and over again.

You haven't proven shit. Repeating a tired old talking point just proves you got NOTHING!!
How many babies? Starve to death in tne United States? The silly non-argument that it is a choice between abortion and starvation is really grasping at straws.
No, it is not grasping at straws. The problem is that the people on the right seem to have lost the ability to see beyond the tip of their nose. They do not understand that A can lead to B, and that B can lead to C, and so on. Their vision stops at A. It is not what can I do to make the world a better place, it is what can I do to make the world a better place for ME!
You are correct that not many die of starvation in this country but many suffer from malnutrition. And while that is not a cause of death it can lead to weakening of the body that allows opportunistic diseases to get a foothold which do lead to death. The bottom line is this, if the gop and people like you are so concerned with the health and welfare of the new borns why do you vote to cut SNAP benefits (food stamps)? Why do you vote against raising the minimum wage which would benefit the poorest people the most? Why do you want to cut welfare? Why do the members of the right refuse to push for jobs bills? Why do members of the right want to gut ACA which would take health care away from those who need it the most. You argue to have the child born and once it is out of the womb, FUCK IT! You want nothing to do with it.
If you are opposed to abortion why are members of the right working to reduce and restrict birth control. Why are you working to remove sex education from the schools and calling for abstinence, a program that has failed everywhere it has been put into place. Texas has one of the highest teen age birth rates in the nation. It also has a strong right wing group that has pushed for and managed to have abstinence taught in the schools. Coincidence? I don't think so. BOTH of the above steps would cut abortion and the right refuses to implement these programs. You cannot continue the fiction of saying you are against abortion while doing everything in your power to kill programs that would reduce abortions.
Oh, and by the way, according to a recent Gallup poll on AOL today 25% of people who live in Mississippi have issues with not having enough food. This is the 6th year in a row they led the nation in this shameful category. How do you think the republican governor, the two republican senators, and three (out of four) republican House members feel about this? How do you think they voted when the bill to cut food stamps came up?
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