NY Post Cartoon: Racist?

I just think people OVER THINK everything. Bringing me to make my point yet again..

Was it not racist when they made BET..but god forbid whites made WET
Was it not racist when they made All Black Schools..but god forbid Whites made and All White School

Im pretty sure thats racist but no one says anything about that.

Of course its racist to sane, fair minded, thinking individuals...but you're trying to convince air-head Dims....these are the boneheads that insist its OK that white people can't even utter the same words as black people ...........but good luck anyway
And now Al Sharpton refuses to accept Murdoch's apology.

Apology not accepted: Sharpton not satisfied with Murdoch's statement on controversial Post cartoon

I fucking hate that piece of garbage. What a waste of oxygen he is. The day he dies, America will be a much better place.
I caught him being interviewed by Lou Dobbs last night. Kind of like watching a debate between TM and PubicInfinite. While I was banging my head on the wall I realized that conservatives can't call this stimulus bill Obama's otherwise they'd have to accept that the dead chimp is Obama and admit the cartoon is racist. :lol:
Tasteless and racist. This is the second time in under a year a New York publication has stooped to race-baiting and whoring itself out for readers. I guess people are starting not to give a fuck.
Cliff Notes:

Truthdoesn'tmatter loves the 1st amendment one day, hates it and calls it racist the next day, got it thanks ........
Sorry until one of you are called something like that you will not understand. Had a guy call me a monkey and i monkey stomped his ass. I dont call anything or compare you to anything so dont do it to me dammit period.
The best comedians are the ones who are capable of stating the truth so boldly or in a form so unique that it catches you by surprise. The people who laughed at this cartoon was basically having their own bigotry pulled right out and blatantly displayed in front of them in a single instant, so as to catch them off guard and reveal the truth. It got them, immediately.
It doesn't make them bad, though, not if they recognize it and adjust for it. All of us have prejudices and have to keep things in check one way or another to live together and no one is exempt. I don't know if the cartoonist was aiming for anything quite so deep. For all I know, he's an idiot. But it would be wrong to ban the cartoon and right to call it what it is.

Personally, I thought the cartoon was funny and did not see any racial undertones in it. However, protesters believe the cartoon "likened a violent chimpanzee shot dead by police to President Barack Obama." Of course, Al Sharpton has something to say about it. I'm surprised Jesse Jackson wasn't there. Did anyone else think this was racist? Or just a bunch of junk over nothing?


Here's a picture of the cartoon.

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The best comedians are the ones who are capable of stating the truth so boldly or in a form so unique that it catches you by surprise. The people who laughed at this cartoon was basically having their own bigotry pulled right out and blatantly displayed in front of them in a single instant, so as to catch them off guard and reveal the truth. It got them, immediately.
It doesn't make them bad, though, not if they recognize it and adjust for it. All of us have prejudices and have to keep things in check one way or another to live together and no one is exempt. I don't know if the cartoonist was aiming for anything quite so deep. For all I know, he's an idiot. But it would be wrong to ban the cartoon and right to call it what it is.

Personally, I thought the cartoon was funny and did not see any racial undertones in it. However, protesters believe the cartoon "likened a violent chimpanzee shot dead by police to President Barack Obama." Of course, Al Sharpton has something to say about it. I'm surprised Jesse Jackson wasn't there. Did anyone else think this was racist? Or just a bunch of junk over nothing?


Here's a picture of the cartoon.

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I laughed at the cartoon and I am not a racist nor have any racist tendencies. Not to beat a dead horse (wait, is that racist?), but I (like others) didn't view the chimp as Obama, just simply a generic person who wrote the stimulus plan. However, you (like many others) claim to think anyone who finds this cartoon funny is a bigot and that's simply not true.
Personally, I thought the cartoon was funny and did not see any racial undertones in it.

Then i'm either a moron or a liar, which is it?

fixed that for you.

Seriously, if you don't see the racial implications of a cop shooting down a gorilla you're AN IGNORANT RETARD. How else can I put it? Sorry, but no one is this stupid. I think you're all liars You know damn well its a racist cartoon, you just enjoy antagonizing blacks.
If the quote wasn't making a reference to Obama, it wouldn't make any sense at all??? Look, I was raised not 50 miles from the area of the re-birth of the KKK. Do I have racial bias tendencies? Yes, I was raised that way. Does that make me a racist. No, I learned better and I act accordingly. All that can be asked of anyone is to be tolerant. That is all. Anything more is moving into mind melding territory. It's up to each of us to individually come to understand our own biases and be responsible to everyone else around us. That doesn't mean they go away, they just don't have to rule your judgement or your actions.

The best comedians are the ones who are capable of stating the truth so boldly or in a form so unique that it catches you by surprise. The people who laughed at this cartoon was basically having their own bigotry pulled right out and blatantly displayed in front of them in a single instant, so as to catch them off guard and reveal the truth. It got them, immediately.
It doesn't make them bad, though, not if they recognize it and adjust for it. All of us have prejudices and have to keep things in check one way or another to live together and no one is exempt. I don't know if the cartoonist was aiming for anything quite so deep. For all I know, he's an idiot. But it would be wrong to ban the cartoon and right to call it what it is.

Personally, I thought the cartoon was funny and did not see any racial undertones in it. However, protesters believe the cartoon "likened a violent chimpanzee shot dead by police to President Barack Obama." Of course, Al Sharpton has something to say about it. I'm surprised Jesse Jackson wasn't there. Did anyone else think this was racist? Or just a bunch of junk over nothing?


Here's a picture of the cartoon.

Link to Article

I laughed at the cartoon and I am not a racist nor have any racist tendencies. Not to beat a dead horse (wait, is that racist?), but I (like others) didn't view the chimp as Obama, just simply a generic person who wrote the stimulus plan. However, you (like many others) claim to think anyone who finds this cartoon funny is a bigot and that's simply not true.
Then i'm either a moron or a liar, which is it?

fixed that for you.

Seriously, if you don't see the racial implications of a cop shooting down a gorilla you're AN IGNORANT RETARD. How else can I put it? Sorry, but no one is this stupid. I think you're all liars You know damn well its a racist cartoon, you just enjoy antagonizing blacks.

yeah, because there's a little box that shows the race of every poster :lol::cuckoo:

sorry, i didn't see it as racist. you don't like it? tough.
that's why they make chocolate and vanilla.
sorry, i didn't see it as racist.

I don't really buy that you are that big of a moron, sorry, but it ain't going to work on me - you're a liar and its easy to see.

i don't care what you buy, big fella.

is this starting to seep its way through your undoubtedly thick skull?

it was tasteless, not racist. enjoy your faux outrage.
sorry, i didn't see it as racist.

I don't really buy that you are that big of a moron, sorry, but it ain't going to work on me - you're a liar and its easy to see.

i don't care what you buy, big fella.

is this starting to seep its way through your undoubtedly thick skull?

it was tasteless, not racist. enjoy your faux outrage.

LOL! How was it "tasteless" and not "racist"? What lie do you intend to cook up with that one?
I don't really buy that you are that big of a moron, sorry, but it ain't going to work on me - you're a liar and its easy to see.

i don't care what you buy, big fella.

is this starting to seep its way through your undoubtedly thick skull?

it was tasteless, not racist. enjoy your faux outrage.

LOL! How was it "tasteless" and not "racist"? What lie do you intend to cook up with that one?

i think equating the congress with a chimp is tasteless and extremely unfair to the chimp.
i don't care what you buy, big fella.

is this starting to seep its way through your undoubtedly thick skull?

it was tasteless, not racist. enjoy your faux outrage.

LOL! How was it "tasteless" and not "racist"? What lie do you intend to cook up with that one?

i think equating the congress with a chimp is tasteless and extremely unfair to the chimp.

Congress? LOL!

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