NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Germany's population is about 1/4th the US population, Stupid.

Their number of cases is lower because they have only done 20 million tests, while the US has done 132 million tests, Moron.
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FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Of course if the laptop and 28,000 emails were made up CIA,FBI, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the Main Stream Media would prove it and instantly eliminate Trump, FOX, and Republicans who have staked their reputations on them. Why do you think they have not done that?

If you are not smart enough to post here can certainly read what others write.
You’re making up anything having to do with Joe getting any money. It’s bullshit.
All evidence points to you being 100% wrong.
Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Germany's population is about 1/4th the US population, Stupid.

Their number of cases is lower because they have only done 20 million, while the US has done 132 million tests, Moron.

Yes, this is the Yank, nothing can be compared when the USA is failing.

China is doing better than the USA and they have far more people than you.

Every country in Europe is doing better than the USA but Spain.

Pretty primitive reasoning actually, but understandable given the state of US education.

Germany has conducted fewer tests per population than the USA because they got the infection rates under control much faster than the USA and so hence have much lower death rates.

The USA is every accelerating testing rates because your infection rates are out of control, you death rates accelerating.

That concept may be a bit too complex for you.

I will try and get Kermit the Frog and the Cookie Monster to come over and do a skit explaining it further.
Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Germany's population is about 1/4th the US population, Stupid.

Their number of cases is lower because they have only done 20 million, while the US has done 132 million tests, Moron.

Yes, this is the Yank, nothing can be compared when the USA is failing.

Germany has higher population density for instance, it is more conducive to infection spread.

China is doing better than the USA and they have far more people.

But we cannot compare that either, if the USA is failing it can only be compared to anywhere failing worse.

That is the American way.

Pretty primitive reasoning actually, but understandable given the state of US education.

Germany has conducted fewer tests per population than the USA because they got the infection rates under control much faster than the USA and so hence have much lower death rates.

The USA is every accelerating testing rates because your infection rates are out of control, you death rates accelerating.

That concept may be a bit too complex for you.

I will try and get Kermit the Frog and the Cookie Monster to come over and do a skit explaining it further.
Sounds like some nasty shit coming out now.

On a serious note, I think both America and most of Europe have some hard months ahead.

Some places even worse like Latin America.

I am not happy about that, we live in a global economy and this is a global pandemic so the sooner the world contains it the better for everyone in the world.

I was talking about these allegations of Hunter and young chinese girls.

Oh sorry, I do not care about fictional trash.

I live in the civilised world.

If you live in the far east....you do.

I used to travel to China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan on business.

I truly enjoyed the people.

I was never able to get out of the cities much....something I was very disappointed about.

I always wanted to visit the geo parks in central/western China.

I would love to visit China too, not that hard out my way in Australia.

I lived in Japan for a time. Loved it.

I would also love to visit Vietnam.

Too many countries, too little time.
Europe is a continent, not a country.
I know Americans are not good at geography so I will excuse that.
who cares if Europe is a continent or country or union ??????? Its similar in population and culture and Covid deaths. What does that teach you about the brainwashing you got from the libcommie press????

• Coronavirus deaths in the EU-5 2020 | Statista
www.statista.com › ... › State of Health

As of October 23, 2020, there have been 257522 deaths across the whole of Europe due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) since the first recorded European death ...

And yet only one European country has a higher death rate than the USA.

Us death rate: 2.61%

UK: 5.24%
France: 3.19
Sweden: 5.36%
Belgium 3.52%

To name a few....

Sounds like some nasty shit coming out now.

On a serious note, I think both America and most of Europe have some hard months ahead.

Some places even worse like Latin America.

I am not happy about that, we live in a global economy and this is a global pandemic so the sooner the world contains it the better for everyone in the world.

I was talking about these allegations of Hunter and young chinese girls.

Oh sorry, I do not care about fictional trash.

I live in the civilised world.

If you live in the far east....you do.

I used to travel to China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan on business.

I truly enjoyed the people.

I was never able to get out of the cities much....something I was very disappointed about.

I always wanted to visit the geo parks in central/western China.

I would love to visit China too, not that hard out my way in Australia.

I lived in Japan for a time. Loved it.

I would also love to visit Vietnam.

Too many countries, too little time.

I love the Chinese people.

Once they trust you, they are extremely gracious.

And China isn't just one place.

Shanghai is an incredible city to just "see". It's got several sections. The newest just sprung up (which kinda scares me).

Nanking was very very cool !

Hong Kong.....nothing like it. Should not change...I hope.
FBI had info for a long time Not because there’s nothing there but rather because it’s grotesque and devastating and they don’t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Aren’t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Of course if the laptop and 28,000 emails were made up CIA,FBI, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the Main Stream Media would prove it and instantly eliminate Trump, FOX, and Republicans who have staked their reputations on them. Why do you think they have not done that?

If you are not smart enough to post here can certainly read what others write.
You’re making up anything having to do with Joe getting any money. It’s bullshit.
All evidence points to you being 100% wrong.
Where? Only corruption I’ve seen in our candidates is Trumps grafting off the fed govt teet.
Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Germany's population is about 1/4th the US population, Stupid.

Their number of cases is lower because they have only done 20 million, while the US has done 132 million tests, Moron.

Yes, this is the Yank, nothing can be compared when the USA is failing.

China is doing better than the USA and they have far more people than you.

Every country in Europe is doing better than the USA but Spain.

Pretty primitive reasoning actually, but understandable given the state of US education.

Germany has conducted fewer tests per population than the USA because they got the infection rates under control much faster than the USA and so hence have much lower death rates.

The USA is every accelerating testing rates because your infection rates are out of control, you death rates accelerating.

That concept may be a bit too complex for you.

I will try and get Kermit the Frog and the Cookie Monster to come over and do a skit explaining it further.
China is doing better than the USA and they have far more people than you.

I had no idea there was anyone on Earth dumb enough to believe China on this issue.


Every country in Europe is doing better than the USA but Spain.

My link proved you to be a liar.

The USA is every accelerating testing rates because your infection rates are out of control, you death rates accelerating.

Our death rates have been cut in half, Moron.
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.
The fact you are begging people to ignore this says it all.

I am not begging anyone to do anything, it is not my problem Americans are so myopic they cannot focus on what matters, an out of control pandemic and collapsing economy, I do not have to live with that living in far more rational and functional Australia.

Just pointing out this "scandal" is an idiotic and desperate diversion from such which highlights to much of the rest of the free world just how dysfunctional The United States of Anger has become.

USA created freedom on earth and is the world's policeman in the name of freedom. This election is about freedom or socialist govt and the future of the world. It is being fought on a very low level only because Democrats want it that way and are getting their way. Now they want 16 year olds to vote, for example, knowing that the dumb will vote for free stuff and pleasing personalities. Do you understand?

US created freedom on Earth?

You working on your stand up routine?

The concept of human freedom is as old as Athens and evolved through the British state unto America.

Some times America has supported it, some times America has subverted it. (As in the overthrow of democratically elected governments during the Cold War.)

Since the Cold War most of the free world has admired America (though often were shocked at the poverty and lack of civilised social services, the crime rates, chaos, number of people not living in freedom but rather in prisons) and much of the authoritarian world feared America.

Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response, the difficulty the system has even providing minimal economic support to the unemployed, the greed which large American businesses conduct themselves in, even taking pandemic relief money, a tax system that is a plutocratic joke before the world and the petty and idiotic nature of the Presidential contest, most of the world, both free and authoritarian simply pities The United States of Anger.

This from an idiot living in a former prison colony. ROFLMFAO

Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Damn you're full of shit. Germany has 1/4th the population of the US, 83 million vs. 320+ million. BTW Germany has a higher case/fatality rate. So just STFU foreigner.

Since the Cold War most of the free world has admired America (though often were shocked at the poverty

totally stupid. there is no poverty in America. The poorest families here get $80,000 a year in free health care, education, housing, defense, infrastructure, police/fire protection etc etc. Billions of poor live at $2-3/day. Do you understand????

38.1 million people lives in Poverty USA, prior to the pandemic, it would be much higher now, it is the highest rate of poverty in the free, Western, developed world.

And you ignore the fact that the "poor" in the US has a higher standard of living than many middle class in other countries. Name one other country where the "poor" check their food stamp balance on an $800.00 phone.

Its all bull crap.
The laptop and 28,0000 emails are bull crap??? IF so the Bidens will save their reputation by proving it. Oddly that cant say one word. Do you ever think before you post??

When propagating a lie it is up to the liar to prove it is true.

We are still waiting for Rudy to do that, but he has been to busy playing with his tutti frutti.

Rudy doesn't have to do shit, two of the recipients of the emails have confirmed their authenticity. So you have the two individuals, the DNI, FBI and the DOJ saying they are real.

Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Germany's population is about 1/4th the US population, Stupid.

Their number of cases is lower because they have only done 20 million, while the US has done 132 million tests, Moron.

Yes, this is the Yank, nothing can be compared when the USA is failing.

China is doing better than the USA and they have far more people than you.

Every country in Europe is doing better than the USA but Spain.

Pretty primitive reasoning actually, but understandable given the state of US education.

Germany has conducted fewer tests per population than the USA because they got the infection rates under control much faster than the USA and so hence have much lower death rates.

The USA is every accelerating testing rates because your infection rates are out of control, you death rates accelerating.

That concept may be a bit too complex for you.

I will try and get Kermit the Frog and the Cookie Monster to come over and do a skit explaining it further.
China is doing better than the USA and they have far more people than you.

I had no idea there was anyone on Earth dumb enough to believe China on this issue.


Every country in Europe is doing better than the USA but Spain.

My link proved you to be a liar.

The USA is every accelerating testing rates because your infection rates are out of control, you death rates accelerating.

Our death rates have been cut in half, Moron.

No one would take their figures as gospel, but seeing as the virus originated in China it is being monitored by every security agency on planet Earth.

Not one has disputed their overall claims there there is now no mass community spread, that the hospitals are anywhere near capacity, or most importantly at all that the authoritarian government is restricting movement as they did to contain it.

Not one.

This is all easy to independently verify. People are either flooding the hospitals like much of the USA or they are not?

As for US death rates, they are horrendous compared to much of the civilised world, they peaked early in the virus wave, went down but remain at a steady, atrocious rate. You will surpass 300,000 by February at this rate unless there is a vaccine.

One of the worst death rates in the modern, developed world.
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Its all bull crap.
The laptop and 28,0000 emails are bull crap??? IF so the Bidens will save their reputation by proving it. Oddly that cant say one word. Do you ever think before you post??

When propagating a lie it is up to the liar to prove it is true.

We are still waiting for Rudy to do that, but he has been to busy playing with his tutti frutti.

Rudy doesn't have to do shit, two of the recipients of the emails have confirmed their authenticity. So you have the two individuals, the DNI, FBI and the DOJ saying they are real.


Yes in the rational world Rudy does as he made claims, or he can be sued for defamation.

No government agency has announced Rudy's claims are contained in the emails, be it child abuse or corruption.

Not one.
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Since the Cold War most of the free world has admired America (though often were shocked at the poverty

totally stupid. there is no poverty in America. The poorest families here get $80,000 a year in free health care, education, housing, defense, infrastructure, police/fire protection etc etc. Billions of poor live at $2-3/day. Do you understand????

38.1 million people lives in Poverty USA, prior to the pandemic, it would be much higher now, it is the highest rate of poverty in the free, Western, developed world.

And you ignore the fact that the "poor" in the US has a higher standard of living than many middle class in other countries. Name one other country where the "poor" check their food stamp balance on an $800.00 phone.


No they do not, not even the working class America.

Not compared to the rest of the free, developed world.

Most other developed Western countries have far better wages in relation to cost of living far more benefits far more civilised working conditions and well almost every last one of them has a better medical coverage system.

This is why America has the largest prison population in the free world, the largest drug addiction problem in the free world, the most violent crime in the free world, because being poor or even working class in America means living in misery.
Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Damn you're full of shit. Germany has 1/4th the population of the US, 83 million vs. 320+ million. BTW Germany has a higher case/fatality rate. So just STFU foreigner.


Germany has higher population density, it had had simular in flight movement per population to the USA, it is comparable.

So who can we compare America with, every time you look bad the slobbering idiot chant is that does not count.

The USA has higher death rates per 100k of the population, it does with every European country except Spain. (I am sure you are happy to compare with Spain because that is the one case that makes you feel less deluded). This from Johns Hopkins. See my posted link in the thread.

But you won't because Trump cult Americans only believe what they want to believe as they click their ruby heels together and chant there is not place like home.
Now observing the chaos of America's pandemic response,

what chaos??? Europe has the same population and the same death totals. Maybe you've been brainwashed by the libcommies??? Are you going to tolerate that???

Lets compare the country most comparable with the USA in population and movement, Germany.

Germany has had 427, 888 confirmed infections the USA 8,823,899

Germany has had 10,111 deaths the USA 230,045.

Oh my.

No one in the world believes America is doing well but people lost in the demented certainties of the Trump cult.

Damn you're full of shit. Germany has 1/4th the population of the US, 83 million vs. 320+ million. BTW Germany has a higher case/fatality rate. So just STFU foreigner.


Germany has higher population density, it had had simular in flight movement per population to the USA, it is comparable.

So who can we compare America with, every time you look bad the slobbering idiot chant is that does not count.

The USA has higher death rates per 100k of the population, it does with every European country except Spain. (I am sure you are happy to compare with Spain because that is the one case that makes you feel less deluded). This from Johns Hopkins. See my posted link in the thread.

But you won't because Trump cult Americans only believe what they want to believe as they click their ruby heels together and chant there is not place like home.

Please show the data you are using to make this statement. I showed you what I got off the JH website and it does NOT show the U.S. as number 2.
Well by your own admission you have no clue what sociology is

If I admitted that I'll pay you $10,000 in legally binding bet. Bet??? Do you know what a strawman is?
Most non political and objective medical assessments are you probably going to pass 300,000 deaths by February.

Europe is already at 252,000. And????????????????????

Your argument is you will only compare an entire continent with America, you cannot make a case country by country, even though this is handled at the national level. Germany's response is not the same as the UK. The only sane way to compare it is country by country. And the only European country doing worse than the USA is Spain.

So your argument is America is doing well because death rate is slightly under an entire continent with many countries in it death rate.

But if you insist on comparing continents or geographical regions the Americas have had 623,000 death compared to Europe's 250,000.

Oh my.

So you're saying the States of the EU is less diverse than the 50 US States? I kind of fucking doubt that.

Hunter Biden Abused 10-year-old Girl With His 9.5-Inch Genitals After Taking Drugs

Small Excerpt:
One of the videos is that Hunter Biden used his 9.5-inch genitals to continuously poke a girl’s vagina after taking drugs. This little girl looks only about 10 years old and is a Chinese girl. In the video, the little girl’s lower body continued to bleed, and the little girl kept screaming, terribly. These videos will be released to the public after the face and key parts are blurred. You can see the girl’s hands and feet, as well as hear the girl’s cry.

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