NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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Past 30 yrs. Wiener is hardly prominent. The emails were deleted and server was bleached and blackberries were smashed. Nothing to see here folks....

Completely brushed over John Edwards I see.
Didn’t he siphon campaign funds or something? Unlike the pay for play by the Clintons. You ignored my server details and those pesky blackberries.
Edwards was using campaign money to pay his mistress. That wound up being found to be NOT a violation of campaign finance laws. It was considered hush money and Edwards I believe wound up resigning over it.
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
That would be a yes, right?
You can fuck off too troll. Show us any official statement from Biden saying this is false. Or else STFU.
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant bitch. Who cares about a Biden statement? What is he supposed to be denying? Who cares? It's Hunter's laptop, so what? Show me something proven to be both from the laptop..and illegal! You cannot..can you?

You got nothing but shit stained teeth and feces drooling from your ignorant mouth.

If you cannot shut me up..and you cannot...you best take your limp-dicked excuse for argument back to your safe zone..this ain't it.
Poor little uneducated child porn supporter. Hey asshole, I told you to provide a statement from Biden denying any of this. You can’t can you asshole? You can go fuck yourself you walking advertisement for birth control . Here’s one fuckwad. Verified email showing that Joe had his kids getting money from foreign agents and funneling the money to him to avoid disclosure and tax reporting. So take your mouth off Biden’s cock, clean the jizz from your chin and try to deny it you worthless POS.
So what...it's what Trump does routinely..btw..seems a far cry from Child Rape and Child Porn..got an E-mail for that one?

If some routine tax fraud is all you got....maybe you should have stayed home.
...I just heard you say, "I hope Biden wins so he can destroy anyone daring to investigate his crimes!"...
Probably attributable to bad case of $hit-for-brains on your part... I dunno... BTW... Rudi has no investigatory power.

...So did you actually sell your soul to Satan, or are you merely stupid enough to do his work without getting anything in return?
No... I swore an oath... ages ago... to protect the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, like the lickspittles that you're defending.
Because Chris Wray does not want the FBI dragged down into a political fight 2 weeks before the election. Comey did that and he got canned for it.
This is not a "political fight".

Sen. Ron Johnson also has a copy of the hard drive he received from a "whistle blower".

Sen. Ron Johnson is chair of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

He has every right to make this request of Christopher Wray.

The fact that Wray is ignoring the Senator's request is all revealing.
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.
Oh Lordy. Biden is looking forward to beat that moron again. It hasn’t been started yet but Trumpy is already bitchin for Thursday debate.
AND NO.... we are not in the panic mode. You know why?

DECENT Americans knew that Guilliani is a corrupted, traitor and Russian agent, timing closer to election, a political HIT JOB.
Another leftist asshole who supports child porn and pedphilia. News flash asshole, Biden is the one hiding because this is all true. Decent Americans know you to be a lying hack who suffered from terminal TDS. Show us where Biden has said these aren’t real. Go ahead, do it.
Sorry Kid. Lying? Instead crying like a baby. Why don’t you prove it.
QANON teach you well. Give us a proof or a single evidence that we support pedoohilia and child porn.
TDS... Trump Deranged Sympathizers.

then why did they destroy them if you cant get anything???
Because the blackberries have local copies of the data from the server.

God, this is tedious. Do you have any knowledge of how technology works?
so they destroyed them to protect data that didnt matter cause its stored somewhere else???

sounds to me they wasted their time and money,,,
The deep state and the media have a lot of useful idiots who will carry their water for them. They can do just about anything and these lemmings will defend them. They can modify FISA documents, send clearly partisan text messages, write notes like “stir up a scandal”, etc. Their candidate’s drug addicted son get millions of dollars from a Ukrainian company who his father just happens to be the lead on Ukrainian “corruption” and just happens to fire the prosecutor who was preparing to investigate the company his son works for...Amazing. These folks are completely and totally brainwashed. Years of public education has done this to them. No different than those in North Korea who bow to pictures of their dear leader. Educational indoctrination and control of the media works.

Guy, that prosecutor was fired because the EU and IMF insisted on it after his lackys were found to have millions of dollars in diamonds and foreign currency in their homes.

You guys have been lying about Biden's son for a year now, and you still don't have anything remotely credible.

So all the Government Agencies and Media are evil, and Trump is good. I know you really need to believe that, no matter how many people are ruined or killed by Trump's incompetence.
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