NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.
I just produced an entire list of prominent politicians who have been jailed. I guess you already forgot.

The third Clinton is their foundation? John Huber was hand picked to investigate the Clinton foundation and found nothing after 2 years. Trump's DoJ isn't protecting the Clintons or anyone else. They're just not finding criminal cases that they can take to court. There's no need for conspiracy theories.
Your list is entirely bogus. It says only 2 of Clinton's cronies were convicted. It's more like 40.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.
I just produced an entire list of prominent politicians who have been jailed. I guess you already forgot.

The third Clinton is their foundation? John Huber was hand picked to investigate the Clinton foundation and found nothing after 2 years. Trump's DoJ isn't protecting the Clintons or anyone else. They're just not finding criminal cases that they can take to court. There's no need for conspiracy theories.
Past 30 yrs. Wiener is hardly prominent. The emails were deleted and server was bleached and blackberries were smashed. Nothing to see here folks....
See, it’s YOU who has no credibility liar. Again dumbfuck (i’ll Type slowly so maybe you can understand), the emails have been verified. Biden has not ever said these emails aren’t real. He can’t because he’ll be shown an idiot, as usual. Your support for child porn and pedophilia is noted. Now fuck off.
Do you deny that the right has been declaring that people are criminals for years and nothing comes of it?
Rather than unraveling the evidence is getting stronger. Old Joe has been chased back intobhid basement
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...
The HARD DRIVE is in the FBI's hands right now supposedly assuming that they didn't destroy it to cover for Biden. Along with the HARD DRIVE is also Hunters Cell phone--------------which also has the images, the emails, the video, and the pictures of Hunter among other things violently raping chinese underage girls.
It’s really sad for a Trump devotee like you to pump lies in the middle of these BS.
You did NOT see a video or pictures of Hunter raping Chinese underage girls. NON of us see any. YOU ARE LYING.
Yet you are here arguing about Hunter. Trump trained you well. What is the credibility of what you are saying?

If any of you wants to talk about the emails, Hunter and lap top. Talk straight but do NOT pump any of these BULLSHIT that are not true. Sickening. YOU GOT DAT?
Oh look----------an idiot accusing me of saying that I have seen the videos when I haven't posted any such thing. I posted the facts as I always do---the FBI now has Hunter's cell phone which (reportedly) backs up the emails and video and pictures found on Hunters computer. I would assume that Hunter was using his phone to record his rapes and drug abuse which he would then down load onto his COMPUTERS. I would think that since Hunter had 3 computers that the other 2 had most of his recording as they were damaged and also brought in to the repairman but that he wouldn't leave those 2 computers there. I didn't see the images--they will never fully release the images of him raping those poor girls--but there are others who have said that have seen the images on both devices.
Baloney. You have not seen any video or pictures. If there’s such a thing that could be the smoking gun don’t you think? NOBODY NONE of us. Yet you act like saw it. Get real Dude.

Damn idiot------this is a message board --how does one ACT like they saw a video? Without posting that they saw a video? Again reports coming from those that saw the videos-----------Hunter was VIOLENTLY raping underage girl(s)........taking drugs, and other sex acts on camera. Deal with the facts--stop playing childish games.

This will come out soon. Its not manufactured out of nothing. Guiliani alluded to it. No bullshit, I hope its not true. I am not so tribalist that I hope Hunter raped and assaulted underage Chinese girls while he was high on crack. I hope to God that did not happen, but that is what we are hearing will drop soon and is why the FBI child sex crimes division is now involved.

Lets just hope it did not happen. The bribery of a POTUS CANDIDATE enough for me to digest.
I keep telling myself that many many young asian women look to be much younger like 13/14 years old and hope that young girls weren't violently raped even though it isn't much better if they are young women. But I think the Chinese government provided the girls------and like with Epstein, I think the game was to get dirt on the dirty american politicans and others in order to Extort desired results politically.
Your list is entirely bogus. It says only 2 of Clinton's cronies were convicted. It's more like 40.
Depends on what you mean by crony. The list is specifically people in their administration.

If you think it was 40, go ahead and produce the list.
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
That would be a yes, right?
If the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is not true ....

Then why hasn't Christopher Wray responded to Sen. Ron Johnson's letter?

We all know why.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
NONSENSE---you desperately spinning bS.

April of 2019...computers (3) were brought in for repair. ONly one of the computers was left. AFTER the repairs, the owner of the computer have 45 days after being notified to come get their computer minimum by law. Most computer repair shops give longer periods to try to get their money. Once the owners do not show up--then the computer becomes the repairman---so you are talking atleast JUNE before the repair guy could even go through the computer's private emails/photos etc. "AFTER HUNTER DID not show up to pick up the computer" means MONTHS LATER,

According to the repairman, he then contacts a friend about what he found--and the friend contacted the FBI....who then in DECEMBER subpoened the computer.

The only problem with your post is you skip Guilliani who has been digging dirt against Biden working with Russian agents Derkach and Tekizhenko who just get banned from entering US by the state department.

Guilliani has a very long and good relationship with Fox News. It’s shocking and wondering why Fox News didn’t take this emails scandals against Biden? Instead he went to a NY Post a tabloid. Then stupid enough to admit that a legitimate news media will question him.
Maybe Guilliani knew something at the POST or maybe given all the smears by libs about Fox---he thought that it would have more impact coming from them instead of Fox. Or it could be that maybe the reporter as able to get information that guilliani wasn't and hence wrote his own story. This is a question that Guilliani should be asked though-------
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.

BULLSHIT. I will give you a thumbs down here right here on your race.

Clinton Foundation is open for audit. Trump Foundation was ordered to shut it down and paid $2 millions for fraud. What part of your ignorant lies don’t you understand?
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
That would be a yes, right?
You can fuck off too troll. Show us any official statement from Biden saying this is false. Or else STFU.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
So you think the people that confirmed the emails are liars?
got any names on who these people are, who confirmed them?

look, this is the exact same modus operandi the Russians used with DNC/Podesta emails.... whether it is Rudy's team or the Russians, it's the same... dripping email release....with made up stories to go with each few released, all ready to drop by the fake media, and right wing media, spreading it like wildfire.

Do I think the emails are real? Sure seems like they are and likely are.... at least most of them.

It's the made up stories that go with them that is unsupported, with no evidence, and pure smear!
All this jumping to conclusions out of mere cloth.... media stories all writen before the release, waiting to drop.... their planting crimes in your heads, that the emails DO NOT SHOW, nor do they supply evidence to support any crimes with Joe Biden....

And then you have this absolutely bizarre story by the legally blind shop owner that changes quicker than one blinks.... is too fishy to believe outright!

First he says he called the FBI, then he says the FBI contacted him first, then he goes back to him calling them..... what the heck?? NO WONDER IT IS SO CONFUSING!

More importantly, The Daily Beast report said Isaac couldn't seem to get his facts straight when laying out the timeline of how the laptop arrived at his shop and when it disappeared.
"Throughout the entire interview, Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that reached out to him," the report said. "At one point, Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device's existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for 'help accessing his drive.'"

And then we have Giuliani having this laptop for a year.... no Barr involvement, no rescue for Trump, with his impeachment, no nothin'..... from Rudi and this laptop, that could have shown reason for Trump's meddling to find dirt on Joe?

Also, that Russian operative that Rudi's been working with in the Ukraine parliament just announced the gvt got a second Hunter laptop today..... second because they got the first one??? Who knows?

those fake stories of pure gumby contortions is what is not real.
Emails confirmed as authentic. Your lies are exposed. Your total ignorance is expected.
So what if the emails are authentic? This means..what again? Post me an E-mail that you think is egregious..a real 'smoking gun..I defy you to do that.
Oh please!

the whole October Surprise stinks of rotten eggs!

First, Giuliani has had the laptop since July of 2019....
Why didn't he give it to AG Barr? That is what a law abiding citizen would do.

And Barr is in the bag for Trump, so there would be no reason not to do this...

And then, why in the hell would this computer shop owner, decide to give this lap top to Giuliani.... of all people??? Seriously!!!

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

And then you have the impeachment, with Giuliani head deep in the shenanigans back in the late summer and fall of 2019....while he had the laptop already? And didn't come to the defense of Trump, in the impeachment nor the impeachment trial????

come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! wake up!

And then we have the year long investigation in the Senate on it..... and the R Senate investigation in to the Hunter/Joe thingy and they supposedly have the lap top, and then clear Joe Biden of any wrong doing, though lots of negative on Hunter?

and this shop owner is allegedly legally blind so he doesn't know who dropped the laptop off, yet he says he called the person to come pick it up, and another yet, is he claims he saw something disturbing so he gave a copy to the FBI, but when questioned about child porn on the lapto this guy claims "He saw NONE of that..."?

So why did he give the laptop copy to the FBI?

And what was he doing snooping through Hunter Biden's lap top in the first place? That's NOT part of retrieving a hard drive.....? So what was it specifically that made him give a copy to the FBI and then out of the blue, choose Rudy Giuliani to give it to?

And this guy did not see child porn, and is legally blind, additionally an excuse for not knowing who dropped off the laptop, yet he sees well enough to read Hunter's emails and see something to make him want to turn the coPy of the laptop to the FBI?

Then Giuliani holds on to ALL OF THIS INFO, letting the alleged child sex abuse continue on and on and on and on, while he holds on to the laptop for over a year's time, without giving it to AG BARR,

only to drop the laptop in to the new National Enquirer helper for Trump, the New York Post tabloid, to drop the story two weeks out from the election.... and Giuliani says he gave it to the tabloid because he was afraid a legitimate news paper would be required to check the sources BEFORE printing the story,and 'this would be too late'..... too late to serve HIS PURPOSE of an October surprise.....

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn again!

Sorry, this stinks to high heaven of trumpery!
Your timeline is wrong. Want to try to not spin nonsense?

The FBI was given the hard drive in December after they subpoened it---------which means Barr would have or should have been informed then---but the clinton corrupt FBI sat on and hid this evidence even though Trump was being impeached over Burisma and the computer held evidence that was pertinent to the hearing. Guilliani wasn't informed of the computer till this year-------after the FBI had the computer.
Nope! That's all fake news dear one! The shop owner said he gave the laptop to the FBI after Hunter did not show up to pick it up..... that was early summer 2019? so is the story changing?

And then the subpoena that is showing by the GatewayPundit as a subpoena for Hunter Biden to show up at a grand jury, DOES NOT HAVE HUNTER'S NAME ON IT..... whomever was being subpoenaed...the name was blacked out.... the one that is claimed to have some agent named Wilson bled thru on it ....who works on child sex trafficking.....does not name Biden as the person being subpoenaed, and does not say that the person being subpoenaed has to bring any electronic data with him, as claimed by the GatewayPundit......

Snowflakes are being snowed!
So you think the people that confirmed the emails are liars?
got any names on who these people are, who confirmed them?

look, this is the exact same modus operandi the Russians used with DNC/Podesta emails.... whether it is Rudy's team or the Russians, it's the same... dripping email release....with made up stories to go with each few released, all ready to drop by the fake media, and right wing media, spreading it like wildfire.

Do I think the emails are real? Sure seems like they are and likely are.... at least most of them.

It's the made up stories that go with them that is unsupported, with no evidence, and pure smear!
All this jumping to conclusions out of mere cloth.... media stories all writen before the release, waiting to drop.... their planting crimes in your heads, that the emails DO NOT SHOW, nor do they supply evidence to support any crimes with Joe Biden....

And then you have this absolutely bizarre story by the legally blind shop owner that changes quicker than one blinks.... is too fishy to believe outright!

First he says he called the FBI, then he says the FBI contacted him first, then he goes back to him calling them..... what the heck?? NO WONDER IT IS SO CONFUSING!

More importantly, The Daily Beast report said Isaac couldn't seem to get his facts straight when laying out the timeline of how the laptop arrived at his shop and when it disappeared.
"Throughout the entire interview, Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that reached out to him," the report said. "At one point, Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device's existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for 'help accessing his drive.'"

And then we have Giuliani having this laptop for a year.... no Barr involvement, no rescue for Trump, with his impeachment, no nothin'..... from Rudi and this laptop, that could have shown reason for Trump's meddling to find dirt on Joe?

Also, that Russian operative that Rudi's been working with in the Ukraine parliament just announced the gvt got a second Hunter laptop today..... second because they got the first one??? Who knows?

those fake stories of pure gumby contortions is what is not real.
Emails confirmed as authentic. Your lies are exposed. Your total ignorance is expected.
:lol: I said the same thing....they or most, are likely real.... so what is your gripe, high strung one?
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Smearing the candidate with accusations of corruption worked in 2016. Didn't matter that they weren't true, just did it and it worked. Same shit, different year.
Hey dumbfuck, what part of the emails have been verified are you missing? Oh yeah all of it because like all the leftist morons here you insert your head in your ass and ignore the truth. Iceberg put it best when he asked any of you to show Biden saying these are not authentic. He won’t because of a little thing called discovery. Now child porn officers are involved. It is not going to end well for Crooked Joe and his Crackhead kid.
This sounds familiar. Like in 2016 when Trump said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor and put Clinton in jail when he won.

I'm having a busy day and don't have time to look it up. Can you remind me if that ever happened?
Here’s your answer. FUCK OFF TROLL. Since you obviously know nothing about this keep your yap shut moron. More of your useless uneducated drivel.
It's just that you guys constantly talk about people being in trouble and things not going to end well and constantly it's just not ever the case.

The list of people the right has promised us were all going to jail is really, really long. It's not my fault you lack credibility.
You constantly talk about having "overwhelming evidence", but can't produce any.

Funny how you talk about "lack of credibility". :iyfyus.jpg:
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.

BULLSHIT. I will give you a thumbs down here right here on your race.

Clinton Foundation is open for audit. Trump Foundation was ordered to shut it down and paid $2 millions for fraud. What part of your ignorant lies don’t you understand?
They shut it down when she lost. Gee wonder why? Pay for play.
Im beginning to think that my vote for Trump matters even more now.
I mean if Biden wins, then we will never know the truth.
Thats been proven by what we know about the bought and paid for dossier.
You know this corruption goes deeeeeeep.
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.

BULLSHIT. I will give you a thumbs down here right here on your race.

Clinton Foundation is open for audit. Trump Foundation was ordered to shut it down and paid $2 millions for fraud. What part of your ignorant lies don’t you understand?
Clinton Foundation would regularly change the books of both money coming in and going out over and over and over as they would get periodically snagged about lying about the finances and have to admit to more cash floating around. Hate to think of all the millions $$$$ missed.
If the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is not true ....

Then why hasn't Christopher Wray responded to Sen. Ron Johnson's letter?

We all know why.
Because Chris Wray does not want the FBI dragged down into a political fight 2 weeks before the election. Comey did that and he got canned for it.
Past 30 yrs. Wiener is hardly prominent. The emails were deleted and server was bleached and blackberries were smashed. Nothing to see here folks....

Completely brushed over John Edwards I see.
Didn’t he siphon campaign funds or something? Unlike the pay for play by the Clintons. You ignored my server details and those pesky blackberries.
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