NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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its like beijing xiden saying its not a racist. almost 50 years in office, screwing the pooch, and you. but cant run on anything, let alone bring up anything that it thinks its achieved in that time. next to BARRAG , beijing xiden, hill-arious fat pig clinton, another treasionist bitch,these morons are all racists and will never be honest about it.
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

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I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...
The HARD DRIVE is in the FBI's hands right now supposedly assuming that they didn't destroy it to cover for Biden. Along with the HARD DRIVE is also Hunters Cell phone--------------which also has the images, the emails, the video, and the pictures of Hunter among other things violently raping chinese underage girls.
It’s really sad for a Trump devotee like you to pump lies in the middle of these BS.
You did NOT see a video or pictures of Hunter raping Chinese underage girls. NON of us see any. YOU ARE LYING.
Yet you are here arguing about Hunter. Trump trained you well. What is the credibility of what you are saying?

If any of you wants to talk about the emails, Hunter and lap top. Talk straight but do NOT pump any of these BULLSHIT that are not true. Sickening. YOU GOT DAT?
Oh look----------an idiot accusing me of saying that I have seen the videos when I haven't posted any such thing. I posted the facts as I always do---the FBI now has Hunter's cell phone which (reportedly) backs up the emails and video and pictures found on Hunters computer. I would assume that Hunter was using his phone to record his rapes and drug abuse which he would then down load onto his COMPUTERS. I would think that since Hunter had 3 computers that the other 2 had most of his recording as they were damaged and also brought in to the repairman but that he wouldn't leave those 2 computers there. I didn't see the images--they will never fully release the images of him raping those poor girls--but there are others who have said that have seen the images on both devices.
Baloney. You have not seen any video or pictures. If there’s such a thing that could be the smoking gun don’t you think? NOBODY NONE of us. Yet you act like saw it. Get real Dude.

Damn idiot------this is a message board --how does one ACT like they saw a video? Without posting that they saw a video? Again reports coming from those that saw the videos-----------Hunter was VIOLENTLY raping underage girl(s)........taking drugs, and other sex acts on camera. Deal with the facts--stop playing childish games.

This will come out soon. Its not manufactured out of nothing. Guiliani alluded to it. No bullshit, I hope its not true. I am not so tribalist that I hope Hunter raped and assaulted underage Chinese girls while he was high on crack. I hope to God that did not happen, but that is what we are hearing will drop soon and is why the FBI child sex crimes division is now involved.

Lets just hope it did not happen. The bribery of a POTUS CANDIDATE enough for me to digest.
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

You are wrong on every single point, and yet also managed to misunderstand my post.
I really don’t have the time or desire to engage with you.
You do your thing.
You know what the real bitch of all of this is?

My first born son’s name is HUNTER. Born in 2000. I really hope HUNTER doesnt become a notorious name like HITLER.

My son claims he will pull the name out of the ashes should it become a cross to bear. He is voting for Trump and is excited to vote in his first POTUS election.
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

You are wrong on every single point, and yet also managed to misunderstand my post.
I really don’t have the time or desire to engage with you.
You do your thing.

They are exhausting, arent they? Its mostly disengenuous engagement from their side.
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...
The HARD DRIVE is in the FBI's hands right now supposedly assuming that they didn't destroy it to cover for Biden. Along with the HARD DRIVE is also Hunters Cell phone--------------which also has the images, the emails, the video, and the pictures of Hunter among other things violently raping chinese underage girls.
It’s really sad for a Trump devotee like you to pump lies in the middle of these BS.
You did NOT see a video or pictures of Hunter raping Chinese underage girls. NON of us see any. YOU ARE LYING.
Yet you are here arguing about Hunter. Trump trained you well. What is the credibility of what you are saying?

If any of you wants to talk about the emails, Hunter and lap top. Talk straight but do NOT pump any of these BULLSHIT that are not true. Sickening. YOU GOT DAT?
Oh look----------an idiot accusing me of saying that I have seen the videos when I haven't posted any such thing. I posted the facts as I always do---the FBI now has Hunter's cell phone which (reportedly) backs up the emails and video and pictures found on Hunters computer. I would assume that Hunter was using his phone to record his rapes and drug abuse which he would then down load onto his COMPUTERS. I would think that since Hunter had 3 computers that the other 2 had most of his recording as they were damaged and also brought in to the repairman but that he wouldn't leave those 2 computers there. I didn't see the images--they will never fully release the images of him raping those poor girls--but there are others who have said that have seen the images on both devices.
Baloney. You have not seen any video or pictures. If there’s such a thing that could be the smoking gun don’t you think? NOBODY NONE of us. Yet you act like saw it. Get real Dude.

Damn idiot------this is a message board --how does one ACT like they saw a video? Without posting that they saw a video? Again reports coming from those that saw the videos-----------Hunter was VIOLENTLY raping underage girl(s)........taking drugs, and other sex acts on camera. Deal with the facts--stop playing childish games.
Well Turtle. I’m still waiting for any link that says Hunter raped underage Chinese girls, cellphone. I’m not playing any childish games. Im not asking for the real video or pictures. I’m only asking you and anybody here to prove all these BS. Any link?
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

You are wrong on every single point, and yet also managed to misunderstand my post.
I really don’t have the time or desire to engage with you.
You do your thing.

They are exhausting, arent they? Its mostly disengenuous engagement from their side.
Truth hurts isn’t it?
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

He's where we dispense with the claim that the emails are fake.

"Biden surrogate’s shocking admission on emails: ‘I don’t think anybody is saying they are’ inauthentic

Biden campaign surrogate Jenna Arnold was a little too transparent in her efforts to spin past the question of whether emails purported to belong to Hunter Biden are in fact his, as she pretty much confirmed that they are in the quest to move on.

Arnold was being interviewed Sunday by Fox News host Leland Vittert, who first ran a clip of Democratic nominee Joe Biden insisting last year that he didn’t discuss any of his son’s overseas business dealings with him.

Vittert then asked his guest if Biden’s denial remains true, given the content found on a laptop Hunter Biden reportedly abandoned at a computer repair shop, and Arnold blew right by the question to comment on claims that much of what’s on the laptop is unconfirmed.

“Jenna, it’s real simple. You’re saying it’s unconfirmed. Tell us what parts are not true,” Vittert replied. “Hunter Biden knows what emails he has and hasn’t sent. Are you saying, and the campaign saying, these emails aren’t his?”

“The easiest thing in the world to do — stop with all the obfuscation, the easiest thing in the world to do would be to say these aren’t Hunter Biden’s emails,” he told Arnold. “Nobody, including Hunter Biden and including the campaign has said it.”

...can anyone say that these emails are inauthentic? And so far I haven’t heard anybody say that.”

“Yeah. I think that’s fair. I don’t think anybody’s saying that,” Arnold replied."

I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

You are wrong on every single point, and yet also managed to misunderstand my post.
I really don’t have the time or desire to engage with you.
You do your thing.

They are exhausting, arent they? Its mostly disengenuous engagement from their side.
Truth hurts isn’t it?

Yes, how are you taking the truth that Joe Biden is a traitor taking millions of dollars from China? Does it hurt?
With any luck, No. 46 will (metaphorically) crucify Rudi in the criminal law courts once his patron anti-saint has left DC for good in January 2021.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
Putin is laughing at how gullible we are
And the world. Sadly. Putin High five with Xi.
With any luck, No. 46 will (metaphorically) crucify Rudi in the criminal law courts once his patron anti-saint has left DC for good in January 2021.

You are contending Guiliani manufactured this Biden scandal whole cloth? Please walk us through it. Step by step. Be specific.
...I am inclined to believe that more and more. RG is nothing more than a Kremlin asset. What such a sad turn for RG.

What a tragic end-game for America's Mayor of 9-11 !!!

What a degraded end... taking the label of Useful Idiot (for Rump and Putin) to his grave.

Come to think of it... Benedict Arnold was a formidable general and did much good for the embryonic United States... until he want 'bad'... a personal choice.

The tragic thing about it is... he probably began down this road merely hoping to regain some relevancy on the public scene, and it want bad, very quickly.

He is now indistinguishable from the scum that he so slavishly serves, or the chess-player on the other side of the pond who's been playing him for a fool.

Like I said... it's a personal choice...

And choices have consequences...

He will face his consequences sometime after January 20, 2021...

Rightly so...
Last edited:
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

You are wrong on every single point, and yet also managed to misunderstand my post.
I really don’t have the time or desire to engage with you.
You do your thing.

They are exhausting, arent they? Its mostly disengenuous engagement from their side.
Truth hurts isn’t it?

Yes, how are you taking the truth that Joe Biden is a traitor taking millions of dollars from China? Does it hurt?

LOL.... I know...... I saw that in Biden’s tax returns.
You may want to ask the veterans group who is the real traitor. Link below. Happy now?
OUCH! that hurts.

Donald Trump Is Now 'America's No. 1 Traitor,' Says Veterans Group

Donald Trump has taken over from Benedict Arnold as “America’s number one traitor,” according to a group of veterans seeking to vote the president out of office this November.
“No one has betrayed those in uniform like Donald Trump,” said the voiceover in the latest ad released by the progressive PAC VoteVets on Friday.
I quoted the Director of the DNI?!?!?!?!? And his statements were corroborated. Miracle? Biden is THE favorite in every single poll. Why would it be a miracle. Please explain this one to me.
It’d be a miracle because the Trump base is completely captured by Trump. They don’t listen to anything that contradicts their beliefs (they call it fake news or any number of excuses).

They play dirty, hence Giuliani and Bannon leading this charge. And they have Russia pulling for them. And they control the government which they’ve filled with political appointees who have demonstrated willingness to use government to help Trump get re-elected.

It’s an absolutely uphill battle and it’ll be a miracle if Biden wins.
You accuse the Trump group of behaving like the dems really are. It has to end. There is nothing nor was there ever anything between Trump and Russia---this was a lie a stunt by the dems to get Trump and you keep repeating this game as though it is truth when you know now better. Giuliani plays dirty? BASED ON what? Bannon did what no report foriegn income on his taxes--hardly evil. Given how the dems and their corrupt FBI targeted Trump and everyone around him for harassment--accusing them of being the ones abusing to government to harass others is especially sick. They haven't gone after anyone but criminals----
What difference does it make devotee like you? You don’t even know the difference?
But let me enlighten you.

Russia is heavily involved interfering in this country election including 2016 and now 2020 election.
They are harassing us with their fighter jet planes and military ships out there in the international waters and air. They were caught numerous times in our Alaskan coast several times this year. There is a bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin.
Trump is a puppet has not said a single word condemning against Putin. NON. Why? Because he is a TRAITOR and weakling useful idiot.

Biden sent a strong warning.
Where do I even begin with this.
There is absolutely zero proof russia “interfered” in our election in any way changing votes or anything like that.
As far as trying to sway public opinion... every nation does that to every other nation, since the dawn of time. Literally nothing out of the ordinary happened. But you are either ignorant of these facts because you just swallowed what was fed to you, or because it helps fit your orange man bad narrative.

As for russia testing our boundaries and buzzing ship and doing all that military shit... again, absolutely nothing has changed since the dawn of time. Other countries constantly run drills and test there own approach strategies, see when they get detected, analyze the other countries response, etc. Other countries do this to us. We do this to other countries. What’s next, you will claim russia has intelligence agents in our country? Why yes, yes they do. As does any other country that can, just as we have agents in their countries. Again, you are repeating an occurancrike it’s abnormal, when in reality is about as common a happening as it gets.
They fly their jets near our airspace, we respond and intercept. They go back and study their approach and our response, we study their approach and the way they responded to our response. Occasionally a complaint is lodged when a plane gets to close or whatever, and it’s just a formality and really no one cares.

The Russian bounty on troops was absolute nonsense, but I’m not surprised you believed it. I’d tell you to go research it, but you will just discount anything that doesn’t agree with you, so I won’t bother.

As for a puppet, we have dealt stiffer sanctions on Russia then we ever did under Obongo. We cut Russia’s balls off in Iran, as well as in Syria.
That really not how you treat your “puppet master”, is it?

Oh Boy. Where do I begin? Did you just woke up or something?
Just like i posted several times over and over. What difference does it make to Trump supporters like? No matter how wrong or wrong and bad is bad ......... Trump is good.
WRONG...... Trump is a bad, ugly, defective flawed, useful idiot human being.

Election Russian interfering. You may want ask FBI Director Wray who works for Trump confirmed that Russia is again interfering in 2020 election. Link below. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that Russia are not interfering? What?

Russia buzzing our borders. Dude just because you are so in love with Putin it’s acceptable to you that they can intimidate us? Dude since when that is acceptable? What ever happened to the most powerful country in the world? Trump has not said a dingle words because he is weak and coward. These Russia’s intimidating buzzing us has escalated under Trump because they know he is weak. Biden warned Russia.

US soldiers bounty head. Aside from your opinion. Do you have any proof that this is not happening.?? Trump is being clobbered that he can not even defend himself. You may want to help yourself and research so you know what you are talking about. The whole world knew that Trump is a puppet.

We cut Russia’s balls in Iran? WHAT? Where did you get that? Putin and Xi cut Trump balls regarding Iran’s sanctions. Not a single allies sided with your moron except they told Trump to just STFU and go away. Embarrassing isn’t it? Link below. Russia will never give up Iran just because of a weak US president.
Syria he abandoned the Kurds that helped us defeat the ISIS in Syria.

ASIDE FROM THAT. You don’t know anything except that you are just an IGNORANT Trump licker.

FBI director Wray says Russia is actively interfering in 2020 election to 'denigrate' Biden

You are wrong on every single point, and yet also managed to misunderstand my post.
I really don’t have the time or desire to engage with you.
You do your thing.

They are exhausting, arent they? Its mostly disengenuous engagement from their side.
Truth hurts isn’t it?

Yes, how are you taking the truth that Joe Biden is a traitor taking millions of dollars from China? Does it hurt?

LOL.... I know...... I saw that in Biden’s tax returns.
You may want to ask the veterans group who is the real traitor. Link below. Happy now?
OUCH! that hurts.

Donald Trump Is Now 'America's No. 1 Traitor,' Says Veterans Group

Donald Trump has taken over from Benedict Arnold as “America’s number one traitor,” according to a group of veterans seeking to vote the president out of office this November.
“No one has betrayed those in uniform like Donald Trump,” said the voiceover in the latest ad released by the progressive PAC VoteVets on Friday.

How does this prove that Biden is not on the take from China?
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.
Every Dim here is in sheer panic mode. Biden is now known to be fully owned and able to be blackmailed by China. What are the odds Biden tries to run away from the debate Thursday? More and more being verified every day. This may be just the tip of the iceberg.
Who knows what happened while he was VP that compromised National Security? This is serious shit.
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