NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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I am not. It’s why it was such a controversy. Sigh. I am going to start only partially answering you and see how you like it. Trollfax
You're clearly piecing together different threads and different topics. I know more about this than you so I can see where you're pulling threads together but you're just confused.

The emails were under subpoena, which was why it was a big deal when it was wiped by her technician. Of course, the FBI investigated that and failed to come up with evidence against Clinton. The Blackberries weren't related to that controversy. The devices were purchased with private money. The State Dept did not issue Blackberries to their staff, this was 2009, a long time ago by any standard let alone the archaic level of technology at the State Dept.

The info is on page 8 of this document. Read for yourself.

Just remember. I know more than you. My memory isn't nearly as garbage as yours.

So despite answering mountains of questions from you, I'll just ask you one. Why do you consider my statement that the devices were privately owned trolling?
If it’s no big deal why was it such a controversy? Hmmmm....why did the FBI open two investigations? Why did they call her actions extremely careless? You’re a Democratic apologist. And you won’t answer why you’re ignoring Nostra. Maybe I should ignore you? Answer the questions.
Holy shit. That would be illegal but you can connect the dots. She was bullied. Why do you believe she didn’t file? Troll post from you number 10000
"Connect the dots" means making shit up, doesn't it. I don't know why she didn't file. I haven't the slightest clue.

What bruises did you see? Did you fall victim to a fake news story like this one?

How is this trolling?
I am not. It’s why it was such a controversy. Sigh. I am going to start only partially answering you and see how you like it. Trollfax
You're clearly piecing together different threads and different topics. I know more about this than you so I can see where you're pulling threads together but you're just confused.

The emails were under subpoena, which was why it was a big deal when it was wiped by her technician. Of course, the FBI investigated that and failed to come up with evidence against Clinton. The Blackberries weren't related to that controversy. The devices were purchased with private money. The State Dept did not issue Blackberries to their staff, this was 2009, a long time ago by any standard let alone the archaic level of technology at the State Dept.

The info is on page 8 of this document. Read for yourself.

Just remember. I know more than you. My memory isn't nearly as garbage as yours.

So despite answering mountains of questions from you, I'll just ask you one. Why do you consider my statement that the devices were privately owned trolling?
you keep saying you know more than anyone else,, but youve never explained that to back up your creds,,,

enlighten us,,, what makes you so much smarter???
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.

It is an obvious lie...

How do we know? Because if it was true the Hard Drive would be in the FB I hands right now... This is a simple dirty trick...

The real question is did the Russians help? The FBI should add this to there investigations of Rudy...

The real questions: why hasn’t Hunter Biden denied that it was his computer? Why hasn’t he requested a forensics analysis of the data?
If the Crackhead has two brain cells left he would be googling who we have extradition treaties with.

Its China.
If it’s no big deal why was it such a controversy? Hmmmm....why did the FBI open two investigations? Why did they call her actions extremely careless? You’re a Democratic apologist. And you won’t answer why you’re ignoring Nostra. Maybe I should ignore you? Answer the questions.
I'm answering a mountain of question, more than you ever do. You guys love making controversies about nothing. It's what you do. It's why you so frequently look like idiots because you often don't really know what you're talking about. I've proven that pretty easily here.

Just remember, I know more than you.
Holy shit. That would be illegal but you can connect the dots. She was bullied. Why do you believe she didn’t file? Troll post from you number 10000
"Connect the dots" means making shit up, doesn't it. I don't know why she didn't file. I haven't the slightest clue.

What bruises did you see? Did you fall victim to a fake news story like this one?

How is this trolling?
No connecting the dots means just that. Using logic. If Ellison weren’t a powerful politician then he would be charged.
I told you this Hunter Biden story was garbage.

“The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it, two Post employees said.

Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility, the two Post employees said, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation.

Coming late in a heated presidential campaign, the article suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had used his position to enrich his son Hunter when he was vice president. The Post based the story on photos and documents the paper said it had taken from the hard drive of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Many Post staff members questioned whether the paper had done enough to verify the authenticity of the hard drive’s contents, said five people with knowledge of the tabloid’s inner workings. Staff members also had concerns about the reliability of its sources and its timing, the people said”.


Let me put this in plain English for Trumpist simpletons: The Reporter did not want to have his name used in the by-line because he knew this story about Hunter Biden was a lie.

Only friggin idiots would consider Steve Bannon, a man now being prosecuted for fraud, and Rudy Guiliani, a known Russian useful idiot, credible sources.
Nice spin job, but Hunter's Lawyer already admitted it was his laptop and it's been authenticated.
Conclusion: you only have to spin and lie if you've done something terribly wrong, so when Joe lied about never meeting the Burismo guys and we saw that pic of him playing golf with them, that was an admission that he lied to cover up wrong doing. The laptop was not needed for that, it was just icing on the cake of what we already got a taste of.
-Wahhh wahhh wahhh(horn sound)

I'll bet aides and the Secret Service detail are keeping Joe & Son away from all sharp objects.

Joe has no idea whats going on.
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.

BULLSHIT. I will give you a thumbs down here right here on your race.

Clinton Foundation is open for audit. Trump Foundation was ordered to shut it down and paid $2 millions for fraud. What part of your ignorant lies don’t you understand?
They shut it down when she lost. Gee wonder why? Pay for play.
The whole world knew that they shut down Trump foundation for fraud......

But I don’t recall shutting down the Clinton Foundation. Do you have a link where they shut down the Clinton Foundation? Link.
If it’s no big deal why was it such a controversy? Hmmmm....why did the FBI open two investigations? Why did they call her actions extremely careless? You’re a Democratic apologist. And you won’t answer why you’re ignoring Nostra. Maybe I should ignore you? Answer the questions.
I'm answering a mountain of question, more than you ever do. You guys love making controversies about nothing. It's what you do. It's why you so frequently look like idiots because you often don't really know what you're talking about. I've proven that pretty easily here.

Just remember, I know more than you.
Last warning. I am going to start showing shots at you if you keep poking the bear. You are an apologist. You cannot even connect the dots. You d make a terrible detective. And you’re a coward for ignoring Nostra. Only cowards ignore.
Ever play Clue? Sometimes you need to use some deductive reasoning.
you keep saying you know more than anyone else,, but youve never explained that to back up your creds,,,

enlighten us,,, what makes you so much smarter???
I read. A lot. Then I remember what I've read.

Isn't that how anyone becomes smart?
so youre just giving us your opinion on what youve read,,,

thanks for your opinion,,,
I am not. It’s why it was such a controversy. Sigh. I am going to start only partially answering you and see how you like it. Trollfax
You're clearly piecing together different threads and different topics. I know more about this than you so I can see where you're pulling threads together but you're just confused.

The emails were under subpoena, which was why it was a big deal when it was wiped by her technician. Of course, the FBI investigated that and failed to come up with evidence against Clinton. The Blackberries weren't related to that controversy. The devices were purchased with private money. The State Dept did not issue Blackberries to their staff, this was 2009, a long time ago by any standard let alone the archaic level of technology at the State Dept.

The info is on page 8 of this document. Read for yourself.

Just remember. I know more than you. My memory isn't nearly as garbage as yours.

So despite answering mountains of questions from you, I'll just ask you one. Why do you consider my statement that the devices were privately owned trolling?
you keep saying you know more than anyone else,, but youve never explained that to back up your creds,,,

enlighten us,,, what makes you so much smarter???

He remembers fake news good.
you keep saying you know more than anyone else,, but youve never explained that to back up your creds,,,

enlighten us,,, what makes you so much smarter???
I read. A lot. Then I remember what I've read.

Isn't that how anyone becomes smart?

you keep saying you know more than anyone else,, but youve never explained that to back up your creds,,,

enlighten us,,, what makes you so much smarter???
I read. A lot. Then I remember what I've read.

Isn't that how anyone becomes smart?
Nope. Intelligence can manifest itself even if someone doesn’t read a lot. You may have a good memory but you have well below average problem solving skills and intuition.
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.

BULLSHIT. I will give you a thumbs down here right here on your race.

Clinton Foundation is open for audit. Trump Foundation was ordered to shut it down and paid $2 millions for fraud. What part of your ignorant lies don’t you understand?
Clinton Foundation would regularly change the books of both money coming in and going out over and over and over as they would get periodically snagged about lying about the finances and have to admit to more cash floating around. Hate to think of all the millions $$$$ missed.
Again. WHAT? Do you have a link of what you are saying? Any link?

These kinds of foundations are open for audit just like how they audit Trump Foundation.
I mean high level that are presidential possibilities. HRC, WJC, Clinton, etc. low level no one cares. Scooter Libby? Lol
HRC is Hilary Clinton, WJC is Bill Clinton. Who are you referring to by the third Clinton?

Dennis Hastert was the Speaker, that's third in line for the presidency. It doesn't go a lot higher than that.

The DoJ tried to go after John Edwards but the case fell apart for a bunch of reasons, not the last of which was that the donors who were directing the funds to his mistress were like in their 90s and when it came to the trial they had passed. I will note that this investigation started under the Bush administration but Obama kept the prosecutor in place for two and a half years to allow this to run it's course and in fact this was overseen and approved by Obama's appointed assistant AG.

As for Clinton or Cheney, maybe you should consider the possibility that there isn't anything to prosecute them over.
Btw they have receipts with Bidens name and signature on them from the computer store. Roh roh. In the past 30 yrs can you name one prominent politician who has been jailed? The 3rd Clinton is their corrupt foundation. Pay for Play.

BULLSHIT. I will give you a thumbs down here right here on your race.

Clinton Foundation is open for audit. Trump Foundation was ordered to shut it down and paid $2 millions for fraud. What part of your ignorant lies don’t you understand?
They shut it down when she lost. Gee wonder why? Pay for play.
The whole world knew that they shut down Trump foundation for fraud......

But I don’t recall shutting down the Clinton Foundation. Do you have a link where they shut down the Clinton Foundation? Link.
Douchebag we aren’t discussing Trump. Turn down your TDS. You may not even make it to Election Day since you’re old. So butt out. Enjoy your last days eating oatmeal and watching Andy Griffin reruns.
Nope. Intelligence can manifest itself even if someone doesn’t read a lot. You may have a good memory but you have well below average problem solving skills and intuition.
My intuition is better than yours given you had yourself all convinced I was British because I used the word “dodgy”.
Im beginning to think that my vote for Trump matters even more now.
I mean if Biden wins, then we will never know the truth.
Thats been proven by what we know about the bought and paid for dossier.
You know this corruption goes deeeeeeep.
Good. Then we can just moved on to more productive activities.

So far NONE of you had proven anything except informations from Russians.
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