NY Post : The $15 Hour Wage KILLING Seattle Jobs

So we should support paying Chinese wages to get those TV manufacturing jobs back?
You're not going to ever get those jobs back, because American workers are more expensive than the machines that can do a better job assembling TV's. Chinese workers do it now because they're even cheaper.

So Trump is peddling pie in the sky?
Probably. He knows more than anyone what labor costs and that he would not pay more than he has to for it. The good jobs are going to require ever higher levels of skill, education and training. Of course, the empty promises from the other side of the aisle that pretend we can just make more stuff free are not only vain, but dangerous as well.

Higher wages for US workers also put more buying back into the economy.
Yeah, yeah, you keep saying that kind of stuff, and it does for the people who have the higher paying jobs. What you are ignoring is the impact on those who DON'T have the jobs and can't get the jobs because they can't justify the cost of hiring them. The only way a MW works without dragging down the economy is if it's kept low enough so as to not really matter.

Like I said, you're content to have a permanent underclass that will only get bigger.
Read about that last week or early this week. Oregon was up 5,300 food service jobs statewide, but down 700 in Seattle. Pretty damning evidence.

Seattle Food Jobs Soar After $11 Minimum Wage Starts

Yes, the loss of 1,000 jobs between April and May, after the implementation of the $11 an hour minimum wage, was large. There was a 900 position drop between August and September, which only shows that few trends work in absolute straight lines. But the gain of 1,100 jobs between May and June, at the same $11 an hour minimum wage, was larger. And that was equaled by the 1,100 position jump between September and October.
In short, the number of restaurant jobs dropped by 2,000 between January 2015 and May, but then increased by 2,900 between May and November, again after the April increase to $11 an hour. Net gain from January to November was 900 jobs.
Every news outlet has their own rules for gathering statistics so I'll take each article with a grain of salt.

Translation: I'll believe the stats I like.
Having studied Economics I will check with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mr.Projectionist.

You mean that place that inevitably inspires a rash of RWnuts protests about juggling the numbers when the nuts don't like the results???

Just for the record, the minimum wage is not 15 in Seattle.

Correct. It's between $12 and $13 now. It will hit $15 next year for some

$15 Minimum Wage

If job losses are already starting because of $12 imagine what will happen when it's $15

Washington state has one of the highest minimum wages in the country and is not suffering from it.

Is it $15 dollars an hour?

And according to the article, Seattle is, which is in Washington.
Read about that last week or early this week. Oregon was up 5,300 food service jobs statewide, but down 700 in Seattle. Pretty damning evidence.

Seattle Food Jobs Soar After $11 Minimum Wage Starts

Yes, the loss of 1,000 jobs between April and May, after the implementation of the $11 an hour minimum wage, was large. There was a 900 position drop between August and September, which only shows that few trends work in absolute straight lines. But the gain of 1,100 jobs between May and June, at the same $11 an hour minimum wage, was larger. And that was equaled by the 1,100 position jump between September and October.
In short, the number of restaurant jobs dropped by 2,000 between January 2015 and May, but then increased by 2,900 between May and November, again after the April increase to $11 an hour. Net gain from January to November was 900 jobs.

That would be counterintuitive.

Even though not all the data is in we:


"Until we do get that third set we’re stuck with using what we can see. And when we look at the information by business sector and MSA we see that the few MSA’s with high minimum wages have had worse restaurant employment numbers than the surrounding, possibly comparable, areas which do not have the higher minimum. "
Better 2 jobs at $15 than 6 jobs at $5.

What a dumbass response. WHich also has absolutely zero to do with the subject.
The other interesting factoid is the article on the managers also having trouble getting the employess to work...they don't want to work more than a few hours a week or they lose their food stamps and rent assistance.
Everyone should know by now that this is the plan of the Democratic Party Elite. Everyone no matter what the job(except the elite) making the same pay or be on government assistance.
Just for the record, the minimum wage is not 15 in Seattle.

Correct. It's between $12 and $13 now. It will hit $15 next year for some

$15 Minimum Wage

If job losses are already starting because of $12 imagine what will happen when it's $15

Washington state has one of the highest minimum wages in the country and is not suffering from it.

There is a good reason why we have a high minimum wage.......high cost of living kinda balances that out. Ever wonder why we also have such a high homelessness??? 9.6% sales tax?

Average rent for 1 bd apt is $1604 and a 2bd is over $2100...that's per month, nevermind start up of deposits, 1st & last, etc

Average Rent In Seattle, Seattle Rent Trends and Rental Comps
OK then drop the wage to $8 per hour. Fine with me I'm retired. No self respecting person works for under $20 per hour anyway. You pretend to pay me, I pretend to work.

Someone just entering the workforce should make $20 or more ? If not, they should be slackers on the job ?
You're not going to ever get those jobs back, because American workers are more expensive than the machines that can do a better job assembling TV's. Chinese workers do it now because they're even cheaper.

So Trump is peddling pie in the sky?
Probably. He knows more than anyone what labor costs and that he would not pay more than he has to for it. The good jobs are going to require ever higher levels of skill, education and training. Of course, the empty promises from the other side of the aisle that pretend we can just make more stuff free are not only vain, but dangerous as well.

Higher wages for US workers also put more buying back into the economy.
Yeah, yeah, you keep saying that kind of stuff, and it does for the people who have the higher paying jobs. What you are ignoring is the impact on those who DON'T have the jobs and can't get the jobs because they can't justify the cost of hiring them. The only way a MW works without dragging down the economy is if it's kept low enough so as to not really matter.

Like I said, you're content to have a permanent underclass that will only get bigger.
the only ones who want a permanent underclass are the socialists/progressives.....they want to control everything from the top....

with government idiots dictating pay rates, etc. there will ultimately be no freedom or incentive to create more jobs...
What all these idiots cannot see is that the problem is not a lack of money.
It is a lack of OPPORTUNITY.

Burger flipping jobs are only meant to be very low-level introductory jobs for people who do not have to support themselves let alone a family.
What is missing - is good jobs for the masses.
This is what happens when you outsource millions of jobs oversees.
And everyone going to college is not the answer either. Cities do not need 10,000 more doctors or engineers every year. There is simply and obviously not enough highly skilled, degree requiring jobs for millions and millions of people. The ONLY answer was found and began now nearlly 80 years ago - lots of medium skilled labor jobs. Jobs that pay enough money for people to support a decent life.
But beginning 30 years ago the corporatist/elitist saw a way to increase THEIR wealth substantially - outsource labor at 1/20th the cost. Indeed, it has been very good for them.
Read about that last week or early this week. Oregon was up 5,300 food service jobs statewide, but down 700 in Seattle. Pretty damning evidence.

Seattle Food Jobs Soar After $11 Minimum Wage Starts

Yes, the loss of 1,000 jobs between April and May, after the implementation of the $11 an hour minimum wage, was large. There was a 900 position drop between August and September, which only shows that few trends work in absolute straight lines. But the gain of 1,100 jobs between May and June, at the same $11 an hour minimum wage, was larger. And that was equaled by the 1,100 position jump between September and October.
In short, the number of restaurant jobs dropped by 2,000 between January 2015 and May, but then increased by 2,900 between May and November, again after the April increase to $11 an hour. Net gain from January to November was 900 jobs.
Every news outlet has their own rules for gathering statistics so I'll take each article with a grain of salt.

Translation: I'll believe the stats I like.

I'm guessing fact-checkers love rightwingers/conservatives/Republicans for keeping them in business. To paraphrase the fact-checkers in the attached article (with an excerpt from the rightwing media source, i.e. The Seattle Times)... some middle class hating/labor hating conservative media are throwing a bunch of BS on the fan smearing it over all media.

The minimum wage tide is rising and lifting middle class wages out of their 30+ year Reaganomics stagflation.

New Report Undermines Right-Wing Media Claim That Higher Minimum Wages Threaten Job Creation
Washington Led Nation In Workforce Vitality Report Despite Country's Highest Minimum Wages
February 17, 2016

According to a recent report by the private payroll firm Automatic Data Processing (ADP), the state of Washington received the highest score in the nation on wage and job growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. The state's outstanding performance runs counter to the doom-and-gloom scenarios pushed by right-wing media about the supposed side effects of elevated minimum wages.

On February 15, The Seattle Times reported that Washington was "far outpacing" other states in job and wage growth for the fourth quarter of 2015, according to the most recent ADP Workforce Vitality Report. ADP gave Washington a job and wage growth score of 117.9 on its Workforce Vitality Index, besting the average national score by over 11 points. The index looks at "key labor market indicators, such as employment growth, job turnover, wage growth and hours worked." From The Seattle Times:

"Washington is really overperforming on employment growth," said Ahu Yildirmaz, head of research for ADP, a payroll services company.
Nationwide, employment and wages both increased by 2.1 percent year-over-year during the fourth/ quarter of 2015.

In Washington, however, employment climbed by 3.7 percent. Much of that came from hiring in construction, information technology, professional services, and leisure and hospitality industries.

In sectors such as in retail and hospitality, some employers in the region are raising wages for managers in response to recent minimum-wage bumps in Seattle and SeaTac, said Sage Wilson, spokesperson for Working Washington, an advocacy organization.

Anecdotally, Wilson has heard of employers outside of those cities finding that they must match higher wages to compete for employees. The minimum-wage increases, however, are relatively new and could take years before they significantly impact statewide data.

The state of Washington already has the highest statewide minimum wage in the country -- $9.47 per hour -- and, as The Seattle Times alluded to, the cities of Seattle and SeaTac are in the process of phasing in the highest municipal minimum wages in the country -- $15 per hour. While The Seattle Times reported that it "could take years" before municipal minimum wage increases "significantly impact statewide data" the ADP report undermines right-wing media claims that minimum wage increases are already hurting employers, workers, and local economies.

Conservative media smears against Seattle's minimum wage increase started soon after the city approved an ordinance raising the minimum wage to $15 over the course of a three- to seven-year period. In July 2015, Fox News' Dan Springer falsely claimed that Seattle was facing "unintended consequences" from the wage increase, with some low-income workers attempting to game the system so as to remain eligible for welfare benefits. In August, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) used cherry-picked data to claim Seattle's minimum wage increase "has started having a negative effect on restaurant jobs." Fox Business host Stuart Varney echoed AEI's sentiment a month later on his show, weeks after the specific job loss claim had been debunked. Other right-wing outlets, including The Daily Caller and Investor's Business Daily, have combed through municipal jobs data in Seattle to exaggerate alleged side effects of the minimum wage.

Read about that last week or early this week. Oregon was up 5,300 food service jobs statewide, but down 700 in Seattle. Pretty damning evidence.

Seattle Food Jobs Soar After $11 Minimum Wage Starts

Yes, the loss of 1,000 jobs between April and May, after the implementation of the $11 an hour minimum wage, was large. There was a 900 position drop between August and September, which only shows that few trends work in absolute straight lines. But the gain of 1,100 jobs between May and June, at the same $11 an hour minimum wage, was larger. And that was equaled by the 1,100 position jump between September and October.
In short, the number of restaurant jobs dropped by 2,000 between January 2015 and May, but then increased by 2,900 between May and November, again after the April increase to $11 an hour. Net gain from January to November was 900 jobs.
Every news outlet has their own rules for gathering statistics so I'll take each article with a grain of salt.

Translation: I'll believe the stats I like.

I'm guessing fact-checkers love rightwingers/conservatives/Republicans for keeping them in business. To paraphrase the fact-checkers in the attached article (with an excerpt from the rightwing media source, i.e. The Seattle Times)... some middle class hating/labor hating conservative media are throwing a bunch of BS on the fan smearing it over all media.

The minimum wage tide is rising and lifting middle class wages out of their 30+ year Reaganomics stagflation.

New Report Undermines Right-Wing Media Claim That Higher Minimum Wages Threaten Job Creation
Washington Led Nation In Workforce Vitality Report Despite Country's Highest Minimum Wages
February 17, 2016

According to a recent report by the private payroll firm Automatic Data Processing (ADP), the state of Washington received the highest score in the nation on wage and job growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. The state's outstanding performance runs counter to the doom-and-gloom scenarios pushed by right-wing media about the supposed side effects of elevated minimum wages.

On February 15, The Seattle Times reported that Washington was "far outpacing" other states in job and wage growth for the fourth quarter of 2015, according to the most recent ADP Workforce Vitality Report. ADP gave Washington a job and wage growth score of 117.9 on its Workforce Vitality Index, besting the average national score by over 11 points. The index looks at "key labor market indicators, such as employment growth, job turnover, wage growth and hours worked." From The Seattle Times:

"Washington is really overperforming on employment growth," said Ahu Yildirmaz, head of research for ADP, a payroll services company.
Nationwide, employment and wages both increased by 2.1 percent year-over-year during the fourth/ quarter of 2015.

In Washington, however, employment climbed by 3.7 percent. Much of that came from hiring in construction, information technology, professional services, and leisure and hospitality industries.

In sectors such as in retail and hospitality, some employers in the region are raising wages for managers in response to recent minimum-wage bumps in Seattle and SeaTac, said Sage Wilson, spokesperson for Working Washington, an advocacy organization.

Anecdotally, Wilson has heard of employers outside of those cities finding that they must match higher wages to compete for employees. The minimum-wage increases, however, are relatively new and could take years before they significantly impact statewide data.

The state of Washington already has the highest statewide minimum wage in the country -- $9.47 per hour -- and, as The Seattle Times alluded to, the cities of Seattle and SeaTac are in the process of phasing in the highest municipal minimum wages in the country -- $15 per hour. While The Seattle Times reported that it "could take years" before municipal minimum wage increases "significantly impact statewide data" the ADP report undermines right-wing media claims that minimum wage increases are already hurting employers, workers, and local economies.

Conservative media smears against Seattle's minimum wage increase started soon after the city approved an ordinance raising the minimum wage to $15 over the course of a three- to seven-year period. In July 2015, Fox News' Dan Springer falsely claimed that Seattle was facing "unintended consequences" from the wage increase, with some low-income workers attempting to game the system so as to remain eligible for welfare benefits. In August, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) used cherry-picked data to claim Seattle's minimum wage increase "has started having a negative effect on restaurant jobs." Fox Business host Stuart Varney echoed AEI's sentiment a month later on his show, weeks after the specific job loss claim had been debunked. Other right-wing outlets, including The Daily Caller and Investor's Business Daily, have combed through municipal jobs data in Seattle to exaggerate alleged side effects of the minimum wage.

Read about that last week or early this week. Oregon was up 5,300 food service jobs statewide, but down 700 in Seattle. Pretty damning evidence.

Seattle Food Jobs Soar After $11 Minimum Wage Starts

Yes, the loss of 1,000 jobs between April and May, after the implementation of the $11 an hour minimum wage, was large. There was a 900 position drop between August and September, which only shows that few trends work in absolute straight lines. But the gain of 1,100 jobs between May and June, at the same $11 an hour minimum wage, was larger. And that was equaled by the 1,100 position jump between September and October.
In short, the number of restaurant jobs dropped by 2,000 between January 2015 and May, but then increased by 2,900 between May and November, again after the April increase to $11 an hour. Net gain from January to November was 900 jobs.
Every news outlet has their own rules for gathering statistics so I'll take each article with a grain of salt.

Translation: I'll believe the stats I like.

I'm guessing fact-checkers love rightwingers/conservatives/Republicans for keeping them in business. To paraphrase the fact-checkers in the attached article (with an excerpt from the rightwing media source, i.e. The Seattle Times)... some middle class hating/labor hating conservative media are throwing a bunch of BS on the fan smearing it over all media.

The minimum wage tide is rising and lifting middle class wages out of their 30+ year Reaganomics stagflation.

New Report Undermines Right-Wing Media Claim That Higher Minimum Wages Threaten Job Creation
Washington Led Nation In Workforce Vitality Report Despite Country's Highest Minimum Wages
February 17, 2016

According to a recent report by the private payroll firm Automatic Data Processing (ADP), the state of Washington received the highest score in the nation on wage and job growth in the fourth quarter of 2015. The state's outstanding performance runs counter to the doom-and-gloom scenarios pushed by right-wing media about the supposed side effects of elevated minimum wages.

On February 15, The Seattle Times reported that Washington was "far outpacing" other states in job and wage growth for the fourth quarter of 2015, according to the most recent ADP Workforce Vitality Report. ADP gave Washington a job and wage growth score of 117.9 on its Workforce Vitality Index, besting the average national score by over 11 points. The index looks at "key labor market indicators, such as employment growth, job turnover, wage growth and hours worked." From The Seattle Times:

"Washington is really overperforming on employment growth," said Ahu Yildirmaz, head of research for ADP, a payroll services company.
Nationwide, employment and wages both increased by 2.1 percent year-over-year during the fourth/ quarter of 2015.

In Washington, however, employment climbed by 3.7 percent. Much of that came from hiring in construction, information technology, professional services, and leisure and hospitality industries.

In sectors such as in retail and hospitality, some employers in the region are raising wages for managers in response to recent minimum-wage bumps in Seattle and SeaTac, said Sage Wilson, spokesperson for Working Washington, an advocacy organization.

Anecdotally, Wilson has heard of employers outside of those cities finding that they must match higher wages to compete for employees. The minimum-wage increases, however, are relatively new and could take years before they significantly impact statewide data.

The state of Washington already has the highest statewide minimum wage in the country -- $9.47 per hour -- and, as The Seattle Times alluded to, the cities of Seattle and SeaTac are in the process of phasing in the highest municipal minimum wages in the country -- $15 per hour. While The Seattle Times reported that it "could take years" before municipal minimum wage increases "significantly impact statewide data" the ADP report undermines right-wing media claims that minimum wage increases are already hurting employers, workers, and local economies.

Conservative media smears against Seattle's minimum wage increase started soon after the city approved an ordinance raising the minimum wage to $15 over the course of a three- to seven-year period. In July 2015, Fox News' Dan Springer falsely claimed that Seattle was facing "unintended consequences" from the wage increase, with some low-income workers attempting to game the system so as to remain eligible for welfare benefits. In August, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) used cherry-picked data to claim Seattle's minimum wage increase "has started having a negative effect on restaurant jobs." Fox Business host Stuart Varney echoed AEI's sentiment a month later on his show, weeks after the specific job loss claim had been debunked. Other right-wing outlets, including The Daily Caller and Investor's Business Daily, have combed through municipal jobs data in Seattle to exaggerate alleged side effects of the minimum wage.


Riddle me this dumb ass, who pays for those military jobs?
Rightwingers argue against the minimum wage, and any increase thereof, because they are tools of corporate greed.
That's all there is to it.
The big question is this . Are there UN-filled min wage jobs in Seattle ? Im guessing there is .
What all these idiots cannot see is that the problem is not a lack of money.
It is a lack of OPPORTUNITY.

Burger flipping jobs are only meant to be very low-level introductory jobs for people who do not have to support themselves let alone a family.
What is missing - is good jobs for the masses.
This is what happens when you outsource millions of jobs oversees.
And everyone going to college is not the answer either. Cities do not need 10,000 more doctors or engineers every year. There is simply and obviously not enough highly skilled, degree requiring jobs for millions and millions of people. The ONLY answer was found and began now nearlly 80 years ago - lots of medium skilled labor jobs. Jobs that pay enough money for people to support a decent life.
But beginning 30 years ago the corporatist/elitist saw a way to increase THEIR wealth substantially - outsource labor at 1/20th the cost. Indeed, it has been very good for them.

Businesses only cater to the demands and desires of their customers. American consumers are stingy when it comes to spending their money. We want cheap products no matter where they come from or what the quality.

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