NY Post : The $15 Hour Wage KILLING Seattle Jobs

What all these idiots cannot see is that the problem is not a lack of money.
It is a lack of OPPORTUNITY.

Burger flipping jobs are only meant to be very low-level introductory jobs for people who do not have to support themselves let alone a family.
What is missing - is good jobs for the masses.
This is what happens when you outsource millions of jobs oversees.
And everyone going to college is not the answer either. Cities do not need 10,000 more doctors or engineers every year. There is simply and obviously not enough highly skilled, degree requiring jobs for millions and millions of people. The ONLY answer was found and began now nearlly 80 years ago - lots of medium skilled labor jobs. Jobs that pay enough money for people to support a decent life.
But beginning 30 years ago the corporatist/elitist saw a way to increase THEIR wealth substantially - outsource labor at 1/20th the cost. Indeed, it has been very good for them.

(except we do need the Doctors/nurses/medical technologists etc to increase in numbers for the next 75 years or so, to handle all of the boomers aging illnesses...)
Who didn't see that coming? Oh right, the ignorant regressives that's never ran a business.

Indeed, just as many (myself included) predicted. A $15 minimum wage will ONLY stifle jobs and, indeed, destroy jobs. That $5.95 burger that we used to enjoy is suddenly $9.95. We quit doing business there, the employer (who had 15 jobs) has let 8 of his people go in order to pay the rest - who now get 5 hours a week. It's the best the employer can do.

Why didn't the "genius" left have the foresight to figure this out?
What all these idiots cannot see is that the problem is not a lack of money.
It is a lack of OPPORTUNITY.

Burger flipping jobs are only meant to be very low-level introductory jobs for people who do not have to support themselves let alone a family.
What is missing - is good jobs for the masses.
This is what happens when you outsource millions of jobs oversees.
And everyone going to college is not the answer either. Cities do not need 10,000 more doctors or engineers every year. There is simply and obviously not enough highly skilled, degree requiring jobs for millions and millions of people. The ONLY answer was found and began now nearlly 80 years ago - lots of medium skilled labor jobs. Jobs that pay enough money for people to support a decent life.
But beginning 30 years ago the corporatist/elitist saw a way to increase THEIR wealth substantially - outsource labor at 1/20th the cost. Indeed, it has been very good for them.

I agree about the lack of opportunity and the loss of decent jobs, but it's not ALL about outsourcing to other cheaper countries but also technology has taken over a lot of manpower.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.

the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy
While I do want to point out that the original research comes from a right wing think tank that has done absurd things like try and fund biased research countering man man climate change, I do want to say that, based off of economic theory, what they reported makes sense (I'll be honest I downloaded the report, but have a headache and probably won't read it). When you increase wages you decrease the demand for jobs (as companies tighten their belts). Now, while this is expected on a broad basis, what I'd be more interested in seeing is first of all, an unbiased source. Next, I'd want to know if this job loss was frictional or structural...what that means is that we expect for low wage employees to have less jobs available. The question is, will these laid off workers be able to find jobs in other sectors in a reasonable period of time or are there just no real jobs for them to go to forcing them to work on increasing their skill base?

All in all, however, an interesting share. Thank you.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy
While I do want to point out that the original research comes from a right wing think tank that has done absurd things like try and fund biased research countering man man climate change, I do want to say that, based off of economic theory, what they reported makes sense (I'll be honest I downloaded the report, but have a headache and probably won't read it). When you increase wages you decrease the demand for jobs (as companies tighten their belts). Now, while this is expected on a broad basis, what I'd be more interested in seeing is first of all, an unbiased source. Next, I'd want to know if this job loss was frictional or structural...what that means is that we expect for low wage employees to have less jobs available. The question is, will these laid off workers be able to find jobs in other sectors in a reasonable period of time or are there just no real jobs for them to go to forcing them to work on increasing their skill base?

All in all, however, an interesting share. Thank you.

Look at it this way: even if you didn't lose one business over the wage increase, it still has two affects:

One of course is that you can't raise wages on one group of people. There is a domino effect. When that is complete, then those workers with the new minimum wage find themselves right back where they started before the increase because their cost of living increases.,

Two is the fact that there is cycle of business. Businesses close up, and new ones open up in their place. If you are a business owner (or wish to be) would you open up your new business in an area where labor is more costly? Then what happens is that you have businesses that open up, but few that take their place.

It will take a few years to see the final results of that, but give it about ten years and I think the evidence will be obvious.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


Only one of those ten jobs your article lists have anything to do with the environment. A career or trade is only as good as the job availability. Now go to your local paper and see how many openings there are for a Wind Turbine Technician.
Meanwhile, employment outside the city limits — which had long tracked the rate in Seattle proper — was soaring by 57,000 and set a new record high that November.

900 jobs sort of pales doesn't it, even if correct. Your article doesn't address how many jobs Wahington gained during the period you note increases in Seattle.

What? You now accept that the wage did not kill jobs in Seattle....but no longer want to talk about it.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


Only one of those ten jobs your article lists have anything to do with the environment. A career or trade is only as good as the job availability. Now go to your local paper and see how many openings there are for a Wind Turbine Technician.

So what?

The empirical evidence doesn't support the Republican's/conservative's screwball ideology.

Below is an article C&Ped from the conservative's fiscal bible - Seattle is ranked #7 best city in the United States for finding a job in 2016...

The 10 Best Cities For Finding Employment Right Now

The human resources firm Adecco Staffing looked at the U.S. cities with the fullest employment, according to the Department of Labor, as well as internal data around job growth and demand, and then determined which areas are the best for finding a job. Here are the top 10 cities for jobs right now.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


Only one of those ten jobs your article lists have anything to do with the environment. A career or trade is only as good as the job availability. Now go to your local paper and see how many openings there are for a Wind Turbine Technician.

So what?

The empirical evidence doesn't support the Republican's/conservative's screwball ideology.

Below is an article C&Ped from the conservative's fiscal bible - Seattle is ranked #7 best city in the United States for finding a job in 2016...

The 10 Best Cities For Finding Employment Right Now

The human resources firm Adecco Staffing looked at the U.S. cities with the fullest employment, according to the Department of Labor, as well as internal data around job growth and demand, and then determined which areas are the best for finding a job. Here are the top 10 cities for jobs right now.

If true , that would would apply to the industries which are not required to pay $15 hour .

It is counterintuitive, if paying MORE per hour is good for the economy then the City of Seattle should have forced employers to pay $30.00 an hour. Of course,it is bullshit, the city of Seattle eliminated by more than half the jobs available to its residents.

Fuck the socialist motherfuckers
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


Only one of those ten jobs your article lists have anything to do with the environment. A career or trade is only as good as the job availability. Now go to your local paper and see how many openings there are for a Wind Turbine Technician.

So what?

The empirical evidence doesn't support the Republican's/conservative's screwball ideology.

Below is an article C&Ped from the conservative's fiscal bible - Seattle is ranked #7 best city in the United States for finding a job in 2016...

The 10 Best Cities For Finding Employment Right Now

The human resources firm Adecco Staffing looked at the U.S. cities with the fullest employment, according to the Department of Labor, as well as internal data around job growth and demand, and then determined which areas are the best for finding a job. Here are the top 10 cities for jobs right now.

Sure, and that is great, but like I said earlier, these things take time before you can conclude what the eventual impact will be. I don't see industry dying to get into an area where labor is more expensive than an area where labor is not.
If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


You ask why coal miners are stupid not to change jobs. Well, there are no other jobs available right now. Meanwhile, they will go bankrupt and lose their homes. More government dependents in the making. Either they wind up on the doles or you'll have more desperate people who can only find starter jobs and they'll start supporting raising the minimum again.

Why don't you ask why fast food workers are too stupid to change to better jobs instead of raising the minimum? You guys know it's destroying the available jobs, but you want more of it.

The liberal policies are taking away the good jobs, leaving those jobs meant for teens. Then you use that as an excuse to raise the minimum. When it makes even more jobs disappear, you get what you wanted all along. People running to nanny government.
the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs


Of course to the Socialists, to the Berners, to the retards, to the moochers,
(XXXX - Mod edit - dont do personal call-outs in OPs)
this not evidence that the government should keep their HANDS OFF the economy

They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


Only one of those ten jobs your article lists have anything to do with the environment. A career or trade is only as good as the job availability. Now go to your local paper and see how many openings there are for a Wind Turbine Technician.

So what?

The empirical evidence doesn't support the Republican's/conservative's screwball ideology.

Below is an article C&Ped from the conservative's fiscal bible - Seattle is ranked #7 best city in the United States for finding a job in 2016...

The 10 Best Cities For Finding Employment Right Now

The human resources firm Adecco Staffing looked at the U.S. cities with the fullest employment, according to the Department of Labor, as well as internal data around job growth and demand, and then determined which areas are the best for finding a job. Here are the top 10 cities for jobs right now.

Sure, and that is great, but like I said earlier, these things take time before you can conclude what the eventual impact will be. I don't see industry dying to get into an area where labor is more expensive than an area where labor is not.

You're right about one thing, companies are not "dying to get into" Seattle, but if your business wants to healthy existence, a highly educated, a highly skilled, a highly productive staff - they'll want to come to Seattle and-----and... they are.

The problem with Republican/conservative ideology is, it doesn't allow for flexibility of thought, Seattle's doing great. I understand why the Republican/conservative ideology forces you to use projection as the only/best defense for claiming Seattle's economy is bleeding jobs - it's all ya got. But in the real world, in today's world... Seattle's doing great-----doing great compared to most of the rest of the country. I know Republicans/conservatives hate to hear it but-----but facts is facts, whether we like them or not, right?

Seattle is...

Named by Kiplinger's as one of the "10 Best Cities for the Next Decade," Seattle and the Puget Sound region are a great place to live, visit and do business. It's home to some of the most recognizable global companies and a diverse population of more than 3.7 million people. Whether you're looking for economic opportunity, cultural events or educational excellence, you'll find it—and much more—in Seattle.

The Seattle metro area has it all: globally recognized companies, growing small and minority-owned businesses, highly skilled workers, cutting-edge research and thriving industry clusters. Learn more about how to grow your business here on our Business Tools page.

5 things you may not know about businesses in the Seattle metro area:

1. Seattle is home to many globally-recognized organizations that are headquartered in our region, including: Amazon.com, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Microsoft Corporation, Starbucks Coffee Company, Costco, Weyerhaeuser, Nordstrom, REI, Alaska Airlines, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

2. Small and minority-owned businesses are a vital and thriving contributor to the Seattle metro economy and the community at large. The Business Index 2010, produced by the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, ranks the state's tax system fifth in the nation for entrepreneurship and small business. According to the 2010 Washington Minority Small Business Survey, conducted by the University of Washington's Business and Economic Development Center, 36 percent of minority-owned businesses anticipated hiring within the next three months.

3. Seattle consistently ranks as one of the most highly educated cities in the nation with 56 percent of residents having at least a bachelor's degree. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook, Salesforce.com, Zynga and Google are some of the Bay Area tech companies that have opened offices in the Seattle area to tap into the region's deep talent pool.

4. Seattle is home to world-renowned public and private research institutions. Including the University of Washington, one of the top public universities for research funding. Private institutions and companies also have extensive research functions. According to a study by the Technology Alliance, Washington state has especially strong R&D spending by business and nonprofits.


If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


You ask why coal miners are stupid not to change jobs. Well, there are no other jobs available right now. Meanwhile, they will go bankrupt and lose their homes. More government dependents in the making. Either they wind up on the doles or you'll have more desperate people who can only find starter jobs and they'll start supporting raising the minimum again.

Why don't you ask why fast food workers are too stupid to change to better jobs instead of raising the minimum? You guys know it's destroying the available jobs, but you want more of it.

The liberal policies are taking away the good jobs, leaving those jobs meant for teens. Then you use that as an excuse to raise the minimum. When it makes even more jobs disappear, you get what you wanted all along. People running to nanny government.

I tell them that all the time, get a better job or FUCKING move like myself and millions of others have did, but their excuse is it is to hard or can't move

But when the shoe is on the other foot they think coal miners can move and have no compassion there.
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They know damn well it will kill jobs. It means more people running to government for assistance. That is what they want to accomplish and are doing it under the guise of helping the little people. They are merely helping people onto the liberal plantation and away from self reliance. They've killed middle class jobs and now are trying to destroy the minimum wage jobs.

Fewer people will get to keep their $15 an hour minimum wage jobs and Bernie is hoping he can someday take another few thousand a year from those poor Americans. Their taxes will increase, too. That's how much the left cares.

Meanwhile, Hillary announced she will force coal companies out of business. Yay! More poor people in the future, thanks to liberal policies. And it's impossible to get the idiots out there to understand that they are supporting things that will hurt them.

If you luddites think there will be job losses, you should blame Texas for blazing the trail to the successful generation of wind power.

Why do you think coal miners are to stupid to change occupations that will pay them more money and live longer, healthier lives? The point is, by reducing the amount of coal we use the planet gets healthier annnd the quality of life gets better for miners annnd miners earn more money, win-win-win.

10 Best-Paid Skilled Labor Jobs


Are you interested in earning high pay while working with your hands? Here's a list of the top 10 most highly-paid jobs that have the most potential for growth, according to PayScale.

1. Wind Turbine Technician

Average Salary: $67,500 per year

Wind turbine service technicians, also called wind techs, are responsible for repairing and maintaining the complicated machinery inside wind turbines. Their work can be as simple as changing light bulbs or as complex as repairing a circuit board. The field is so new there isn't an official certification track yet, however according to the American Wind Energy Association, the amount of energy provided by wind turbines grew by 39 percent each year between 2004 to 2009. Get ready to be blown away by your pay. With five to eight years of experience some techs can earn over $84,000 per year.


Only one of those ten jobs your article lists have anything to do with the environment. A career or trade is only as good as the job availability. Now go to your local paper and see how many openings there are for a Wind Turbine Technician.

So what?

The empirical evidence doesn't support the Republican's/conservative's screwball ideology.

Below is an article C&Ped from the conservative's fiscal bible - Seattle is ranked #7 best city in the United States for finding a job in 2016...

The 10 Best Cities For Finding Employment Right Now

The human resources firm Adecco Staffing looked at the U.S. cities with the fullest employment, according to the Department of Labor, as well as internal data around job growth and demand, and then determined which areas are the best for finding a job. Here are the top 10 cities for jobs right now.

Sure, and that is great, but like I said earlier, these things take time before you can conclude what the eventual impact will be. I don't see industry dying to get into an area where labor is more expensive than an area where labor is not.

You're right about one thing, companies are not "dying to get into" Seattle, but if your business wants to healthy existence, a highly educated, a highly skilled, a highly productive staff - they'll want to come to Seattle and-----and... they are.

The problem with Republican/conservative ideology is, it doesn't allow for flexibility of thought, Seattle's doing great. I understand why the Republican/conservative ideology forces you to use projection as the only/best defense for claiming Seattle's economy is bleeding jobs - it's all ya got. But in the real world, in today's world... Seattle's doing great-----doing great compared to most of the rest of the country. I know Republicans/conservatives hate to hear it but-----but facts is facts, whether we like them or not, right?

Seattle is...

Named by Kiplinger's as one of the "10 Best Cities for the Next Decade," Seattle and the Puget Sound region are a great place to live, visit and do business. It's home to some of the most recognizable global companies and a diverse population of more than 3.7 million people. Whether you're looking for economic opportunity, cultural events or educational excellence, you'll find it—and much more—in Seattle.

The Seattle metro area has it all: globally recognized companies, growing small and minority-owned businesses, highly skilled workers, cutting-edge research and thriving industry clusters. Learn more about how to grow your business here on our Business Tools page.

5 things you may not know about businesses in the Seattle metro area:

1. Seattle is home to many globally-recognized organizations that are headquartered in our region, including: Amazon.com, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Microsoft Corporation, Starbucks Coffee Company, Costco, Weyerhaeuser, Nordstrom, REI, Alaska Airlines, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

2. Small and minority-owned businesses are a vital and thriving contributor to the Seattle metro economy and the community at large. The Business Index 2010, produced by the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, ranks the state's tax system fifth in the nation for entrepreneurship and small business. According to the 2010 Washington Minority Small Business Survey, conducted by the University of Washington's Business and Economic Development Center, 36 percent of minority-owned businesses anticipated hiring within the next three months.

3. Seattle consistently ranks as one of the most highly educated cities in the nation with 56 percent of residents having at least a bachelor's degree. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook, Salesforce.com, Zynga and Google are some of the Bay Area tech companies that have opened offices in the Seattle area to tap into the region's deep talent pool.

4. Seattle is home to world-renowned public and private research institutions. Including the University of Washington, one of the top public universities for research funding. Private institutions and companies also have extensive research functions. According to a study by the Technology Alliance, Washington state has especially strong R&D spending by business and nonprofits.


Lmao you still want to ignore my post?

Defense and Military Job Market in Seattle, Washington - ClearanceJobs

In addition to defense industry and defense contracting opportunities,
Seattle has a large and growing active-duty military population. Washington state ranks seventh in the nation in military population, and saw an increase in military and civilian jobs as a result of Base Realignment and Closure(BRAC). The area also has a high population of veterans.

“We are one of the top places for retirement for the military,” said Olivia Robinson, regional affairs coordinator for the Puget Sound Regional Council. “So we’re trying to make sure companies know we have fantastic people who have training, security clearances, and the experience for high-level positions.”

The military presence in the Puget Sound region includes Fort Lewis-McChord, a joint Army/Air Force base merged by the 2005 BRAC commission and the third largest military installation in the nation. Naval Base Kitsap and Naval Station Everett, as well as National Guard and Coast Guard facilities are also based in the region. The military facilities directly support more than 93,000 jobs in the region and provide an estimated $3.1 billion in total payroll annually. In 2006, defense contracting in the Puget Sound region totaled $3.7 billion. In 2009, the defense industry provided $10.5 billion in labor income alone.


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