NY Teens Attack 67 Year Old with Hammer

Police were too busy arresting families ordering dinner without papers.
This is normal and good and you will now forget this story ever happened.

Lol, been to NYC recently no checked my papers. So more horse shit from you idiots.
With all due respect (I am NOT being sarcastic), it would if it had been done to you or someone you loved.
I know what you mean and I’ll say it again. This is why we don’t let victims dole out the punishment. They’d be way too harsh like you guys are.
Yes you are.
No I’m not. How long would you put these young men in prison? Or would you execute them? If you can’t answer those two questions, fuck off. Now is your chance to prove you will answer a reasonable question. Don’t be a coward.
Removal from society forever.
A part of me wants to send navy seals into our most crime infested communities and have them deal out justice to all that make the place a bad place to live. There is a part of me that agrees. But not in this situation.

If I’m not mistaken they are minors.

And they put a very light beating on the guy. Could have been much worse.

If they kept beating him, I would agree. But they didn’t.

Lock up all the rioters at the capitol for life. We know what they are capable of. Never let them out either.
When I was 15 I didn’t have a winter jacket and we were riding mopeds. So I must have had 6 layers on. This kid in the next town over called me fat in a McDonald parking lot and I kicked his nuggets out of his hands. We went outside to fight and I took 4 layers off. I heard the way he told it as each jacket came off I didn’t get smaller just less chubby. Lol He thought I was a chubby kid I wasn’t.

Story time again!

It’s not that difficult to behave in a civilized manner. If you can’t do that, then you don’t belong with the rest of us.
That would fundamentally change our entire system. If even these guys got life for that.

Is that the way we are headed? Stiffer penalties, longer sentences, bring execution back?

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