NY Teens Attack 67 Year Old with Hammer

These “tough on crime” policies reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of violence. They are grounded in the belief that lengthy incarceration is an effective deterrent or containment strategy for violence, despite years of evidence to the contrary, and a desire for retribution. In particular, arguments that extreme sentences are needed to protect the public assume that violence is a static characteristic in people, and that they are incapable of change. But research consistently shows people convicted of violent offenses are not inherently violent. Rather, violence is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by a range of factors, some of which diminish with time (such as youth), and others that can be mediated with interventions other than incarceration. And even when crimes warrant severe punishment, a balance must be struck between the desire for vengeance, the appropriate use of public resources, and the rights of the convicted person.

You dont underunderstand the concept of justice.. I really dond care if they will change when they're 40 or 60 or 80
Here ^^^^^^^ we see the idiotic, self-destructive democrat attitude toward crime, which is really just another manifestation of the general democrat rejection of any kind of personal responsibility on any level. Turn on your local news station to see how well it's playing out in real life.
How generic
You dont underunderstand the concept of justice.. I really dond care if they will change when they're 40 or 60 or 80
We live in a society that sees things my way. You’re trying to change things the way you want. Perhaps it’s you who doesn’t understand the concept of justice.

Youre an eye for an eye guy
You said, “this should happen to someone in my family” fu jew

Yes, it should you FU GOY. I'm sure if it did you would feel quite differently. Talk about Compassion for the Victim? He could have had lifetime/ long term injuries; aiming for his head
Something else your " father's" taught you; COMPASSION AND EMPATHY FOR OTHERS
Of course; Why give a SHIT about somebody else as long as it doesn't happen in YOUR family. Not surprised at your limited empathy
In israew who hands out the sentence a judge or the victims family.

Also, things are different in your country. If a suicide bomber kills some Jews, they will level the suicide bombers families homes with bombs. This is to deter future suicide bombers. You won’t do it if you know it means your parents and grandparents homes will be flattened.

Maybe I like this idea.
I would straighten them out. And they should never be allowed to hang out together again.
lol delusional....

At the very least, the young man with the hammer is guilty of

Assault with a deadly weapon
Assault with intent
Attempted murder..

But hey, let's not be too harsh on them, they're just boy's being boy's right?
Everything depends on if this 67 yr old was a biden supporter. Until then no opinion

You'd think that a 67 year old man would be wise enough not to go outside in a hell hole like Brooklyn without appropriate firepower.

Very dangerous city, he was probably a tourist.
The racist bigot shows his true colors again.
What if I wished this attack happened to someone in your family and I was Jewish? You’d say the thing you hope would hurt the most without getting banned.

id say more about you but you tattle.

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