NY Teens Attack 67 Year Old with Hammer

Police were too busy arresting families ordering dinner without papers.
This is normal and good and you will now forget this story ever happened.

Without clicking the link, would "teens" refer to anyone but young black thugs? Someone just tell me I'm wrong
Police were too busy arresting families ordering dinner without papers.
This is normal and good and you will now forget this story ever happened.

I once asked my black friends exactly what is a "ni**er".

They showed me several videos of shit like this.

They all said "THIS"....."THIS is what a ni**er is". "And that's why people hate blacks so much, because they think we are all inbred, psychologically deranged pieces of diseased human garbage".

I don't care how old I get.........if they wanna fight, I'm gonna take at least one of them out!!
Worthless pieces of garbage..............thats all they are.
They may look old enough but they are not. They didn’t do that much to the guy. They are redeemable. Not some kids you need to use to “send a message”.

But they have to walk the straight and narrow from here on out.

You were young once remember?
We were all young and did bad things, dumb things. Taking a hammer to an elderly person for sport is sick and evil, at any age.
Notice how differently the Media covers stories depending upon the race of the Subjects?
This would be a huge story if the races were reversed.
It would be made into a racial and political issue.
CNN would be breathless.
We were all young and did bad things, dumb things. Taking a hammer to an elderly person for sport is sick and evil, at any age.
No doubt and I wouldn’t go light on them but I’m asking you guys what sentence would you give? I’m hearing kill them, put them away for life. Do you agree with them?

Maybe if we do this it will lower the number of times these things happen. When I was a kid I wouldn’t have dreamed of putting my hands on an old person. So why d9nt kids today respect elders? Most do, but why don’t some? Perhaps we should send a harsh message.

So then rapists would also be put to death or put in prison forever too. To send a message.

And what sentence should we give burglars and people convicted of arson.

Also, what are these kids being charged with? What’s the max penalty for that?
Then you would charge them with a much more serious crime.

Again I ask you cons, what punishment would you give these young men?
They would NOT be charged as Juveniles! You would say the exact same thing IF the Victim was permanently disabled !!!
What YOU call “ Young Men” I call SCUM OF THE EARTH 🌍

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