NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

LOL.....you were wailing about the hunter laptop being a fairy tale only to find out it is legit, the FBI have him under investigation, have his laptop and it's looking more and more like another embarrassment for the Big Guy.

Time for you to deal with reality. Of course you don't hear anything about this on MSM....ever wonder why?

That story where NYT came out verifiying the laptop and emails as authentic.....there wasn't a mention on MSM.
Any guess why?
I said the laptop was a fairytale?! When did I say that???

This reality that you want me to deal with is what?? Parsing through a laptop that was dropped of to a blind guy who gave it to Rudy Gulliani and seeing which files are verified and which aren’t. Did I suggest you get a life yet??
I said the laptop was a fairytale?! When did I say that???

This reality that you want me to deal with is what?? Parsing through a laptop that was dropped of to a blind guy who gave it to Rudy Gulliani and seeing which files are verified and which aren’t. Did I suggest you get a life yet??
What blind guy? Rudy had copies of the hard drive...the computer guy gave the laptop to the FBI.
The same laptop that Bobulinksi did a press conference on, then was invited to FBI HQ and gave several hours of depositions?
Oh, yes, that laptop.
So what is supposedly on this laptop that Rudy had possession of?
What blind guy? Rudy had copies of the hard drive...the computer guy gave the laptop to the FBI.
The same laptop that Bobulinksi did a press conference on, then was invited to FBI HQ and gave several hours of depositions?
Oh, yes, that laptop.
What blind guy?!?! Serious? Have you been following this story or not? I have barely been following and even I know about the blind guy that gave the computer to Rudy. Wow, do some more homework.
John Paul Mac Isaac
What blind guy?!?! Serious? Have you been following this story or not? I have barely been following and even I know about the blind guy that gave the computer to Rudy. Wow, do some more homework.
John Paul Mac Isaac
I know Isaac is. Didn't realize that...he is legally blind.....big difference from total blindness.....like how was he able to view the contents of Hunter's laptop if he was blind....get real.
And he did not give the laptop to Giuliani.
Do YOUR homework.
Your only problem pumpkin is that under Trump things were STABLE and far better than they were under Marxist racist Obama and now senile Biden. We could have paid trump a $1 Billion and he would have been worth it to keep the corrupt Obama and Biden out---who made their money taking bribes while selling out the rest of us out to the Chinese, Russians, and others.
They also admit that Joe was in on the take...if this had come out before the election Joe would be at home in WV with his wet nurse...
The Times withheld this information...and the libs say the election wasn't fixed....
Here's the thing hunters laptop information was out their and being reported on. It's not like these idiot Biden supporter's weren't warned.
I know Isaac is. Didn't realize that...he is legally blind.....big difference from total blindness.....like how was he able to view the contents of Hunter's laptop if he was blind....get real.
And he did not give the laptop to Giuliani.
Do YOUR homework.
Seriously dude. Just look at the story objectively and it is completely obvious what is going on. Pretend it was the Dems saying they found Don Jrs laptop with a bunch of dirt and the source was a blind shop owner who couldn’t legally identify Don, so he called a democratic henchman attorney who gave the story to MSNBC…. Yada yada yada. The political game honestly couldn’t be more obvious
Here's a scary thought. What if Hunter wanted to lash out at his father. Sometimes drug addicts will do that when they realize (in a moment of clarity) that their parents actually enabled them, financially and otherwise. IMHO, a father, with a drug addicted son, should focus on helping him.....Not flying him around the world making shady deals that provide the addict with obscene amounts of money to spend on his self destructive behavior. So....along with the entire Biden family, every American would be severely impacted by Hunter the crack-head, tweeker, if he chose to "spill the beans". Even if those "beans" were all lies.....Hunter has the power to completely crush our president. Scary, no?
When people say things like "Hunter was not elected" or "What's the big deal?" I urge them to consider my previous post.
Here's a scary thought. What if Hunter wanted to lash out at his father. Sometimes drug addicts will do that when they realize (in a moment of clarity) that their parents actually enabled them, financially and otherwise. IMHO, a father, with a drug addicted son, should focus on helping him.....Not flying him around the world making shady deals that provide the addict with obscene amounts of money to spend on his self destructive behavior. So....along with the entire Biden family, every American would be severely impacted by Hunter the crack-head, tweeker, if he chose to "spill the beans". Even if those "beans" were all lies.....Hunter has the power to completely crush our president. Scary, no?
Correct… scary… No.

y’all are living in a fantasy soap opera. Fun? Maybe… but not reality
Seriously dude. Just look at the story objectively and it is completely obvious what is going on. Pretend it was the Dems saying they found Don Jrs laptop with a bunch of dirt and the source was a blind shop owner who couldn’t legally identify Don, so he called a democratic henchman attorney who gave the story to MSNBC…. Yada yada yada. The political game honestly couldn’t be more obvious
If it was Don Jr the new York times would have reported on it. Not cover it up. The laptop has a lot of dirt on the biden's dealings
I did not produce the "fantasy soap opera" we are all living in. I am only trying to follow it. Hunter is without a doubt a cliff hanger.....stay tuned.
Here's a scary thought. What if Hunter wanted to lash out at his father. Sometimes drug addicts will do that when they realize (in a moment of clarity) that their parents actually enabled them, financially and otherwise. IMHO, a father, with a drug addicted son, should focus on helping him.....Not flying him around the world making shady deals that provide the addict with obscene amounts of money to spend on his self destructive behavior. So....along with the entire Biden family, every American would be severely impacted by Hunter the crack-head, tweeker, if he chose to "spill the beans". Even if those "beans" were all lies.....Hunter has the power to completely crush our president. Scary, no?
If it was Don Jr the new York times would have reported on it. Not cover it up. The laptop has a lot of dirt on the biden's dealings
Yes the coverage would have been completely different but the absurdity of the story would remain the same and I have no doubt you all would be screaming to high heaven about the obvious politicalization that’s going on here
The very existence of the images, and that fact that the laptop was "accidentally" left at the repair shop, are classic examples of an addict "crying out for help". Perhaps Hunter's next "cry out" will be a scathing revelation of how his parents used him in his time of need.
Yes the coverage would have been completely different but the absurdity of the story would remain the same and I have no doubt you all would be screaming to high heaven about the obvious politicalization that’s going on here
Oh absurdity? Really the coverage of the laptop being covered up is an absurdity to you? I recall Biden defenders saying the hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. SMH
The very existence of the images, and that fact that the laptop was "accidentally" left at the repair shop, are classic examples of an addict "crying out for help". Perhaps Hunter's next "cry out" will be a scathing revelation of how his parents used him in his time of need.
No he wasn't crying out he felt like he was entitled to do as he pleased

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