NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

Thank you for answering my question.
My apologies, I guess I was trying to stick to then point as you’ve ignored me the past few times I’ve mentioned the reply button. The answer to you mr question is yes it does impact the validity of your political views if you cant show to understand very basic elements of communication and simplistic instructions on how to operate within a forum. That brings into question your cognitive abilities as a whole.
Very well.. I suggest you stick with that.
And you’re still failing to use it properly. Is that an Ego thing where you won’t be corrected or told what to do, a childish desire to troll and be abstinent to my input, or are you under some illusion that you’ve found a better more unique pathway for communication within this forum so you are going to follow your own path and not be one of the sheep?? Please enlighten me on what logic your using here!
OK Slade3200 you win. Meanwhile we have a tweeker son of our president involved in countless shady deals with China, Ukraine and Russia with his business partner spilling the beans, and a laptop that has vial incriminating evidence that could very possibly change the world we live in. But for Slade3200 these words might be meaningless unless they are typed correctly using the "reply" button.
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On earth we have about 195 countries. Right now, most Americans are mainly focusing on three of them...Ukraine, Russia, China. It just so happens that Hunter received millions of dollars from each of those specific three countries. Now, of course, some people would love to repel any truth that that laptop may contain, but true Americans seek truth.
It means that the whole story reeks of political game play. I personally can’t take that stuff seriously. Find it amusing when others do
Is the Hunter Biden laptop and all the incriminating videos and documents on it real, or is it Russian propaganda, as Jen Psaki claimed?
Is the Hunter Biden laptop and all the incriminating videos and documents on it real, or is it Russian propaganda, as Jen Psaki claimed?
Neither you or I know if it’s real, if any of it is and it’s illegal then the Justice department has it, they have investigators and they can can act on it. Until then it is nothing but a pathetic attempt at an October surprise.
On earth we have about 195 countries. Right now, most Americans are mainly focusing on three of them...Ukraine, Russia, China. It just so happens that Hunter received millions of dollars from each of those specific three countries. Now, of course, some people would love to repel any truth that that laptop may contain, but true Americans seek truth.
We ARE talking about Hunter Biden...right?

Is the Hunter Biden laptop and all the incriminating videos and documents on it real, or is it Russian propaganda, as Jen Psaki claimed?
Apparently there IS a laptop.

That's ALL we know.

What is on it...how that GOT on it...is speculation and nothing more
Neither you or I know if it’s real, if any of it is and it’s illegal then the Justice department has it, they have investigators and they can can act on it. Until then it is nothing but a pathetic attempt at an October surprise.
Apparently there IS a laptop.

That's ALL we know.

What is on it...how that GOT on it...is speculation and nothing more
An October surprise by the New York Times? In March? admitting to information against a Democratic family?

Of course it is real. The ideal that it was somehow faked by Russian intel, who snuck it into a computer repair shop disguised as Hunter Biden is absurd.
An October surprise by the New York Times? In March? admitting to information against a Democratic family?

Of course it is real. The ideal that it was somehow faked by Russian intel, who snuck it into a computer repair shop disguised as Hunter Biden is absurd.
The actual story that you believe is absurd. Completely absurd and the timing of it was not March it was September and OCTOBER. Just before the election. Wow, what a coincidence :cuckoo:
Seriously dude. Just look at the story objectively and it is completely obvious what is going on. Pretend it was the Dems saying they found Don Jrs laptop with a bunch of dirt and the source was a blind shop owner who couldn’t legally identify Don, so he called a democratic henchman attorney who gave the story to MSNBC…. Yada yada yada. The political game honestly couldn’t be more obvious
Get off it. His legally blind status wasn't even mentioned in the articles I read, said 'he couldn't 100% positively identify Hunter'....but your 'blind guy' noticed a Beau Biden Foundation sticker on the computer. ( Keyword- Blind guy 'noticed') Apparently the computer was in his possession for some time. It wouldn't be surprising anyone wouldn't be able to positively ID a customer after it was dropped off in April, then FBI came and questioned him in September.
It's funny how the left is now reeling in despair over a story which was hot enough for Big media and MSM to go out of their way to quash during the run up to the election, because they knew it would guarantee a Trump win. That in it self constitutes election rigging.
he is blind due to inability to see at a distance. He's a computer repairman so clearly, he can see up close well enough.

But, suppose you're right, and he's totally blind (he isn't, but suppose). Suppose he took the laptop to Rudy G. If it were Rudy who first discovered the images of the drug-addled First Son covorting with prostitutes and talking about passing on bribes to "the big guy," does that mean that the Bidens get a pass?

After 90 days he went into the computer to see if he could find contact information......the rest is history.
He ended up copying the HD.......what a guy.
The actual story that you believe is absurd. Completely absurd and the timing of it was not March it was September and OCTOBER. Just before the election. Wow, what a coincidence :cuckoo:
He's referring the 'revelation' by NYT this past week. Get a grip.
Get off it. His legally blind status wasn't even mentioned in the articles I read, said 'he couldn't 100% positively identify Hunter'....but your 'blind guy' noticed a Beau Biden Foundation sticker on the computer. ( Keyword- Blind guy 'noticed') Apparently the computer was in his possession for some time. It wouldn't be surprising anyone wouldn't be able to positively ID a customer after it was dropped off in April, then FBI came and questioned him in September.
It's funny how the left is now reeling in despair over a story which was hot enough for Big media and MSM to go out of their way to quash during the run up to the election, because they knew it would guarantee a Trump win. That in it self constitutes election rigging.
Oh wow, the guy who got a laptop full of incriminating files about the presidential nominee and his son, couldn’t identify who dropped off the computer because the dude was blind, but he could see the sticker that was on the laptop. And then the computer was never claimed. And then it was given to the FBi who did nothing with it. So then Rudy Giuliani was contacted and brought the story to the press. And then the AG got involved and heard Rudy out… and then what happened?? nothing!
Do you hear yourself?? This story is completely laughable. How are you defending it still?!?!
He's referring the 'revelation' by NYT this past week. Get a grip.
Yes I know what he was referring to. He brought that up as a diversion because he couldn’t address the October surprise comment I made.
Some people will being doing mental backflips to try and pretend this is a "nothing burger". The truth is....it's the Wopper of all burgers. It ties in very neatly with the notion that the Biden family is corrupt, crooked, deviant, perverted and most of all definitely in dire need of exposure to the American people.
Oh wow, the guy who got a laptop full of incriminating files about the presidential nominee and his son, couldn’t identify who dropped off the computer because the dude was blind, but he could see the sticker that was on the laptop. And then the computer was never claimed. And then it was given to the FBi who did nothing with it. So then Rudy Giuliani was contacted and brought the story to the press. And then the AG got involved and heard Rudy out… and then what happened?? nothing!
Do you hear yourself?? This story is completely laughable. How are you defending it still?!?!

Beyond seeing the sticker on the laptop, he saw all kinds of emails and sexually explicit photos, some of which are floating around on the internet......that or the presidents son is enough of a jackass to put semi-naked pics all over the net with no thought to his family.

Can you provide information to support your claim of the FBI 'doing nothing with it'?
Yes I know what he was referring to. He brought that up as a diversion because he couldn’t address the October surprise comment I made.

That isn't that hard....I did it already. It's SOP in political campaigns, what isn't is having the media covering your ass for you in a 'free and fair election'.

Let me ask you this, if this is such a big deal, where was your outrage over the Hillary dossier strategically popped days before Trump took office with the intent to derail His presidency for the get go? Talk about a sore loser.....LOL
Are we supposed to pretend that.....It's all fake and..It's no big deal..and the photos of illegal and perverted behavior are photoshopped ....and that the typed words implicating the "big guy" are phony, and the corrupted "flow of information" did not affect the election? That is a serious question. Are we all just supposed to simply pretend... and dismiss the laptop all together?

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