NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

The very existence of the images, and that fact that the laptop was "accidentally" left at the repair shop, are classic examples of an addict "crying out for help". Perhaps Hunter's next "cry out" will be a scathing revelation of how his parents used him in his time of need.
the fact that the repair shop owner was blind and called Rudy Guliani who then gave the story to the post should tell you a little something too
The repair shop owner was afraid. Who wouldn't be? He gave the laptop to the FBI but was trying to cover his ass from being "Epsteined".
In discussing Joe Biden and his son Hunter, I feel that is important to remember that one is just a senile old fool, and the other is just a wealthy tweeker. Only from that perspective, can I ponder the ramifications of their actions.
The repair shop owner was afraid. Who wouldn't be? He gave the laptop to the FBI but was trying to cover his ass from being "Epsteined".
In fact he contacted Roody (or was it the opposite) months before he gave it to the FBI
If leaving a laptop at a repair facility that contains incriminating, vulgar and embarrassing images of lewd behavior that could embarrass him in front of the entire world..is not a cry for help...well what would be? A mistake? Oh no. Every addict or person that treats addiction can clearly see the "cry for help".
I know Isaac is. Didn't realize that...he is legally blind.....big difference from total blindness.....like how was he able to view the contents of Hunter's laptop if he was blind....get real.
And he did not give the laptop to Giuliani.
Do YOUR homework.
he is blind due to inability to see at a distance. He's a computer repairman so clearly, he can see up close well enough.

But, suppose you're right, and he's totally blind (he isn't, but suppose). Suppose he took the laptop to Rudy G. If it were Rudy who first discovered the images of the drug-addled First Son covorting with prostitutes and talking about passing on bribes to "the big guy," does that mean that the Bidens get a pass?
If leaving a laptop at a repair facility that contains incriminating, vulgar and embarrassing images of lewd behavior that could embarrass him in front of the entire world..is not a cry for help...well what would be? A mistake? Oh no. Every addict or person that treats addiction can clearly see the "cry for help".
All I see is a gullible poster and alot of political gameplay
he is blind due to inability to see at a distance. He's a computer repairman so clearly, he can see up close well enough.

But, suppose you're right, and he's totally blind (he isn't, but suppose). Suppose he took the laptop to Rudy G. If it were Rudy who first discovered the images of the drug-addled First Son covorting with prostitutes and talking about passing on bribes to "the big guy," does that mean that the Bidens get a pass?
It means that the whole story reeks of political game play. I personally can’t take that stuff seriously. Find it amusing when others do
I do not know what "political gameplay" actually means....Let me guess...Could it mean inconvenient and uncomfortable truth?
Attempting to place the Hunter laptop into the pigeon hole of "Just political BS, nothing to see here folks" is going to be a losing proposition. The truth is ...this one laptop is not going away. It is not simply BS. It holds immense power to do immense harm. The theme is tied to corruption with Ukraine involving Hunter and the "Big Guy". As we witness the war in Ukraine, this magnifies the importance of this particular laptop.
I assure that my words are never meant to deceive. Perhaps you are using the term "political gameplay" to suggest otherwise.
Attempting to place the Hunter laptop into the pigeon hole of "Just political BS, nothing to see here folks" is going to be a losing proposition. The truth is ...this one laptop is not going away. It is not simply BS. It holds immense power to do immense harm. The theme is tied to corruption with Ukraine involving Hunter and the "Big Guy". As we witness the war in Ukraine, this magnifies the importance of this particular laptop.
Wray and Barr investigated the contents of this golden goose egg October surprise and nothing came of it. If Wray and Trumps stooge, Barr, came up empty then that should tell you something.
I assure that my words are never meant to deceive. Perhaps you are using the term "political gameplay" to suggest otherwise.
I never said you were meaning to deceive but I absolutely think you’ve been deceived and are buying into a political smear campaign and taking it way too seriously.

Also try using the “reply” button so we know which posts and posters you are responding to.
The Americans that were deceived are those that listened to MSM and dismissed the laptop story before the election. That is the truth.
The Americans that were deceived are those that listened to MSM and dismissed the laptop story before the election. That is the truth.
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