NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

I gave it a minute of my time and it was exactly what I expected… a waste. McCathey wants to call Schiff a liar who shouldn't be heading a committee and the squabbling continues. Aren’t you bored of that crap?!
I'm bored of hearing about Trump.
Are we supposed to pretend that.....It's all fake and..It's no big deal..and the photos of illegal and perverted behavior are photoshopped ....and that the typed words implicating the "big guy" are phony, and the corrupted "flow of information" did not affect the election? That is a serious question. Are we all just supposed to simply pretend... and dismiss the laptop all together?

Biggest thing is the level that MSM and digital media went to quash the issue, prior to the election and now pretend it never happened.

Yeah, nothing to see here, move along.
The ability to live in a pretend world, void of any truth is truly remarkable. How some people can excel so well at this is quite astounding.
Some people will being doing mental backflips to try and pretend this is a "nothing burger". The truth is....it's the Wopper of all burgers. It ties in very neatly with the notion that the Biden family is corrupt, crooked, deviant, perverted and most of all definitely in dire need of exposure to the American people.
I think we all know what Biden's about.

As far as exposure, he should probably keep the trenchcoat on.
Personally, I never really knew what Biden was about until he ran for the third time. He was always just good old uncle Joe ...the goofy, gaff guy that never really did anything. However now I am much more aware of all the sick, creepy, perverted, criminally corrupt and downright evil crap that he has been pulling for decades.
I do not make these statements lightly. I stand by them. The historical record of facts regarding Joe Biden is quite disturbing.
Bare with me for a moment.

That faggot Jussie Smollett faked the crime to get the attention, and (I believe was working with Democrats) to push for the federal lynching bill. He got caught, sentenced to jail, and few days later was released on appeal.

Anyone remembers Steele Dossier which Pelosi, Schiff, and the media, kept telling us all how true it was, and how much "evidence" that existed as long as Mueller found it, yet never materialized? Hillary in cahoots with FBI paid Russian and London intelligence to create the Steele Dossier, which was proven to be 100% false, no criminal activity, and the entire "investigation" began by allegations that lacked credible evidence or a single law being broken.

It's amazing how many times the left will use the court system to try to process their slogans and legal statues, or evidence, or motives, yet when the smoke cleared and the entire investigation was based on myths by the Democrats and media, not a single Democrat went to jail or had any legal repercussions despite having committed a crime. Even if someone went to jail, Biden is not impartial, and would pardon everyone involved in Steele Dossier conspiracy because without the media and DNC making up crimes and working with Russian\Chinese\London intelligence, not a single leftist would have a cogent talking point.

Then I saw this.


Mr. Attorney General sat on the laptop for over a year and did Jack fucking shit. And did Jack shit about the election fraud. Who knows, maybe had a hand in Epstein's death. Who knows what he's up to now. Does it have anything with that Maxey guy, the man who broke the laptop story to the world, and now saying there are thing on that laptop that caused government to go after him. Or he's just shilling his book? Bill Barr is not better than Garland, they're all rats in the swamp.
The NY Times wasn’t just scooped. It was lapped again and again. It was routed. And it wasn’t just crappy journalism. It appears to have been an intentional errand for the Big Guy.

The Brit paper, not only got the laptop story right and earlier, they also reported the bona fides a shit load earlier than The New York Times. The Daily Mail even rags The NY Times in the story. Funny stuff.

Bottom line: it’s Hunter’s laptop and the contents are his. Hunter appears to be a dirty motherfucker. And it appears that senile Joe’s hands are also dirty.

Color me completely unsurprised.
Would any other president in American history have survived this embarrasement?

Just the drugs alone would have been enough to sink his career from the inside. Pedophilia, child rape... and media is still covering up for him?

The democrats themselves should have culled this idiot from the presidency. But they won't do it, because when they go low, they fight to get even lower.
Just like in Canada, that has a prime minister who fucked kids at the school he taught at and the liberals put him in anyways.

I'll just leave this here...

Do you want to see bunch of politicians shitting their pants all at once?

Content of Hunter Biden's laptop cannot be lost anymore, it's now a part of Congressional records.


Congressman Matt Gaetz Introduces Resolution to Strip Security Clearances from Intel Officials Who Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

The following individuals signed the October 19 letter smearing Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation:

  1. Jim Clapper
  2. Mike Hayden
  3. Leon Panetta
  4. John Brennan
  5. Thomas Finger
  6. Rick Ledgett
  7. John McLaughlin
  8. Michael Morell
  9. Mike Vickers
  10. Doug Wise
  11. Nick Rasmussen
  12. Russ Travers
  13. Andy Liepman
  14. John Moseman
  15. Larry Pfeiffer
  16. Jeremy Bash
  17. Rodney Snyder
  18. Glenn Gerstell
  19. David B. Buckley
  20. Nada Bakos
  21. Patty Brandmaier
  22. James B. Bruce
  23. David Cariens
  24. Janice Cariens
  25. Paul Kolbe
  26. Peter Corsell
  27. Brett Davis
  28. Roger Zane George
  29. Steven L. Hall
  30. Kent Harrington
  31. Don Hepburn
  32. Timothy D. Kilbourn
  33. Ron Marks
  34. Jonna Hiestand Mendez
  35. Emile Nakhleh
  36. Gerald A. O’Shea
  37. David Priess
  38. Pam Purcilly
  39. Marc Polymeropoulos
  40. Chris Savos
  41. Nick Shapiro
  42. John Sipher
  43. Stephen Slick
  44. Cynthia Strand
  45. Greg Tarbell
  46. David Terry
  47. Greg Treverton
  48. John Tullius
  49. David A. Vanell
  50. Winston Wiley
  51. Kristin Wood

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