NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

Now that it is a year after the real coup, the trifecta of covid, riots and questionable voting is being faded away. Of course, they can be uplifted at will as needed. Right now, we are at the inflation and gas increases are the fault of Putin agenda. The year before just another mirage.
Must watch, forward to 1:35:00

Trump: "You mean laptop is now another Russia, Russia, Russia?"
Biden: "That's exactly what it is."


You want someone to determine who is lying for you? I don't. It was Trump's word against the narrative. They were scared to give him a chance.
Trump was President for 4 years and got more airtime than any politician I’ve seen in my lifetime. He had his chance. He blew it
After running interference for the Big Guy in 2020, after so many lies by the left regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, after the phony excuses, that it was Russian disinformation, here we are.

Of course, those with a brain read about it and knew it was real. But leftoids, boy do you have egg all over your faces over this, a not unusual situation for you.

Hold on. 2 things here.
Because they said they were real doesn't mean the evidence supports it. Where's the evidenc of this?
Secondly, the NYT has been derided by republicans for years as a left wing propaganda sheet and should not be taken seriously. Now we find you are suggesting it is a pillar of truth and justice. Never question it and simultaneously committing the left to persecution for telling lies.
Oh the irony. The hypocrisy is dripping from your lips.
God bless you
Of course the optics are poor. We got millions of tards running around spreading conspiracy theories. It’s pathetic
No. We have the media feeding millions of idiots (like you) to divide us and garner them ratings. It’s pathetic. Like your life. Yep. You’ll say it doesn’t bother you but it does.
Hunter is truly a cretin, a disgrace.
A disgrace for sure. But Joe Biden and the entire Biden family fits that description. However since the Bidens are above any and all rules of law they have nothing to fear. Plus the liberal media will cover their asses.

No. We have the media feeding millions of idiots (like you) to divide us and garner them ratings. It’s pathetic. Like your life. Yep. You’ll say it doesn’t bother you but it does.
Haha, we finally agree. How do you think the retarded stolen election narratives are being spread. A very corrupt media
Haha, we finally agree. How do you think the retarded stolen election narratives are being spread. A very corrupt media

Maybe by looking at the data?

No. We have the media feeding millions of idiots (like you) to divide us and garner them ratings. It’s pathetic. Like your life. Yep. You’ll say it doesn’t bother you but it does.
I don't want to divide. I want to unite! I want people to act intelligent and civilized. Wouldn’t that be fantastic. I’m sorry you think my life is pathetic. That’s very bothersome
NYT Admits Hunter Biden Laptop IS REAL Implicating Joe Biden In Conflict Of Interest In Ukraine War. Democrats and their media allies suppressed the story which has serious implicated for the Ukraine War and possibly World War Three.

Joe Biden is known to have serious conflicts of interest as it pertains to China and Ukraine and as we face a threat of war with Russia in Ukraine and China in the pacific we need to recognize how our media has consistently condemned us to strife.

The NYT admission is damning considering there was no accountability for those who lied and sought to suppress the information.

Would Trump be president had people known the truth about Hunter biden's laptop? Possibly.

Just to remind you who we have leading our country!
Hold on. 2 things here.
Because they said they were real doesn't mean the evidence supports it. Where's the evidenc of this?
Secondly, the NYT has been derided by republicans for years as a left wing propaganda sheet and should not be taken seriously. Now we find you are suggesting it is a pillar of truth and justice. Never question it and simultaneously committing the left to persecution for telling lies.
Oh the irony. The hypocrisy is dripping from your lips.
God bless you

You weren't aware they were real?

NYT flip flops between good, honest journalism at times, then shits the bed with political bias.
And in related news...

Psaki won’t defend claim Post’s Hunter Biden laptop scoop was ‘Russian plant

White House press secretary Jen Psaki didn’t even bother trying to defend her past claim that The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” after the New York Times belatedly verified emails from the cache.

Psaki was pressed Thursday at her regular briefing about her own misleading remarks and those of then-candidate Joe Biden.


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