NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

So you don't have a NY Times article?
We don't want to subscribe to the NYT, but there are more than enough legit stories to confirm
For the same reason they blocked Trump.

It was never certified as being valid. It was bullshit. Telling unsupported lies.

Go back and read why it was done to all of them.
Dont try and suggest its a left wing conspiracy.

Like I'm saying to you now, stop posting lies.
I ping you republicans every day for lying but you never learn.

The only lies are coming from you leftist scum.

In October of 2020, the New York Post broke the Hunter's laptop story and they were promptly being blacked out from the internet with the type of censorship typically reserved for porn. Soon thereafter conga line was formed with everyone from Joe Biden, to MSM, parroting the same script that Hunter's laptop was "Russian misinformation", and even intel community said so.

Even if you voted for Joe Biden, and think that Hunter Biden is second coming of Van Gogh, does this type of brazen censorship bothers you, as an American? You may say "hey, when it comes to Trump, burn the boat, whatever it takes to get this guy out of office", and that's fine... but you should know, if you sitting around today totally unfazed by partisan censorship, you're not allowed to wear your Ukraine pin and tell us all about democracy, freedom and sovereignty, because clearly, you don't believe in any of those.
What exactly IS this "new" laptop story?

Something about that the laptop actually exists??

Ok. And what's on it?
Haha, we finally agree. How do you think the retarded stolen election narratives are being spread. A very corrupt media
Social and Traditional. Corrupt as hell. Hence Cuomo is about to get $125mil from CNN....and you sheep fall for it. VA was lost because of CRT....yep...keep telling yourselves that.
I don't want to divide. I want to unite! I want people to act intelligent and civilized. Wouldn’t that be fantastic. I’m sorry you think my life is pathetic. That’s very bothersome
Unification is impossible when you hang a sign outside your home stating "Hate has no home here" but what it really means is that so long as you think like me, hate has no home here....otherwise there is ample hate. We need to be honest with one another and then we can be civil if not united.
Think about that folks...unbelievable
I had a 2nd part to that post, that you intentionally omitted. Par for the course for the resident Nazi, Herr the midget Lesh.

The 2nd part of course was ....hate has no home here SO LONG AS YOU AGREE WITH MY POV otherwise the Hate is strong.
I had a 2nd part to that post, that you intentionally omitted. Par for the course for the resident Nazi, Herr the midget Lesh.

The 2nd part of course was ....hate has no home here SO LONG AS YOU AGREE WITH MY POV otherwise the Hate is strong.
Sorry...once you say the first part...the second part is moot
I accept your apology. The point was that sign is a LIE because the hate there is quite strong.

Carry on, midget.
Nope. No apology offered.

Clearly you have no desire for "unification" as long as people refuse to hate as you do
Nope. No apology offered.

Clearly you have no desire for "unification" as long as people refuse to hate as you do
I have no desire for unification unless we are 100% honest with one another. That is point, Herr Lesh, that for some reason escapes you. It would be like a domestic abuser placing a stop domestic abuse sign in front of their house. The thought is noble but the person doesn't truly believe that.

Understood? Midget.
What exactly IS this "new" laptop story?

Something about that the laptop actually exists??

Ok. And what's on it?

No dummy, the story is not that laptop exists.

The story is that Biden, along with MSM, and intelligence agencies, were presenting laptop existence as Russian misinformation, which is a lie.

Now fast forward to today... everything Democrats fuck up, from inflation, and gas prices, and elections, and pandemic, to foreign policy, they blame on Russians, and MSM along with intelligence agencies are going along with that.

If in order to protect Biden and Democrats, they lied about Russian misinformation back then, are they lying to us now?
The story is that Biden, along with MSM, and intelligence agencies, were presenting laptop existence as Russian misinformation.
Actually the claim was that what was ON the laptop was Russian disinfo...and that has not changed

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