NY times....Thanksgiving is a myth, so why do you care if lockdown prevents you from observing the holiday

The NY times should only be used to start structure fires in black neighborhoods by ANTIFA and BLM.


Your serious and grave concern for such things is somewhat underwhelming. Good to know you don't give a shit about other people's lives.
Try to find something to be thankful for in 2020.

Is it really that hard for you to do?

Bad things happened this year. Bad things happen every year. Good things are also happening during the same time period. If you only see bad and no good, the problem is your perspective.
We are not having a Thanksgiving celebration for the first time since I cannot remember. We are elderly. One poster here says we are being anti american. If that's so I will wear that t shirt. Let every family decide. I will wear it proudly.
Try to find something to be thankful for in 2020.

Is it really that hard for you to do?

Bad things happened this year. Bad things happen every year. Good things are also happening during the same time period. If you only see bad and no good, the problem is your perspective.
The comment was part jest about 2020, but was used to convey an important principle. Almost everyone will metaphorically go into a "desert" at some point in their life. In those instances the quickest way out is to find something to be thankful for. It is said that time heals all wounds. I say finding something to be thankful for shortens that time.

What you are describing is no different than what I am stating.
The NY times should only be used to start structure fires in black neighborhoods by ANTIFA and BLM.

Who's more despicable, Iran or the NY Times?

Iran doesn't cause nearly the amount of damage to the US that the times does.
We are not having a Thanksgiving celebration for the first time since I cannot remember. We are elderly. One poster here says we are being anti american. If that's so I will wear that t shirt. Let every family decide. I will wear it proudly.

Elderly folk should definitely take proper precautions.
I don't believe any press organization does an ounce of harm. If readers buy into it then so be it. Not my job to be concerned.
The NY times should only be used to start structure fires in black neighborhoods by ANTIFA and BLM.

Lol. Nearly exactly what my comment was going to be when I read the title of your post.
The same people losing their shit about 6 or more people gathering for a meal are the same people celebrating thousands of people shoulder to shoulder, ass to ass throwing bricks at police and destroying businesses. Can’t take that mindset or logic seriously.
There are plenty of idiots out there saying "it's no big deal" and so on
Well for younger folk perhaps but older than 50 it is serious. Idiots defined. Anti americans. Bad folk.
This has nothing to do with patriotism. Patriotism for me is down the list when it comes to protecting my health.
The NY times should only be used to start structure fires in black neighborhoods by ANTIFA and BLM.

Another fake news website.

  • Overall, we rate The Post Millennial Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed in reporting due to publishing unsubstantiated claims and having several failed fact checks.

This has nothing to do with patriotism. Patriotism for me is down the list when it comes to protecting my health.
And your health is put at risk when all those "I don't give a shit about it" people are running around planting covid minefields that will potentially kill us
The left don't want to celebrate an actual act of good will between Native Americans and pale face.

Hard to know what they stand for.

Really is. I say nothing. I am wrong. Only one thing. The eradication of every tradition celebrated by a country that they see as completely illegitimate.

There are reasons why they never learn the poison in the history of any group of people or nation unless that nation is America and the people are white Christians.

That's all they are about. Someone explain to me on the left, why that is wrong.

Meanwhile is there anyone on the left that will acknowledge the Native American tribes that owned slaves and fought for the confederacy?



We have a lot of traditions that we enjoy, but when our health or safety is threatened, we stay home, or postpone them. If there was a blizzard raging outside, and the roads were impassable, would you say that it's your right to drive on the highways, on fly on the planes, or would you stay home this year, or postpone for better weather?

I would have loved to have had a birthday party this year. One of my dearest friends has a birthday a few days after mine. Our friends usually get together to celebrate our joint birthdays. Brunch at our favourite downtown restaurant, and a Jay's game. In recent years, it's been my town's local summer festival. We have a BBQ at my place and watch the strong man pull, and then go to the big fireworks display, down by the water. None of that was possible this year.

Nobody here is bitching and moaning about any of this, and you should put on your big boy pants, and be thankful you haven't had the crud yet, and your family is still alive to celebrate. I'll bet none of them are unhappy about listening to you bloviate about your rights.

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