NYC firehouses SHUT DOWN after hundreds of unvaccinated firefighters take sick leave to avoid being put on unpaid leave as De Blasio's deadline for ci

MOON.......Geebus hun.

There is a massive shortage of workers right now. MASSIVE. On top of this, people don't want to be cops thanks to the dipship libs abuse of cops now....

These Firefighters and cops can't just be replaced which puts a lot of people lives in danger.
People's lives are in danger because certain people don't want to follow orders which is more of a danger to people than having newbies on duty.
attempt at word games. Nobody said CLOSED, liar.
You fraud. It is exactly what shut down means, in your lying thread title. Of course you are a mindless rube, so you don't even get the credit for intentionally lying.

The Post, however, crafted a headline meant to scare people into the impression that firehouses were closed, to scare them that they did not have fire coverage. This was an intentional lie on the part of the Post, to fool rubes like you.
You fraud. It is exactly what shut down means, in your lying thread title. Of course you are a mindless rube, so you don't even get the credit for intentionally lying.

The Post, however, crafted a headline meant to scare people into the impression that firehouses were closed, to scare them that they did not have fire coverage. This was an intentional lie on the part of the Post, to fool rubes like you.
I went to Home Depot at 2 AM and IT WAS SHUTDOWN.
The country is changing without my help. Countries and societies evolve. Change with it or get left behind.

And her hatred of all.things American is well known.

Countries and societies change fine when most people do it on their own, but when they are forced to change, there is nothing American about that.
Not my hero assface. And that was at the very beginning of the pandemic.

But take heart. DeathSantis has killed more...and it wasn't when no one knew what we were facing. He DID IT WHEN WE HAD A VACCINE THAT HE RESISTED.

DeSantis didn't force sick people into nursing homes killing the others, Cuomo did that. DeSantis killed nobody. If you want to get the vaccine, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want to wear a mask, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want your kids masked in school, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want to avoid all public recreational activities, IT'S YOUR CHOICE.

So explain how DeSantis killed anybody, by letting people make their own choices? How dictator of you.
The public including politicians will have to be put thru duress as a wake up call that forced compliances of experimental nature will not be accepted by nor upon American humans
When your choice can kill other people it's not just your choice anymore.

Learn how vaccines, masks, and social distancing work. You're making a fool.of yourself.

It's the fully vaccinated who need the antibodies that I naturally produce to keep them alive.
The govt. has had the power to mandate vaccines since George Washington made his troops take the measles vaccine during the Revolutionary War. It is backed by the Supreme Court there is no choice in the matter...That is the way it works whether you like it or not and these people can comply or walk..What I like and do not like is not the question or purpose of the action.

You're ignorant and don't knw what you're writing. Measles vaccine was not developed until the 20th Century. The measles vaccine was created in 1963.
However, Smallpox was a problem for the Colonies in their fight against King George. Cow pox was used to inoculate the troops.
"It would be more precise to say that Washington ordered inoculations, not vaccinations, as the smallpox vaccine had not yet been developed. As vaccinations are a form of inoculation, and as these words are often interchangeable, we’ve marked this as mostly true.
As Washington and the Continental Army battled the British for America’s independence during the Revolutionary War, the soldiers faced an even deadlier foe in the form of smallpox. Washington saw the effects of this disease firsthand during his siege of Boston in 1775."

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DeSantis didn't force sick people into nursing homes killing the others, Cuomo did that. DeSantis killed nobody. If you want to get the vaccine, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want to wear a mask, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want your kids masked in school, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. If you want to avoid all public recreational activities, IT'S YOUR CHOICE.

So explain how DeSantis killed anybody, by letting people make their own choices? How dictator of you.
But he did push back against vaccines and let Floridians DIE by the tens of thousands
Most people are doing it on their own. Keep up or become obsolete and irrelevant.

I have a better idea: Divide this country into two countries instead. One for the communists and the other for us real Americans.

Just think, you can tax your businesses at 80% like you people always say you'd like to do, let in as many foreigners into your country as you like, no police if that's what your goal is, and make sure nobody on your side has a gun to defend themselves with. Make all recreational narcotics legal, make your own constitution where criminals and minorities have more rights than white people, minimum wage at $25.00 an hour, free college, free healthcare, free daycare, free food, free, free, free.

We don't want to be forced into driving electric cars. We don't want to be forced into using much more expensive green energy. We don't want our daughters in school forced to compete against weirdos in dresses in female athletics. We don't want our children to be forced into critical race theory. We don't want our wives and daughters to be forced to use restrooms and changing rooms with weirdos either.

These are not changes the majority approves of. These are leftist changes forced on everybody.
Let's not overlook the sheer immorality of their childish protest. Bargaining with the lives of the people they were hired and sworn to protect. Fuck them, fire every last one of them. If they showed up to a fire and refused to put it out, they could actually go to jail. But abusing their time off and being derelict of duty while sitting at home is okay? 30 year old men with beer guts that can be firefighters pretty much grow on trees. They send prospective firefighters home every single day for getting one too many answers wrong on a written test. Invite some of them back.
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