NYC firehouses SHUT DOWN after hundreds of unvaccinated firefighters take sick leave to avoid being put on unpaid leave as De Blasio's deadline for ci

Let's not overlook the sheer immorality of their childish protest. Bargaining with the lives of the people they were hired and sworn to protect. Fuck them, fire every last one of them. If they showed up to a fire and refused to put it out, they could actually go to jail. But abusing their time off and being derelict of duty while sitting at home is okay? 30 year old men with beer guts that can be firefighters pretty much grow on trees. They send prospective firefighters home every single day for getting one too many answers wrong on a written test. Invite some of them back.

How? The vaccine doesn't stop these fireman from catching or spreading covid so how is them not getting the vaccine hurting people who already have had a vaccine? Does the vaccine work or not? If it does, get the fucking jab and STFU. You're protected, or so you say.
How? The vaccine doesn't stop these fireman from catching or spreading covid
A stupid comment intentionally omitting the lion's share of the truth, for emotional effect. In what the rest of us call reality, vaccination does provide protection against both of those things, both for an individual and over the whole of a community.

You aren't doing yourself or your argument any favors when you undermine your own credibility this way.
A stupid comment intentionally omitting the lion's share of the truth, for emotional effect. In what the rest of us call reality, vaccination does provide protection against both of those things, both for an individual and over the whole of a community.

You aren't doing yourself or your argument any favors when you undermine your own credibility this way.

Really? Tell the Israelis that. They'd like to know that their studies are all wrong. 75% of all new covid cases are vaccinated.

What do they want for doing their job, like a normal person? A rubber biscuit? I thought that's what paychecks were for.

They don't want anything, including the vaccine. Let these fucking people do their fucking job. If they could do it for 20 years without a covid vaccine they could do it for 20 more. It is illegal for him to mandate a vaccine. SCOTUS has ruled ONLY states can do that, which requires a vote on a law by a legislature Not an EO by a governor.

Fuck off, man.
Really? Tell the Israelis that. They'd like to know that their studies are all wrong. 75% of all new covid cases are vaccinated.

Yes really. One study does not tell us the whole story. 5 don't. Even the scientists who published that study d not agree with you.

Short version: you have no clue whatsoever what you are talking about. Longer version: scientific knowledge is gleaned from the entire body of research. And all of it together shows that, yes, the vaccines offer protection against catching and transmitting covid.

Which is why you are forced to cherry pick and lie and present half truths to support your contention otherwise.
Yes really. One study does not tell us the whole story. 5 don't. Even the scientists who published that study d not agree with you.

Short version: you have no clue whatsoever what you are talking about. Longer version: scientific knowledge is gleaned from the entire body of research. And all of it together shows that, yes, the vaccines offer protection against catching and transmitting covid.

Which is why you are forced to cherry pick and lie and present half truths to support your contention otherwise.

Translation: I have nothing to dispute multiple studies so I'll just say "Nanner nanner boo boo you're dumb" and run back into my corner like the fucking loser I am because I refuse to accept the truth, no matter how many studies I'm shown. Why? Because I'm a liberal and I'm naturally pretty fucking stupid.

Here, your own CDC says the same fucking thing.

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Translation: I have nothing to dispute multiple studies so I'll just say "Nanner nanner boo boo you're dumb" and run back into my corner like the fucking loser I am.
Of course I do. I have the entire body of science and literally every relevant professional medical society in the world on my side. And you have nothing but lies and half truths and right wing dumbfucks who lie to you to make money.

But yeah... an uneducated slob like you outsmarted them all by watching Dan Bongino and Tucker Carlson. JFC idiot. You are embarrassing yourself.
This is2021 and not the dark ages of vaccine development. Even then many years of testing were necessary but in the bums rush to harm Trump and productive Americans this experiment has been jammed through. The attempts at experimentation continue feverishly and recklessly lest the attempts at the iron grip of fear fade. Mandates supported by no law mean zip and 50-100 years ago means zip also.
The only reason. Fart Funk Indy is pushing illegal mandates is because thinkers object to it. Gives his puniness a sense of power to bellow emotionally
This is2021 and not the dark ages of vaccine development. Even then many years of testing were necessary but in the bums rush to harm Trump and productive Americans this experiment has been jammed through. The attempts at experimentation continue feverishly and recklessly lest the attempts at the iron grip of fear fade. Mandates supported by no law mean zip and 50-100 years ago means zip also.
Oh look, an uneducated slob who knows nothing about vaccines and who will never know anything about vaccines thinks he has outsmarted the scientists. Embarrassing, but also kind of hilarious.
Burns my ass? DeathSantis has been lying about both infections and deaths for months.

Florida is a covid dumpster fire.

Don't even try to bring that here to NY
You need to watch something other than CNN, Lesh! Florida is growing by leaps and bounds because not only are we not locked down by a Governor that hates the Private Sector...but we're not being forced to get jabbed to keep our jobs either! Come on down folks. The weather's BEAUTIFUL!!!
You need to watch something other than CNN, Lesh! Florida is growing by leaps and bounds because not only are we not locked down by a Governor that hates the Private Sector...but we're not being forced to get jabbed to keep our jobs either! Come on down folks. The weather's BEAUTIFUL!!!
I don't watch CNN retard.

Florida has head a 2,000 plus weekly death toll for months now.
Nah, proving you're an idiot is part of every thread.

Is that what you think you're doing?

How cute!

So it's other peoples choice? If I was worried that somebody was going to "kill" me, I should be the one taking action like getting the shot, not the killer.
As previously mentioned, you obviously have no idea how vaccines, masks, and social distancing work.
As previously mentioned, you obviously have no idea how vaccines, masks, and social distancing work.

I know how they work. What does that have to do with making a statement that I'm responsible to protect other people? My only responsibility is to protect myself. I got the vaccine. That's what I did to protect myself. It's not up to the public to protect me.
You need to watch something other than CNN, Lesh! Florida is growing by leaps and bounds because not only are we not locked down by a Governor that hates the Private Sector...but we're not being forced to get jabbed to keep our jobs either! Come on down folks. The weather's BEAUTIFUL!!!

My niece moved down there almost five years ago. Never regretted it so far. She said everybody in Florida loves DeSantis.

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