NYC firehouses SHUT DOWN after hundreds of unvaccinated firefighters take sick leave to avoid being put on unpaid leave as De Blasio's deadline for ci

Not my hero assface. And that was at the very beginning of the pandemic.

But take heart. DeathSantis has killed more...and it wasn't when no one knew what we were facing. He DID IT WHEN WE HAD A VACCINE THAT HE RESISTED.

Yeah, YOUR hero. You loved you your cuomo till he was finally exposed.

Crawl back under your rock.

And oh fire HOUSES were shut down. Some fire COMPANIES within firehouses were...and a good portion that was because of reactions to vaccines (mild symptoms that last 1-3 days)
They can be replaced and probably will be.
Stupid way of thinking
If my house/property is on fire - I want seasoned/experienced people putting it out.
Not a bunch of trainees.
I would think someone like you would be against the government having the power to dictate your healthcare choice.
Guess not.
Or... you are just trolling again
Stupid way of thinking
If my house/property is on fire - I want seasoned/experienced people putting it out.
Not a bunch of trainees.
I would think someone like you would be against the government having the power to dictate your healthcare choice.
Guess not.
Or... you are just trolling again

That's all moonie can do is troll.

He's an idiot.
Stupid way of thinking
If my house/property is on fire - I want seasoned/experienced people putting it out.
Not a bunch of trainees.
I would think someone like you would be against the government having the power to dictate your healthcare choice.
Guess not.
Or... you are just trolling again
The govt. has had the power to mandate vaccines since George Washington made his troops take the measles vaccine during the Revolutionary War. It is backed by the Supreme Court there is no choice in the matter...That is the way it works whether you like it or not and these people can comply or walk..What I like and do not like is not the question or purpose of the action.
There is a link. People can read it and decide whether shuttered means closed.
And it is neither. The Post, being of low journalistic integrity, intentionally conflates "company" with "firehouse", knowing their target audience isn't going to read the article. Only the headline. And, as we can see, they have their audience pegged.
From your article (that you never actually read, as usual):

"Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro said the department “has not closed any firehouses."

Thanks for the assist, son.
Crappy attempt at word games. Nobody said CLOSED, liar.

FDNY spokesman Jim Long said the closings are not permanent, describing the companies as “temporarily out of service” and the situation as “fluid” since it was shifting firefighters to units where they were needed.

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