NYC hate crimes on the rise


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
New York police have arrested a suspected hammer attacker, accused of smashing an Asian man in the head on Tuesday night after a minor row.
Christian Jeffers, 48, who identifies as a woman, was caught on camera in a wig and purple lipstick attacking the 29-year-old at around 9pm at 14th Street station in Manhattan.
On Wednesday, Jeffers was spotted by a transit officer shortly after 2pm, having jumped the turnstile. Jeffers was taken into custody and a hammer was found in her bag.
She has been charged with second-degree assault, and faces possible hate crimes charges.
The victim, who does not want to be named, said he is fed up with rising crime in the Big Apple - and that he wants his hammer-wielding attacker 'locked up.'

NYC should be a Progressive utopia.
The Democrats run it 100%.
They get everything that they want.
They do it their way
Sooooo, why do they have so much interracial violence?
Why are the NYC criminals targeting Asians?
Liberals say that "diversity is our strength", but it looks like that is just another Wokster knuttjob lie.
It seems like everything about the Left is dishonest.


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That is very unusual. New York City has been very aggressive at pushing conservatives out of their city, who are traditionally blamed for "hate".

The Trumps moved out a couple of years ago. The Maha Rushdie, long accused of being a hater, left long ago.

Maybe the liberal trope that conservatives are haters isn't true.
New York police have arrested a suspected hammer attacker, accused of smashing an Asian man in the head on Tuesday night after a minor row.
Christian Jeffers, 48, who identifies as a woman, was caught on camera in a wig and purple lipstick attacking the 29-year-old at around 9pm at 14th Street station in Manhattan.
On Wednesday, Jeffers was spotted by a transit officer shortly after 2pm, having jumped the turnstile. Jeffers was taken into custody and a hammer was found in her bag.
She has been charged with second-degree assault, and faces possible hate crimes charges.
The victim, who does not want to be named, said he is fed up with rising crime in the Big Apple - and that he wants his hammer-wielding attacker 'locked up.'

NYC should be a Progressive utopia.
The Democrats run it 100%.
They get everything that they want.
They do it their way
Sooooo, why do they have so much interracial violence?
Why are the NYC criminals targeting Asians?
Liberals say that "diversity is our strength", but it looks like that is just another Wokster knuttjob lie.
It seems like everything about the Left is dishonest.

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Point of information? If the person attacked is of a different race, it is automatically a hate crime? Or, is it automatically going to b investigated as a hate crime? And I assume this is just in New York and selected location?
New York police have arrested a suspected hammer attacker, accused of smashing an Asian man in the head on Tuesday night after a minor row.
Christian Jeffers, 48, who identifies as a woman, was caught on camera in a wig and purple lipstick attacking the 29-year-old at around 9pm at 14th Street station in Manhattan.
On Wednesday, Jeffers was spotted by a transit officer shortly after 2pm, having jumped the turnstile. Jeffers was taken into custody and a hammer was found in her bag.
She has been charged with second-degree assault, and faces possible hate crimes charges.
The victim, who does not want to be named, said he is fed up with rising crime in the Big Apple - and that he wants his hammer-wielding attacker 'locked up.'

NYC should be a Progressive utopia.
The Democrats run it 100%.
They get everything that they want.
They do it their way
Sooooo, why do they have so much interracial violence?
Why are the NYC criminals targeting Asians?
Liberals say that "diversity is our strength", but it looks like that is just another Wokster knuttjob lie.
It seems like everything about the Left is dishonest.

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Dayum, the thing that attacked the man is clearly black.

Still a "white supremacist" though, no doubt.
New York police have arrested a suspected hammer attacker, accused of smashing an Asian man in the head on Tuesday night after a minor row.
Christian Jeffers, 48, who identifies as a woman, was caught on camera in a wig and purple lipstick attacking the 29-year-old at around 9pm at 14th Street station in Manhattan.
On Wednesday, Jeffers was spotted by a transit officer shortly after 2pm, having jumped the turnstile. Jeffers was taken into custody and a hammer was found in her bag.
She has been charged with second-degree assault, and faces possible hate crimes charges.
The victim, who does not want to be named, said he is fed up with rising crime in the Big Apple - and that he wants his hammer-wielding attacker 'locked up.'

NYC should be a Progressive utopia.
The Democrats run it 100%.
They get everything that they want.
They do it their way
Sooooo, why do they have so much interracial violence?
Why are the NYC criminals targeting Asians?
Liberals say that "diversity is our strength", but it looks like that is just another Wokster knuttjob lie.
It seems like everything about the Left is dishonest.

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I didn't know you cared so much about democrat voters. Youre so merciful in your crusade for truth and justice. Bravo comrade.
Well, in 1982 they properly charged those crimes, now they down-charge many. Feelings.
Sounds like going lawless but not wanting to admit it to themselves. Their laws don't count for sh#t if the prosecutor decides he office will no longer prosecute, whether it is the law or not.
NYC should be a Progressive utopia.
The Democrats run it 100%.

I wonder if the Anti-Asian sentiment still comes from so many people believing that we got COVID from them. And I wonder if the Anti-Hispanic sentiment comes from them so often being considered the "other," not one of us and therefore not worthy of respect. "They" are taking our jobs, invading our country, etc., etc. The diversity in NYC is seen by most who live there as a positive thing, but what of the many, many people who visit there and pass through there since it is a global city? They may not appreciate the openness. I remember an older lady re-visiting Philadelphia years ago. She said, "Oh, my, it's so different now. You hear so many different languages and see so many different sorts of people." By the tone of her voice, she was NOT happy with the change.

And of course, there are always those with serious mental health issues who would be problematic wherever they lived. Attacks by them may have no racial reason whatsoever. It may just be something going on in their heads that made them lash out at any particular moment.

I found this article interesting and am sharing excerpts:

The Murder Rate Rose in Republican Cities, Too
By Joe Conason July 29, 2021

If you're worried by the rise in violent crime — a real and troubling phenomenon — don't ask Republicans for solutions. All they can offer is a blame game that relies on dubious cherry-picked data. To get their message, just glance at, the home of hard-right hackery: "Violent Crime Surges 25 Percent in 2021 With Democrats in Washington." You can find dozens of similar headlines across right-wing platforms, which invariably announce "skyrocketing crime rates in Dem-run cities." (Stay tuned for grainy video of a disturbing attack.)

Such assertions may momentarily satisfy the two-minute anger ritual that substitutes for critical thinking among the Republican base. Whenever something bad is happening, it can only be the result of a conspiracy implicating Democrats, immigrants, minorities, immigrants and minorities in cities — and preferably all of the above. Rising crime fulfills both the cynical strategy of Republican politicians and the primitive emotions of their voters.

But should you wish to understand what's actually happening, not only in major cities but in towns and counties of every size, then it's worth examining data.

Murder rates are indeed going up in cities around the country. And because most cities are governed by Democratic mayors, it is accurate to say that violent crime rates are rising in "Democrat-run cities." But, as the Republicans parroting that line of propaganda know, it's also accurate to say that violent crime is rising in "Republican-led cities."

While the murder rate has gone up in Chicago and Detroit and Philadelphia, all run by Democrats, the murder rate has likewise gone up in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; in Fort Worth, Texas; in Fresno, California; and in Miami, Florida. Every one of those cities is run by a Republican mayor and overseen by a Republican governor.

Jacksonville, Florida, is known as the "murder capital" of the Sunshine State — and has had a Republican mayor for the past six years. Fort Worth survived its most violent year in the past quarter century in 2020, with a murder rate that nearly doubled from the previous year. Betsy Price has been the city's Republican mayor for the past 10 years.

The point is not, of course, that Republican mayors are culpable for the shocking upsurge in violence that beset their cities last year — nor were they probably responsible for the sharp drops in crime that the entire country experienced over the past two decades. The underlying causes of crime rates, whether trending up or down, have puzzled criminologists, cops and other honest experts for many years.

The extremes on both sides of this issue are misguided. We would almost certainly be safer with more and better-trained police as well as fewer and better-tracked guns. Still, the plain fact is that we don't yet know for sure why the rates of the worst violent crimes went up over the past year or so.
I wonder if the Anti-Asian sentiment still comes from so many people believing that we got COVID from them. And I wonder if the Anti-Hispanic sentiment comes from them so often being considered the "other," not one of us and therefore not worthy of respect. "They" are taking our jobs, invading our country, etc., etc. The diversity in NYC is seen by most who live there as a positive thing, but what of the many, many people who visit there and pass through there since it is a global city? They may not appreciate the openness. I remember an older lady re-visiting Philadelphia years ago. She said, "Oh, my, it's so different now. You hear so many different languages and see so many different sorts of people." By the tone of her voice, she was NOT happy with the change.

And of course, there are always those with serious mental health issues who would be problematic wherever they lived. Attacks by them may have no racial reason whatsoever. It may just be something going on in their heads that made them lash out at any particular moment.

I found this article interesting and am sharing excerpts:

The Murder Rate Rose in Republican Cities, Too
By Joe Conason July 29, 2021

If you're worried by the rise in violent crime — a real and troubling phenomenon — don't ask Republicans for solutions. All they can offer is a blame game that relies on dubious cherry-picked data. To get their message, just glance at, the home of hard-right hackery: "Violent Crime Surges 25 Percent in 2021 With Democrats in Washington." You can find dozens of similar headlines across right-wing platforms, which invariably announce "skyrocketing crime rates in Dem-run cities." (Stay tuned for grainy video of a disturbing attack.)

Such assertions may momentarily satisfy the two-minute anger ritual that substitutes for critical thinking among the Republican base. Whenever something bad is happening, it can only be the result of a conspiracy implicating Democrats, immigrants, minorities, immigrants and minorities in cities — and preferably all of the above. Rising crime fulfills both the cynical strategy of Republican politicians and the primitive emotions of their voters.

But should you wish to understand what's actually happening, not only in major cities but in towns and counties of every size, then it's worth examining data.

Murder rates are indeed going up in cities around the country. And because most cities are governed by Democratic mayors, it is accurate to say that violent crime rates are rising in "Democrat-run cities." But, as the Republicans parroting that line of propaganda know, it's also accurate to say that violent crime is rising in "Republican-led cities."

While the murder rate has gone up in Chicago and Detroit and Philadelphia, all run by Democrats, the murder rate has likewise gone up in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; in Fort Worth, Texas; in Fresno, California; and in Miami, Florida. Every one of those cities is run by a Republican mayor and overseen by a Republican governor.

Jacksonville, Florida, is known as the "murder capital" of the Sunshine State — and has had a Republican mayor for the past six years. Fort Worth survived its most violent year in the past quarter century in 2020, with a murder rate that nearly doubled from the previous year. Betsy Price has been the city's Republican mayor for the past 10 years.

The point is not, of course, that Republican mayors are culpable for the shocking upsurge in violence that beset their cities last year — nor were they probably responsible for the sharp drops in crime that the entire country experienced over the past two decades. The underlying causes of crime rates, whether trending up or down, have puzzled criminologists, cops and other honest experts for many years.

The extremes on both sides of this issue are misguided. We would almost certainly be safer with more and better-trained police as well as fewer and better-tracked guns. Still, the plain fact is that we don't yet know for sure why the rates of the worst violent crimes went up over the past year or so.
Identity politics and diversity has never really been about acceptance and tolerance.
It is about brutal racial tribalism and political power.
It is a huge myth that Liberals are tolerant and open minded.
As for "democrat" vs "republican" cities, there is an undeniable coloration between crime and the Democrats.
There is a very good reason why the Democrats want to defund the police.
The Democrat Party's voter base has high incarceration rates.
The Press has been attempting to blame rising hate crimes against Asian Americans in NYC on white people and that is another racist left wing lie.

12 Democrat-Run Cities See Homicides and Violent Crime Hit ...

Dec 09, 2021 · A list of 12 Democrat-run cities are suffering from the highest murder and violent crime rates than they ever have.

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